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14037216 No.14037216 [Reply] [Original]

what books can stop me from being radicalised? what are some tools for resisting extremist propaganda. As a lonely young male who feels alienated from the hegemonic culture I am just in the target demographic for radicalisation and I have become afraid of being indoctrinated into extremist ideologies? How can I achieve integration into society?

>> No.14037222

You won't be radicalised because you're too much of a pussy to be an extremist.

>> No.14037223

You are alienated from your labor, thus alienated from the state and from your fellow man. Read Marx and Hegel.

>> No.14037225

The Bible

>> No.14037228

you'll get what's coming to you once we burn the fence down, centrist cuck

>> No.14037260

It depends what you mean by extremist. If you value your life at all then you won't become a violent extremist. Extremists have something seriously wrong with their heads. Mass shootings are very rare in first world countries due to the fact that you have to be severely delusional to actually do such a thing. Mass shootings are overblown due to desperate journalists who are losing their jobs, outrage culture, and fearmongering. The reality is that mass shootings are indeed tragic, but only in the same way that a rare disease that affects only 0.00000001% of the population is.

>> No.14037292

some Marxists definitely play with extremist and violent discourse and like their counterparts in the radical right support authoritarian regimes like Russia and Syria and promote resentment against 'political correctness' and 'identity politics' that puts marginalised people in danger

>> No.14037417

I have lost friends to youtube radicalisation, it is very real, one day they are normal people the other they are talking about Jordan Peterson and how feminism ruins everything.

>> No.14037492
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Recommending this, but not in an asshat shitpost suggestion kinda way. Most radicalized beliefs are the result of fallacies and extreme conformational bias

>> No.14037503

Heard Siege by James Mason is good

>> No.14037518

I think we should be concerned about the radicalisation, it's not 'outrage culture' or fearmongering. I would doubt that the vulnerable communities that are being targeted by radicals would be so dismissive of what is a patently obvious threat.

>> No.14037539

>vulnerable communities
>obvious threat
Lol. Like 100 people in the US die annually to mass shootings. Do you know how many total people there are in the US? 100 people dying is nothing.

>> No.14037561
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>Retards on this board won't realise OP is ironic

>> No.14037569

Cuc k beta faggot

>> No.14037571

PoC, women, jews and queer people have to be concerned about radicalisation. they won't buy the it's not that big of a deal line, just imagine we are in germany in 1930. It is true the culture has failed at protecting our shared values and integrating everyone, but the answer is to try harder

>> No.14037696

but that's 100 people who would still be alive if we had commonsense gun control measures, I think you are underplaying the political aspect of mass shootings

>> No.14037714

So stop losing your minds of Islamic terrorism. Its nothing

>> No.14037727

You need Jesus.

>> No.14037728

>Implying the people in those "vulnerable communities" aren't increasingly radical themselves.

>> No.14037743

For the most part are demanding recognition and basic human rights within the context of a liberal, open society. It is the extremist loners we have to worry about. I don't believe in double standards, islamist radicalisation and white male radicalisation need to be taken just as seriously, which historically hasn't been the case.

>> No.14037751
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>common sense
>gun control
Move to Europe if you hate freedom so much

>> No.14037786

Based. How was this not checked? And how did glownigs become such tranny pussies?

>> No.14037790

I don't. I don't fear anything that journalists tell me to fear. Kill yourself, you strawmanning retard.

>> No.14037800

Shuffling papers isn't work faggot.

>> No.14037831

Become religious isn't an answer.

>> No.14037832

Liberal open society is a myth. To include the marginalized you necessarily ostracise the previously enfranchised which is why there are angry young men to be radicalized in the first place. There is no such thing as an open society unless there is homogeneity.

>> No.14037837

>he doesn't understand the key role legitimate journalism plays in sustaining democracy during times of crisis

I bet you uncritically consume fake news linked to enemy propaganda outlets lol

>> No.14037852

they mostly ostracise themselves out of a sense of wounded injury, when objectively they are still pretty much enfranchised

>> No.14037863

>politics is a zero sum game
Low iq

>> No.14037864
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>> No.14037877
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>> No.14037926

It's as if you're unable to comprehend the fact that people who disagree with you are able to exist outside of your self-created strawman arguments. You belong in a mental ward.

>> No.14037950

Stop using the internet for one. You cant realistically get rid of extremism unless you unironically want an extreme survaillance state which paradoxically would probably radicalize more people

>> No.14037961

there is room for disagreement, but it is important to draw an unambiguous line, if you are disingenuously undermining science, facts or our fundamental democratic values, then you are not to under any circumstances to be taken seriously. Dialog only works if people are sincere

>> No.14037976

Dialog only works when...you listen to what the other person is saying instead of making accusations and exclusively responding to self-created strawman arguments

>> No.14037996

based retard

>> No.14038011

anti-centrism best ideology

>> No.14038029

Neither Peterson, nor anti-feminism is radical in any way though.

