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14000932 No.14000932 [Reply] [Original]

Describe your city/town without actually naming it as a worsting exercise

>> No.14000935

*writing exercise

>> No.14001063

big apple baby

>> No.14001085

Aesthetically pleasing artist commune which experiences political violence every dry season.

>> No.14001088

blursting excercise

>> No.14001089


>> No.14001090

some old spics and whites who I never see

>> No.14001098

I'm from Chicago but I have lived abroad for a few years. Have they finished any of these new supertall buildings yet? My parents and friends all live in Jefferson Park and never go downtown.

>> No.14001113

The Crown Jewel of Northeast Ohio

>> No.14001116

excellent based on standard of living, but boring

>> No.14001117

A wet city split by a river crisscrossed by about a dozen bridges. Known for roses

>> No.14001123

Tall needle looking building, hellish winter



>> No.14001130

Beautiful landscape and weather. But massively overcrowded. If two thirds of the population were culled, it would be paradise. Far too many folks funnelled into this furrow, but still fun and fascinating if you find the funds.

>> No.14001134

Known nationally for being hell, known internationally for the fart guy

>> No.14001136

Anachronistic fortress, where scrapers meets old copper roofs

>> No.14001140

Cowtown... urban-sprawl, but fresh clean mountain air to push the exhaust away.

>> No.14001148

'The crown-jewel of the prairies, and situated at the confluence of the Elbow and Bow...'
But yah, sounds about right... hopefully that's changing.

>> No.14001152

Ah yes, Love Park, conveniently situated two blocks from city hall on 17th and JFK. Only a short walk from Independence Mall, and if you get hungry you can grab a cheese steak on the waterfront of either the Delaware or Schukyill river. Go Eagles! its always sunny. Our nations first capital. Starts with a P. In pennsylvania.

>> No.14001153



>> No.14001157

Hippie SJW coffee-loving fags and a lot of crazy homeless people. Rains too much.

>> No.14001162

Seattle or Vancouver.

>> No.14001165


>> No.14001166
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I lived in Chicago for a short while. I fucking hated how flat it was and how depressing everything looked. All the pictures show you some cyberpunk shots of Willis Tower or Millennium Park when really this is what life in the majority of Chicago/Illinois actually looks like. Not to mention all the ugly condo developments popping up everywhere.

>> No.14001167

Seattle. The rain hint probably made it too obvious

>> No.14001171

lmao. Marseille? Marseille gets shit on so much but it's so much better than Paris.

>> No.14001182

Portland or Seattle

>> No.14001188

we are a micro version of Boston: small and overpriced but hey, it's safe.

>> No.14001192

Don't you, forget about me...

>> No.14001194

Somewhat of an economic hub, yet mostly a tourist attraction. Historic, full of places that boomers, chinks, and euros eat the shit out of even though some of the most interesting historic places are off the main stretch. Cunty people when it comes to sports, would avoid the city whenever a major sport event happens whether they win or not. A good word of advice is to not go too far north or too far south, keep to the east of one river and west to another. Avoid steak tourist trap joints.

>> No.14001200

A brewery on every street corner, dilapidated houses from the 1960's, and niggers as far as the eye can see.

>> No.14001207

pajeets, rain, clouds, dejected californians, homeless, open air drug markets, and women with dyed hair

>> No.14001211

Constant roadwork, high concentration of PHDs, very fast growing, small but big enough to not feel cramped, mild weather

>> No.14001214

Dudebro, USA

>> No.14001216

Move out

>> No.14001219

Oh hi butterfly
h-how are you doing
*looks away*
I was j-just thinking
*looks down*
about how you have a big floppy dick

>> No.14001224

Inner Harbor. Blacks. Fleet Street. Crime. Fayette Street. District Court. Hustler Club near by. Charles Street. Blacks. St. Paul. Crime. Crime. Crime. Crime. Blacks, too.

>> No.14001227

lube up your biypussy yeh
im gonna strech it good cunt
get u nice and pregnant yeh

>> No.14001233

definitely Portland, or Seattle I guess

>> No.14001237


>> No.14001238

San Antonio

>> No.14001243

Bulletmore, Murderland

>> No.14001247 [DELETED] 

Surrounded by concrete, and large amounts of urban sprawl. Our coast provides us with the beauty that other places try to emulate, our people of different backgrounds and socioeconomic conditions live in enclaves, often segregated. Many in the country want to move here, others want to see it burn. The latter seems more and more likely, considering the deity that crafted this place did so like a tinder box full of dead and dying trees ready to be ignited. The beauty of this city, with all it's problems, it's injustice, it's congestion, it's smog is it has an inexplicable charm that provides a sense of belonging and willingness to return to.

>> No.14001250

Marshland. Humid. Any business that comes, shortly after leaves. Nothing stays save for death and the old and sick and the young that soon go away, only to return in their tired bodies.

