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14033854 No.14033854 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity is slave morality
>"turn the other cheek" hah, that's weak
>Jesus' elevation of the lowly is repusling
I'm on the brink of embracing Christianity for my life, but before I do I'm willing to entertain the likes of people who think like this once and for all, just to make sure I'm not missing something out.

Problem is I have no idea were these ideas come from and where to start. What are these people referring to that's so radically different, and ultimately incompatible with Christian philosophy and morality? Is it stoicism, hedonism, nihilism? What should I read /lit/?

>> No.14033889

[39] But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other.

>"Not to resist evil": What is here commanded, is a Christian patience under injuries and affronts, and to be willing even to suffer still more, rather than to indulge the desire of revenge: but what is further added does not strictly oblige according to the letter, for neither did Christ nor St. Paul turn the other cheek. St. John 18., and Acts 23.

Jesus is constantly misrepresented as suits the argument of subversives. Claiming Christianity is slave morality, that Christ is weak, etc. is perhaps the stupidest of misrepresentations. If Nietzsche had been in the synagogue when Christ was manhandling money-lenders, no doubt Christ would've physically overwhelmed and dominated gayboi Nietzcuck. He would've ran away from the synagogue crying to go write some gay cope book.

>> No.14033917

>jesus says turn the other cheek
>jesus assaults people that literally didn't do anything to him except seel things in his dad's house
a paradigm case of consistent life philosophy right here.

>> No.14033928

Start with the Sumerians

>> No.14033939

>he thinks turning a church into a bank isn't worth getting BTFO'd

>> No.14033995

I'm a christian but i was headed down the path of basedboy cuckold until 4chan sorted me out. now im afraid i went too far and fell out of step with my religion. im very confused please help.

>> No.14034028

smoke heroin

>> No.14034029

Dumbass. Nietzsche admired Christ himself, seeing him as a sort of proto-Übermensch. It's judeochristian ethics and the church as an institution that he railed against.

>> No.14034038

ive thought of that, id rather inject though

>> No.14034039

I don't know where you should go for the answers you seek. However, I can recommend not going to a gay, syphilitic, wifeless, childless, demented, degenerate faggot like Neet-chuh for answers.

>> No.14034048

You hang around with people like that every day though. I dont think I'd take advice from a hypocrite.

>> No.14034056


>> No.14034083

Why Christianity in the first place? God and good morals require no church. Is it to better fit into your local norms, and to reap the benefits of a more cohesive community?

>> No.14034114

a loving heart is all that is needed. No churches or mosques or temples. A loving heart is your temple

>> No.14034152

Maybe, but it sure as hell won't be yours. You think you can tell right from wrong? Can you tell on a bad day, or only on a good one? Can you tell good from evil when everyone around you thinks every good deed you do is cringey, and every bad deed good? Can you walk away from your community psychologically unscathed?

>> No.14034189

>Nietzsche admired Christ himself, seeing him as a sort of proto-Übermensch.
He calls him an idiot and says he didn't live long enough to mature and renounce what he taught.

>> No.14034224

>4chan sorted me out
did they though?

>> No.14034267

>I'm on the brink of embracing Christianity for my life, but before I do I'm willing to entertain the likes of people who think like this once and for all, just to make sure I'm not missing something out.
hahahaha. We need a Christian genocide on this board. everyone one of them is just fucking idiotic

>> No.14034276

hahahaha. We need a satanist genocide on this board. everyone one of them is just fucking idiotic

>> No.14034288

this post (the post you have just posted) is quite literally all the evidence i needed to convince me further. resorting to fictionalizing a childish view of evil, and then assigning that view to every naysayer. god you're retarded. why dont you get on your knees and pray to daddy.

>> No.14034297

>don't resist evil
>unless you decide this evil is worth resisting

>> No.14034303

this post (the post you have just posted) is quite literally all the evidence i needed to convince me further. resorting to fictionalizing a childish view of evil, and then assigning that view to every naysayer. god you're retarded. why dont you get on your knees and suck off your black boyfriend.

