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/lit/ - Literature

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14025765 No.14025765 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, which is most /lit/ celibacy or sexual deviancy

>> No.14025772

Celibacy is deviance

>> No.14025779

Christcucked volcels and incels are on the same subhuman tier. Real European men have plenty of children with a trad wife.

>> No.14025817

Having a wife and children as well as a mistress.

>> No.14025883

Involuntary celibacy is the most lit

shut up poltard

kys tranny

fuck off psycho normie

>> No.14025890


>> No.14025904

Why not both?

>> No.14025908

I mean at this point its either or.

The most lit is naturally a combination of them both ala tolstoy. Be an uttter and complete man whore in your youth while you're still a young buck and then at 25 try to better yourself only to come to a conclusion that your sins need to be completely absolved and forgiven. In your 30's you devote your life to whatver children you hae accidentally had in the past (if any) and to repenting. You need this feeling of regret to make you ultimately a better person. We see this theme in every narative even holy ones like the bible where
>worst guy ever becomes the best saint ever
because redemption is the pinnacle of human nature. you need to expeirence lows to experience the highest high.

>> No.14025923

why not... moderation? sex with somebody you truly love. what could be more beautiful?

>> No.14025927

but your wife should know about the mistress because you are an alpha and told her upfront yet you expect her to remain faithful

>> No.14025932

You need to learn to truly love in the first place. It's not that easy.

>> No.14025933
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This is a fact

>this is Christian frog board nao. Ree reeee

>> No.14025941

what he said >>14025923
op is taking about the two ends of the spectrum, the two extremes. Excess is never good.

>> No.14025944

heteronormative gay guys, especially if they never come out, which may or may not be volcel

>> No.14025946

>but your husband should know about the bullfriend because you are an alpha and told him upfront yet you expect him to remain faithful

How’s that fit?

>> No.14025947 [DELETED] 

Butterfly, these sexual feelings you have are natural. They are fine.

Even Nuns have them. But you need to realize you are trapped in some sort of modern hell, where licentious behavior is recognized as normal for some strange reason.

Don't worry, I will save you baby :3

>> No.14025964

Butterffly babe is this guy bothering you? Let me know and i'll have the mods in here within seconds (my dad works for 4chan)

>> No.14025980 [DELETED] 

Ur dad is a fag an he likes to buttfucc u fuccboi :3

Now beat it, scamp!

>> No.14025992

sh-shut up jerk

>> No.14025994

>>this is Christian frog board nao. Ree reeee
Do you even read the post you reply to anon?
Seems like you had too much sex to think properly.

>> No.14026002

Gangbanging butters is /lit/

>> No.14026071

No you shut up, virgin.

>> No.14027421

Repressed sadomasochism. Clicking almost anywhere into this Hell instantly summons the mood of Measure For Measure, but one in which The Duke Of Dark Corners has multiplied himself ad nauseum into every nook grim with promise of of despotic equivocation, and images of nuns eager to both take and apply punishing instruments. Fortunately it's leavened with enough Lucios to sense it, with what it implies, and foretells, about the course of our particular Vienna.

>> No.14027458

Being unhappy in everything you do is /lit/

>> No.14027648

Coprophilia - see Joyce

>> No.14027709
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>> No.14027720

Foucault put it best in the History of Sexuality vol. 2. The Greeks has basically figured out a sexual ethic of moderation in regards to all the good or pleasurable things in the world like sex but notwithstanding food or other attachments. They saw the problem was that extreme devotion chained you to worldly pleasures like a slave to their master. Early Christian theology came in and just pushed this argument that much further by introducing notions of sin and separating sex out from other pleasurable activities. If this thread was created by an ancient philosopher, it wouldn't just ask whether total abstinence or total depravity were more /lit/ but if binge eating or total starvation were /lit/ as well.

>> No.14027722

It can be
Cringe boomer
Kinda lame
Path to enlightenment is sexual deviancy and then celibacy

>> No.14027746

Any as long as it is a conscious action.

