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File: 43 KB, 350x475, Spiritual-Book-Guide_369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1403325 No.1403325 [Reply] [Original]

This actually made a lot of sense. Anyone else read it?

>> No.1403337

I don't read quasi-religious bullshit.

>> No.1403350

Every religion has to begin its proselytizing with things that seem to make sense, and then emotional appeals that escalate in degree. It's the boiling frog concept.

>> No.1403351

inb4 tons of serious replies

>> No.1403359

OP here.

Get the dick out of your ass, put it in mine, and read fo' you say some shit - or at least respect my beliefs!

>> No.1403368
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>> No.1403385
File: 239 KB, 1280x960, 1286767857364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ son! You must have shit for brains seeing that you're that gulible to this brain-washing, assfucking filth.

OP prepere your anus, OP prepere your anus, that's all I can advice you OP.

p.s. this sort of things doesn't only harm your life OP, it also hurts the lives of your family and friends, just like drug addiction.

>> No.1403387

I'm going to take your picture, then you wont be anonymous any more. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF

>> No.1403434

L. Ron Hubbard, blessings be upon him, is the prophet of Scientology and direct messenger to the galactic overlord Xenu. HAIL XENU.

I know that's not exactly correct, but why the fuck does the high ranking Scientology OT's have to lie and say none of it is true?

Watch some of the investigative reports on youtube, one by Panorama/BBC is amazing. Shows just how fucked up the whole thing is.

>> No.1403555

>why the fuck does the high ranking Scientology OT's have to lie and say none of it is true?

- They are instructed to lie about it
- Lying isn't a sin in Scientology; in fact, they do drills to make themselves better at doing it convincingly
- "Out-exchange" (not being compensated for an exchange) IS a sin in Scientology and OT3 is supposed to be expensive
- Per their beliefs if the unprepared hear about Xenu they will get pneumonia
- it's embarrassing to have a science fiction story at the center of your religion when it was founded by a science fiction writer

>> No.1403559

I saw this in the library and thumbed through it.

What I saw made a lot of sense, but it seemed based in Christian tenets, which also make sense to me.

>> No.1403583

Here's all you need to know about Scientology.

L Ron Hubbard was attending a West Coast Sci Fi writers' convention, when he remarked to Philip Jose Farmer and Philip K Dick that the real money in America came from starting your own religion.

L Ron Hubbard knew this because he started calling himself "L Ron" rather than "Lafayette Ronald" because people reacted differently to him when they heard "L Ron Hubbard". Why? Because it sounded like "Elbert Hubbard", a sort of spiritual guru in the very early 20th century, who founded a group called the Roycrofters.

The fact that L Ron Hubbard was treated like a spiritual guru because his name vaguely sounded like a dead spiritual guru named Elbert Hubbard naturally suggested the theory of "engrams", which is basically Hubbard's theory that puns can affect the organic functioning of the body, and you have to remove them through "auditing".

And what is auditing? It's just Freudian Psychoanalysis meets the Catholic Confessional, with one improvement: the e-meter. Basically, if you ever thought that Psychoanalysis or Confession would be healthy IF they could prevent you from lying----well, then, all you need is a bogus lie-detector test (which is what an e-meter is) and voila! Instant religion.

>> No.1403613

But will it help me acquire the jingle set?

>> No.1403628

I remember hearing that you would die if you learned the truth at a lower OT level. Which is amazing, so simple yet effective to keep fucks in line and keep paying in.

What other religion has celebrity centers? God damn.

>> No.1403951

Scientology is overtaking Islam as the most dangerous "religion" to question openly.

Says it all.

>> No.1404161


>> No.1405703

it truly does

>> No.1405744
File: 15 KB, 300x180, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
