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/lit/ - Literature

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14041156 No.14041156 [Reply] [Original]

Did /lit/ go to university?


>> No.14041170

I'm currently in my sophomore year of university and have learned nothing so far.

>> No.14041175

Didn't even finish high school bro

>> No.14041188

2nd year of a physics program

>> No.14041190

I did but I dropped out my last semester. Never even paid my student loans back

>> No.14041193

Did a Bachelor of Biochemistry and now doing a Masters of Teaching. Regretting every minute of this masters.

>> No.14041198

What program are you in?

>> No.14041201

Yeah. Graduated 2017. Studied math. Currently unemployed.

>> No.14041209

Yea, doing a stem degree and then having to teach afterwards seems pretty disheartening. That's why I'm teaching myself some proggraming so I have something to fall back on.

>> No.14041212


>> No.14041214

Really? I'm a senior math major. I thought it was easy to get work as a math major

>> No.14041218

What's wrong with the masters? Teaching itself can be fairly comfy depending on the school you're hired at

>> No.14041224
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Got a job 200k starting straight out of uni

>> No.14041229

Philosophy undergrad completed not too many years back, currently wagecucking and utterly despise it, looking into getting into writing professionally to make a better living until I can spin it out into my own business so I effectively never have to work again.

>> No.14041231

Yeah, majored in psychology and philosophy. I made fiends with metal heads who were into vidya and anime and I miss them so much

>> No.14041232

I did my BS in Computer Science, and now I'm doing my MS in Computer Science also. Trying do decide if I want to go for PHD or go into industry.

I had originally majored in Philosophy, and dropped out before I went back and finished out my Bachelors. Was extremely comfy to do a humanities degree, but I'm really glad I realized how dumb it was. Just read books niggers, don't fucking get a degree in it.

>> No.14041239

Should have gone for the Ph.D., and had any job you wanted.

>> No.14041247

this except i'm majoring in creative writing and learning lots c:

>> No.14041248

I'm the faggot a few post up who dropped out my last semester. I was getting a humanities degree. It was an absolute waste of time. I now make decent money as a cook in fine dining (probably more than I would have made teaching high school kids or whatever) and wish I had just gone to culinary school so I'd be even further in my career or not even bothered with school at all.

>> No.14041250

Is /lit/ the most educated board?

>> No.14041255

I've been considering swapping out of the teaching and going back into STEM but it's hard to get back in now that I'm not longer in the science clique amongst the University.

Mostly how insanely boring it is. Learning nothing.

I graduate in July next year. I'm just hoping I do get into a good school and then perhaps do find it comfy as you say. Otherwise it's just how I really learn nothing.

I am in Australia if that changes anything to anyone. I remember speaking to others on here about it before who were in a similar situation.

I'm doing a secondary teaching area in RE and the two units I've had to do on theology have been the only redeeming feature. But they were only basics as well.

>> No.14041258

Yes I have a BS chemical engineering and am finishing a PhD optical physics.

>> No.14041259

Exactly, you can get most of a philosophy/english degree just by working through a reading list and writing recreationally. I'm in a physics program because I figured if my tuition is paying for it any ways I might as well use the equipment in the lab.

>> No.14041267

I'd say his and sci are also contenders.

>> No.14041277

I earned my PhD and am a research scientist. I do not visit /sci/ as I know too much to tolerate the posts.

>> No.14041282

That's very impressive, I'm only a lowly sophmore physics student and I'd like to do a phd someday.

Any tips for someone in my position?

>> No.14041285

What did you earn your PhD in out of interest?

>> No.14041286

& now?

>> No.14041293

fuck off

>> No.14041299

Got a problem with stem or just getting educated in general?

>> No.14041303

Would you say a career in psychology is worth taking? im 20 years old and im quite sure psychology is the field i want to work in, but not really sure in its financial aspect.

>> No.14041304

/sci/-types are often some of the most well read in general across all fields, including literature and philosophy. Deal with it brainlet.

>> No.14041305

/his/ is 98% retards. The other 2% have maybe read the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article related to the topic they're shit posting about.

>> No.14041322

Psych as a major is 80% women in practice, and the courses are designed for that. It is designed for women who want to have a degree they feel is 'useful' unlike normal feminine degrees. To do a career in it you have to do gradschool, and you will be swamped out by the army of women who do it as a meme.

