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File: 104 KB, 1080x1350, 1571577227250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14025871 No.14025871 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books or poems that capture the feeling of being attractive and fully aware of it

>> No.14025877


>> No.14025886

Japanese light novels revolving around a guy become a girl with massive tits, you’ll be reading about how attractive s(he) is for half the book.

>> No.14025887
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>> No.14025915


>> No.14025916

Flashman recognizes how handsome he is at a young age and uses it a lot. He also fucks his fellow officers wives and stuff. Fun book.

>> No.14025954
File: 43 KB, 1200x675, Gentlemen-Prefer-Blondes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentlemen prefer blondes by anita loos
fun fact, it was published in the same year as the great gatsby

>> No.14025989
File: 138 KB, 1080x1222, 1571578751628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Or dancing...
Pretty women
Are a wonder
Pretty women!
Sitting in the window or
Standing on the stair
Something in them
Cheers the air
Pretty women...
Stay within you...
Stay forever...
Breathing lightly...
Pretty women...
Pretty women!
Blowing out their candles or
(Blowing out their candles)
Combing out their hair
(Combing out their hair and then they...)
Even when they leave
(Even when they leave you and vanish)
They still...
(They, somehow can still remain there)
Are there
(With you)
They're there...
(There, with you)
Pretty women!
At their mirrors,
In their gardens,
How they make a man sing!
Proof of heaven, as you're living!
Pretty women!
(Pretty women)
Pretty women!
(Pretty women)
Pretty women!
(Pretty women)
Pretty women!
(Pretty women, sir)
Pretty women!

>> No.14026108

Henry Miller

>> No.14026127

the house of mirth

>> No.14026170


>> No.14026186

My diary desu

>> No.14026187

My diary desu

I've been told I'm an 8/10 and people look at me wherever I go. Too bad I hold apathy towards most of everyone and don't put any effort towards socialization so I just live the life of a loner

>> No.14026278
File: 680 KB, 736x603, 1564480770442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women do this?

>> No.14026297

i preferred the van halen version really

you would too if you could. admit it

>> No.14026305

This pic really hammers home how the point of makeup is to make women look like they're 14. But it doesn't work, she looks better on the left because you can't actually makeup youth into your face, it just looks like an uncanny mask

>> No.14026307

soul vs soulless


>> No.14026325

>But it doesn't work
It does. In a, shall I call it, combat situation, you would try to pick up the one on the right before the one on the left. Women learn this very quickly, that men have much worse taste than they say they have.

>> No.14026346


>> No.14026360

It’s just makeup. Prefer them without, like myself, but don’t curse them as “soulless” you soulless cowards.

>> No.14026380

>shall I call it, combat situation

>> No.14026386

>the point of makeup is to make women look like they're 14.

The point of makeup is to enhance sexual features and hide blemishes.

>> No.14026394

she has makeup on in both pics. right is just way overdone to appeal to the "i hate makeup" crowd.

>> No.14026415

It's a meme you dip

>> No.14026457

What are sexual features in a face? Women's sexual features are tits and hips, all they try to do with their face is look as young as possible

>> No.14026471

>What are sexual features in a face
Oh boy

>> No.14026519

>Christfaggorry is just a meme
Yeah, I know.

Well the face is how I can tell a man from a woman.
and then there’s oral sex...

>> No.14026681


>> No.14026686

I exclusively masturbate to portraits of beautiful women.

>> No.14026737
File: 75 KB, 640x987, 10390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people generally are better at oral sex with their own gender. they know what to do to turn the other person on.
i enjoy getting blowjobs from my wife but years ago i got sucked off by a crossdresser at a party and it's still the best blowjob i've ever had

i like a nice gainsborough myself anon

>> No.14026748

only the arguably greatest poetic masterpiece of our decade OP...

>> No.14026795

I don’t think I even need to click on it to know

>> No.14027062
File: 1.86 MB, 400x600, accgal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a pretty woman out of school is desperately trying to optimize the return value on this resource before it's gone 10 years down the line.
Discovering you get attention by displaying the fat around your excrement tube is no fun.