>> No.14034309

exactly, some evil is worth BTFO'ing, other evil is better handled by bearing it patiently

>> No.14034316

>life sux bro let me just pick a god to worship
>ok cool, life still sux but i can larp like im divinely suffering instead of simply being an autistic virgin neet

>> No.14034324

projecting much?

>> No.14034328

nope, im an atheist (intelligent) and i described someone who is not. so...

>> No.14034349

>But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other.
>now hold on, i've got some evil to resist.

>> No.14034372

congratulations you are following on the ideas, thoughts, opinions, and "evidence" presented by others to establish yourself as an intelligent person who "doesn't need religion"
>inb4 christianfag
I'm not but to immediately correlate your intelligence with atheism and assuming you can cast judgment on another individual for disagreeing with your world view is disgusting. Grow up.

>> No.14034534
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It's not an achievement to do any of that. What kind of day it is hardly matters. On the worst day of my life, I will not only tell the difference between right and wrong not from my perspective, but also from any arbitrary number of perspectives. Knowing the difference isn't scratching the ice berg, I can also act on the difference. With such a view of moral breadth, I safely guide my sails in the greyest of seas.

We are all influenced by the people around us, to what extent is impossible to quantify. How our environment influences us, and how deep those roots stretch, is something far more complex than can be summed up on this website. But in any more than a memetic sense, what does the judgement of others mean to me? The only truthful answer to that question is: very little if at all. The set of things I refrain from doing is smaller than the set of things I do despite judgement. I am an eccentric, given the gift of polyvalent thinking, I was pushed out of my mother's womb under searing judgement, and I have become entirely deadened to the feeling. Even as a child I knew that judgement is cheap, that faux pas so quickly forgotten. Sometimes, such things can even serve a utility in a strategic sense, however that's a little beyond your current preoccupation with the good-bad dichotomy.

But! Do not mistake this for egoism, I am merely answering your own questions.

The thing is, if a life such as this does not come naturally to you, if you act so reflexively to social controls, Christianity will not help you. You can attempt to surround yourself with virtue by reaching for communities that advertise themselves as virtuous... but forgive this spoiler: what is said is not what will be done. You might even believe Christianity is the exception, or that your perceptions aren't simple advertisements, however you should be cautious. All of these things you hate still exist everywhere in all denominations.

This is not to dissuade you from your path. It simply sounds like you could benefit from deep self-reflection in the coming years. You must eventually realize that you are running from an innate feature of your own experience. Don't try to bury your anxieties in your faith, you will find yourself in a hell of your own making.

>> No.14034681

Although I can empathise with what you write, you don't sound like you ever had to act on the difference between right and wrong.

>> No.14034709

Read kingdoms 2 the story of young David , it shows you what it means to love your enemies. And at the same time to be strong and faithful the God. A

>> No.14034715

>gay, syphilitic, wifeless, childless, demented, degenerate faggot

>> No.14034724

>Yea goy submit to the lgbtqrstu paradime so you can have a more cohesive community

>> No.14034733
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>> No.14034743

>im an atheist (intelligent)
just because you're too simple to meditate on spiritual wisdom without believing in ghosts doesn't mean the rest of us are

>> No.14034744

>Doesnt get it

>> No.14034746

>the christcuck humblebrag
Go back.

>> No.14034751


>> No.14034755

>highlighting the difference between jews and christians

>> No.14034780

He admires his will and his ability to create a value system, though.

>> No.14034798

yeah i probably would have ended up with a used goods south asian girl

>> No.14034809

>Jesus is constantly misrepresented as suits the argument of subversives.
or maybe the bible is a contradictory mess?

>> No.14035061

If you want to get Nietzsche, read Schopenhauer. Kant is important too, but that shit's dense. Darwin is relevant, but everyone is familiar with him.

>> No.14035075
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He argued against becoming a Christian though

>> No.14035157

Read The Genealogy of Morals, and then read Max Scheler's Ressentiment. Basically Nietzsche got a lot right with his ideas on master/slave morality and ressentiment but was wrong to identify it in Christian morality. What he considered Christian morality is actually bourgeois morality.

>> No.14035220

Here's the point: "If anyone would follow me, let them deny themselves and bear their cross."
Now if I insist on getting my 'revenge' because you wronged /me/, would that be denying myself? But the Temple is not man's but God's, and so defending the Temple is not insisting on man, but rather consistent with man denying himself.