>> No.14001253

Surrounded by concrete, and large amounts of urban sprawl. Our coast provides us with the beauty that other places try to emulate, our people of different backgrounds and socioeconomic conditions live in enclaves, often segregated. Many in the country want to move here, others want to see it burn. The latter seems more and more likely, considering the deity that crafted this place did so like a tinder box full of dead and dying trees ready to be ignited. The beauty of this city, with all its problems, its injustice, its congestion, its smog is it has an inexplicable charm that provides a sense of belonging and willingness to return to.

>> No.14001255

St Louis Missouri

>> No.14001258

wow, poetic

>> No.14001268

An absolute hellscape. An assault on the mind. To live here is to experience the true wonder of our unbounded penchant for narcissistic evil. The smug sense of self satisfaction stains the bleak faces of the citizens here. They're transgressive, but against whom? There is no one here who opposes their outlook on life or their disguisting re-affirmations of the myth of liberation. The bogey man in their head of the repressive religious man 3 states over fuels each and every decision in which each transgressive act must show the pure negation of this purported evil.

I fucking hate portland oregon

>> No.14001271


>> No.14001285


>> No.14001293

I was walking to my dead end job working for a Turkish guy waiting tables and I saw a dead seagull on the road. When I was walking back the bird was pulverised my cars which had driven over it the whole day. The bird is my life

>> No.14001302

Definitely Pittsburgh

>> No.14001372


>> No.14001381


>> No.14001385


>> No.14001399

Ann Arbor? Madison?

>> No.14001400

I actually really like those houses. Built to last.

>> No.14001425

Cemented and sedentary, a murmur to be forgotten with the worlds dotage, sickly vanilla

>> No.14001438

The pungent stench of Latina brappers piercing the neon luminescence

>> No.14001460

Has to be Boston or Philly

>> No.14001547


>> No.14001558 [DELETED] 


A sleepwalking fawn, her floating hooves transcend the pasture. Oozing up the hill, manifold briefcases city-bound. And smells to please the yuppies; bagel shops & milquetoast cafes. The mornings are so still the bluebird's flit is paradoxical. Naturally us blacks are left the downhill-homes, and of course our lovely town is advertised for all its fashionable diversity. But never mind the bitching, there are dog-parks & dog-walkers, elementary schools that cultivate strawberry gardens. Bring lots of friends and money, there is perfect silence under beeswax sky.

>> No.14001582


A sleepwalking fawn, her floating hooves transcend the pasture. Oozing up the hill, manifold briefcases city-bound. And smells to please the yuppies; bagel shops & milquetoast cafes. The mornings are so still the bluebird's flit is paradoxical. Naturally us blacks are left the downhill-homes, and of course our lovely town is advertised for all its fashionable diversity. But never mind the bitching, there are dog-parks & dog-walkers, elementary schools that cultivate petite strawberry gardens. Bring lots of friends and money, there is perfect silence under beeswax sky.

>> No.14001600

North America’s first Asian metropolis. A well run offshore bank and tax haven rising out of the ocean.

>> No.14001606

city of angels

>> No.14001609

Had a huge microbrew industry that failed catastrophically.

>> No.14001612

>Willis Tower

>> No.14001855


>> No.14001871


>> No.14001925










>> No.14001934

You write like a transplant

>> No.14001958

I don’t know, but literally every road between my apartment and work is under construction and my toilet is broken but I must shit. For those and several other reasons I want to kill myself.

>> No.14001977

Quintessential American small town surrounded by vineyards and rolling green hills. A short drive away from a beautiful coast line with water that'll freeze you to death quick. Farmers, mexicans, hippies, rich stem boomers, young professionals in a brewery, homeless, and doomers who didn't move out after hs

>> No.14001984

Largest urban forest yeeeehhaawww

>> No.14002028

I would have said Portland, ME, but you said "safe," which also rules out Worcester and Manchester, so I'm at a loss>>14001188

>> No.14002058

>overly literal and political description
Yuck. The word “socioeconomic” should not be used in prose.

>> No.14002060

Urheimat of the Rus and Varangians.

>> No.14002064

Marlboro Man paradise on the way from America’s homegrown niche Mecca to its contemporary cathedral. The lights get dimmer every day, and we’ve lately started to trade in the Cadillacs for a new pair of shoes, but in the few dingy candle-lit hearths a certain danger still lurks and occasionally explodes, either as a roar of quarters or a hail of bullets in the middle of town.

>> No.14002073

i only have to go outside to see all cultures of the world

>> No.14002076


>> No.14002080

Two places:

First. Deserts, and new riches. Sailors, migrants, moneymen, kings, bedouins of old. Almost souless, but with sincere heart and once-sincere people. Twenty impermanent years here. They don't like me though, so every day is not lived without fear.