>> No.14027092

>having more power is bad

>> No.14027269

Very attractive man here, at least in terms of facial aesthetics. Women smile at me a lot. Random people have asked if I was an actor on a few occasions. However, I seldom am fully aware of it, as I am humble and am not vain. My attractiveness becomes self apparent not when marveled at, but rather, when disdained, by envious, lesser people who have no other desire than to beat you down. There is severe envy from average looking men, and numerous instances of 'blocking' (the vulgarity removed). I also have felt horrible bouts of anxiety when alone and single, which is viewed at with suspicion by many when you look so good. It's been said on this board that inner purity manifests as outward beauty and juxtaposing my own looks, acts and internal striving against those disgusting perversions of confirmed ugly posters (e.g, butterfly), is almost proof of this. While never applied to bodily attributes, Aquinas wrote "Just as virtue gives the soul its beauty, so sin makes it ugly". Does virtue or even its pursuit foreordain not just internal beauty ? It leads to questions like. Is this some metaphysical blessing prepared in advanced? Or in another current, at times when I find religion ridiculous, is it physiognomy? This can also be generalized to women from experience. The best looking women, the 10/10s, were almost never promiscuous and seldom drank. The ones below this standard though, were loose, hedonistic, partied to no end. It's already been proven that very attractive people are statistically the most intelligent, so that could also explain this distinction too.

>> No.14027314

I wish I was a hot girl.

>> No.14027396

If you drink and smoke and generally live badly, you will quickly lose your 10/10 looks, especially if female. One of my vague university friends got married recently, so I saw a lot people I hadn't seen for ten years. The women had all aged to a shocking extent, apart from this one very strict Christian girl who never went to parties and came to the wedding with her fiancé and first ever partner. She still looked stunning and youthful.

>> No.14028702

This but no homo or tranny

>> No.14028798

I'm a beautiful woman and it's pretty fun :) everyone is nice to me

>> No.14028873

post feet plz

>> No.14028907

>tfw attractive and aware of it but literally incapable of speaking to people

>> No.14028916

post pics of feet too plz

>> No.14028923

Hello ma'am, tummy inspector here. I'm gonna need a tummy pic stat, miss, or we may have a problem? Okay?

>> No.14028929

Not sure of any, the sensation would be the same as writing about the feeling of being intelligent and seeing the adults around you turn into lesser intelligent versions of themselves. I was very not attractive and grew up to be a solid 8/10, so I have some relatively good perspective. Quite honestly, it matters way less than you'd assume. It helps with being initially likeable, but men, especially in interviews, will give me a skeptical second look, as they don't think I've been in my current role due to pure merit, whereas women seem to like me significantly more. Additionally, girls hitting on me isn't really a joy as they're nearly universally 4s and the decently attractive ones generally don't, but will sit near me and smile at me occasionally. One thing of note is that attractiveness is VERY relative. I'm a good looking dude, but if there's a better looking guy in the room, then the effect is gone. The only up side is because I care about my partner's looks a lot, I don't have to worry about dating outside my league.

>> No.14028936

i saw a girl that looked like this on the plane today. we exchanged smiles. it gave me hope.

>> No.14028941

I got to see Some Like it Hot in theaters during a local classics night, it was great. My girlfriend complained it was too slow.

Dude, Marilyn Monroe blasted nips no bra in every top and dress the entire movie. It was amazing. Particularly in one scene where she is on a stage holy fuck. Imagine being a teenager in the 50s and going home to fap to the thought of those. Her tits were only Ds but the shape and perk was incredible.

>> No.14028946
File: 365 KB, 2000x1000, o-WOMAN-DISGUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did her smile look like this?

>> No.14028951

la goblina grasa

>> No.14028968

>they're nearly universally 4s
isn't 5 average looking?

>> No.14028991

Yes, but 4s are below average and desperate.

>> No.14029013

aw man don't make me sad anon

>> No.14029083

No. A part of being attractive is being aware of it. Read Kierkegaard's Either/Or

>> No.14029218

im an attractive female who is very introverted.

i go out with my angry bitch face and people's emotions are tied to how my face looks it's pretty weird. people notice me and my face and are instantly influenced by what mood i am feeling. when i am smiling, i will see others smiling, when i look to a certain tree i notice other people will look at it too. it's a strange phenomenon, because all i want is to be invisible and yet i am everything but that. you cant walk outside without everyone trying to hover around you, the park you want to sit and read your book will be slowly filling up with other randoms. if you read on the bus you'll slowly notice other people taking out their books and "reading" idk being beautiful is hell and no upsides unless you love attention

>> No.14029245

>when i am smiling, i will see others smiling,
That happens with everybody. But maybe being pretty you get more people looking.
>when i look to a certain tree i notice other people will look at it too
Normal. They’re like “what’s in the tree?”
>all i want is to be invisible
No cleavage, no legs, nose in book. You’re invisible

>> No.14029698

Man, I wish my problems were this trivial.

>> No.14029850

Both look fine though. It's just a different style, one being more homely, the other being more polished.

>> No.14029863

Please never talk about sex ever again please

>> No.14029922

You're a faggot.

