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14034951 No.14034951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You're born, you father a child or fail to do so, you die.

That's it. Nothing else. There's no deeper meaning, there's no greater aspiration, that's all any mans life ever amounts to. Everything else is a vain attempt to make the rest of your life seem better than the next guys. When you die nothing and no one will change. Sure, your family will be sad for a bit, but that's about it. The only lasting thing you can ever do is procreate. And I'm not even saying you should or that if you don't you've failed. Concepts like chad or loser don't really exist, they're illusions.

tl;dr Nothing you do except siring a child is real.

>> No.14034961

Wrong. I say this as a father.

>> No.14034962

It's not a debate and your fatherhood doesn't entitle you to an interpretation. Nothing else you will ever do or have ever done in your life is real.

>> No.14034973


Was this board always so full of brainlets?

>> No.14034979

You realise you're just exposing yourself for being upset at being told the truth for once?

>> No.14034980

OP, we only accept schizoposts here when they're actually interesting and not just the showerthoughts of your average 16 year old. Thank you, see you next time.

>> No.14034983

nonsense. i'll pass on to the immortal plains and face even a deeper understanding, reason and perhaps new challenges, while you'll be stuck in the mud of samsara mumbling
>The only lasting thing you can ever do is procreate

>> No.14034985


>> No.14034986

If siring a child is real, what about killing a child sired by another man?

>> No.14034993


But he will probably grow out of it, I remember being 18 and how convinced I was of my stupid ideas about the world

>> No.14034996

It's the most fundamental truth of existence. Sorry it's not wrapped up in a bow of feel good vanity.

When you die, that's it.

>> No.14035002

I'm Irish, born and raised. Not religious.

Nope. It's no different than if that man had never sired a child.

>he will probably grow out of it
I feel sorry that you never grew out of childish delusions of self importance

>> No.14035007

>It's the most fundamental truth of existence. Sorry it's not wrapped up in a bow of feel good vanity.
No, it's the same boring thread some teenage edgelord posts here every week. We're all familiar with what you're trying to say and it's been repeated in philosophy by other edgelords for millenia in some form or another. Try reading before you muster up the illusionary self-confidence to voice your unconscious anxieties on an online imageboard for anime lovers.

>> No.14035009

>I feel sorry that you never grew out of childish delusions of self importance
>Nothing you do except siring a child is real.
so this is a power of nihilism

>> No.14035017

How is it edgy to state the plain truth?

The only thing that matters in your life is siring a child, everything else you do is just to make yourself feel better when you compare yourself to your neighbour. You wouldn't be working on your silly little novel if you were the last man on earth, stop denying your vanity.

>> No.14035025

one of the biggest acts of vanity IS having children you braindead nigger

>> No.14035033

>I'm Irish, born and raised.
>people will totally believe me on a ugandan mudcake baking imageboard
>t. totally not a jew

>> No.14035034

>one of the biggest acts of vanity IS having children

Ask someone why they have a child and they'll never be able to give you an answer they actually believe.

>> No.14035038

It doesn't matter what you believe

>> No.14035051

Nobody knows anything you fools, we are all on this rock together

>> No.14035057

Nothing matters according to you so I might as well just point at you and laugh at your cuckoldry and sad sad life.
After all, who is going to judge me?

>> No.14035059

The only thing humans carry with them from the dawn of our species is our ability to make children. Nothing else lasts, all your cities, books and achievements turn to dust in the end.

>> No.14035066

>Nothing matters according to you
Siring children is the only real action you can take during the course of your life. That isn't the same thing as saying nothing matters.
> I might as well just point at you and laugh at your cuckoldry and sad sad life.
Go ahead, you're just proving me right.

>> No.14035067

come back when you're at least 16
everyone who keeps replying to this thread from now on is a nigger

>> No.14035069


>> No.14035085

Keep crying, on your deathbed you'll remember this thread

>> No.14035086


I grew into my „childish delusions“ after I experienced the Transcendent/God/The One or whatever you want to call it for myself.
I hope that you will get to experience it yourself one day, I was where you are right now too, so I know how convinced you are that there’s nothing out there and no deeper meaning to anything.

>> No.14035087

Why is this on the literature board?

>> No.14035091

>tl;dr Nothing you do except siring a child is real.
And how is that any more real? You have a child and they grow up and maybe have a child themselves and then die. The process maybe repeats for a while and then it ends and all of it is forgotten.

>> No.14035095

>Nothing else lasts, all your cities, books and achievements turn to dust in the end.
And your children don't? They all die too, and you have no guarantee that they'll have children themselves, or that those children will have children, etc.

>> No.14035110

You're born, you father a viral meme format or fail to do so, you die.

