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/lit/ - Literature

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14001757 No.14001757 [Reply] [Original]

Are philosophy books fiction or nonfiction?

>> No.14001763

ontology = nonfiction
ethics = fiction

>> No.14001764

Pretty based

>> No.14001769

Depends on what topic they want to cover. Some of it is rather scientific, others are about fictions themselves, but is literary criticism also fiction?
Others are straight up fiction. Theology for instance.

Law is a fiction

>> No.14001800

everything is fiction

>> No.14001850


This is actually a very good question, since I've thought about it myself and since I am of course right to validate others who vindicate my own thoughts, since I'm smart.

I think that philosophy straddles both fiction and non-fiction, our current reductive terms OP, and that this is part of what makes philosopy itself interesting. Written philosophy regularly occurs as prose narrative in which the writer documents his thoughts and uses certain historical events to illustrate same. In this sense, philosophy operates as non-fiction. On the other hand, philosophy also frequently entails thought experiments and runs as a speculative narrative, thus suggesting its "fictional" content. My short answer to your question would be that philosophical literature itself is a blend of both fiction and non-fiction.


I hate you.

>> No.14001854

Marx is fiction
Hoppe is nonfiction

>> No.14001863
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>this is part of what makes philosopy itself interesting.
For you.

I like you. I don’t care what they say

>> No.14001872


I'm the one who has solicited you more than once to post your home address so that I can shoot you dead so that we can all be rid of you. Do it.

>> No.14001882
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Who knew we’d have the same thoughts on the fictionality of philosophy

>> No.14001900


>> No.14001912
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>> No.14001920

How cliché

>> No.14001926

are math equations fiction or non fiction :^)

>> No.14002529

Not that anon but I will make sure to rape you senseless, kidnap you and keep you chained to my wall until I feel satisfied, making you pay in flesh what I paid in emotion reading your stupid opinions.

>> No.14003036

Silly, all books are fiction. Including >>14001926

>> No.14003495

If you think the difference between fiction and nonfiction is the truth of its contents, then what you're saying is that you have the power to universally and objectively distinguish truth from falsehood. In which case you should be out publishing scientific papers--no experiments needed! Or alternatively this is like thinking, if Pinocchio existed, then Geppetto should've been asking him metaphysical and moral questions.
Since that's a nonstarter, probably the sanest idea we'll have about this is, the difference between fiction and nonfiction is the intent of the author. Something like, fiction is intended to be an account of a world of the author's imagination, and nonfiction is intended to be an account of the real world. (And yes, you could now quibble about "well what is the real world?" if you feel like being a dumb asshole.) Along these lines, nearly all philosophy is nonfiction.