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13996522 No.13996522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I read with ADD? Not on meds.
There have been a few books that I could easily read but 95% of what I read makes me lose concentration and interest within a matter of minutes, no matter if it's fiction or non-fiction about a topic I'm really interested in. I get sleepy and can't focus on the words.

>> No.13996806
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Learn how to sleep. 7 or 8 hrs. Go to sleep at the same hour every day, no matter what.
30m before sleep ingest 1-2 mg of Melatonin.
Do not expose yourself to bright light (tv,monitors,smartphones) 3hrs before going to sleep.

Meditate for 30m or 1hr before reading,
to improve your ability to focus. Do this every day.

Start cycling stimulants i.e.
Monday: a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (amph or methylphenidate)
Tuesday: Caffeine + theanine
Wednesday: Modafinil
Thursday: Caff....
Friday: Mod...
Saturday: Nicotine vaped every 2-3 hrs
Sunday: Some fast acting racetam ex. Phenylpiracetam or Noopept

Read in a comfortable space free of distractions.
If you don't need to use your PC for work - turn the thing off and stay away from it.
Stop playing with your gay ass phone.

Create a daily routine and follow it,
if you know what to do and when to do it,
it becomes much easier to focus on whatever you have to do.

Start weight training, after a month or so it should improve your testosterone levels - which should increase your mental stability and ability to focus.

>> No.13996812

Do NOT take melatonin unprescribed, you can form a dependency. The above poster is a moron.

>> No.13996836

this is a fucking dipshit response honestly what dumb and autistic advice wtf

(minus weight training and sleep schedule and bright lights around sleep time)

>> No.13996850

Side effects listed on wiki (nothing about addiction):
>Melatonin appears to cause very few side effects as tested in the short term, up to three months, at low doses[clarification needed]. Two systematic reviews found no adverse effects of exogenous melatonin in several clinical trials and comparative trials found the adverse effects headaches, dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness were reported about equally for both melatonin and placebo.[26][27] Prolonged-release melatonin is safe with long-term use of up to 12 months.[28] Although not recommended for long term use beyond this, low-dose melatonin is generally safer, and a better alternative, than many prescription and over the counter sleep aids if a sleeping medication must be used for an extended period of time. Low-doses of melatonin are usually sufficient to produce a hypnotic effect in most people. Higher doses do not appear to result in a stronger effect, but instead appear to cause drowsiness for a longer period of time.[29]
Melatonin can cause nausea, next-day grogginess, and irritability.[30] In the elderly, it can cause reduced blood flow and hypothermia.[31][needs update] In autoimmune disorders, evidence is conflicting whether melatonin supplementation may ameliorate or exacerbate symptoms due to immunomodulation.[32][33][needs update]

Melatonin can lower follicle-stimulating hormone levels.[34] Melatonin's effects on human reproduction remain unclear.[35]
In those taking warfarin, some evidence suggests there may exist a potentiating drug interaction, increasing the anticoagulant effect of warfarin and the risk of bleeding.[36]

I think you're confusing melatonin with benzodiazepine and with other GABA modulators, which are in fact dangerous.

>> No.13996870

Are you implying that stimulating psychoactive substances, have no positive effect on attention and wakefulness?

>> No.13997481

Get on meds, work with a therapist if you have to in order to build a system where you can best utilize your meds to focus.

>> No.13997644

I have ADHD OP. I'll tell you what works for me. I walk in place while reading from either a book or my ebook.

Also you need to make a schedule as well and stick to it.

>> No.13997942
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No drugs - that's first, it trains you for instant gratification, damages your concentration long term not to mention all of the other MANY! biological damaging effects. Just continue to read and practice and you'll train yourself. Any interesting ideas make yourself find the answer to even if you are losing base interest. I started off reading books I was interested in when I was younger like in yr 8 such as the Prose Edda, Volsungs Saga, the Nibelungenlied, Havamal. I just had an interest in Norse mythology even though was a Christian. By year 9 I found Plato's Republic in the upstairs second hand section of a book store with comfy furniture and the likes. Sat down multiple days after school reading at least one book to three each afternoon. Figured I shouldn't just read the entire book without paying so bought it for 9 bucks once I was at about the third or second last chapter. I also read a few Jung essays and the later year 10 Modern Man in search for a Soul. Moved onto various other Plato works, the Iliad, Odyssey, Hesiod, various Pre-Socratics such as the Pythagorians, Heraclitus, Parmenides and the likes.

