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14031857 No.14031857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Christian denomination for reclusive and schizoid people?
I like the idea of Christianity but I don't want to get involved in a church, just quiet contemplation and prayer.

>> No.14031863

trappist monk or catholicism. I'd say orthodoxy but they all have feast and 2 hours long coffee time after every liturgy

>> No.14031866

Desert orthodox monk

>> No.14031875
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Gnostic christianity.

>> No.14031893

Fundamentalist who only watches livestreams of Pastor Anderson's church

>> No.14031894

Visit an adoration chapel. A lot of churches have them just off to the side. They remain open so you can go when you can. I like to go early so it's completely empty, it's a very nice place to think.

>> No.14031897

Just read the bible and the saints and hold your own interpretation and beliefs

>> No.14031902
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>trappist monk
That sounds interesting, tell me more
Where do I start with gnosticism? Pic related?

>> No.14031905

You post the same pictures that Transgender """Catholics""" do. Disgusting

>> No.14031909

Read the Seven Storey Mountain, and don't fall for the gnostic meme

>> No.14031910

This seems like the obvious choice, but I need a label that I can integrate into my identity in order to feel validated.

>> No.14031916

Super Catholicism

Buy a cross without the suffering guy and rub some of your cum on it every time you can. Keep it in your pocket and pull it out and show it to strangers whenever you feel like it and proudly say that you're a Catholic.

>> No.14031957

Coptic Orthodox

>> No.14031961

>Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

>> No.14031964

Getting into religion while mentally deranged? This will totally end well.

>> No.14031968

You're not schizoid, just a faggot.

>> No.14032042

you can't pick a christian denomination like if it was an ice cream flavor retard

>> No.14032052
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That post made me wonder if the rise in atheism is correlated to the rise in mental illness.

>> No.14032180

Spirituality always goes wrong when it is organized into a religion. Find out your own way and be happy with it.

>> No.14032195

>t. Satan

>> No.14032202

>for reclusive
Like one of those Franciscans that vows of silence
>and schizoid people?
No no. you need help

>> No.14032232


>> No.14032260

False. I feel this is a plea to absence. When there is a more tangible structure they necessarily do more stuff and do more extensive stuff. The catalogue for organized religion is so large it is easy to lambast specific things. While unorganized religions are so nebulous that you have a hard time pinpointing them and they tend not to get much shit done.

>> No.14032424

>No no. you need help
That's rich coming from a tranny

>> No.14032450

being quiet is literally part of their belief system

>> No.14032492

schizoid =// schizo

>> No.14032548

at least you're honest

>> No.14032554

>"the suffering guy"
>instructing someone to repeatedly jizz on a cross

I should not have laughed so hard at this. Forgive me, Lord.

>> No.14032666

But anon this is not how it works, you join the true denomination not the one that suits you the most because the true one would be difficult to follow.
I struggle with other people too, but so did many great Catholics before us. Godspeed anon.

>> No.14032813


>> No.14032824

This is a shameful attempt at shaming others. Take notes.

>> No.14032825


>> No.14032839

Let me guess. You've never been on discord. You'd be surprised at how many of these people exist. They're a sizable group in online catholicism

>> No.14032848

You will never pass

>> No.14032853

Oh god we have a basedboy in this thread

>> No.14032856

Its more with the rise of westrrn scientific skepticism but also eternal childish egoism through convenience and capitalism. People can afford to be perpetual children so they eill relinquish all personal growth and responsibility. Also they just dumb yo.

>> No.14032861

Imagine thinking god is the most supremely intelligent being yet put you in the wrong body. Hopefully they an hero

>> No.14032862


>> No.14032876

The Euchrist is an important act, try going to Church occasionally. It should help you with your seclusion. Christ shall mend all your wounds.

>> No.14032879


>> No.14032896

>Imagine thinking god is the most supremely intelligent being yet put you in the wrong body.
God plants life, it grows in the full spectrum of what it can be. He made wine, it was all the quality, from the good to the bad. God is benevolent enough to let all things exist, weeds out things He dislikes.

>> No.14033020

As with all things tranny, religion is a fashion accessory, secondary (in the best case scenario) to some other libidinal urges. Most of them are crypto-gnostics too. If I had to pinpoint exactly what is the main driving motivation of these people, it's narcissism, which is why they cannot bring themselves to even pick a fashion accessory as mainstream as catholicism. They have to go with gnosticism with all its mystical and heretical connotations, also they're so superficial that the mere sound of the word is enough of a sell.

>> No.14033030

but god made him that way
he's beautiful in his way 'cos god makes no mistakes

>> No.14033037

>You will never pass
based you will never pass poster