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14033015 No.14033015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Yo Anon, long time no see! You really saved my GPA in that English class! I got that Goldman Sachs job and now I'm a director! Stacey and me got hitched and she works in HR just a few floors down. What do you do now? Part time librarian? So you get to read books all day, huh? (*Stacey giggles condescendingly*). Anyway, we're on our way to the yearly company ball, held in my boss's yacht. Nice seeing you!

>> No.14033019

no hablo english desu desolee

>> No.14033023

eww look at those nasty toes

>> No.14033026

6/10 she’s not that great desu

>> No.14033032

Wow finance? I hear those hours are long and they work you like a dog for years before being made partner? What do you work, like 100 hour weeks? I could never do that to myself.

>> No.14033034

>You really saved my GPA in that English class!
well you did give me a pretty good blowjob as a down payment

>> No.14033039

HAHAHAHAHAHA i was thinking the same thing. her toes are horrible

>> No.14033043

As DFW said himself, most hot girls have ugly feet

>> No.14033044

is this how you fucknuts really think the world is?

>> No.14033055

This is legitimately how the world of finance is minus the money.

t. finance major writing this on the toilet at work.

>> No.14033063

I hope you wash your hands before touching other people's money.

>> No.14033075

bollocks mate
t. works at a financial company in the City

>> No.14033094

>my boss's

>> No.14033103

Nice seeing Jew too

>> No.14033105
File: 50 KB, 612x612, 519A15E7-880A-4D8B-91AE-E21214E958F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have accosted the wrong gentleman sir. I am a reclusive hermit with a sub 80 iq and alas I did not make it far in my studies. Indeed I did not even graduate high school. Working as a librarian...that would have been wonderful. I often wonder about that you know? The way things could have been. Maybe if I stuck with my studies I would not be in such a sorry state as this. Maybe in another world I would in actuality have been who you believed me to be. I spend much time ruminating about what could could be because what is should never have been. These thoughts of far off worlds where I am not the wretch who stands before you are all I have to bring me solace. No family. No friends. No employment. No skills. Ghastly. It is simply ghas-wait where are you going? Wait. Madam you have such fine features despite your bovine toes. Would you allow me to suckle on a morsel? Only for a moment? Ah fuck! I yield man, I yield. You have made your point rouge! Unhand me! Ah fuck! Rapscallion! Leperous sodomite! Reprobate! You have not seen the last of me! You shall rue the day you crossed me! I bid you adieu madam! Adieu!

>> No.14033108

>unseathe blade
>plunge it razor sharp into your fat belly
>teleport behind Stacy and sniff her soot bellowing asshole
>does a joker dance on the street
heh...they don't call me kinch for nothign...

>> No.14033127

Your wife fucked so many black guys in college. Enjoy your cum dumpster wife and your soul crushing job.

>> No.14033143

Bovine toes got a chuckle

>> No.14033149

You wish

>> No.14033168

very nice

>> No.14033215

>Talking to anyone you went to school with.
I love my simple blue collar life. Nobody could put me down if they tried.

>> No.14033230

Only kids in investment banking work 100h weeks

>> No.14033245

No it isn't. You need connections to even get the job in the first place.

>> No.14033353
File: 2.00 MB, 500x396, what_i_read_was_funny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah fuck!

>> No.14033357

On your uppers there bro. Go buy some shoes that'll last. Can always spot the parvenus; don't know what are nice shoes. And what is that, a matching pocket square and tie set? Where'd he get that, in a box set from grammie back home in suburban St. Paul last Christmas? Or at a tie store in the mall?

>> No.14033366

lmao was thinking same. everyone on this site goes straight to the feet

>> No.14033416

He's going to lose his hair and look really bad when he does. He looks like Prince William when he was young, but look how he turned out.

>> No.14033421
File: 125 KB, 1375x749, 1571211311041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best thing to come out of here today

>> No.14033464
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Jokes on you, I'm a vampire.

>> No.14033466
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, wojakwino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna need a footnote lol on that one, anon.

and it's probably because they do a lot of walking/running. that's how they stay skinny.

nice to see you chad, take care!

>> No.14033485
File: 135 KB, 1080x1331, 1538385700035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're still working? That's a shame. I retired at 23 after selling my first startup
>Me married? Oh dear God no. I'm a voluntary celibate
>Your bosses yacht? Are you telling me you don't own your own yacht? That's a shame. Maybe one day champ
>Anyway, I'm off to read The Bible. What translation you ask? The Septuagint, of course

>> No.14033497


>> No.14033502

I wonder if this guy knows he's become a huge meme.

>> No.14033517


>> No.14033519

Legendary post

>> No.14033522
File: 10 KB, 262x192, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir, ma'am, I'll have to ask you to take a side step. You're blocking out the sun.

>> No.14033523

holy shit, fucking based

>> No.14033550
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 1553453728279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we flew too close to the sun

>> No.14033554

I literally cannot respect anybody who has a job that isn't necessary to the continuation of maintenance of civilization and is actually proud of it. Even if I was paid $1,000,000 a year for some bullshit job I would have no dignity. I'll work for myself or live in the woods as a hermit, no exceptions. Imagine getting a paycheck from a boss and not wanting to kill yourself. Growing up in an extended family of people who own their own businesses kind of implants that in you, doesn't matter how much money you were making, there is just something pathetic about the whole arrangement of holding a job and having a salary. This includes CEOs and other executive types

>> No.14033577

>held in my boss's yacht
Get a load of the prepositional failure there! Wow!

>> No.14033588

>people who own their own businesses kind of implants that in you
business people in general are a kind of lowly people

>> No.14033595

I can't help shaking the feeling that receiving a wage is like selling your autonomy for money. You're being reduced to a subordinate just so other people can live their dreams. It's terrible.