Second. Green trees and telephone poles.
Only home that'll never kick me out. Land I've never lived in, but land I'm immortally bound to. Anantha blesses us with downpour and warm dew. How I wish, in my heart of hearts, that I could be more like you.

>> No.14002084

You guys are fucking insane.

You are literally fucking insane. How can you be such fucking faggots and be okay with yourselves? :3

>> No.14002118 [DELETED] 

Cold, progressive, artsy, Scandinavian, Somalian, bicycle-friendly, nice parks, and based.

>> No.14002121

Please don't tell me you call it the... Sears Tower.

>> No.14002295

The most boring fucking capital in the world, which happens to be in a country which was once nice but now deserves a good couple of nukes to straighten out its economically colonised, psychologically castrated and frankly faggy population.

>> No.14002346


>> No.14002439

A sun-scorched wasteland terraformed to accommodate 100,000 ex-yuppies and their spawn, connected to civilization by a fuming, gleaming artery as perpetually clogged as those of most of its travelers, who crawl back and forth from their employment and entertainment to a soundtrack of country, gospel, pop, or banda.

>> No.14002458

A dump between 7 mountains. It used to smell fish at the market. These days it reeks of cumin, immigrants and piss-soaked alcoholics. The nickname of the city is not even original, it was stolen from Rome by a mong in 350 years ago.

>> No.14002508


>> No.14002553

The home of the cackling big fat greek

>> No.14002604

The squiggly one is not finished. I just did an architecture river cruise a few weekends ago and the guy doing the commentary mentioned it. Funny story actually
>This building here is the X building, it’s the tallest building in the world designed by a woman
>I SAID: it’s the tallest building in the world designed by A WOMAN
>mild clapping and cheering ensues
It was just like Jeb Bush’s “please clap”

>> No.14002620

>a country which was once nice

>> No.14002625

A fairly unremarkable, former mining town.

Rather poor by German standards and a bit run down , very spread out due to the different municipalities only becoming a single "city" only due to some 70s administration reforms.

The population can be split in three groups:
1/3 of migrants and their descendants, 1/3 german locals below retirement age, and 1/3 german locals above retirement age awaiting their deaths.

>> No.14002628

leaf, bunch a jews, italians, greeks, and sand nignogs

>> No.14002687

Cold, wet, flat, etc; 15% of it is referenced in 95% of the novels that take place in it, the rest is proof of why its pretentious inhabitants are a scourge on life itself. Hint: not anglophone.

>> No.14002695

St. Petersburg

>> No.14002706


>> No.14002708

Why is Vasilievsky island so boring? It’s supposedly the famous center of the city and is mentioned in novels but I just stayed there last month for a few days and it is basically 95% residential. I loved Petersburg but it’s way too crowded with fucking boomers and Asians and so I prefer Moscow

>> No.14002711

>I loved Petersburg but it’s way too crowded with fucking boomers and Asians
St. Petersburg is now infested with Asians too?
Fuck, is nowhere safe?

>> No.14002722

I hypothesize that There are more Chinese tourists in Russia at any given time than there are Russians

>> No.14002768

Mostly it's not the center - Vasilievsky feels like a completely different city, to be honest. If you came during off-season, you'd see much less chinks and german boomers around. Though clearly touristy spots are always somewhat crowded. Can't say much for how Moscow is, though.

>> No.14002786

A city in the middle of nothing placed as a transit hub for transit that was completely destroyed, so it now serves no purpose other than being larger than other cities in the region.
A tiny inner circle of urban area surrounded by affluent white suburbs so terrified of black people that they refuse to build any public transportation, hoping this will strand all of the negroes in the city center. The result is that everyone spends three hours a day sitting in traffic on the interstate to go home to their disgusting suburb indistinguishable from all of the other ones, each looking like such an exaggerated burgerpunk nightmare that half of this board would think they were photoshopped.
A hot and miserable city that I'm moving out of as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.14002819


>> No.14002824

I see how you might've got there but no

>> No.14002827


>> No.14002832


>> No.14002873

Two good neighbourhoods. Stable, clean, and boring. Surrounded by prairies. Recenly rejuvenated downtown. That is all.

>> No.14002890

Once upon a time, a drunkard limping home from his favoured boozehole saw an orange glow emanating from the top of our perpetually unfinished cathedral. He ran back to the bar, swung open the doors and cried "The tower's on fire!" The barman gathered his buckets, his customers filled them up and passed them through, all the way to the tower. When the first person reached the top of the tower, he didn't see any flames; all he saw was the orange moon, shedding fiery light over the rooftops of the city.

Як cпpaви, київ?

>> No.14002908

New York?