>> No.14035224

Genealogy of Morals is all you need anon.

>> No.14035480

God endorses these concepts: slavery, the rich/poor divide, rape, and fighting with your enemies. He also ends all conflict through murder instead of teaching lessons beforehand. I cannot comprehend how God is seen as good. All the bible is is revisionist history.

>> No.14035806

Orthodoxy is the only Christianity everything else is heresy

>> No.14036636

It's really pathetic that you interpreted that as sarcasm and felt the need to get defensive about it.

>> No.14036668

I enjoyed him immensely whenI was like 20. But I’m not a kid anymore, war, le epic destiny, etc don’t interest me as they did. Nietzsche was a big boy scout without any brains

>> No.14037111
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Its a Jewish book. Its sole purpose is to weaken and divide. I would say take a look at Christian history without bias, what you'll find is jewish tactics, a golden creation. Then look at christians today, go to different denominations, attend groups and more (that's what I did). Just observe and you'll come to an understanding as to why so many of us are opposed to your faith, we are "judging it by its fruits" which are at its best merely against the most obvious degneracy and at its worst (and most common) is acting out in self destructive behaviour just as it has in the past. It is a cult of mediocrity and death worship that embraces material defeat in favor of what it percieves to be spiritual victory, this is why it is weak.

>> No.14037119
File: 974 KB, 1699x1098, Chesterton quote nerves aristos Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14037173

i dont know if I learned anything from how clay tablets came to be

>> No.14037206

Quite strange that I hear every single type of Christian on the planet claiming this about their own denomination or lack thereof. It's almost as if... never mind, I won't say it.

>> No.14037240

When Francis of Assisi kisses festering wounds and does not even kill the bugs that bite him, but leaves his body to them as a hospitable home, these acts (if seen from the outside) could be signs of perverted instincts and of a perverted valuation. But that is not actually the case. It is not a lack of nausea or a delight in the pus which makes St. Francis act in this way. He has overcome his nausea through a deeper feeling of life and vigor! This attitude is completely different from that of recent modern realism in art and literature, the exposure of social misery, the description of little people, the wallowing in the morbid—a typical ressentiment phenomenon. Those people saw something bug-like in everything that lives, whereas Francis sees the holiness of “life” even in a bug.

>> No.14037498

>He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
>For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
Sound pretty based desu

>> No.14037764

Notice how he didn't reply to this? Christcucks pick and choose

>> No.14037777

>What he considered Christian morality is actually bourgeois morality.


>> No.14037801

being drunk on divinity is not a great lifestyle choice.

>> No.14037815

Is it strange that scientist denounce false science such as flaterath for example?
It's the same you are just ignorant of the arguments are pretend it's all the same.

>> No.14037908

Christianity is based on human sacrifice to atone for sins committed by two individuals who (in the story) didn't even know right from wrong before they committed the sin. Seriously, explore Hinduism, it is a much more cohesive mythology to embrace for your life

>> No.14037924

>neetchan's master morality is a reality; his slave morality, a phantom - spengler
a lot of neetchan's problems come from his daddy issues (his father died when he was very young). Unironically the real "overmen" (purely romantic/literary notion) of nietzscheanism are people who followed "slave morality" like ignatius of loyola or charles v, or in nietzsche's own times, the cecil rhodes type.

>> No.14037925

What is it about based Nietzsche that makes christcucks seethe so much? Could he have been right about their cuckold religion?

>> No.14037973

What a weak quote from a foul breathed side of mutton

>> No.14038357

>completely misinterprets the death of Christ as the same as the animal sacrifice of the OT which it is explicitly stated to be of a different kind both literally and spiritually
>understands the story of Genesis as a purely literal tale within the bounds of time expectation
I suppose this is the result of a great religion falling into the artificiality of an inferior race, of those who could never understand it, being its bearers for many thousands of years. The Gods seem but meaningless idols in their depiction and understanding.

>> No.14038369

Not to mention how Wagner himself played the part of this paternal figure for many years. Being of course the same age as Nietzsche's father. Leading to their eventual split one can only imagine what sort of state this regressed Nietzsche into.