That's it. There's nothing else. There's no deeper memeing

>> No.14035114

>bro there is no meaning,
>that is the truth
>i say this without realizing that if there is no meaning there is no truth
>yet i'm a slave to my passive nihilism anyway

>> No.14035115

We're still here, thanks to children

>> No.14035120

>sire a child
>it lasts 90 years tops
>enslave hundreds to build stonehenge
>outlasts your family, your culture, and even the language you speak
no no, go on, tell me more about meaning

>> No.14035124

It's a pile of rocks simpleton, rearranging them doesn't mean anything

>> No.14035128

And? I'll be dead in a few years, if I have children they'll be dead some years after that. Everything I or they do will turn to nothingness and be forgotten for eternity.

>> No.14035130

It's a pile of meat, shooting genetic protein ropes into an organ that rearranges nutrition into a demiclone doesn't mean anything

>> No.14035133

Now you're just being pathetic

>> No.14035137

And the man next to you will continue the human race by siring children.

You're not special, you're not important, you're not unique. Whether you choose to have kids or not doesn't change anything, most people will always choose to have kids and ensure the continuation of humanity.

Your vanity is confusing you again.

>> No.14035141

And I'm asking you why that matters when humanity is going to go extinct eventually and turn to nothing.

>> No.14035143

And? I don't understand how people like you exist. Such life denial. Such an ant for me to step on. If you're too weak to come to grips with existence, why are you here? What makes you think you can overcome eternity if you can't overcome the present? Existence won't turn to nothingness, regardless, because nothing doesn't exist.

>> No.14035144

Making this thread is the absolute height of vanity, if you actually believed there was no purpose in life you wouldn't persist in trying to A) persuade others of this or B) feel the need to even tell anyone about it in the first place.
True nihilism, when internalised, is so utterly fatalistic it would lead to any believer simply abdicating from virtually all social interaction or engaging in extremist viewpoints to simply distract themselves. But people who feel a need to DISCUSS nihilism, are almost always people that are profoundly frustrated in some aspect of their life (sexual, social, fiscal) and feels the need to spam others with these statements in the hope that by persuading someone else of the fatalistic and doomed nature of any attempt for meaning they will bring that person down to their lever.
You are an intellectual charlatan of the highest level, it stands to reason that if there is even a 0.000000001% chance that our existence is not self determined, that we are being cosmically assessed in our existence, that our actions have some profound meaning and that our morality stems from some internal by unconscious higher truth, even a purely statistical analysis of this yields an incentive to apply oneself to ones passions and desires. For if there is nothing we will not feel foolish for having believed there is something. Pascals wager may not apply to religious beliefs, but it certainly applies to following internalised passions. And if you truly believed in your professed nihilism you wouldn't bother replying to my post or anyone elses in this thread, but you are no more a nihilist than the rich liberal college professor is a marxist, you are playing the oldest game in the world. The game of 'if I can't pull myself up, I will merely attempt to pull others down.' You'll eventually realise how obvious this was to everyone around you and cringe internally when you realise no one bought your bs.

>> No.14035146

>And I'm asking you why that matters when humanity is going to go extinct eventually
Because it's the only real, lasting action you can take in life.

Do it and you in some small way help the species survive, don't and your ancestral line ends. Like I said, most people will always choose to breed so your decision is entirely irrelevant and doesn't matter at all. Why does it matter? It's all that matters, it's what all life does. Repeat the cycle.

>> No.14035152

>Making this thread is the absolute height of vanity
How? It's entirely anonymous.

>> No.14035155

I never called myself a nihilist, you wasted two paragraphs of whining on something that never happened. Try reading what people write instead of making assumptions from your scanning of the thread.

>> No.14035161

he's playing his hypothetical you brainlet

>> No.14035164

Terrible cringe hypothetical

>> No.14035165

What makes you think humanity exists?

>> No.14035167

define 'matter' you mong

>> No.14035188

we are all pathetic my friend

>> No.14035194

>What makes you think you can overcome eternity
What makes you think that? The only thing you have to appeal to is procreation, but the existence of humanity is finite.
>Do it and you in some small way help the species survive, don't and your ancestral line ends.
My ancestral line and the species will end no matter what you or anyone else does.

>> No.14035198
File: 54 KB, 409x600, David_Lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define 'matter'

>> No.14035200

>My ancestral line and the species will end no matter what you or anyone else does.
It doesn't change the fact continuing it while it exists is the only real decision you can ever make in your life.

>> No.14035204

what's a 'real decision' you fucking idiot

>> No.14035206

"Continuing it while it exists" applies equally to any other human endeavor.

>> No.14035216


>> No.14035219

Humanity exists as long as humans continue the race, all other actions are transitory and temporary

>> No.14035238

>participating in an endless cycle of meaninglessness is the only meaningful thing you can do
Yeah, no.

>> No.14035242

There's no such thing as meaning

>> No.14035244

A child is the faintest of any immortality project a person can come up with. Ultimately, even Aristotle will be forgotten. There is no immortality project, only life as it lasts.

>> No.14035256

>there is no meaning
>having kids is meaningful

>> No.14035260

>having kids is meaningful
Point me to where I said this

>> No.14035261

>all other actions are transitory and temporary
Continuing the human race is transitory and temporary. You're acting like it's a special category but you've failed to show any reason for why that is.

