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1402283 No.1402283 [Reply] [Original]

1) Take your favorite writer.
2) Imagine them writing a story about Godzilla.

What would it be like?

>> No.1402286

I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving radioactive waste to these goddamn things.

>> No.1402285


Business as usual.

>> No.1402303

An old man hunting Godzilla in the ocean? Sounds cool.

>> No.1402305

Thomas Pynchon.

Imagine Gravity's Rainbow set in Tokyo with Godzilla instead of rockets.

>> No.1402306

Godzilla's repeat destruction of TOKYO is Eternal Recurrence. Gozilla is the Ubersaurian

>> No.1402308

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single monster in possession of a destructive streak, must be in want of a wife. Godzilla was not one to trifle with the pettiness of female monsters, but Mothra was of a different breed: She terrorized with an elegance not characteristic of most others.

>> No.1402310

Godzilla Park. I'd buy it

>> No.1402314

A Godzilla comes to Moscow and starts uncovering the real state of the corrupt and suffocatingly bureaucratic social order in soviet Russia.

>> No.1402316

-Ya fuckin big green poof. Moan an have a go then! Radge cunt.

>> No.1402318

Godzilla has no emotions, is feared by the Japanese for this, is locked up and executed.

>> No.1402325

Godzilla poops.
Just like everybody.

>> No.1402326

Ray Bradbury.

A dsytopian society is attacked by Godzilla and the whole system breaks down. Man causes more destruction, etc...

>> No.1402330

Godzilla has come unstuck in time.

>> No.1402339


>> No.1402352

1 Two giant nuclear animal families, both alike in dignity,
2 In fair Tokyo, where we lay our scene,
3 From Nuclear refuse break to new monstrosity,
4 Where kaiju blood makes kaiju hands unclean.
5 From forth the fatal ova, of these two foes
6 A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
7 Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
8 Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
9 The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
10 And the continuance of their parents' rage,
11 Which, but their children's end, would destroy Tokyo,
12 Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
13 The which if you with patient ears attend,
14 What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend

>> No.1402405

Mysteriously rich and desperately lonely, Godzilla appears to be under attack from all quarters. His former wife and four horrible children are suing to get his money, and someone is sending him threatening letters. Despite some very elaborate precautions, he remains worried. So he builds a mausoleum in which to live.

>> No.1402418

Godzilla with farts.

Guess who.

>> No.1402442
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Your poems made my day, good sir.

>> No.1402570

Mikhail Bulgakov

I'll give you a hint about Godzilla movies, they are parables post WWII Cold War politics in Japan.

Godzilla standing for America
Mothra standing for traditional Japan.
Ghidorah standing for Red China
Hedorah standing for pollution
some more obvious than others but you get the point.

If Bulgakov were to do a Godzilla story I am sure that it would be the same sort of parable about communism like all his books were. Probably have Godzilla tearing up Moscow.

>> No.1402573


>> No.1402591

I am a sick monster....I am a wicked monster. An unattractive monster. I think my liver hurts. Probably because those tiny gentlemen are stabbing me with rockets, but I don't know a fig about that.

I'd read it.

>> No.1402623

I didn't even see your post. Good to see we are in agreement.

>> No.1402626

Godzilla, Christ's Childhood Pal

>> No.1404074

It was raining. The sea was green. A swell formed.

- Hemingway

>> No.1404085

Godzilla moves from job to job, either quitting or being fired. He drinks daily, hell, he drinks hourly; and man does he love the whorish women!

Doesn't really accomplish anything (i.e. doesn't destroy towns--too depressed and drunk).


>> No.1404097 [DELETED] 

Godzilla cannot be described—there is no language for such haunting roars and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled. God! What wonder that across the earth a great architect went mad, and poor Wilcox raved with fever in that telepathic instant? The Thing of the idols, the green, sticky spawn of the stars, had awaked to claim his own. The stars were right again, and what an age-old cult had failed to do by design, a band of innocent sailors had done by accident. After twenty-five years great Godzilla was loose again, and ravening for delight.

>> No.1404100 [DELETED] 


>> No.1404101

1.William Gibson
2.Godzilla is a sentient computer virus who attacks military systems and was created by a hacker working out of Chiba City for some unidentified corporate power.

>> No.1404104

Godzilla cannot be described—there is no language for such haunting roars and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled. God! What wonder that across the earth a great architect went mad, and poor Wilcox raved with fever in that telepathic instant? The Thing of the idols, the green, sticky spawn of the stars, had awaked to claim his own. The stars were right again, and what an age-old cult had failed to do by design, a band of innocent sailors had done by accident. After twenty-five years great Godzilla was loose again, and ravening for delight.

>> No.1404112

Five books in:
*Godzilla is still out at sea
*Professor Hirobumi is secretly fucking Officer Yahmatama's wife
*Cheif Nippon Defense minister Kagemo is still dying, and wrongly believes he's being poisoned by Yahmatama
*The production of the Super G-8 anti monster ray is on hold as the government thinks it's a worthless investment
*Yumi has seen aliens in her telescope and no one believes her, then she was kidnapped by Hirobumi

>> No.1404119

Now, Godzilla is a challenge, but if we can befriend him and understand his ways, I believe we can work alongside him and enrich ourselves.

Because of this, I am investing trillions of dollars in to hypothetical Godzilla research, and other pork barrel legislation.


- B. Obama

>> No.1404124

How edgy

>> No.1404132

this has epic archive potential

>> No.1404137


It was not without some sense---for him, poor baffled Gojira, solitarily and indeed all too indefeasibly for him alone---of anticipatory trepidation at the prospect of "trampling," as it were, dutifully and unbeguilingly that dear delightful foremost city of Japan, that he muttered with some annoyance "Isn't it just all too---", then broke off in ruminative aposiopesis. Gojira hung fire a moment, there, in the shallows just off the shores of Honshu, as though he were attempting to take the circumference of the whole deuced business, to cut through all the massed tangle of misunderstanding and politesse and inquire why, precisely, it was that the mutations which had ensured his being now required him to plod foot after weary foot, and to swing---resentfully swing---his jolly great tail and watch as the odd skyscraper came tumbling, headlong and undiscerning, down...