>> No.14002912

The land where nothing can move.
Cars can not roam, ideas never become reality, relationships do not form, ...
Not for this land being timeless as they say. But because it declares the ages, and has failed to do so many times that time does not move.
What joy outsiders find in our monuments to the dead that just stand here and there which makes it all feel more alive.
Only time will tell us if we matter, yet the world worries for us as we worry not.

>> No.14002928



>> No.14002930

Calm, classicist and mildly reactionary big city, and yet the one with the highest influence of progressivism, postmodernism and neoliberalism in the entire country if not the entire part of the continent.

>> No.14002933



>> No.14002952


>> No.14002963

Not quite as faggy as that, fortunately

>> No.14002988

Went to SPb for New Years and genuinely loved it. Can't explain why but I've read so much Russian lit that my mind has already romanticized the city, despite the lit always being depressing and seemingly miserable. Would it be feasible/wise for a foreigner to seek a creative job there and work for a couple years?

>> No.14003001

Though it's entitled stab city,
It is not quite really so gritty
It has some allure
It is not just some boor
The greatest in the propinquity.

>> No.14003011

This doesn't make any sense at all

>> No.14003018

What are the good two neighborhoods (if you are speaking about Calgary)?

>> No.14003022

The least spic ridden texas city.

>> No.14003046

404 not found

>> No.14003189

I can't remember what book, but it started a chapter about visiting my city in the winter with
>To call a place Godforsaken is to imply that God once took an interest in the place.

>> No.14003198

I've met plenty of foreigners who've moved here with that intention, but if you dont speak russian well enough, you'd probably have to just be an english teacher. Wouldn't pursue a creative job specifically - when i stop to think about it, there arent that many opportunities for foreigners seeking that kind of stuff there, despite its reputation. It's not implausable, but not probable to make good money from creative writing.

>> No.14003214

Not speaking about Calgary. Speaking to OP. But I'm speaking about a city that Calgarians would know about.

>> No.14003226
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>> No.14003268

Why so?

>> No.14003294

A small grey puddle of glass and steel unceremoniously placed at the foot of noble mountains. The juxtaposition between the sterile artificiality of the city and the gorgeous natural palisades behind it elicits a feeling of disdain. Crackheads have formed a parallel society within their quarantined allotment of land. These urban campers are supervised by babysitter police officers parked in cruisers along their bazaar of stolen goods; fights are broken up then left alone. Street geology remains the hobby of choice. The city outside of these ten or so blocks is a sleepy, drenched exercise in futility. Sushi shops, nail salons, Starbucks, infinite bubble tea. Plaster castles built by the Chinese, dilapidated pebbledash waiting for its inevitable purchase and gentrification. Bars closed at 11pm. Yuppies in glass boxes going to the same four clubs over and over and over again. A lifeless wet rag of a city.

>> No.14003312

It's kind of tiny in the grand scheme of things, the weather is very nice and it's got almost twice as many churches as Moscow

>> No.14003323

...yes. The neighbourhoods are Whyte Ave and Alberta Ave.

>> No.14003327

Columbus is better. Clevelanders have the most cultlike selfpride.

>> No.14003343

Sounds like my hometown, but you forgot the exploding immigrant population, skyrocketing violent crime, and rampant opioid abuse.

>> No.14003434


>> No.14003467

All hills lead to the harbour-side where the long row of american restaurants and chains stretches on into the horizon. Turn your back from them and look up the steep hill of a street, almost vertical in gradient with all manner of little independent shops to satisfy your bleeding heart and soothe your throbbing wallet. Beyond the street is a place where the buildings are all old and the people all young, wearing their ski trip accents and snug dungarees with unconscious pride.
I live by the cathedral tower and yet hour after hour I hear no bells.

>> No.14003484

North Carolina's Cesspool of Sin

>> No.14003491

An uncentered and unending suburbia sprawling across unfriendly wasteland. Not yet even a century old and yet a megalopolis, a desert tumor, a vast cultural archipelago ununifed and unhistoried. The deeper history of the land lives on only in the bloodied names tacked onto hospitals and hiking trails, decontextualized til mere noises. Chicagoans and Mexicans flock in, carving out islands of their own and always unengaged in the city itself, uninterested in true society, in flowering a new identity, in giving forth new life. The pleasantest places nestled in foothills once obscure but increasingly cityscaped, bleak apartment complexes bursting forth like aloe blooms, exploding upward like agave stalks after a heavy rain, while in other corners monstrously large subtowns of retirees decay akin to fruit under the sun, while in yet other corners homeless addicts wander aimlessly, methamphetamined and fentanyled. If one is so disposed it is possible to drive over an hour and see naught but Walmart parking lot.

>> No.14003533

Mission Hill?