>> No.14035271

>Continuing the human race is transitory and temporary.

The human race ends when all humans choose to no longer reproduce, which obviously will never happen.

>> No.14035275

>What makes you think that?
I overcome suffering all the time.
>The only thing you have to appeal to is procreation, but the existence of humanity is finite.
No. I don't know why pseuds like to talk about procreation so much. I think it's a sign of being weak and using sexuality to cope with it.

>> No.14035280

so the human race will exist forever?

>> No.14035284

>You're born, you father a child or fail to do so, you die.
>That's it. Nothing else. There's no deeper meaning
Basically you are saying that it's the only meaningful thing and there is nothing more meaningful than this. If you deny that it is meaningful, there is no reason to listen to you at all.

>> No.14035287

>so the human race will exist forever?
For all intents and purposes yes, because when the last human dies who'll be there to say humanity is dead?

>> No.14035289

look at this entire thread, it's a teenager trying to be deep or something. he keeps autistically bringing up procreation, it's bizarre


>> No.14035291

Incorrect. The human race could end due to the earth becoming uninhabitable and finding no other practical location to continue life; annihilating itself through NBC warfare; extinction due to natural causes (unstoppable pandemic, natural disasters); and should it make it that far (it won't), then it will die out with the heat death of the universe.
>I overcome suffering all the time.
We are not talking about suffering. You used the phrase "overcome eternity." Stop changing the subject.

>> No.14035292

>Basically you are saying that it's the only meaningful

I said there's no deeper meaning. I never implied there was meaning in any of it. YOU read what you wanted to read. I never said anything had meaning, I said it was the only real choice you could make.

>> No.14035299


>> No.14035306

>We are not talking about suffering. You used the phrase "overcome eternity." Stop changing the subject.
Oh. You don't think existence is tied to suffering. Cringe. When will you overcome your hedonism, procreation-kun?

>> No.14035307

So as long as someone doesn't say "X does not exist" then it exists? Drop the silly semantic games please.

>> No.14035308


>> No.14035312

Please answer the question of how having children "overcomes eternity" as you claim that it does.

>> No.14035316

procreation-kun! i never said that!

>> No.14035317

Humanity exists and will exist forever, for all intents and purposes.

>> No.14035318

the human race ends when the offspring of a man and woman would be genetically incompatible with the humans who live today
creatures evolve, there is no permanence.
this is not our final form.

>> No.14035320

don't lick a gift horse on the mouth

>> No.14035323

You will never explain yourself out of this.
You contrasted having a child vs there exists no deeper meaning. Denying that is futile because its plain fo everyone to see. You see having babies as meaningful, and you just lie to us and except us to entertain your malevolent nihilism.

>> No.14035332

Based and meaningpilled.
Cringe and excusepilled

>> No.14035334

>the human race ends when the offspring of a man and woman would be genetically incompatible with the humans who live today
Wrong again

>> No.14035335

making the 'deeper meaning' comparison means that you think there's something of 'lesser meaning', which in itself means that there exists meaning.
post-lobotomy or just plain stoopid?

>> No.14035338

>You will never explain yourself out of this.
There's no explaining to be done because you're argument hinges on what you want to believe I said, not what I actually said.

>> No.14035342

>making the 'deeper meaning' comparison means that you think there's something of 'lesser meaning'
No it doesn't, stop putting words in my mouth.

>> No.14035344

expand, expand

>> No.14035345

See >>14035335
You #rekt and humiliated yourself.
If you persist in your current stance you just demonstrate your inability to be honest.

>> No.14035348

Yes it actually does, and your own words betray you. Your resistance to is as hilarious as it is pathetic

>> No.14035350

your brain isn't even capable of handling simple logical implications of language and yet you think you're in the place of making assumptions about the validity of the actions a man can or can not do in his life?

>> No.14035355

Umm, sweatie, actually, you can't have distinctions like "deeper" in something tha doesn't exist because there are no distinctions in nonexistence, so at the very least, meaning exists in your own head, or otherwise you wouldn't express yourself in such a manner.

>> No.14035356

It's sad you have to lie to convince yourself you've won a debate

>> No.14035368

Based adults handle pathetic preteen retard.

>> No.14035373

I dont have to lie, because you've won the debate for me, by demonstrating that your own stance is false.
Thanks by the way.

>> No.14035385

Believe what you want, you know I'm right.

>> No.14035386

Cry more

>> No.14035392

can you guys imagine OP sitting alone at his computer with tears streaming down his face as strangers on the internet completely destroy his fragile worldview

>> No.14035398


>> No.14035404

The best part is how he blatantly lies about never asserting that meaning exists when he starts this entire shitshow by claiming that breeding is the only thing that matters.

>> No.14035405
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Things don't have to be perfect or eternal to be worthwhile.

It is true that there is no grand meaning to life, but it's also true that it is in our nature to assign value... A nature which does not require an external reason or justification. There is no meaning of life, but life is the purpose of meaning.

>> No.14035421

>Not religious.
That is obvious, yes