>> No.14030320

>people's emotions are tied to how my face looks it's pretty weird. people notice me and my face and are instantly influenced by what mood i am feeling.
I'm a guy and I experience the same, sometimes in a very overt way. I think it has more to do with having an expressive face, or some kind of emotional sensitivity that reflects your inner state more strongly in your features than for most people, and less with strictly how attractive you are.

>> No.14030329

Imagine being this self-absorbed holy shit.

>> No.14030334


>> No.14030392

i've been on 4chan since the times of moot and snacks and in more than 10 years there's never been ONE single tripfag who isn't a mouthy authist who is clearly overcompensating because he's too ugly in real life to have any human interaction

>> No.14030400
File: 33 KB, 450x433, Mothbegone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moth must die.

>> No.14030434

me, as a devilishly attractive young male, can confirm this girl is a piece of shit

>> No.14030626

the larper you replied to said he's attractive while we all know you're not.

>> No.14030677

Bitch made every woman jealous and every man her puppet.

>> No.14030696

man she looks super cute on the left

>> No.14030702

The Picture of Dorian Grey

>> No.14030837
File: 605 KB, 1920x1186, Marilyn14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup even now there seems to be something special about her
there have been attempts recently to disgrace her, claim she was somehow fake (well duh, she was an actress) or not really attractive. fuck that, she was gorgeous.

>> No.14031090

damn this

>> No.14031102

do you know why women like to have beta orbiters? where´s the fun in that?

>> No.14031119

Apparently she also was a sweet girl who ended terribly. Iirc there were only a handful of people at her funeral. A stellar example of how some professional environment are like grinding machines.

>> No.14031125

Not her, but feed the ego without effort, I guess? Must feel noce from times to times.
Also I suppose you can't really escape it unless you actively drive most people away, which would be both exhausting and a bit depressing.

(t. ugly male making conjectures)

>> No.14031135

If you're an attractive woman you have to actually make a large effort to not automatically attract orbiters. Merely not being a complete bitch will cause a circle of them to form around you.

>> No.14031144

I'm a guy and I've had girl orbiters before, mainly younger girls in school. If it's anything the same for girls, it's just pleasant and feeds the ego. What's not to like

>> No.14031159

4/10 bait

>> No.14031200

1. it gives them self confidence
2. they don't want to hurt feelings

>> No.14031210

This. Isn't it the literal plotline of what OP asked?

>> No.14031223


>> No.14031246
File: 19 KB, 343x303, Gary Grimes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a teenager in the 1950s without the internet or enough pocket change for a porn mag that faps to the memory of actresses in movies you saw earlier that night

why live?

>> No.14031309

Attractive people don't choose to 'have orbiters', the entire concept of the orbiter is that they orbit without consent. Even the most mundane signs of friendly acknowledgement of a potential orbiter can result in those overly-optimistic people misconstruing your intentions and assuming the romantic rather than the platonic.

>> No.14031325

for the record, i had an average "cute" girl (not attractive) wanting me to become her obiter, at first she came to me as appearing she was into me but later i found out she was using me for attention, of course i don´t talk to her now

i can assure you some women want to have orbiters

>> No.14031331

Perhaps. I'm only speaking from my knowledge as an apparently attractive guy and my own experience with female orbiters. The orbiter as a concept might change if you're a woman.

>> No.14031362

Not him but it sort of does. Not to a large extent but people, especially attractive women who are used to orbiters would have ways to make a guy be their orbiter. I was in a similar situation too, had an attractive colleague who would try to use me as her emotional tampon.

>> No.14031363


You've been bested at your own game, tripfaggot. There's nothing you can do to reverse what I've just done. You wanted attention so you donned a tripcode. Now you literally cease to exist for me. I'll never see another one of your posts ever again. You can respond to my post but it will be utterly, utterly futile. I won't be able to read it. Chances are others have filtered you based on your vain attempts to draw attention to yourself in this thread, but did not announce it. In addition to this, others will follow my example and filter you based on this post. You have no recourse here, no plan, no fallback. If you had just posted anonymously you could have gotten the attention you so desperately need by making actual thought-provoking, intelligent posts. Now your world will just get smaller and smaller until your posts aren't visible by anyone.

You are defeated, tripfaggot. Completely and thoroughly vanquished.

>> No.14031458

THOTs be Mirin

Ayo Ho!
I scan the room but you always lookin' at me
Ayo Ho!
Yo eyes don't move fast as you think
Fuck you lookin my way anyway?
You came in wit a dood on yo arm

>> No.14031566

You can't fake that kind of screen presence. In modern times only Arnold has had it to anything like Monroe's level