>> No.14041334

I'm a history grad and people who post on /his/ honestly know nothing. I know that having just a bachelor doesn't really mean anything, but even to me the people who post there are total brainlets, so let that sink in

Most of the topics stem primarily from historic movies. The people there don't read books, they watch Gladiator and think they are experts on the Roman Empire. I'm sure there are exceptions but this is the majority by far.

>> No.14041340

I masters in Archaeology and that was 80% women

Was fun fucking a new girl every month. Made the whole thing worthwhile.

>> No.14041345

I'm doing my masters in information science.

>> No.14041348

Agreed, I feel like /his/ is mostly just /pol/ childrend and NEETs who meme about shit with no understanding at all.

>> No.14041349

I was thinking of doing gradschool anyways, and i am quite liked by women so thats not really a detriment.

>> No.14041350
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first year theology program.

>> No.14041354

Honestly I don't really frequent there very often. It just seemed like one of the only 3 boards that doesn't just post porn, shitpost or discuss pop culture.

Having said all that I'm not too familiar with /his/.

>> No.14041355
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Who here /communitycollege/ :DDDDDDD
Transferring to the best Religious Studies in my state here.

>> No.14041359

based and thriftpilled

>> No.14041361

Will you study to become a priest?

I'm unironically thinking of becoming a Catholic priest. Have done so for the last 7 years.

>> No.14041362

Just realize very seriously, that outside of like Office HR jobs, your degree does not open a single door to another career like Psychologist or Clinical Psychiatry without grad school. You are getting a humanities degree -tier degree, in terms of what doors it opens for you as just a Bachelors. A bunch of my friends personally did not realize this and ended up fucked.

>> No.14041363

If this isn't bait you seem scarily self aware.

>> No.14041376

Ah yes, i forgot to mention i live in one of the few places in the world where studying in an university will actually get you somewhere and its free, so no student loan to worry about.

>> No.14041381

Based and pretty much the entirety of the civilized world outside of the USA pilled

>> No.14041385

Just do a stem degree and minor in psychology. You'll be more well-rounded academically and you'll be more hireable.

>> No.14041387

Europe is on the same level as the US when it comes to being fucked by university education. Our loans just aren't life ruining.

t. waiting tables after graduation

>> No.14041394

it's not bait and it is not a crime to admit you don't know everything.

Probably not. I know myself pretty well and I don't think it's for me. I'd like to think I'd be great at the pastoral side of things, but not so much at the politics or obedience. And I'm *pretty sure* it's not pride or whatever but I do have academic desires and feel a need to impart some lasting wisdom into the religious discussion between we the people and the church in the 21st century. Nevermind the whole desire to be married and have kids thing.

>> No.14041395

I have a PhD and feel the same way about /g/.

>> No.14041396

In canada you also require student loans, it's just not as flawed

>> No.14041401

What religious denomination are you or which do you identify with most strongly?

>> No.14041405

Hey at least you have a powerful military
I have the option to specialize in some point, i really want to be a uni teacher though.

>> No.14041406

And if you feel the desire to become a priest, talk to your local priest! Go to college or discuss service options that may lead to seminary. I'm older and have selfishly reserved some options, but if you're young and want to make it your work go for it. I have not regretted one moment of religious study so far.

>> No.14041409

/g/ is just children and really really sad IT Sysadmin people. I don't hold it against them, but yeah wasting time there isn't much fun, it is too cringe.

>> No.14041410

That is quite vain anon.

If you looked you would see that there is a great deal of quality communion between the church and the people.

>> No.14041417

was: lapsed Catholic from adolescence
then: agnostic, new ager, Crowleyite, Jungian, humanist
now: Catholic fan of neoplatonists and Aquinas, sincerely believe we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.14041419

I know how you go about it, I've done my research.

My priest knows me quite well, I've even opened up to him about it. He said that I should help out during the services if that's the path I want to follow. I helped during mass a few times. Definitely think he would throw a recommendation my way. He's a smart guy, has a really good understanding of Augustine.

>> No.14041421

The closest the church has been to the interests of THE PEOPLE, is in its liberation theology, and even that is quite shitty.

I dont count charity as being in tune with the people.