>> No.14003536

It was a little city, a lowercase version of its larger brother just forty miles West. In it was something for everyone - for the drinkers, the artists, the vegans, the blue-collars - but the homeless are the real treat. Call it the hipster vibe or the history of the town, but the homeless here have pressure to perform; all of them have some gimmick. Be it guitar or painting or magic tricks, you can see them hustling away on the street corners hoping a passerby will view them as some talent within misfortune.
The city votes blue, but there's not much else to expect from a university town. Somewhere around 40% of the jobs are through the university. If that university just one day disappeared, the whole town would collapse. There's only a thin border between buildings of education and grottos of booze and hook-ups. These structures mingle in a perverse love of each other, while the students pour over the bars with fake IDs and the oldheads moan and groan about "the damn kids." But its business, a hell of a lot of it, so it is tolerated.
There are a couple of holes in the wall where one can sit and enjoy the quiet. Little undiscovered places off old streets and undeveloped areas. That's the benefit of a town not being too big; there are still places to breathe without sharing your air. Nothings more than a twenty minute drive from here to there. Be as involved as you want, as foreign as you want, the town has a home for you. It is comfortable that way.

>> No.14003704


>> No.14003716

On any sunny weekend, the city's entire population shifts to the west. A long strip of blank tan canvas becomes a vibrant patchwork quilt. Upon it lie masses of mexicans, their ghetto blasters filling the air with norteno and reggeaton. Further up the coast these sounds are lost to the din of acoustic guitars coming from derelict vans and RVs, which is met with benign tolerance from the aging hippies who walk through it to meet the waves each day without fail. Still farther north the air vibrates with bass from hiphop and EDM, blasted for the benefit of the college crowd, before finally growing silent among the very old and very rich.

>> No.14003828

I both love and hate Vancouver

>> No.14003834
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, C31E7629-5B2E-4974-A094-EC8793E57DD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t say I’ve ever really been to Edmonton. Similar city I’ve heard

>> No.14003863

It's not so bad here. I recently moved back after living in Montreal for 5 years. I missed home more than I though I would, and while Montreal can be a really cool place to be, you see some diminishing returns in the long run.

>> No.14003940

A miner's town, a gambler's town, a junkie's town, a college town.

>> No.14003954

Den of vericlose streets
(fuck land developers)

>> No.14003959

The people I know seem to make the most of it. The culture of Calgary/Edmonton are shifting in a good direction. I’ve romanticized Montreal though, and having never been there, want to give it a go - but I’m locked into doing a PhD in Calgary.

>> No.14004041

Cyberpunk tropical metropolis

>> No.14004135


>> No.14004173

Montreal is like a mini European city. Some old architecture, breathtaking churches, and a good Metro. The live music, poetry, slam, whatever scene is decent for sure.
Finish your PHD, go to Montreal for a year, then move on.
That 124st/118ave pic brings me back. Used to live just north of Grant Mac when the tower was first getting built. Ugh. Avenue of Nations.
Either way, I love my city and wouldn't trade it for the world.

>> No.14004178

A third world town with 12k people suffering in it.

>> No.14004193

I agree with the idea that you should live in Montreal for a while at least. I was in love with it while I did my Masters and was living in the Mcgill ghetto, but once that's over and you live somewhere less anglo the corruption and resentment can really get to you.

>> No.14004200

>but once that's over and you live somewhere less anglo the corruption and resentment can really get to you.
inb4 seething poutinefrogs

>> No.14004229

literally the most corrupt city in the country, not even exaggerating. I happened to be there during a mayoral election and have the candidates looked like literal goombah thugs.

>> No.14004239

I appreciate that resentment (since I haven’t faced it) and deeply admire the Quebecois. I wish Canada had a mandatory civil/military service after high school, like Switzerland (helping in care homes, forestry management, etc,) and let’s say it guarantees free post-secondary, in which you had to go out of province it would be such a useful nation building tool. Would’ve loved something like that. I hate the meme fights between the provinces.

>> No.14004372
File: 61 KB, 750x1000, 794FE693-891F-4B23-B354-5BB723496A30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you were born just in time to see Canada form a national mandatory civil service in the territories for the purpose of developing a northwest passage

>> No.14004414

too many gooks, not enough girls in open-toed shoes.

>> No.14004465

I was thinking about running here in Calgary with that as a talking-point to start the conversation, along with massive tax changes (but I digress). And yah, working up North with Canadians from all around would be pretty fun. Possibly learning French/English along with way - helping control forest fires or w/e. It would help foster our post-national spirit, cutting across ethnic and cultural lines. But coupled with this program would be to eliminated diversity hires, and replace with quotes from this program, which In my opinion, would be much more effective in helping lower-income, women or minorities. So if your from a rich family you can choose to avoid it, but someone who serves the year gets free trade-school or university. They may have chosen doing a year in a program that they would then go to school for so have more experience and though you would essentially be an intern, you'd at least get something out of it. And additionally, the absolutely horrible foreign worker program could be eliminated since you would see young Canadians helping at government funded agencies seniors-homes, hospitals, mental health facilities. Even certain approved private industries (through partial government ownership), in my vision, like local, organic farms, or manufacturing could participate.

