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14028381 No.14028381 [Reply] [Original]

Why? Because you grow to accept that if your life is miserable it’s always your own fault.

No, it can be and often IS someone else’s fault you are miserable. You need to be MAD, you need to be ANGRY that someone else ruined your one chance at life. Being a stoic, beta loser who copes by lowering your expectations in life is the opposite thing you should be doing. You need to get MAD, you need to roid and become a freak, you need to destroy any and all institutions that contributed to your misery and replace them.

Stoicism is for soi redditors who want to be complacent with living in a shipping container staring at a screen for 17 hours a day. You need to get MAD, then you act.

>> No.14028387
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Oh look, it's the depressed anti Stoic poster larping as a smug frog poster.

>> No.14028404

Stoicism sux because its hyper-masculinity turned inward. Rejecting the world because it will inevitably hurt, its cowardice that has to lie. Nietzschean self-overcoming is typically a better prescription imo.

But yea there are tons of things to be angry about (falling wages, climate, nation-states). The worst part is the outright gaslighting, pointing out the contradictions in liberalism and society (like say Freud) is met with sententious platitudes like - first you need to be happy and love.

>> No.14028407

If a stoic feels that someone is trying to ruin his life he can do something about it. There's nothing in the philosophy about being passive. What have you done towards destroying the institutions you rail against?

>> No.14028412
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I don't know if you're baiting but however sincere your intentions are, you also happen to be right. Stoicism precludes change. How do you know what you cannot control if you do not try to control it? Passivity is a mistake. Expressing and acting upon vindictive behavior is not contrary to nature. Rational judgments are not the only thing under our power. It is all a matter OF power.

>> No.14028441
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>climate, nation-states
Yeah dude that's totally it!