>> No.14038054
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Erich Fromm - The Sane Society

>> No.14038077
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Herbert Marcuse - One Dimensional Man

>> No.14038099


At a primary school in west London, a class of 10-year-olds are acting out the story of the gunpowder plot. A small boy playing the hardline Catholic Robert Catesby persuades another to join his plan to blow up Parliament.

Guy Fawkes creeps about in front of the blackboard, pretending to plant explosives in the cellars of Westminster, until he is caught red-handed.

Tamara, a cheerful drama student who is running this class on extremism, halts the charade to explain that Fawkes was as much victim as criminal. “He was only the plotter’s friend,” she tells Year Six. “It wasn’t his fault that he was radicalised.”

This training session, delivered by the charity Just Enough, is part of Prevent, the UK government’s ground war against violent extremism. The programme is the most controversial aspect of its counter-terrorism strategy, seeking both to educate communities on the risks of radicalisation and to stage interventions with vulnerable individuals long before any crime has been committed.

>> No.14038102

The left majes it that way by hatred. You are not including normal people when you create artificial legs up for poc, queers etc. You have to be pretty dumb not to see this discludes people.

>> No.14038118

You sound like people who are afraid of reading Mein Kampf and being brainwashed into becoming an evil nazi lmfao

>> No.14038128

I just think it is about high time for us normal people to teach those freaks who's in charge. Look up Theodor Adorno and the F-test, cultural marxism is fucking real. Since WWII leftist social engineers have done everything to supress 'authoritarian tendencies'-our god given fear and disgust reflexes, reflexes that as we all know form the very basis of any functioning society.

>> No.14038141

when you are used to unfair advantages, equality feels like oppression

>> No.14038162

It is.

>muh democracy

This is too vague to be addressed. Radical from what perspective? What is your ideology? Is your cause just, are the threats real?

>> No.14038186

fuck it, eth-no-state! smash the niggers and kikes. white power!

>> No.14038201

Homophobia and racism aren't normal these days. The freak is you

>> No.14038223

they are normal, just being repressed by constant nonstop brainwashing and indoctrination. turn on the tv, nothing but gay propaganda, kids don't even learn to read anymore because schools only teach them about the holocaust, mlk and gay sex. If the major media outlets stopped broadcasting liberal trash and started broadcasting sound NS propaganda, HALF the people wouldn't even notice a thing has changed, the other half would feel a tremendous sense of relief.

>> No.14038233

I watched the alt right take over this community.. shits bad I'm about too leave so many young edgeposters ruining the community with nwords and "what's books" threads.
Very very rarely do I get to talk about my interests. I mostly just culture war here now. Easiest way, just kill them. Call them retards.

>> No.14038239
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You are full of nothing but easily digestible platitudes

>> No.14038260

Isnt it the same everywhere? There is a culture war going on and everything that can be politised will be politicised because thats how the information power economy works

>> No.14039225
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>what books can stop me from being radicalised?
I've been hearing this nonsense far, far too frequently. You speak as though radicalization is an involuntary act, as though unless you come preloaded with counter-arguments to parrot, accidentally reading a passage written by Hitler will turn you into a Nazi. Your weakness of mind displays itself in this implication: you cannot entertain an idea without believing it, internalizing it. This seems to all who observe it pathetic, but I would think less so than your ironic delusion of centrism. You feign disdain for propoganda, but your request is a thinly veiled search for propoganda of the opposite variety. You do not wish to remain as you are, for that would require you to abstain from reading entirely. You wish to oppose that which has been dictated to you as reprehensible, because you cannot think for yourself.

>> No.14039334

yeah and we lost our whole fucking country to cat lady school teacher radicalisation, get the fuck over yourself

>> No.14039341

>just imagine we are in germany in 1930.

>> No.14039351

we'd save 4000 black lives per year by disarming all niggers but try selling that one

>> No.14039566

This. Now go eat your bread and watch your circuses, OP. Only the opinions of those with the warrior spirit matter.

>> No.14039683

Good evening rabbi, Sadly (for you) the sharper minded intellectuals on this board are realising that current social and political norms are extremism.

We'll be swinging back towards a more 'natural order' over the next decades and no amount of JIDF on this board larping as disaffected white males to push a narrative of despair will change that.

>> No.14039693

I wonder which wealthy racial demographic forced through this initiative...