>> No.14041427
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sure, none of it good. the church is shrinking. the good news needs people.

>> No.14041431

What do you want to change? The church will not change 2000 years of tradition to appeal to the modernists.

If it was good enough 1000 years ago it's good enough today.

>> No.14041435

based, I hope you do well anon if its what you really want.

>> No.14041442

>For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20

I am one of those rare Catholics who doesn't in fact believe in proselytising. I believe in people having a choice, and if modern people abandon the Church it is their own doing.

However something must be done about the child abuse scandals. This is where the majority of people abandoning their faith is coming from.

>> No.14041444

Fair enough, i dont want to change it, but my guess is that the current pope was a way to try to change a few stuff, or at least how the public eye viewed the vatican, even if they managed to reverse the bad press a little bit, its a long shot.

Besides, it wasn´t good enough 1000 years prior, if it was, protestantism wouldn´t have risen from literally the mud of history.

>> No.14041445

I'm 100% agreed with you anon. Many are called. Few are chosen.

And pedos need to be set on fire on a pile of tires. Simple fucking as. Yes, even priests.

>> No.14041502

Surprised that there are any people here who aren't uni students or degree holders. Weird results.

>> No.14041516

lmao get fucked nigger

>> No.14041519

Another person doing PhD here.

College snobbery is for cunts. You can self-educate, it's just harder and you will constantly be tempted to get lazy about it or give it up entirely. Compare that with students, who can spend four years or even a decade studying something and still not know anything about it.

>> No.14041522

If education confers an economic benefit to the degree-holder, they should have to pay the cost to attend. It deters useless degrees that won't pay for themselves. If you don't believe me, look at Germany where you essentially have to get a masters to distinguish yourself.

>> No.14041530

last year in BsC business administration and marketing.

>> No.14041531

Not all stem is created equal. The biological sciences are absolutely flooded with people without a clue that there are hardly any private-sector biology jobs that pay waiting for them. I wish more people knew this going in.

>> No.14041538

How are you finding archaeo? I'm looking at pursuing it in the UK, for a time at least.

>> No.14041539

How often do you wish you were dead?

>> No.14041547

Enjoyable. Studying isn't anything super difficult if you like history, and you get to travel and actually work with history. Some of the stuff I worked on might be published one day, so it feels like you're contributing. However it's mostly sitting in a field with a spade while the sun cooks you. If you can deal with that you'll like it.

>> No.14041555

I agree, most of them are premed who haven't realized there are better degrees you could get for med school. Physics/math and cs are good if you want to get into tech and most of the engineer tracks are pretty useful. I have no idea how wlrthwhile a chemistry degree would be
I know chemical engineering is pretty sought after though.

>> No.14041558

I'm split since I'm good at sales and marketing can be artistic. At the same time, the majority of it is superficial crap and that makes me depressed. Marketing is useful regardless of what you do though, since you always have to make a convincing case. I'm thinking of moving to innovation or another field within business once i graduate.

>> No.14041561


>> No.14041564


So unaware. All that christianity has done over the course of its history is to mold itself to the given era-exactly because it is always lived by non-contiguous human subjects, and is false.

>> No.14041571

Math with nothing else as well, like CS, or without a PhD, is incredibly hard to find work for. You need the PhD.

>> No.14041572

what's your major?

>> No.14041594

I already do a lot of volunteer field work but in palaeo, which unfortunately as a career rather than a hobby seems mostly to be teaching and officecuckoldry. I'm looking to pursue something with better balance and contract archaeo seems to fit. However I'm anxious about job opportunities and have been trying to figure out the lay of the land beyond what the professional bodies say on their websites.

>> No.14041595

You can get work with just a bachelor's in cs. I'm sure if you self-studied some programming during a math degree and had a small portfolio you coild also get work.

>> No.14041761

Tried medschool because my parents would not accept me doing anything else.
Here you have to pass an test on national scale. Every year the number of available places is much smaller than the number of contenders.
I failed and didn't make it in time to prepare another option.

Next year I'm trying again one last time, if I fail I'll do another major, I want something that will allow me to work right away after I finish, any advice.

I feel so frustrated and purposeless, I don't know what to do.
I just want a modest job that will allow me to live a simple life.