The point is it all started from putting aside the ADD and suffering through the Republic, was very easy and entertaining when actually interested.


>> No.13997947
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How many Entps in this thread?

>> No.13997961

Forgot to mention, reading the Republic shall always be one of the highlights of my early youth. The thrills of a total transformation of thinking and so my very existing, amazing really.

>> No.13997968

eat carbs and protein for both breakfast and lunch. Workout in the mornings as well. That will help adhd atleast

>> No.13998089

Why are you bringing up your horoscope?

>> No.13998236

You mean a schedule for reading? Like you have specific times where you read?

>> No.13998289

I have pretty bad adhd. Basically Can’t function without adderall in the morning. But boy oh boy do I love the days when I don’t have to go to work and can just take my adderall, get a cup of coffee and just read for 4-5 hours nonstop. I wish I could do it for my entire life. Too bad I have to make a living somehow.

>> No.13998386

MBTI is probably closer to actual science than ADHD

>> No.13998641

I find taking notes on what I'm reading helps

>> No.13998655

I have ADHD and something I've figured out that I've never seen anybody talk about is using a stopwatch and lapping it after you read a page. This works for me because it makes me want ton keep reading and not zoning out so I can keep my time on par.

>> No.13998811

I've fixed my ADHD. Not going to tell you how though.

>> No.13998865

How old are you?

>> No.13998880

Melatonin works the first two or three nights of use, after that it potentiates symptoms of insomnia.

>> No.13998889

Schedule in general, not just for reading. Create a pattern for your every day life and don't stray from it.

>> No.13998995
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>> No.13999085

I’m the same. 25 too. All the free time I have is spent reading but between work and tending to wife and child there’s little time to do anything at all.

I’d like to at least take a year or two off of work and finish all the unread books I have.

>> No.13999097

Don’t the meds make your heart pump?

>> No.13999661

First off, get off your meds.
I have a lot of respect for my parents and my psychologist, but the best decision I ever made was to stop taking my meds.
After that, the easy answer is audiobooks.

I mentioned this in another thread, but it is really hard for me to read, I'm assuming because of my ADHD and my epilepsy. My eyes seem to get really week and it is actually harder for me to keep my eyes focused than it is to move them. So to simulate movement, I rock my head from side to side while I read.
This makes reading for extended periods of time quite taxing, but if I'm really interested in what I'm reading, I forget that I'm doing it.

Also, side note, I was only taking medication for my ADHD, not epilepsy. My epilepsy use to be really bad, but I rarely have seizures any more.

>> No.13999692

>First off, get off your meds.
Terrible fucking advice. Maybe your meds are different but it's a good idea to stay on the meds since it helps gradually build up your attention span.

>> No.13999711

I read outside. There's a woodland near my house which is rather empty except for the occasional person walking their dog. When I'm there I can read without distraction or interruption. Inside I barely get five minutes into a book before I'm reaching for my phone.

>> No.14000246

Advice from someone with ADD.

1. Read while walking. The walking preoccupies that jittery, restless part of your brain that makes focusing on reading harder.

2. If you’re reading a physical book also keep a copy on your phone and a copy on your e-reader if you own one (the latter two can easily be pirated). I’d find that sometimes my mind simply refused to focus on a physical book but was fine with a screen.

>> No.14000299


>> No.14001060


>> No.14001196

from your inference and grammar alone it's obvious you're a fucking brainlet

>> No.14001213

cry moar bitch

cry wayyyyyyyy fucking moar

and then get the fuck out