>> No.1404138

I love you.

>> No.1404159

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never destroy for the sake of another monster, nor ask another monster to destroy for mine.

>> No.1404186

We spend 60 years debating whether Gozilla has wings or not.
Also, a weird man seems far more powerful than Godzilla, but he isn't in the main plot, and he never appears after the first act. We debate for another 60 years what the hell it is.

Also the whole story is just a excuse to make people learn Godzillic, a language consisting mostly of grunts and roars, yet traceable back to some fucking saxon barbarian dialect, and nerds across decades speak it fluently as a symbol of pride.

>> No.1404189


Godzilla farted and I busted everywhere.

>> No.1404195


>> No.1404209

Godzilla is a really down to earth guy when you look at all this irrelevant research implying a correlation between two things which don't really relate to Godzilla.

Now you're a better person!

Malcolm Gladwell

captcha: liberal bounct

>> No.1404224

we have a winner, everyone.

>> No.1404227

good one, good sir

>> No.1404262

So after I got done smoking some skull-splitting dope with a few Japanese hitchhikers I may or may not have actually picked up, I took off to document the giant green fuck-bag's rampage across the country. Thats when the drugs kicked in. We are in Godzilla country etc.

>> No.1406073


>> No.1406943
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>> No.1406953

This is terrific. You've read a lot of the dear boy.

>> No.1406968

As Godzilla Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.

>> No.1407053

come for the rich history of japanese jewry, a fascinating culture consisting of twelve guys employed by the nhk symphony orchestra; stay for the story of godzookie exploring his queer identity

>> No.1407067

"Wild eyed, Mecha Ghidorah ejaculated uncontrollably, blasting waves of cum and ecstasy accross the pacific, into the wandering mouths of SanFran Faggot and California Queens. Godzilla was shitting and pissing in terror."

- William S. Burroughs

>> No.1407171

Joe R. Lansdale.

He wrote a short story on Godzilla, I think it was titled "Godzilla's Tweleve-Step Program." I laughed, I cried, I shited blood.

>> No.1407186

Instead of giving away who it is you're writing as we should let people guess.

Its eyes were the color of blood and its small arms clawed and scraped at the scraper of the sky. As the men crested the bridge they looked skyward and each were chilled to their bone by the sight of it as chilled as were the blood in its reptilian veins. It whirled on its muscular legs and glared great snarling frothy teeth dripping and pawed the air like some early creature il-conceived of the vestibular sense its proto limbs wheeling.

O God said the captain and the men turned and fled.

>> No.1407190



>> No.1407193

It would combine a city task force trying to subdue Godzilla with the help of other monsters and spirits while the people that accidentally unleashed Godzilla escaped the city.

In the meanwhile workers would be revolting and claiming they don't get enough rights in a completely pointless chapter that exists only so the author can take a break from the action to spout his political views.

>> No.1407197

>Cormac McCarthy

Godzilla looks out over Tokyo bay like a hawk flying over some huge defenseless rabbit. He walks into the bay and stomps his foot and the people on the ground are shaken from their chairs and Godzilla roars and charges through a multitude of buildings crushing anybody on the street below and afterwords shoots fire at a house full of prostitutes who burn slowly and scream.
The military fires it's weapons but to no avail and Godzilla incinerates them all and they burn slowly while Godzilla begins to chew on a multitude of babys he pulled out of some crumbling decayed orphanage like small candies snacks bought from some demonic grocery store in a place nobody knows of and yet everybody goes to and he smiles and dances.
Godzilla is a great favorite. He says that he will never die.

>> No.1407202

Because my favorite author has already been imitated, I'll talk about the book I'm reading now. Ayn Rand. I'm not going to try to write like her because my head might explode

Anyways, the plot of the book would be that Godzilla, after rampaging through Japan and being persecuted as an evil monster by the public arrives in Tokyo to begin his hour-long monologue. The subject of this monologue would be that his attacks were an attack on the parasites that inhabit the world, for they have all committed the only real moral sin, that of showing contradictions in order to gain an advantage. He believes that their laws are ways of lying to gain an advantage, and that any truly free society will not need laws, for all men see each other as equals, and operate under mutual understanding. His rampage was his way of evening the playing field. The rampage may not seem justified, but it was, somehow. Just like raping an heiress and blowing up an orphanage was justified, that one time.

Terrible grammar, confused rambling, I think I've portrayed Ayn Rand as best I could.

>> No.1407206

actually, if ayn rand novel wrote a novel about godzilla as an analogue for the Captain of Industry she deifies, it would probably be her best book

i would read it

>> No.1407361

Gojira. Go-jee-rah. As the pool of water emptied from his immense footprint, which resembled the leaf of that king of Canadian forests, it reflected for a moment the avocado texture of his hide. I followed the trace of his back with my binoculars: rising at first in toothy patterns, his lumbar spines gave way to larger coral growths, radiating outward like fractals. I caught myself - for a moment I had become so immersed in an appreciation of nature that I had forgotten my heart condition, which seemingly hastened up my esophagus and made a knight's move past my soft palette to remind me of its special place in the cosmic order with an abrupt cough. I would have to inform the university that I would not make the lecture.

>> No.1407419

Great thread!
Great post!

>> No.1407433

Ok someone do an answer key

>> No.1409137

American Godzillas

>> No.1409149

hahaha loved it

>> No.1409169

Which author?