>> No.14041767

You can do postgrad medicine in a lot of countries.

>> No.14041775


>> No.14041782

I'm working on that as well.
I need a language certification tho, so today I'll go to one of those schools and see how much would that cost me.
Hopefully they won't try to lure me into taking one of their courses, buylt I know they'll do anything to convince me I need to.

>> No.14041826


In Britain, medicine admissions are at undergrad and, unlike all other subjects, have American style admissions criteria, where rich kids can get work experience and shadowing opportunities and are coached on the correct things to say in personal essays and interviews.

>> No.14041947

yeah. dropped out in second year. too many drugs, too many girls, just too plain lazy

>> No.14041971

Doing a bachelor in psychology and regretting it already because of how unscientific and blatantly politically influenced the field is. Thinking of changing to security studies for next year

>> No.14042112

Psychology used to serious and groundbreaking stuff, now its a meme degree on par with sociology and completely infested with women who listen to true crime podcasts.

>> No.14042187


Are lit and sci the most educated boards on 4chan ?

>> No.14042193
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>completely infested with women who listen to true crime podcasts.

Most people pick psychology as an easy way into uni. Same with criminology , meme bullshit

>> No.14042285

Where are you from anon? That sounds like some East Asian countries.

>> No.14042317

/sci/ isn't intelligent.

>> No.14042407

>posting on /lit/
>Not having at least a masters in law

>> No.14042568

My undergrad was in engineering and the research I did during those years helped me immensely with optics. If you want a PhD do research now. Also read more textbooks

>> No.14042580

I didn’t even go to high school

>> No.14042678

Majoring in international relations
All I want to do is move around
Interesting stuff

>> No.14042690

Graduated in 2017 without reading a single book, even textbooks.
Now reading is all I do

>> No.14042695

I dropped out after 5 semesters, what should I tick?

>> No.14042744

Right here, bro. Transferring at the end of this semester for history.

>> No.14042746

Majoring in psychology. Liking it a lot so far, obvious left-wing indoctrination notwithstanding, but I guess that's inevitable at this point. Hopefully I can make something out of it by the time I'm done.

>> No.14042794

Technically. I enrolled in three different universities and dropped out of each one after passing the first year exams. I still don't know whether I'm retarded or just had to be absolutely sure that I dislike academia before abandoning it. Probably a bit of both.

>> No.14043817

I never even finished middle school

>> No.14043992

/tv/ is

>> No.14043997

Graduated university in 2009 ama

>> No.14044004

Im doing economics but thinking of changing to psychology desu. I dont enjoy math i guess

>> No.14044161
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>52% students
Figures. Reading most threads is like reading the diaries of sophomores who are enlightened by their own intelligence.

Fuck you guys.

>> No.14044216

do you regret that?
what are you doing now?

>> No.14044227

That technically makes you a minority

>> No.14044234

Appreciate it

>> No.14044251
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This is embarrassing. Zoomers everywhere...

>> No.14044266

This website in general probably has a massive proportion of people between 18-22.

>> No.14044277

You forgot to factor in error because people lie to make themselves feel better

>> No.14044284

In my experience it absolutely does. I watched this website slowly morph into the abomination it is today on all the boards I used since 2016 as they replaced the age group. It isn't the same at all.

>> No.14044294
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I think there's merit to people criticizing /pol/ influence boogieman, but I very much agree with you that this website is not the same that it was before.

>> No.14044319

>I think there's merit to people criticizing /pol/ influence boogieman
Yeah, but I wouldn't say politics in general, but forcing one's political views into every single discussion or forum, even when they aren't relevant to the topic at hand, and having a completely uncritical acceptance of authoritarian ways of thinking, that is extremely irritating.
Your pic related is indeed telling. The use of shill enforces conformism and stifles discussions actually getting anywhere beyond where they are currently stuck, but /pol/tards don't see that at all.

>> No.14044384

>Your pic related is indeed telling.
Glad you think so, I thought it was very interesting. I was able to get it only just before achive.moe went down.
As to your other comments, I think a lot of the other faster boards on this website see a lot of people playing the jester for (you)s. People I think less often write what is actually on their mind and instead write things that fit into whatever psuedo narrative is present in that topic or time. I think people who find clarity and relief in layered and almost convoluted irony gravitate to this website for that kind of mental release.

