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/lit/ - Literature

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14005709 No.14005709 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no substantial literature about anime? There is serious criticism directed towards literature, music, film, painting, etc., but not anime. What will it take for anime to be considered at the level that these other media are? I’m wrong, please direct me to any literature
Inb4 anything about “le children’s medium”; anime has produced veritable masterpieces through its history. And yes, there are innumerable mindless, vulgar anime, but Sturgeon’s law applies here like anything else
How can we rectify this situation, /lit/?

>> No.14005719
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>why is there no literature about cartoons literally made for children

The state of this fucking board, I swear ahahahaha

>> No.14005729

>How can we rectify this situation, /lit/?
Banning anime posters on sight

>> No.14005735
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>“le children’s medium”
>muh literary merit
life is so tough sometimes *sob*

>> No.14005744
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Do you mean book written about anime series?

I know two; 'Set Apart' by Daniel Cronquist, and 'The Folklorist' by Jeffery Tolbert/Michael Foster (it has a section to do with 'Princess Tutu').

>> No.14005756
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oh and this I guess.

>> No.14005762

Ignore the naysayers, they’re just butt blasted that their waifus aren’t real
It’s on us to seriously analyze anime and reveal its depth, not in the way most people have done by comparing anime to philosophers, religions, etc, but by analyzing the works on their own, the cultural context, and their relevance to today

>> No.14006653

Beautiful Fighting Girl is a good piece about anime's impact on young men.

>> No.14006740

>For Saito, the beautiful fighting girl is a complex sexual fantasy that paradoxically lends reality to the fictional spaces she inhabits. As an object of desire for male otaku (obsessive fans of anime and manga), she saturates these worlds with meaning even as her fictional status demands her ceaseless proliferation and reproduction. Rejecting simplistic moralizing, Saito understands the otaku’s ability to eroticize and even fall in love with the beautiful fighting girl not as a sign of immaturity or maladaptation but as a result of a heightened sensitivity to the multiple layers of mediation and fictional context that constitute life in our hypermediated world—a logical outcome of the media they consume.

>> No.14006868

because anime speaks for itself. That's angel's egg right?

>> No.14006883

Angel's Egg is overrated.

>> No.14006885

yeah but kino masterpieces like Ninja Scroll aren't

>> No.14006888

Susan Napier.

Also you'll like a youtube channel called Pause and Select. It's pleasingly separate from the rest of anime youtube.
(this one is part 3 of a series but you should watch all three in order if you are so inclined)

>> No.14006893

forgot the 3rd video

>> No.14006896

Don't these guys also like to inject some woke politics here and there as well? Maybe I'm confusing P&S with some other channel.

>> No.14006904

As far as I know, it's just one guy. I'm not sure about his politics. I don't need him to align with my thinking completely. I'm happy with the effort he puts in and he does try to do close(closer than fucking Digibro, mother's basement, and so on) readings of some genuinely good shows and manga.

>> No.14006998

>Why is there no substantial literature about anime?
There's no market for takes on anime. You see, anime interest as we have it now arises from the posibilities of the Internet. Everybody here sees themselves entilted to their own opinion, as if one reigns soberany on what one thinks, this is the freedom that stands to the anime viewer. People, who consume it, don't want to know of what it's to say about anime, even less from a formal, academic and theorical framework. People don't want to put in risk their views, people are repulsed to bear the weight of the voice of authority, even if this same 'authority' is nothing more than a name in a book that has no more authority on the subject than the one who reads it. How can any substancy on anime ever be found on books (the academic work) if the experts (they see themselves as such) are not there. Any attempt would be seen as the view of an outsider or an amateur.
You see how any opinion on anime is founded in 'taste', that is why there's no interest on any substantial analysis of works, because every instance is a competition and every take is a 'reafirmation of superiority'.

What you want to be can only be made by someone as passionate but as scholarly capable to handle the project. Most of the ones who have the knowledge, experience and insight to approach the anime medium lack the formal instruction to undertake a serius academic level investigation. And the ones who can are probably so involved on the department where they learn it that they wouldn't adress in depth and properly on anime. A truly anime scholar can only rise from the conjugation of both of these two aspects.

>How can we rectify this situation, /lit/?
I don't know is there's a place on Academy, even less on th editorial world. But then we fall on the same conflict, relegated to youtube channels and anime blogs.
You want to rectify something, so you write and you do it right, within a framework and as professional as posible.

>> No.14007002

What kind of artistic medium is limited to a single country

>> No.14007006

Don't believe the weebs, anime is literally just animation from any country

>> No.14007014

>by analyzing the works on their own, the cultural context
These two are fundamental. And how the works emerge, what are their influences inside and outside the manga/anime medium.
>and their relevance to today
I guess that's a plus, or a topic on their own.

>> No.14007098

The golden age of anime was the 80s, 90s and very early 2000s,everything else after that(expect some decent works) has been trash

>> No.14007424

There's also Otaku: Japan's Database Animals. Azuma's concept of database consumption is both easier to grasp and more readily apparent than Saito's phallic girl.

>> No.14007581

The basic form of anime, the actual animation and such, lends itself to contempt and ridicule when seen by outsiders. At least that's my gut reaction, as someone who doesn't watch it. Particularly given its (willing?) association with pornography. hence it's not seen in the same light as the art forms you listed.