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/lit/ - Literature

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14013942 No.14013942 [Reply] [Original]

>Looking through Goodreads accounts
>Books added: one million
>Books to-read: 999,999
Why do people do this? Do they think it makes them some kind of a literary connoisseur by adding every book they see, even though it's obvious they can't actually ever read them?

I want to understand these people.

>> No.14013949

it's very easy to add books onto the backlog, especially when it's your hobby and are constantly being recommended or discovering new books

>> No.14013955

they want to read
they want the perks of reading
but they won't commit

>> No.14013977

>Looking through Goodreads accounts
Why do people do this?

>> No.14014310

What's your own ratio of added-to-read?

Mine's 94,66%

>> No.14014334

I don't add more books than I've read, and I'll go and cut away superfluous books I wont actually read if it grows too much.

>> No.14014779

I only add books that I'm sure I'll want to read at some point in the near future, so that I won't forget about them.

>> No.14014935

what's wrong with keeping track of the books you want to read?

>> No.14014949

it's embarrassing when you don't square up with who you could be which the to-read vs read lists may reveal when compared

>> No.14015100
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Nothing, but when you have more to-read books than you could conceivably read even if you spent every waking moment in your entire lifetime reading books, and when your count of actually read books is like FIVE, you just look like a fucking poser that's adding every book he sees in order to swell up the magic number and gain a lot of attention. You don't actually like to read.

>> No.14015668

Mine's around 50%. It's just a way to list books i'm potentially interested in reading at some point. Unfortunately my memory isn't good enough to remember them otherwise.

>> No.14015861

not having at least several thousand ebooks in your backlog