>> No.14044409

>I was able to get it only just before achive.moe went down.
Well it's still up.
>People I think less often write what is actually on their mind and instead write things that fit into whatever psuedo narrative is present in that topic or time.
>I think people who find clarity and relief in layered and almost convoluted irony gravitate to this website for that kind of mental release.
Yes, there's a tendency to take nothing seriously, everything is a joke to them.

>> No.14044465
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psych bachelors fag here. doing a neurosci masters after, want to dabble in research, if not just do programming and statistics.

>> No.14044476


>> No.14044496

>Well it's still up.
What? It's dead, anon.

>> No.14044502

I'm a senior in English and feel confident that every single thing except for maybe one class, I could have taught myself.

>> No.14044513 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14044520

Oh shit, nice. Maybe google just blacklisted it, then.

>> No.14044555

you got gypped out of $100,000

>> No.14044677
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I'm deciding what to do right now. I'm sitting between lectures. I'm following philosophy and CS and have a month to decide.

On one end, philosophy is incredibly stimulating and, if any of you dumb fucks followed even a lecture you would have realized that "self-teaching" is a meme and you are missing lots of stuff without a competent teacher (that said, I'm not in the US) but it is a humanities degrees and the fear of waiting tables for the rest of my life is heavy on my shoulders. Also, I fear that the almost complete lack of a mathematical/scientific background is - and will be - a hindrance for the field. Like, we talked about non-Euclidian geometries today and their implications to epistemology and I would have had no way to contextualize them if I didn't learn them in high school - and I still just have the most basics understanding of it I could get. It seems to me that philosophy nowadays has it's purpose as a contextualizer for what the rest of the fields are discovering, it's not a fuel of advancement just a !reader" of it - and I'm sure most of the philosophers we're studying wouldn't even study philosophy.

On the other end, despite being the scientific one I can stand the most CS is mind numbingly boring as an undergraduate and if I was just doing this to get a job and become a code monkey I would just kill myself - I'm pretty much hoping I can get good at it enough with time that I start to enjoy it and maybe get into research for some cool (conceptually) topics like AI or quantum computers or whatever pops up in the next 5-10 years.

What do /lit/? (inb4 kill yourself)

>> No.14044710

>I'm following philosophy and CS and have a month to decide.
Start phil, and consider double majoring. You will unironically manage this if you take your first year phil serious and prepare schedule wise but also mentally by reading and self centering.
>t. double majoring in STEM and phil at two different unis, so literally two different degrees not jsut a simple double major.

>> No.14044773

Yeah I can't double major - there's no option at my uni (or, for what I know at any uni in my country). I considered going abroad - actually, there is a course at the University of Edinburgh which seems exactly what I'm looking for called "cognitive sciences" (basically phil, psych, linguistics and a bit of CS) but I'm sure I couldn't get in because I had low grades in hs due to let's say depression.

I also considered getting two degrees but I'm already 20 (hs ends at 18/19 depending when you're born here, and I took a gap year) so basically I would end up - if all goes right - as a 26 year olds with two undergraduate degrees and probably no work experience. Like, at that point, even getting a STEM degree in the most in demand field would save me from serving tables.

>> No.14044779

Btw I know nobody cares but it helps me vent and put things into perspective

>> No.14044788

26yo is young as fuck, and having two degrees would be amazing. and if you don't want to wait tables then go join the infantry regiment.

>> No.14044810

>I also considered getting two degrees but I'm already 20 (hs ends at 18/19 depending when you're born here, and I took a gap year) so basically I would end up - if all goes right - as a 26 year olds with two undergraduate degrees and probably no work experience. Like, at that point, even getting a STEM degree in the most in demand field would save me from serving tables.
Kid, that is literally my life.
I will finish my two degrees (latest) when I am 26. I hope you are not in a huge money related hole, but even then apply to all government grants and private grants you possibly can and study for as long as you can.
Let me give you my lfie to give you hope:
>Finish HS 15
>one year orientation prgramm (failed) 16
>start engineering degree (bail in 17 and exmatriculate in 18)
>backpack solo
>start phil in 18
>do all first and second year courses in 18/19
>start more theoretical than engineering STEM degree in 19
>double major since may
>Will finish Phil in 21
>Finish STEM in 22
>Will be 24 (absolute earliest)/25 by then
And there is no way I will go into a workfield without doing a masters beforehand. Thing is I don't know yet what and I probably really ought to wait till then.
But I have learnt from multiple alumni talks that a phil degree opens an endless amount of pathways. You will see how sincere the respect actually is when you say you study phil and still come across as a semi competent human being (feigning or not). Couple this with a STEM degree and you will be placed in an organizational position in a respective STEM firm, not actually doing the STEM mouthbreather bugman job.
If you can, wait as long as you can to ever start working. My goal is to not work pre 30 (and frankly this is reasonable for my personal and family circumstances.