>> No.14033598

t. poorfag

>> No.14033616

Oh yeah, I love eating (you)s calling me a patrician for dinner and paying my rent with Monopoly money. Even retrofitted my car to run on written critiques of my artwork instead of gas. Loving the high life

>> No.14033641

OP is right, corporate positions are filled with beneficiaries of nepotism. that doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing the job, but meritocracy is an illusion. and no, most "finance" jobs are not 100 hours, they're typically 40-50 unless you're an investment banker/trader/quant who want to make bank.

>> No.14033650

Best case scenario you will make a $120k salary after 25 years of boring 9 to 5 work taking orders from a boomer while entrepreneur chads will make double that before they turn 25 working for themselves. Coping serf genetics angry at their betters. You should look into Christianity
Pretty much this. If you do it with the intention saving money to eventually do your own thing thats fine but anything else is depressing, especially in an age without the rigid class system that kept the ambitious in place for centuries. Guarantee 99% of people blaming everything else but themselves for their lot in life haven't even tried

>> No.14033653

>most "finance" jobs are not 100 hours, they're typically 40-50
Depends on the firm and the job, but once you get out of NY this is largely true.

>t. someone who runs the finance department of a $2B/year firm and works ~50 hour weeks (~30 hours of that are taken up by managing a bunch of fuckoffs who lack basic social skills though)

>> No.14033662

>Best case scenario you will make a $120k salary after 25 years of boring 9 to 5 work taking orders from a boomer while entrepreneur chads will make double that before they turn 25 working for themselves. Coping serf genetics angry at their betters. You should look into Christianity
you're right but so am I
now what, negro?

>> No.14033664

>30 hours of that are taken up by managing a bunch of fuckoffs who lack basic social skills though
You hiring? I can probably get that done in 25-28 hours

>> No.14033672

well i never said it was against the wave of times
enjoy yourself i guess if you wouldn't now when would you

>> No.14033675

you must be in high school

>> No.14033680

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

>> No.14033684

Haha! I actually just hired someone under me to take care of my worst section, and so far (~1 month in) he's doing a good job. If he fails though, sure, I'll let you know. What could go wrong recruiting for a difficult management job off of 4chan? Nothing!

<3 u anon

>> No.14033691
File: 40 KB, 640x628, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no longer available for this position

>> No.14033695

Don't get me wrong, anon. I hate my job and frequently dream of giving it all up to go into academia. But I've gotten used to the money and am not really inclined towards going back to the penurious life of a student. And besides that, I would likely get frustrated at the state of academia and its sacred cows pretty quickly and end up mired in another state of discontent, but this one less financially remunerative. At least right now I can afford good booze to dull the pain of my soul dying.

>> No.14033699

Don't mind me anon, I'm a few drinks in tonight and therefore am prone to write things like 'haha!' (see >>14033695 for context).

>> No.14033700

I'll give you a pass, what's the hardest part of this management job?

>> No.14033717

The hardest part isn't really related to management, but it's that I work in a field (finance) that I honestly couldn't care less about. I enjoy having money, don't get me wrong. But a career managing money is ultimately pointless (though most careers are). I guess at least I believe in the services we provide, but the financing and budgeting for it is boring and mind-numbing.

As far as the management, the hardest part is a group under me that is responsible for paying bills (our accounts payable group), and they are essentially all high schoolers/immature secondary school students. Lots of personal drama that doesn't amount to anything important, and a few people who don't realize it's not appropriate to announce 'I'm going to take a shit' in the middle of a business meeting. They don't last long, but their replacements are often clueless too. It's insane how stupid some people are, even for low-level positions.

Beyond that, it's dealing with accountants and quants that feel overwhelmed when things don't line exactly up, and then walking them through why and fixing the problem instead of just assuming Rome is burning to the ground.

>> No.14033720

the only good thing about wall street is how it looks from a distance at night. that's the most fucks like him could do to impress me with their careers

>> No.14033735

This guy does not exist

>> No.14033748

The bourgeoisie are undoubtably the most detestable of all classes. The have no knowledge of suffering nor the truly divine, they live in ignorance of their own prostitution, merely content to feed on the crumbs from their masters table without ever wondering whence they came.
I pray for the day when the elite seize total power and pull the veil from the eyes of the blind.

>> No.14033755

>t. evan connell

>> No.14033764

All this money and STILL drinking the pain away? What is it that ails you, friend?

>> No.14033768

He exists in our hearts.

>> No.14033791

Other posts (>>14033695, >>14033717) provide context, anon.

Honestly, don't mind me. I am at this point a Thoreauian cliche, and in the end I'll be fine, if quietly discontented.

>> No.14033800

you have a huge ego but I hate those dumbfucks too

>> No.14033814

Nice but half last part sucked and turned into coomer Garbo

>> No.14033816

oh wow the seethe is real not a great look my guy

>> No.14033821

Very true anon, I don't deny it.

Anyways, I give other anons shit for posting blog entries here, so I'm going to head off and have a smoke before reading some poetry and then turning in. Cheers.

>> No.14033824

remember to thank your dad for getting you in the door, anon

>> No.14033826

You must be a coping midtwenties career man feigning his innate fear of freedom and lack of creativity with wisdom of what is "realistic". Notice how I didn't say I do not respect people with bullshit jobs, only the ones who are proud of it and think it makes them more valuable than welfare gods

>> No.14033855 [DELETED] 

Wasn't my dad or relations actually, but there was a good amount of luck involved.

>> No.14033862

forget it, those shoes on the dude
my gott

>> No.14033926

That was the punchline.