>> No.14004725

I do respect them quite a lot and I'm sympathetic to how they're often misunderstood by the rest of the country (bill 21 is a good example) but they have a tendency to be willfully ignorant of the rest of the world in defiance. Also, I will never understand how they can be so salty about being part of an anglo dominion, yet so comfortable with having most of their province run by italians.

>> No.14004793


>> No.14004933

Mormons and beaners together forever.

>> No.14004946

This could be anywhere in canada. Vancouver
Silver City NM

>> No.14005139

Agreed with this. Hell, give school credits out of it, so that people in the program could give four years then come out with a trade certificate or associates degree+free education at the university of their choice OR direct entry into the military/civil service. This would prevent the monopolization of higher education (and therefore entire sectors of the economy) by the coastal urbanite upper class- as we see in many industrialized countries-while also allowing a direct and meritocratic path into the upper levels of government and civil society. A foreign legion can even be established to provide a path for unskilled immigrants (say, refugees) to be trained and introduced to Canadian society.

>> No.14005222

Interesting addition. Having a stronger integration program is a good idea for refugees or immigrants. And this program could be used to rebuild cities and building, which is going to be needed in the coming years. It's funny reading the stats that refugees contribute more to the economy that these wealthy elites from China, Iran, Russia, etc. purchasing homes. Honestly, I'd eliminate TFW program, possibly naturalize them, but then (this probably isn't politically feasible) have a cap of income/assets that people trying to enter the country can have. Ex. if you have more than a million dollars in assets you cannot get citizenship, etc. I'd rather have potentially middle class immigration.

As for the rest of my polemic: BAN foreign ownership! Do what the Americans do and force people declare all overseas income and assets if you live in Canada, have permanent residence or are a citizen. Have the CRA apply to make a commission (%15) on successful prosecution of tax/asset evasion. Energy independence! Smash the tele-com monopolies! Revenue taxes on corporations, eliminate income tax for <50,000, raise capital gains tax.

We need a stronger left-populist party! The current NDP are too urban-elite orientated

>> No.14005234

Lakes with cat tails and eagles a mile from skyscrapers. Long stretches of Victorian mansions and a continuous chain of developed rivers, lakes, and bike trails around the whole region. The best fall colors of any city in the country

>> No.14005269

Mountain. Ocean. Gas.

>> No.14005285

What if we just stopped importing hundreds of thousands of people every year and allowed our cost of living to naturally lower as we adjust to normal reproductive patterns
It would also cause wages to go up
Fucking retard

>> No.14005291
File: 565 KB, 733x1200, Lucky_tsukasa_thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulless multi-cultural metal-and-glass city. Our New York but with fewer Jews and less gun violence AKA Toronto

>> No.14005302

I 100% agree with you, but its LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to have this as a piece of the platform. It has to be done subtly and in steps

>> No.14005310

Also: Look at the PPC... they are a laughing stock and are only talking about marginally reducing the immigration numbers. We're trapped in the paradigm of services needed to be funded by new labour, which you mention, it it sucks

>> No.14005315

tank plant

>> No.14005321

With modern climate projections, the northwest passage will be commercially viable within 40 years.
In order to properly settle this area, maintain an army capable of fending off Russian and American encroachment, and build the recourses needed to maintain such large (and previously unnavigated) shipping routes, it’s necessary to have a large population and tax base.
What’s more is that we are still a barely industrialized nation, with all our major industries being located in a small area along the East Coast. Although we’ve managed so far to keep our dollar at a favourable exchange rate, we are a second rate economy and without the capacity to pull our own on the world stage.
Canada has the potential to monopolize on a third of global trade through its northwest passage. It will only be capable of doing this if it has a population which isn’t stagnant and reactionary. Our growth rate is abysmal, and pointless isolationism will do nothing for our country.

>> No.14005323

From a small mining town plus monastery in the middle of nowhere to the industrial Pride of the Nation to a grey shitskin hellhole desperately tryng to rebrand itself as modern and green

>> No.14005335

definitely a worsting thread

>> No.14005337

Holy mother of neoliberal horseshit
Get the fuck out of my country

>> No.14005365

Our mayor smoked crack and hockey team hasn't won since black and white television.

>> No.14005367

Ever heard of this?


>> No.14005378

There aren't enough words in the english language to communicate my disgust. My life is worse off for having been made aware of this retarded initiative. My only solace is that it will not happen.

>> No.14005386

Passively suicidal cyclists threaten my every movement. They're legally invincible, and actively taunt diplomat's cars because there would be no consequences if either one tried to kill the other.