>> No.14044817
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>went to uni
>hated the living fuck out of it but still finished
>ended up in trade school

>> No.14044834

Give me some pointers pls

>> No.14044840

Cry more, brainlet bitch.

>> No.14044842

Not him but honestly down a similar route. STEM is largely boring and bogged down by details but the humanities don't provide a skill (that is, if you are already interested in it). I wanted to throw a philosophy major in the mix to break up the monotony of the bugman classes and to reorient my thinking while in STEM around the more interesting and important topics. What STEM majors do you think are the best for our types?

>> No.14044856

Doing a PhD in computer science and economics (i.e. algorithmic game theory if anyone cares). It's fun, like math with a purpose.

>> No.14044873

>What STEM majors do you think are the best for our types?
I doubt there is a single STEM that doesn't have the same fallacies as the rest.
Perhaps rather find the one STEM one can endure and finish while actually finding "solace" in the huanities.
It has honestly helped me so much reading more philosophy between stopiing and returning STEM degrees, and having actual enjoyable freinds from philosophy allows me to completely abstain from making contact in the STEM classes. I am only near halfway through, yet endured the hardest part, and I really believe I can pull this off. Do try the phil degree if you can. I can only encourage it.
I am not joking when I am saying you can get a good job easily with phil degree. It is unironically highly regarded coupled with an extroverted appearing and managing capable personality.

>> No.14044885

I'm the same guy who's trying to decide.
I'll try to answer this, since we're pretty similar it seems so maybe you'll get some ideas - the concepts that I find conceptually fascinating in the sciences are some from CS, some from physics and maths. Maybe something from Bio but we're already on more shaky ground. My main problem with STEM is that to get to the juicy bits you really have to grind through some incredibly dull stuff and there's no guarantee that the stuff you thought would be interesting will actually be once you get to work on it. Also, I personally just think of science as a "fuel" for philosophical thought - the reason I'm interested in relativity is not because I can get a GPS signal, it's because of all the implication it has, because in a way empirical evidence introduces ideas that we could not have considered if we stuck purely to intellectual speculation.

Think about AI playing chess - for years we had the smartest guys in the world perfecting the game and then, suddenly, a computer gets to play and completely crashes it, opening up countless options that we never even considered. That's why I'm kind of interested in STEM fields - I personally do not get a boner by measuring the life span of subatomical particles or some shit.

>> No.14045005
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Almost certainly a waste of time and money. Read The Case Against Education

>> No.14045023

I studied Economics. I don’t regret going to University, but I would’ve studied something else.

>> No.14045063

Graduate in May with a BS in Psychology. No idea what I'll be doing after. Unironically considering the military.

>> No.14045125

Unless you plan on heading to grad school, it isn't worth it (assuming of course your in the states). The large majority if not all of what is lectured can be self taught.

t. 4th year psych student

>> No.14045131

Bs MechE graduated last year

>> No.14045133

Fuck. >>14045125 was meant for >>14044004.

Either way. What I stated stands.

>> No.14045173

Undergrad in Commerce, then studied a JD
Commerce was kinda boring and common sense but you do it to get a high-paying job, not to learn shit. Law was much more engaging but only recommended if you have wealthy parents who can pay off your student debt

>> No.14045226

I'm in my final year of a B.A in political science. Very interesting programme. I'm thinking about doing a Master of Library and Information Studies because being a librarian sounds comfy as hell, and pretty decent pay if you're in an academic library. Honestly, being a student is peak comfy and I wish I would never have to leave.

