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/lit/ - Literature

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14006533 No.14006533 [Reply] [Original]

I love this guy and listening to his lectures; but all of his books are full of continental pseudery. They don't make any sense; Zizek just goes on spewing bullshit as he goes writing.

>> No.14006535

No he doesn't.

>> No.14006585

Dude, it's modern philosophy. You really think anyone is saying anything interesting and worth reading anymore? Nothing new or relevant has been said in ages. It's all self masturbatory language tricks that lead to ideas already talked about for centuries.

>> No.14006597

Welcome to the world of post-modernism

>> No.14006778
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>Nothing new or relevant has been said in ages. It's all self masturbatory language tricks that lead to ideas already talked about for centuries.
This; so much this. I was reading the other day what Tolstoy thought about the philosophy of the past, and he said that in the end there will be only be the ancients like Jesus, Buddha, Mahommed, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius; and the moderns like Rousseau and Kant; but all the rest will be forgotten and has been superfluous. Great philosophy ended with Wittgenstein; after that, it's all meaningless drivel.

>> No.14006869

All philosophy ends with religion
t. Levin Konstantin

>> No.14006891

this take never fails to get a yikes from me

>> No.14006956


>> No.14007000

It's in the same vein as the moronic claim made Charles Duell that everything had been invented

>> No.14007022

It's the same attitude as people who claim modern literature is garbage but will jerk off Pynchon, Joyce, ect. Give it 100 years and there will be pseuds saying there hasn't been any good philosophers since the golden age of the 21st C when Zizek, Meillassoux, and Baidou were alive.

>> No.14007065

>This; so much this.
this is one of those plebbit/twitter shiboleth's. Its kind of like calling someone a cuck. People stop listening after you say it. Also, Wittgenstein is peak pseud. Although I agree generally with your proposition. Give or take a few notables.

>> No.14007070

t. has read maybe 1 Ed feser book and 2 Plato dialogues, has a PDF of the seraphim rose book on nihilism on his pc which he hasn’t read (next to some evolas and that ‘libido dominandi’ book - Is thinking about deleting michael gira’s the consumer for being ‘degenerate’ and worldly), has ‘Christ: the eternal tao’ and ‘the reign of quantity and the sign of the times’ on his goodreads ‘to read’ list, makes regular haughty and mocking replies whenever he sees people talking about modern philosophers he hasn’t read; is particularly incensed by discussion of people like Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida etc., tried to read alasdair Macintyre once but found himself rereading basic sentences four, maybe five times, used to idolise Mishima as a traditionalist but now skirts around the topic of his sexuality, browses the Catholic subreddit sometimes but gets annoyed by the light tone of conversation and stops browsing within a day or two, says he might check out this ‘tradcath’ subreddit sometime but never does—he isn’t attracted to online spaces which don’t irritate him: he likes the orthodox subreddit for the occasional ‘based’ pictures of hirsute priests blessing ak-47s but blushes when some regular and well-respected poster (who he imagines to be grave, broad and muscular, like a Slavic bear) talks (without hysteria or moralism but rather with penetrating insight) about the western alt-right noodle-arms that mistakenly think they’re in good company on orthodox discussion forums, and quickly retreats back to the anonymity of 4chan, misses the mde and common filth subreddits but is ashamed of having ever indulged in such vulgar and un-erudite company, the lowbrow circumstances of his first steps toward conversion constitute a serious threat to his self-identity and the attractive notion that his conversion was motivated by the discovery of the arcane logics and argumentation rigour of the Catholic Church

>> No.14007091

Project more, faggot.

>> No.14007111

That's why you read analytic papers.

>> No.14007113


>> No.14007145

>I wanted to get away from self masturbatory language tricks, so I started reading analytic philosophy
t. literally no one ever

>> No.14007186

Another post on lit where someone with no knowledge about the topic at hand gives their strongly held opinion about the matter.

Analytic philosophy literally exists to do away with all the sophistry and linguistic confusion brought about by continental philosophy. Analytic papers put their definitions forward first, and their operating assumptions as well as a justification of them, and proceed to reason to their conclusion concisely.

>> No.14007250

This works marvelously within a particular system but is incapable of thinking the limits of its own system of thought. Restricting oneself to analytic philosophy is staying in the padded hugbox and refusing to face the brutal messiness of the real world

>> No.14007313

>develop language
>use it to explore abstract ideas
>run out of abstract ideas which are possible to express with your language
>"should we advance the development of the language to enable it to explore more complex abstractions?"
>plunder other languages instead looking for words with meanings not yet examined in your language
>repeat for 4000 years
>run out of words on earth
>"Should we advance the development of the language now?"
>declare philosophy dead

>> No.14007360

>They don't make any sense
They make perfect sense, but you have to put in work first. His books are not youtube videos crafted for consumption by internet-addicted zombie children, but for people familiar with the Hegelian/Marxist/Freudian/Lacanian/Post-Structuralist background.

>> No.14007369

same people that think poetry has no philosophical relevance.

>> No.14007834


>> No.14008146

You talk to yourself a lot.

>> No.14008409

All philosophy is just a bunch of crap people made up. Ditto religion, science, etc. Sometimes it accidentally aligns with an observable effect. Sometimes it accidentally aligns better, sometimes worse. Sometimes it causes an effect. But it’s all just people spewing.

At least Z’s spewing is kind of humorous.

>> No.14008410

>Another post on lit where someone with no knowledge about the topic at hand gives their strongly held opinion about the matter.

>Analytic philosophy literally exists to do away with all the sophistry and linguistic confusion brought about by continental philosophy

too dumb to live

>> No.14008412

>>Nothing new or relevant has been said in ages. It's all self masturbatory language tricks that lead to ideas already talked about for centuries

Even the “relevant” stuff is still just this.

>> No.14008439

>pointless drivel
>self masturbatory
>word salad
>navel gazing
>14 year old stoner

Okay guys I've almost finished my fool proof /lit/ pseud filter, anything you want to add?

>> No.14008522

I think the problem with Zizek is that he actually makes sense. When you read some insane left wing gibberish you just dismiss it as convoluted nonsense, but when you read Zizek, you're struck by how fucking dumb he is; he just happens to have the balls to say the dimwitted bullshit other fellow leftists wrap in jargon.

>> No.14008529

>but when you read Zizek, you're struck by how fucking dumb he is; he just happens to have the balls to say the dimwitted bullshit other fellow leftists wrap in jargon.

He doesn't repeat ANY brainlet lib talking points you retard, learn to read

>> No.14008892
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Stop using abstract ideas.

>> No.14008899

>modern philosophy.
Sophistry was BTFO so bad they had to adopt a baby name from their enemies to be taken seriously.