>> No.14005395

Hopefully not, but yah... this is why my idea for immigration reform seems radical. But no, gotta increase the population to have more consumer-cattle. Even there website, they talk about 'conservation' and 'green' but how fallacious that it is when having 100 million people as consumers... In Canada of all places, which is per-capita already abysmal in 'green' metrics. FUCK GLOBAL CAPITAL

>> No.14005448

Too easy

>> No.14005459

>Portland, ME

>> No.14005516



>> No.14005521

We're all transplants, anon. Native Angelenos are hard to come by.

>> No.14005526

What next, "we are all immigrants?"

>> No.14005527

Fucking hell. Boomers sold that city out

>> No.14005544

>yuck a word i don't like is being used in a thread with a generic writing prompt

>> No.14005553

What next, "fuck the jews, globalism, WHITES ONLY, REE racial slurs?"

>> No.14005568



>> No.14005574

Green ranges surrounding the whole thing yet dusty as fuck

>> No.14005607

A beautiful city full of ugly people, on a long slow slide from its halcyon 18th century days. A place some would rather or rather not be, depending on who's telling the story.

>> No.14005642


Salt Lake City

>> No.14005671

Spoiler alert: Every major city in the West right now, before the big collapse. Have fun!
(And you better move the fuck out before the fun starts.)

>> No.14005689

your head canon isn't unique anymore, i guess this is the level of imaginative thinking someone who lives off the internet does.

>> No.14005718

kitsch gambling mecca.

>> No.14006074

Given Canada’s ability to filter for almost exclusively educated high-IQ immigration, from a purely Darwinian standpoint we must applaud our immigration system as a bold experiment in eugenics- an emerging race, tall muscular black haired and fair skinned, forged by the best and brightest of the third world.

>> No.14006094

Energy capital of the state. Also frozen hell for half the year.

>> No.14006219


>> No.14006308

Trenton, NJ or Wilmington, Vermont

>> No.14006317

>Let's make everywhere Silicon Valley STEM Disneyworld
That sounds fucking awful, no thank you

>> No.14006323

What does Scaruffi do for a living? All I know about him is the /mu/ Beatles copypasta

>> No.14006325

>Let's make everywhere Bible Belt Coal Mining Ranch Wyoming
That sounds fucking awful, no thank you

>> No.14006328

Is this your mind on GROWTH AT ALL COSTS!!

>> No.14006329

I hate both, what's your point

>> No.14006331

He's a professor at Berkley, focusing on artificial intelligence.

>> No.14006332

what's the best simcity game? is it still simcity 2000? i didn't like simcity 3000 or whatever stupid game it was that had the stupidly unnecessarily complex terrain editing.

>> No.14006342

Was the SNES Sim City the first one? That's the only one I've played
It was my older brother's game when I was very little and couldn't really read most of the menus, so he would set up a save file for me, and I'd just build a handful of random shit until I went bankrupt, then send Bowser in to destroy it
Fun memories

>> No.14006346

that was a port of the original DOS version. yeh, it was great. SC2000 came out a few years later and its still my favorite but it's not on steam. installing SC4 right now, dreading it.

>> No.14006441

Three Bridges connect the diverged halves of city lost in thoughts of oppression and repentance for those left at school

>> No.14007105

Is this some obscure /mu/ meme? There's no way he does that shit for living

>> No.14007118

Jews died here, or maybe not, depending on who you ask.

>> No.14007294

A hellhole of glass, brick and mortar

>> No.14007404

La whore

>> No.14007977 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.28 MB, 3212x2248, 1571319219845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good guess, I could see how that works, but Rome is a bit too old.

>> No.14008001

Hills, ornery boomers, ratty nigger nests and and a general lack of hope

>> No.14008243

Great-Lakes-College-Town I love you, but you're bringing me down...

>> No.14008334

None of which negates the fact that your prose is awful.

>> No.14008567

Leafy, affluent small town caught between the unstoppable force of swarming out-of-town faggot students attending the local university, and the immovable object of crotchety old boomers that just want to die/commute in peace.

>> No.14008574


Las Vegas

>> No.14008752
File: 502 KB, 2492x1078, Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 10.02.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a man with the vitality of ten men half his age.

>> No.14009184

Are you writing from 50 years ago?

The negros are being pushed out into section 8 housing in Gwinnett & Cobb by the white millennials who instead of having kids decide to live in their ITP dorm like townhomes and then spend their limited income on farm to table restaurants and microbreweries all while complaining about the dwindling tree canopy of which they’re part of the problem.

The net result is that ITP is actually less diverse than the suburbs you write about. And yes the suburbs are cookie cutter but so is the fucking city unless of course you’re so sheltered that you’re overwhelmed in joy at the site of a food hall or a multi-use path that has boutique popsicle vendors.

>> No.14009223

You seem unhinged

>> No.14009982

Mayfair park checking in. Hello neighbor.