>> No.14045415

letters, linguistics and literature here
i'm a shitty student tho

>> No.14045471

Went to med school (6 years). Then internal medicine residency (2 years), where I actually learned how to be a medic. Currently going through hematology residency.

>> No.14046456

Finished BA in Economics

Now I just hate myself

>> No.14046464

I did a Philosophy degree, it's not worth it, don't do it.
Just read the fucking books and find a forum to discuss them on. Take classes yeah but don't major in it, that's stupid. Maybe not CS, maybe something else, who cares, but Philosophy BA alone is a deadend.

>> No.14046467

you're gonna be the next zhivago right? poetry as your side bitch?

>> No.14046481

Yes. Majored in Linguistics. Graduated last 2017 in the best school in our country. Currently working as a consultant. I plan to work in the government.

>> No.14046496

It makes sense because there are so few people with actual original ideas on this board.

Most of the book discussions that take place are zoomers spouting/regurgitating things they heard their lecturer say.

>> No.14046502

If only you knew about Aaron Clarey and watched his videos. He says "Don't major in Economics if you want to be an Economist." And definitely don't major in Finance.

>> No.14046511
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I heard that.

>> No.14046519
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Where the FUCK are my lawbros at? How is there hardly anyone on /lit/ in lawschool

Did they suicide or something?

>> No.14046525

I am a literature major and the politics in the discussion and literary analysis is getting into my nerves. One time I debated with my prof how one cannot really apply Feminist lens on Chaucer's Canterbury tales and I got called to his office.

>> No.14046527

1st year of PhD now after master's and bachelor's, all three in philosophy.
Anyone who says it's not worth it is not cut out for philosophy and should just stop trying.

>> No.14046596

>he's not a student
get off my board

>> No.14046777
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Any fellow finance chads?

>> No.14046838

>get payed by the state to raid a privately funded university library
you bet I go to university

>> No.14046866

I'm attending Indiana University as a freshman. I'm a business major but I hope to get a minor or even dual degree in English.

>> No.14046891

>The biological sciences are absolutely flooded with people without a clue that there are hardly any private-sector biology jobs that pay waiting for them
what sort of private sector jobs do they expect exist lmao
go fishery, horticulture, government or go home

>> No.14046917

currently finishing my bachelors in CS while working part time in web development
I really want to get a second degree, but I can’t decide between philosophy or math. The part time job should pay enough for me to keep on living in my shitty apartment and going to uni

>> No.14046934

They have to learn about lit somewhere. Where else do you think they’d do it, college? Seriously though. I’ve probably learned more about literature in 8 years on here than while getting my three college degrees.

>> No.14046958

I did and had a pretty miserable time. The only thing it accomplished was getting me a job that I hate and causing me to develop a conscious anti-intellectualism.

>> No.14046964

>hate the job
at least you have one. now endure a year or two, save money, and put it to good use.

>> No.14046993

My student debt has pretty much decimated my ability to do any real saving or live independently.

>> No.14047015

oh shit brother i hear you. endure for a few years if you can. improve your resume and look for better jobs. good luck to you.

>> No.14047036
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Isn't that uhh

>> No.14047039

going for a BS in EE, figured it was a solid degree to score a decent job until I die
but holy fuck, the classes are difficult

>> No.14047040


>> No.14047043

Extremely based if you do.

>> No.14047057
File: 57 KB, 540x533, 1509847014048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>causing me to develop a conscious anti-intellectualism.
Just don't become another non-denominational evangelical pastor who fucking hates seminaries because Jesus didn't go to a divinity school.

>> No.14047151

I wish I were you

>> No.14047174

I'm doing a bachelor of applied finance as well as a bachelor of commerce professional accounting.

>> No.14047386

where did you study?

>> No.14047415

CTCL Small Liberal Arts College in America
It's not a bad school and the program isn't poor but it's a waste of time.

>> No.14047471

I mean, not to be rude but maybe it was because of where you studied?
First of all, it's in America. We have none of that sjw bullshit oversea and the job market is different. It's also not a top program so it's probably not done that well...?

>> No.14047506

/pol/ when they work together

>> No.14047810

Naw I had no idea what I would go to school for (still dont desu) and didnt want to just jump into it for shits and gigs like it seems a lot of people do. Doesnt help being in burgerland because of the debt either.