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/lit/ - Literature

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14026442 No.14026442 [Reply] [Original]

What are some red flags in literature that make you discard a book?

>> No.14026476

a bad cover

>> No.14026489

author is:
>Christian theologian
>a poet
>German (except Kant)

>> No.14026490

it liberally and immaturely uses curse words

>> No.14026495
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If I’m not enjoying it.

This book looked very interesting, still does, but her poorly edited ESL is kind of rambling and I’m sadly put off with it. I haven’t discarded it, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back to it.

>> No.14026496

So you don't read?

>> No.14026501

>mentions “white men” or “straight white men” in a lowkey insulting/blaming way
Deleted or burnt immediately

>> No.14026504

He reads Kant

>> No.14026507

Won't stop me from starting a book, but sometimes when I'm reading, I'll notice some (((degeneracy))). So I go to wikipedia, and 9/10 times.... well, you know the rest.

>> No.14026508

There are many great books with bad cover though. You must be a graphic designer

>> No.14026520

What a goon

>> No.14026521

>abridged version
>a selection

>> No.14026522

If the tale capitalism is the absolute nostalgic be sorry but that is the why to the statement

I consider that a red flag desu

>> No.14026527

praise Allah brother!

>> No.14026528

but there's very few bad books with good covers

>> No.14026548

>the entire cover is the author's face
>is best selling
>review from medias in the back

>> No.14026564

>the title is smaller than the author's name
>there isn't a description
>it ends up being v forgettable "literary" fiction

>> No.14026566
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How do I get /lit/ gf bros?
Does she even exist?

>> No.14026570

incredibly based

>> No.14026591

staged photos for instagram cred. get with the times; zoomers only pretend to like things to spice up their photos

>> No.14026604
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>> No.14026611

I don't read a book unless someone here has convinced me that it's part of some canon or otherwise of great significance such that one has to have read it in order not to be a pseud when it comes to a certain topic.
As such, I can't just stop reading a book midway.

>> No.14026615

It's amusing how much you two have in common

>> No.14026662

These are just random models but I'm sure there are some autistic girls who actually read but don't brag about it on Instagram. You just don't get to see them for the same reason they don't get to see you

>> No.14026676

Lead character is a observant, intelligent 30-50 year old man who is used as an excuse for the author to clumsily shoehorn their philosophy and fancy prose into the book.

>> No.14026689

Kek I’m reading this for a class. You’re not wrong about the style, it feels like she’s doing some flowery self-indulgent talk but in a secondary language. But it’s a good books (so far) based on the ideas, which should be more important if you’re gonna read an academic book like that

>> No.14026731

This is exactly why I hate Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance; it's literally just Robert Pirsig babbling on about his shitty philosophy while some nonexistent plot unfolds in the background.

>> No.14026732
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>world change event; book focuses on how it makes the person feel living in it
>rebel narrative
>female protagonist
>made into a movie in the last fifteen years
>has had more than two adaptations
>"Coming of age"
>"reflects the struggle of men/women/some race/some sexuality"
>main character between 13 and 20
There are exceptions to all of these, but danang me if these don't signal some trash book

>> No.14026945

Kant is a stupid fucking bitch

>> No.14026988


fuck yourself

>> No.14027510
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>shoes against the books

>> No.14027962

>>has had more than two adaptations
So you won't read half of the canon, basically?

>> No.14027974


this, biggest cringe in all of /lit/

>> No.14027985
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Lol just watch this

>> No.14027987

I don't read anything written by bald "people"

>> No.14027991


>> No.14028129

>curse words in the title
>2 authors only one of which is famous

>> No.14028138
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Or read the manga
And this

>> No.14029631
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Censored curse words to be more specific

>> No.14029659

>written by a non white
>written by a woman (very few exceptions, most woman can't write about anything except feminism and their stinky, putrid cunts.)
>a story about overcoming "oppression", BLOO HOO IM SO SAD BECAUSE MUH EVIL GUBERMENT IS OPPWESSING ME, kys no one cares faggot
>book is overtly atheistic/paints atheism in a positive light
>genre fiction
>written by a news pundit
>a story written to "empower" gays or trannies or degenerates of any kind
>"A modern day (inserct greek/roman myth here)"
>John Green

>> No.14029906

>Christian author
>sadandalone author
>author smiling too much in google pics
>author homosexual
>too political
>if it is a romance, horror, adventure, crime, or fantasy novel
>author self inserts as animals

>> No.14030173
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Author Is:
Simple as

>> No.14030179

Yes, that's an automatic rejection for me

>> No.14030191

>Overused words
>Cliché phrases
>Genre fiction
>Unrealistic dialogue
>Author is: female, not straight, non-white, or atheist

>> No.14030196

Definitely these.

>> No.14030216

fake news, don't believe everything you read

>> No.14030218

>award winning holocaus experience novel
>hailed as a great example of a narrative about some arbitrary group
Otherwise I’m open to everything, really, I just don’t like identity politics.

>> No.14030241

Mine are :

>author is not white, asian, or from the indian subcontinent before the 10th century
>female authors past the 16th century
>author is a classical liberal, or follows any of its offshoots
>author was known to be a cuckold
>author was a socialist/communist and didn't change their ways in their lifetime
>author encourages collective guilt for the rise of the third reich, or has a novel that can be boiled down to nazis bad, not because I'm on that side, but because it's the most basic bitch theme in 20th century lit
>author espouses egalitarianism, women's rights, or thinks human beings are a tabula rasa
>amazon preview, ctrl+f "feminist", "feminism", "misogyny", "patriarchy", "patriarchal", "sexist", "sexism", "racist", "racism", if it has more than two hits for any of these, it's out

>> No.14030261

>a new york times bestseller
Instant discardment.

>> No.14030266

Honestly the only red flag worth noting is poor writing. It's silly to let promotional material sway how you think about an author, he didn't tell them how to promote it.

>> No.14030283

Hey butterfly, how are those books about mushrooms? I'm a farmer and actually quite interested in them in order to makke some $$$. Do these books talk about mushrooms business?

>> No.14030292
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>Blocking the passage
>Putting feet against covers

>> No.14030297

Butterfly likes it

>> No.14030374

>author is still alive
>author hasn't been dead for over 100 years

>> No.14030382


>> No.14030391

>Post 2000 Hugo Award winner
>Author is a woman or black
>There's talk of gender pronouns in the introduction.

That's about it for me.

>> No.14030395

> intead of actual prose, it's just author's pretentious, obvious and outstretched thoughts
Camus can get fucked.

>> No.14030481

>>Author is: female, not straight, non-white
wtf you won't read Shakespeare?

>> No.14030595

>name of author is printed larger than the book's title
>somewhere on the cover are the words "a novel"

>> No.14030603

‘A tour de force’

>> No.14030604

That's on you for reading Mailer or Roth instead of Isaac Israeli and Maimonides.

>> No.14030617

This and manlets and mustachoed scum.

>> No.14030621

>author is
I only read if the author is the fictional heteronymic persona of another writer.

>> No.14030643


>> No.14030672

Author is woman, Jew, and/or Germanic (Anglos included).

>> No.14030692

Watch some Paul Stamets videos. Donno about “business” but you might like it.

>> No.14030775
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Imagine posing with a book

>> No.14030852

Female author