>> No.14038377

>hasn't even read Nietzsche just a commentary

>> No.14038402

Wasn't Nietzsche literally a beta orbiter?

>The two met Nietzsche in Rome in April 1882, and Nietzsche is believed to have instantly fallen in love with Salomé, as Rée had earlier done. Nietzsche asked Rée to propose marriage to Salomé on his behalf, which she rejected. She had been interested in Nietzsche as a friend, but not as a husband.

>Nietzsche nonetheless was content to join together with Rée and Salomé touring through Switzerland and Italy together, planning their commune. On May 13, in Lucerne, when Nietzsche was alone with Salomé, he earnestly proposed marriage to her again, which she rejected again. He was happy to continue with the plans for an academic commune.

>After discovering about the situation, Nietzsche's sister Elizabeth became determined to get Nietzsche away from what she described as the "immoral woman".

>> No.14038418

Reading Nietzsche just made me more religious lol. He wasn’t even anti-religion, he was just against the Christianity of the times he saw around him (which I 100% agree with).

>> No.14038480

Op here. This is the problem right here. People like you always blame Christianity, but never present a coherent alternative, which automatically leads one to nihilism. I keep seeing this on /pol/

As I said in my OP, I'm willing to try something different, but it needs to work and not lead one to despair and nihilism (which Christianity saved me from).

off-topic: I'm currently reading my way through the Gospels for the first time and today I read John Chapter 8-11, and my God was it an intense read. Definitely the best thus far, it really hit me in the feels.

>> No.14038513
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>explore Hinduism, it is a much more cohesive mythology to embrace for your life
I truly believe in Jesus saying about judging a tree based off it's fruit. Hinduism seems only to bear rotten fruit

>> No.14038536

>Reading Nietzsche just made me more religious lol
This is an outcome that may happen to me. I have decided to read Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche side by side. Both drew the exact same conclusion on the state of Religion in the modern world, but obviously differ greatly in how to cope with this fact.

>> No.14038606

Keep in mind that many of the greatest secular "thinkers" and writers are primarily in the business of projecting their alienation onto the world. They want you to take up their polemics and criticisms much in the way that Jesus would like us to become preachers of his message; however, as your post reflects, there is a stunning lack of any alternative or any prescription as to how one is to live one's life.

Freud attacked such virtues as well, and he would like you to succumb to your base impulses and hate your neighbor, but why would one desire such a thing? The desire to undermine and destroy either an idea or structure can only stem from one's dissatisfaction with those things, from feeling threatened and powerless. Nietzsche is a perfect example of this.

>> No.14038817

>Its a Jewish book
Do you read? The modern Jew as you think of them is a descendant of the followers of the Pharisees. Other Jews followed Paul and became the first Christians, mostly rural Jews who could not afford to send their boys to the temple for education. The derogatory attitude that the Pharisees held against the backward, rural Jew is believed to have been a contributing factor. It follows then that the Jews who you seem to despise should be more respectable than Christians, although Christianity is a decidedly anti-Jewish (as we have thought of them since the time of Christ) religion.
>we are "judging it by its fruits"
If you were actually doing this, you would be okay with Christianity. The fruits of Christianity are homogeneity among the people, intact families, less consumerism, less ill-will in general.
>embraces material defeat in favor of what it percieves to be spiritual victory
>this is why it is weak
The forgoing of the material for the spiritual isn't weakness, and to think so is retarded. It is the denial of the flesh which exercises and strengthens will. How did you manage to post on this board without a brain?

>> No.14038841 [SPOILER] 
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>Hinduism seems only to bear rotten fruit
very true, the religion is gay, retarded, and stinks to the heavens with satanic malevolence.

>> No.14038853

>If Nietzsche had been in the synagogue when Christ was manhandling money-lenders, no doubt Christ would've physically overwhelmed and dominated gayboi Nietzcuck

>> No.14038885

>men like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Cesare Borgia
>weak nerves
Chesterton is such a retard.

>> No.14038982

>the text as written down by the direct inspiration of God is wrong and my interpretation is the only accurate one

>> No.14039146

>Thinks Kaufmann’s Portable Nietzsche is a commentary