>> No.14010222

Tallest boii in the western hemisphere.

>> No.14010227

Scranton Pennsylvania

>> No.14010234

Today I learned that /lit/ is full of Toronto fags.

>> No.14010504

You seem unhinged. Explain what's wrong with being an immigrant, or transplant thereof.

>> No.14010514 [DELETED] 

Show me your prose. Never claimed mine what good.

>> No.14010522

hip hop wannabees
violent football fans
broken families
nostalgic post-communism

>> No.14010524

Show me your prose. I never claimed mine was good.

>> No.14010630

charlotte, greenville or fayetteville lmao

>> No.14010866

Crumbling infrastructure that has become nationally known for having shit water.

>> No.14010950

Former industrial center of a country that never had much industry anyway.

>> No.14010992

Looks comfy

>> No.14011000

Our industry has disappeared or been automated. The city rests on a drained swamp and is bisected by a polluted river. During particularly hot summers, our water is made toxic by algae blooms caused by this river. Inside city limits there's crime and poverty; outside, limitless sprawl and heroin.
sounds like flint

>> No.14011038


>> No.14011349

Based. They have Stockholm syndrome

>> No.14011372


>> No.14011425

There’s ones in all stages of construction. Vista Tower is close to being topped off.

Actually just Cook and Lake counties. The Chicago bungalow is pretty specific
to the area

They’re super easy to renovate too. You can tear out the insides without worrying about hurting the structure.

>> No.14011451

Pittsburgh of the South.

>> No.14011467


>> No.14011507

You most likely have not heard of my town. At one point in history it was an important trading burgh; now it is down in the dumps. Three beautiful bridges stand nearby, these are the best thing about the place for they take you somewhere better.

>> No.14011782

People come with expectations of being the next big star. Humid as fuck summers, fried food, and the best place to be an intellectual.

>> No.14012753

you seem like a clayton fag

>> No.14012838

The Detroit of Canada

>> No.14012901

The Whore of the Orient

>> No.14012952


>> No.14013074

A post-industrial hellscape town built upon rolling hills of muck and coal, which in days gone by served as a crude economic crutch for apespeaking simpletons to perpetuate their desperately joyless lives.
Living to work? Working to live?
Hardly anyone tethered to these passages of grey architectural offal could be considered 'living'.

>> No.14013839

New York?

>> No.14013885


>> No.14014761

A city in the shadow of all the biggest technological advancements of the last advancement revolution. A fault of nature underneath all the faults of modern hubris, narcissist perfectionism building on the biggest scar the world has ever seen.
"Nothing amazing ever happens here. Everything is ordinary." The boom and bust cycle that happens every decade at the same time. Like a mirror of our life's work that signified some kind of omen.

>> No.14015573

Down on the south of the world, it rises grey and bloated of sounds. Cars drive fast and carelessly, like a mass of beetles full of nasty parasites. The sky doesn't let you see even a hint of blue due to the clouds during the day, nor a little gentle star due to the streetlights during the night. Motorcycles swiming in the asphalt, the natural predators of the lonely passerby, the shark of the fool.
The state sucks the blood of the tired amnesiac machine, which blissfully accepts because it recieves a little bandage in every chopped limb for free. The minds of the people are rotten and the water, the soil and all the little God's creations are bleeding to death while everyone is cheering a goal in a broken TV.
I hope this night I drown in the stairs of dream so The Lord can peacefully take me to the place I really want to be.

>> No.14015746

Houston or Birmingham

>> No.14015752


>> No.14015773

>best place to be an intellectual
what did he mean by this

>> No.14015807

Smog. Pollution. Trash. Marijuana perfuming the air and trashy women left and right. I don't understand why people want to come here. Do they really think they can beat the odds? Do they really think they have what it takes to make it big?

>> No.14015817

beautiful place, shit people. wide class divide.

>> No.14016236

Where are you from? Britain? North America?
Nah, Hamm in Westfalen.

>> No.14016637

A port with layers of history stacked on top of each other, with a plethora of big seafaring cultures having left their touch. Having it's roots in antiquity, it is a beautifull italian-esque city which modern officials sadly neglect almost entirely.

>> No.14016822

Hm. Hamilton?

>> No.14017073

My prose being good or bad (and it's better than yours simply by virtue of the fact that English is my native language, sorry mate) has nothing to do with yours being awful. Which is what I was pointing out.

>> No.14018147

It does, and I can tell you why. I can scroll up right now and find posts which are objectively worse than mine in terms of prose, however for some reason you decided to single mine out. Now, I am flattered you did so but you are not offering any constructive criticism so I take whatever you say with a grain of salt, unless you decide to show me the quality of work you are capable of producing. It could be that something I wrote struck a nerve but I am no armchair psychologist so I don't give a shit.