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13995343 No.13995343 [Reply] [Original]

do u love ur mother?

>> No.13995350

Yes, read Handke.

>> No.13995360

hardly knew her, still lover her to death.

>> No.13995374
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>> No.13995382
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Fuck no. My mom is a cunt who had my foreskin amputated at birth.

>> No.13995390

Yes, she calls me badger. I see her every weekend.

>> No.13995395

Yes, but she was a bitch, still love her though

>> No.13995411

It's good that you aren't letting that ahit slide. My father shut that shit down thank goodness.

>> No.13995413

Of course

>> No.13995463

No. I know that my mother loves me and I know she has given me a very fortunate childhood, however, I cannot rationalize my intense feelings of vexation directed toward her. I feel the same way toward my father. I really despise them, actually.

>> No.13995474

Grow up

>> No.13996245


>> No.13996250

I love (Your) mother.

>> No.13996258

Yes, although I don't often show it ad it's difficult to reconcile the feelings surrounding her (unwilling) neglect of me when growing up.

Thanks for the rec anon.

>> No.13996304

I used to hate her but I forgive all of her shortcomings so tha I can love her ibstead. She is a broken woman, but that's just more of a reason to love her. Im not putting up with her bullshit though, so our relationship is kindof a rollercoaster.

>> No.13996411
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Don't know my mom that much bc she died when I was very young. She seemed like a good wife to my father and a good mother to my sister and brother, but I wouldn't know how she would influence me. I love her for being a good person to my father and older brother and sister.

>> No.13996413

I owe her for giving me life, so that'll be a yes.

>> No.13996463

No, she's of functional use just like my father is currently, but if either of them were hit by a bus I wouldn't care beyond the impact it had on my day to day life.

>> No.13996471

I wish I didn't. The inadequacy and guilt I feel over being unable to provide for my parents the comfort and joy they deserve is killing me. They never had any particular expectations of me, never forced me into this or that, they just wanted me to be happy. I've failed them in every way, no matter how hard I try I just can't catch a break. I wish I could be a better son.

>> No.13996484


>> No.13996517

She gave me my life so no. I despise her.

>> No.13996593

She abused me and my sister as we were growing up. She's less neurotic now, and we get along fine, but I will never be able to forgive her for some of things she did and said.
I don't know if I love her or not, when she dies I will either feel something or nothing, so I suppose that is when I will find out.

>> No.13996598

Do you ever have dreams about them?

>> No.13996604
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I'm thinking about blowing my brains out to get revenge against my retarded boomer parents.

>> No.13996712

My mum tried to kill me. I don't love her but I don't hate her anymore either.

>> No.13996868

This actually hit me quiet hard...

>> No.13996880

yes, she is the only reason im alive. she's also a nice person

>> No.13996883

more people should kill themselves as revenge

>> No.13997761

no. she tried killing me as a child.

>> No.13997867

No, both my parents are lumpenprole scumbags who only use me for money

>> No.13997908


Yup, both.

My earthly and heavenly (The Blessed Virgin Mary) mothers

>> No.13997918

She passed away when I was a dumb teenager. I didn't love her at the time and truthfully, I still don't. I am in love with the concept of a loving and kind mother but not my own.

>> No.13997935
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I love yours every night.

>> No.13997988
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She wanted the best for me and that's why I almost became a Neet.
She should leave me alone she has zero idea of pedagogy.

>> No.13998109

My deadbeat sailor dad left when I was 4 or 5, and from that point on my mother raised my brother and me by herself.
Even though she was abused as a child, she would never show weakness and didn't have relationships with any other men before my brother and myself turned 18.
All she ever did was work to support our family and try her best to be a loving mother.
The only thing I do not love about my mother is her unhealthy self-sacrifice for my younger brother and me, but I don't blame her for it.
Yes, I love my mother very much and couldn't have asked for a better one.
She is also the smartest woman I know (studied religion and was a teacher at UNI).

>> No.13998121

very cute anon

>> No.13998131

My mother is the best woman on the planet and nothing can convince me otherwise

>> No.13998134

My mother is the only woman I will ever love and it hurts to know that when she is gone I will never feel anymore such comfort as when I hug her. No other woman can be caring to a man, headpat and cuddle him, without secretly despising him for not being alpha enough. In those days of girls using choker and "daddy" t-shirts, it seems like women are becoming more and more addicted to violence in romantic relationships so a man who is unwilling or unable to transform his personality unto a more aggressive and dominant one will never know security and tranquility elsewhere than in his mother's embrace.

>> No.13998299
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Absolutely Christological.

>> No.13998334
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>mfw never perceived my family as human in general and never perceived my mother as a woman in particular

>> No.13998383

I take good care of my mother. She told me to smile and put on a happy face.

>> No.13998396

Very much, I sleep in the same bed as her from time to time

>> No.13998453

Sometimes i get angry at what she says to me ("just be happy", "do random things" and etc.) but i dont feel resentment towards her in general.

>> No.13998468

I do. I am annoyed with her sometimes and she wasn't always the best mother, but I still love her.

>> No.13998895

I used to hate her for all the physical and psychological abuse she made us go through, but then she told me about the time she got raped at the age of fucking 7 and I understood why she was so neurotic and aggressive. Now I feel a mix of pity and compassion towards her.