>> No.14027804
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Nearly 2000 years of Church doctors, theologians, saints, and monks.
Copernicus (as above)

Non-celibates cannot even compete. They are like pigs and dogs. Hopeless creatures that must masturbate and fuck whenever the opportunity presents itself. Worse than the beasts even; they have reason and neglect it. In times past, when the philosopher-king influence of the Church, established priests as the mediators of social affairs, directed the carnal man to some lawful end where it was controlled and at least produced a stable family unit inculcating good values and possibly leading to those cut in the philosopher king mold. The unchaste will NEVER know what it is like. They do not understand the power. They do not understand the clarity of mind. They do not understand what it is like to be truly free, to overcome the animal aspect of man. The celibate-apex-human achieved such lofty heights, he mimicked and fixed himself after the idea of God, instead of being just an animal that eats, fucks and bes merry. Real redpill is that there is no God but the practice of celibacy and inculcating religious thought is the furthest we have ever drifted from our pathetic, fleshly, animal states.

>> No.14027832


>> No.14027858
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/lit/ is a pro twink board

>> No.14027866
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Christ called the masses pigs and dogs himself.
Sodomites are the worst.

>> No.14027868

That wasn't very Christian of him.

>> No.14027882 [DELETED] 

Too many actual homosexuals on this board now, time for the faggot solution.

>> No.14027896

Heheh. He is very annoying isn’t he?

Yes. Why?

Why always forget Epicurus, mate?

Yeah, buttsex is kinda gross.
Most gays don’t even do it, I hear

>> No.14027906
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That being for you to leave.

>> No.14027919

Suffering, regardless of its form.

>> No.14027920

self contradiction is /lit/
swinging between both poles is /lit/

i am a deviant
i am celibate
i am a deviant
i am celibate

no one without the other
no one except at the exclusion of the other
no one without desire for the other


>> No.14027925

Plato retroactively refuted homosexuality and sodomy.

>> No.14027926

Why does it always have to be one extreme with you assholes? Why can't you just pick a healthy medium like normal people?

>> No.14027927

because we ARE assholes in search OF the extreme

>> No.14027928
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>> No.14027934

/Lit/ is a purgative board. Indulge and then repent. Purify yourself.

>> No.14027937

/lit/ is a spook

>> No.14027942
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>with you assholes
>why can't you [...] like normal people

>> No.14027946

Addiction to masturbation is a symptom, not a cause. The real cause is there are no great wars left for young men to fight in.

>> No.14028109

No job. No woman.

>> No.14028162

It's caused by a hypersexual culture where sex and porn are everywhere and if anyone speaks out against them, they are mocked to no end..

>> No.14028184

Being a sexually deviant celibate.

>> No.14028186


>> No.14028385

/lit/ is the truth.

>> No.14028405

Based. Welcome to cuckcentury!

>> No.14028406

They're not mocked for speaking out against them, they're mocked because the people that tend to speak out are not exemplary beings. Those that are, those that were, have always been revered.

>> No.14028424

Are justice, prudence and wisdom in excess bad?

>> No.14028466

>He who wishes to share in the glory of the saints, must suffer in this life as the saints have suffered. None of the saints has been esteemed or treated well by the world all of them have been despised and persecuted. In them have been verified the words of the Apostle: "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution."

>> No.14028520

4 wives at the same time

>> No.14028547

Celibacy (no sex, no masturbation) > polygamy> monogamy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *shit and subhuman cumbrain tier:* masturbators, fornicators,

>> No.14028564

Masturbation to people having sex is the lowest level. But people are tricked into thinking it's normal.

>> No.14028570

not him, but why would anyone take Epicoomrus seriously? He wasn't a philosopher, he was a literal animal who thought that one could avoid suffering, that behaving like a dog was justifiable.
He was a worshipper of the Will and of the Ego; he was a lesser creature who supported killing babies.

>> No.14028588

The harm pornography has inflicted upon society cannot be understated. It is ten thousand times worse than the opioid epidemic.

>> No.14028605

The most /lit/ form is to experience all the forms.

>> No.14028607
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>'Heh... dumb libtards... my celibacy is my own choice. I'll obtain a cute Aryan waifu after my fellow gentleman gamers and I overthrow those fucking Jews hypnotizing white girls into liking darkies and forcing me to subside entirely off of oven dinners and McDonalds...'

>> No.14028624

Celibacy with masturbation is not celibacy. Such a soul that you strawmanned would be incapable of practicing actual celibacy, which requires abstinence from sex, masturbation and even lustful thoughts.

>> No.14028682

Imagine being such a braindead dipshit you'd unironically support a massive war each generation to stop teenagers from jerking off

>> No.14028691

Experiencing all the carnal pleasures, realizing they are hollow and pointless, and castrating yourself like Boston Corbett

>> No.14028731

Any massive war =/= great wars. There has been no great war for a long time. And it's to combat nihilism, not masturbation.

