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/lit/ - Literature

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14035185 No.14035185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Oh, you consider yourself a Platonist, do you? Prove it. Let's say f(x) = Ln(3 + x) - Ln(1 - x) where -1 < x < 1. Show that f '(x) > 0 for -2 < x < 1.

>> No.14035192

is this a joke? litteral high school tier problem

>> No.14035193


>> No.14035209

But why would that ever be the case? Why do maths geeks fail to realise their problems don't correlate with reality?

Bringing zero and negative numbers into a discussion about philosphy is cringe as fuck.

>> No.14035211

solve it thenyou smug prick

>> No.14035217

Logicism got btfo by godel along time ago

>> No.14035221

Why do you need someone else to solve it for you? Answer in numbers.

>> No.14035229

>Why do maths geeks fail to realise
>maths geeks
>a literal 9th grade 1 minute exercise

>> No.14035231

/lit/ is not a place to solve your high school homework instead

>> No.14035234

instead of you*

>> No.14035245

>their problems don't correlate with reality?

Imagine being this ignorant

>> No.14035250

Get off my board U.G. Quentin

>> No.14035251


How is the derivative even defined over -2 < x < -1 when the domain of the mapping is limited to -1 < x < -1 ? Your question is nonsensical.

>> No.14035297

>our question is nonsensical.
nah ur just not woke

>> No.14035304



>> No.14035397

Now this is shitposting

>> No.14035412


Explain what makes it relevant then.

>> No.14035467


Mathematics can fully describe reality.

>> No.14035513


No, it doesn't. Basic maths, yes, can help make a logical approach clear, but there's a reason why ethics and politics came to be. Start bringing in 0 and negative numbers, infinity and everything else and you're just a bunch of cultists.

Back up your claim.

>> No.14035526

Not him
Numbers and operations are a MODEL of quantities that try to descrive the real world, I'll give you that. But they do correlate with reality, if it were not the case physics and maths wouldn't go so well together.

>> No.14035527

>what is physics

>> No.14035538

If you take the derivative of f(x) though it could give real outputs for -2<x<1, no?

>> No.14035546

>tfw you discover the demiurge

>> No.14035562

Which is why it's so cringy to bring it up to try and assert some kind of intellectual dominance..

>> No.14035564


I'm not doubting that mathematics has application, but I said THEIR problems.
I mean these mathematicians and people like OP that say "solve this" like it isn't just a contrived problem with it's own rules.

>> No.14035575


The function f(x) is not defined for x smaller than or equal to -1. Because its is explicitly said so by "where -1 < x < 1", but also because the part Ln(1-x) doesn't make sense for x smaller than or equal to -1 (since Ln(0) or Ln of negative number does not exist).
Since the the function doesn't exist for x smaller than or equal to x = -1, its derivative also doesn't exist at those points. You could take the derivative for -1<x<1, but not for -2<x<-1.

>> No.14035595


I just got what you mean. Yes you could do that but you should probably rephrase the OP question to
> f(x) = Ln(3 + x) - Ln(1 - x) where -1 < x < 1. Show that f '(y) > 0 for -2 < y < 1.

>> No.14035606


Its isn't contrived though. Literal parts of our reality are described by this exact function.

>> No.14035620



>> No.14035638
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kek platonists on suicide watch

>> No.14035699


>> No.14036227

You really don't understand it? You are just substituting a y for an x and think it did change anything. I guess Plato wouldn't let you study philosophy.

>> No.14036335

>it's own
Holy fuck you are a brainlet.

>> No.14036337


grammar is not an argument

>> No.14036341

There's a joke about some brainlet doing algebra who says that "no, i is too small, let's use n instead".
This guy is kinda like that.

>> No.14036430

I just want to interrupt and say Plato never did a calculus problem in his life. He probably puzzled over the volume of conics.

>> No.14036443
File: 120 KB, 554x400, dabdab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a number that can make ethics and politics more clear: 13%.....

>> No.14036446

Nothing to do with literature. Nothing to do with philosophy. You do not understand Platonism if you are trying to bring in high school math.

>> No.14036487

>Tfw mathelt and cant even understand this "high school" tier problem.

At least I dont need mathematics for a noose.... right?

>> No.14036649

sorry bro you'll need knot theory

>> No.14036736

It’s actually funny how stupid you are. The problem isn’t x or y, it’s the definition of f.

>> No.14037073

> tfw didn’t take Calculus in high school because AP Calc teacher was a cunt

I-is there still time for me? Can anyone rec me books? Is auditing a class a good idea?

>> No.14037091

Calculus is pointless and anything you will learn you will forgot in due time unless you consent to a life of insect technological slavery.

>> No.14037137

Seeing as your two domains are not the same, do you require an analytic continuation of the function beyond the original one? Oh what's that, you have no idea what that is because you just wanted to shitpost? Shocking.

>> No.14037188

>take the derivative of the natural logarithm of a negative number