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14001242 No.14001242 [Reply] [Original]

Do any Christians subscribe to occassionalism, or is it just non Maturidi Muslims? Seems to make sense in light of Hume

>> No.14001373
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Not that I'm aware of. Some schools of Hindu philosophy like Advaita Vedanta get kind of close to Islamic occasionalism when Advaitins deny that causality is ultimately real and that the appearance of the phenomenal world around us is only because of the continued sustaining of that appearance by the power of God, but there are still enough differences that it's not an exact equivalent. Some Christian philosophers like Leibniz and Berkeley also get kind of close but they generally tried to add in some kind of residual energy or secondary causation that makes them fall short of full occasionalism.

>> No.14001380

Lol what a fucking loser.

>> No.14001396

I don't understand that tweet. What's wrong with the convo she overheard?

>> No.14001409

Just a coldhearted bitch, don’t even concern yourself with that faggot’s opinion more than you already have.

>> No.14001415

She likely had no friends growing up so the thought of others talking about their friends triggers her.

>> No.14001549

wow, fpbp

>> No.14001565

>Advaitins deny that causality is ultimately real and *say instead* that the appearance of the phenomenal world around us is only because
thanks bruh

>> No.14001716

>Do any Christians subscribe to occassionalism,
Aquinas disproved it.