>> No.14028741

I said literally nothing about him masturbating, so nice slip there. Also, what the fuck are you talking about? Strawmaning? Do you think the fucking dipshit mongoloids chimping out and screeching censorship over Tifa's boobs being slightly smaller in the FF7 remake spend their days abstaining from masturbation and read Greek philosophy instead?

>> No.14028752

God, forgive me.

>> No.14028760

Abstaining improved my life beyond measure and did enable me to read books without distraction, like I was a kid again.

>> No.14028768

A well trained harem. Everything else is just sour grapes.

>> No.14028781

So whats your idea of a great war? Sending teenagers out to god know's where to gun down random tribals? Or would it be something like America calling up France and agreeing to send out troops to murder each other over absolutely nothing aside some dipshit on 4chin thinking it would be a good way to improve citizen morale?

>> No.14028784

not sure about wisdom but yes with the other two. especially prudence

>> No.14028795

>So whats your idea of a great war?
One that is felt to be necessary.

>> No.14028801

People who have had harems let their entire lives and empires go to pot, and the intelligent, regretted it and viewed it as a source of constant frustration.

>I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

>> No.14028802


>> No.14028809

Marcus Aurelius would like to have a word with you.

>> No.14028810
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The hell is the matter with you?
Dogs don’t tend gardens. Read something on him for a change

>> No.14028825

I hate living in the 21st century with birth control, legal abortions, and being able to be easily tracked. I want to impregnate as many women as possible
They were wrong
Also wrong
>Nearly 2000 years of Church doctors, theologians, saints, and monks.
So nothing useful? Christcucks who couldn't get pussy
The original guy who was wrong about everything
The most destructive human being that has ever lived
Ruined western music

Thanks for the great examples on what happens when you have an unsatisfiable urge 24/7

>> No.14028829

How so?

>> No.14028839

>Butterfly actually read Epicurus this time, seemingly sees his example and point on sexual restraint
>also now condemns sodomy
Am I living in an alternate universe? Has being on /lit/ so long actually serve to fix this individual? I looked at the ID a few times to make sure it's not the other butterfly poster but no?

>> No.14028851
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>> No.14028853

>Anonymous; walking around thinkin’ he knows a damn thing about me
You people always misread me and jump to your preconceived notions

>> No.14028861

I really, really hope you get your legs blown off in off in some foreign conflict that has nothing to do with your country and see if you keep that same opinion. If not and you're some rotting boomer fuck who fetishes the military and war despite having never fought in one, I hope your son gets drafted and he gets blown to smithereens.

>> No.14028863

>They were wrong

>> No.14028871

What makes you think misery and suffering and loss cancel out the value of great wars? It's what gives them value. Without those things, the intensity of all our joys is reduced, and weariness sets in, and then nihilism. We are experiencing a wave of deep nihilism because the age of great wars, which lasted for thousands of years, is over.

>> No.14028893

>most based & redpilled reply itt has zero replies
the absolute state if lit

>> No.14028931

>unsatisfiable urge 24/7
Idiot. Abstaining and celibacy ELIMINATES this urge, whereas indulging and FUELS it, so much so that one is compelled to do it against their very will. I've been caught up in both lifestyles, and can speak from experience.

>THE man who indulges in impurity is like a person labouring under the dropsy. The latter is so much tormented by thirst, that the more he drinks the more thirsty he becomes. Such, too, is the nature of the accursed vice of impurity; it is never satiated. “As,” says St. Thomas of Villanova , ”the more the dropsical man abounds in moisture, the more he thirsts; so, too, is it with the waves of eternal pleasures

>> No.14028940

>Abstaining and celibacy ELIMINATES this urge
No they don't. The urge just manifests in another way. You can't truly cancel out your biology.

>> No.14028964

That "biology" is a complex process that is subject to inputs from your own behavior, which can either cause it to wax or wane depending on your exposure, frequency of release, etc. The induction of DeltaFosB expression concerning sexual behavior is proof that it is influenced by habitual drives. It is a brainlet and obsolete view to think of sex drive as solely a hormonal function.

>> No.14028987

It's also a brainlet and obsolete view to think of the sex drive as independent of other drives. When you repress the sex drive, you enhance other drives, not all of them pretty.

>> No.14028990

Pathetic rebuttal.

>> No.14028997

i intend to read ''essential epicurus''; do you think that i, as an orphico-neoplatonic theurgist, would agree with and benefit from the content posited therein?

also, dont post bjork, shes cute and makes nice music (and you suck)

>> No.14029017

It wasn't a rebuttal. You didn't provide an argument to what I wrote. I never said the sex drive was "solely a hormonal function" or implied it.

There's no true absolution from the drives or their direct and indirect effects in us no matter what your idealism tells you.

>> No.14029195
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Everyone would do well to hear the truth sometime in their lives. How you, someone who sucks, would react, is entirely up to you.

>> No.14029255

>dogmatism of the ego
sure butternuggerfly

also i told you not to post her, what is your problem?

>> No.14029283
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>dogmatism of the ego
And what do you mean by this?

>> No.14029629


>> No.14029634

Sounds like Origen vs Plotinus

Go to Vatican City and see if they have nything on ammonius saccas and get back to us

>> No.14029642

Monogamous Sexual Deviance

>> No.14029723


Absolutely based. Il faut que jeunesse se passe.

>> No.14029731

>Cringe boomer
Take that shit back to twitter

>> No.14029761

It's not like anyone here has a choice on the matter.
>I would totally reject a hot thot that desires me

>> No.14029974

It's both.
But the two will hate each other for all eternity, as well the "sexual deviancy" has to be like having a harem of 10+ women or so; similar to what the Muslims did back in their glory days.

>> No.14030140

>because redemption is the pinnacle of human nature. you need to expeirence lows to experience the highest high.

Maybe this is true as a narrative, from a story telling perspective; in order to reach catharsis, to make a story moving and touching.
When it comes to real life, I'm not sure this is absolutely relevant anymore

>> No.14030149

What if it's not "The Truth" you stupid fucking nigger? Huh? What if it's not? What do you have to say you pathetic fucking retard? Huh? What do you have to say? You don't even know what gender you are, why the fuck should anyone listen to you about anything if you can't even figure out the most basic challenges of life? Huh? What are you gonna say? "A BLOO BLOO EVERY SHOULD PUSH THEIR DICK INSIDE OUT JUST LIKE ME AN WE'LL ALL BE EQUAL A BLOO BLOO!" Huh? Why the fuck should anyone take you seriously? You're brain is plastified and it shows in the fact that you're constantly getting btfo in every thread. Huh? What are you possibly going to enumerate here that's worth listening to? Huh?
I will fucking kill you freak

>> No.14030152

>there is no God
so there is nothing wrong with this then
>pathetic, fleshly, animal states

Without God there is no weight behind any judgement.

>> No.14030303


>> No.14030355

>yeah bro, there is no god so we might as well just be like animals and eliminate the only thing that separates us from them LMAO, lets waste our one and only life on being a slave to a primal drive.

>> No.14030364

whatever makes you closer to insanity is the answer. so celibacy for coomers and promiscuity for the sex-repulsed.

>> No.14030365


>implying that normal people have healthy sex lives

>> No.14030376

That happens a lot more often than people would think and a lot of the guys end up being the ones who suggest she go for it unfortunately. Deviance is the definition of the slippery slope because your brain literally begins to crave more extreme stimuli like an addiction. It's not a fallacy, it's a reality of human nature.

>> No.14030549


>> No.14031484

I actually, unironically agree with that sentiment.
If there is no God, by what standards can you really condemn anything? You certainly don't have any basis for it.
You are just another hairy animal but you are pretending to be more than that, so in a way you are less honest. Unless of course, God exists and he has demands, in which case we can begin to talk about right and wrong

>> No.14031490

>slippery slope
>It's not a fallacy, it's a reality of human nature.

>> No.14031636

Any coomer authors that share this sentiment?

>> No.14031697

What do you mean?

>> No.14031707

Love isn't real. It only exists within ideals. What we experience is simply a combination of delusion, hormones, instinct and desperate romanticism.

>> No.14031718

come on man love is real it just hurts like hell sometimes

>> No.14031830

If you believe in anything, you might as well embody and live it out to the utmost extent. What else is one to do?

>> No.14032532


>> No.14032682

>the solution to the inability to exercise sexual energy is war
excuse me, what the fuck?

>> No.14032692

You're right that redemption is the pinnacle of human narrative, but only if it's natural. To do what you describe self-consciously entirely robs it of its significance

>> No.14032751

No, you aren't real. Love is.

>> No.14032762

Slippery slope isn't a fallacy. Literally open your eyes. The entire notion of "progressive politics"/accelerationism relies on the concept of linear progress which the slippery slope "fallacy" is supposed to refute.

>> No.14032889

moderation is for cowards