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/lit/ - Literature

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13995358 No.13995358 [Reply] [Original]

Women of /lit/:

Do you like it when a guy writes you a poem?

>> No.13995364

Are there any women on /lit? And if so what is wrong with u that u ended up on here?

>> No.13995366

no, i like it when they buy me things and eat my pussy

>> No.13995399


>> No.13995428
File: 170 KB, 736x981, 73028843-084D-4D4E-B789-10F428B56E1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you mean a romantic poem
No, but I don’t like guys that way.

Came for the porn, stayed for the literature. (Not all of it, obviously)

>> No.13995429

> this indoctrinated into the circus that ironic support for lust and consumerism is taken for anything more than phantasm.

>> No.13995440

>Assuming you mean a romantic poem
>No, but I don’t like guys that way.
what do you mean?

>> No.13995467
File: 88 KB, 540x540, 40687F3E-D92D-4300-91E6-0ED489125EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not appreciate a male love interest

>> No.13995476

Tits(female) or go dilate.

>> No.13995482
File: 62 KB, 800x450, WhatTimeIsItThere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, words means nothing to me by men. I'd rather see those words in some actions he would definitely do

>> No.13995483

>Came for the porn, stayed for the literature. (Not all of it, obviously)
This is why females belong in the kitchen not the internet

>> No.13995499

Why? I mean I don’t believe in genders. And I would love to fuck everything and everyone. Anywhere....

>> No.13995500

Implying I have to consume all forms of porn and all titles of literature.
Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, bitch


>> No.13995502

Based green pilled

>> No.13995518

I appreciate the idea more than the reality. It's happened three times and the first time I laughed (probably more out of shock that it was really happening) but then reassured him it was great (it wasn't).
The next two times I was more prepared and acted like it was the sweetest thing in the world and also reassured them it was great writing (it wasn't). In reality it's kind of disgusting. Even if the person really likes you, you can just feel the tryhard oozing out of every line. It's as though, as a woman, you can see the subtext scribbled between each line: I'm so deep and in touch with my feelings, gimme da pussy!
Guys, don't write poetry for women. You're not as good as you think you are.

>> No.13995523

For a troll you are very irritating. I'm starting to think you might actually be a woman.

>> No.13995525

gross faggot

>> No.13995526


>> No.13995527

Can women still cum at your age? Asking for a friend with dementia. I think you'd like meeting him, every day.

>> No.13995529

like if i grabbed your bbobs?

>> No.13995547

I would prefer that than some cheesy tryhard poem

>> No.13995556

>would rather be molested by a random anon than receive a cheesy poem
haha who smells roast beef

>> No.13995559

;o ok!

>> No.13995563 [DELETED] 

They’re just trying to use their skills. Like a dude playing a guitar love song. He’s probably terrible, being so young and novice.

If you write a poem for a girl, it better be good.
And then hide. Maybe tell her on your one year anniversary about it.

>> No.13995565
File: 131 KB, 1280x1165, IMG_20191004_102452_299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds very jaded and cynic. Very probably there's something wrong with you for thinking less of people when they try to impress you, you probably have low self-esteem and don't believe you are worth it. Your personal issues aside, I can assure Anons in this thread that many girls do appreciate expressions of sincerity over detached and overly ironic cynicism.

>> No.13995574

I bet you would appreciate my cock

>> No.13995580

They’re just trying to use their skills. Like a dude playing a guitar love song. He’s probably terrible, being so young and novice.

If you’re going to write a poem for a girl, it had better be a good one.
But then hide it away. Maybe tell her about it on your one year anniversary.

>> No.13995583

Your penis (such as it is) renders your input irrelevant. Figuratively and literally.

>> No.13995594

You're just bitter, hon.

>> No.13995596


>> No.13995600

too much internet for today

>> No.13995609
File: 49 KB, 600x800, 6_6_150_shirtless_indian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a woman of quality would appreciate a poem because she wouldn't attract men who are only interested in her for pussy. you are the one who is offering your pussy, and these three or more men whom are only writing poetry to try and get pussy rewards are not culpable. they are merely retarded, inferior manchildren with mommy issues, whom you choose to validate despite. why are you complaining? why are you trying to ruin it for the rest of us? writing a poem for a woman will never get you laid by its own virtue, but the value of the poem is only negated if such intentions are present in the first place. without the influence of purely carnal desire, the poem can be composed in good faith by the man, and be fully appreciated by the woman. note that the two participant are both equally culpable for this end. it is not even merely a matter of what the man's intentions are --for they could be completely pure -- but the preconceptions of the woman are also just as relevant. she cannot appreciate the poem if she assumes the man is only trying to conjure up lust within her, which she automatically will if she is inferior. the inferior woman can never appreciate a poem in its true fullness.

>> No.13995622


>> No.13995627

>the inferior woman

pls get laid or something

>> No.13995630

thats only if you are assuming that i'm trying to get laid, or at least to impress you. thats only if you are assuming that i'm an inferior man who has to resort to tricks to be successful with you, which you would assume if you were inferior and were only capable of attracting inferior men.

>> No.13995631

kys bitch cunt

>> No.13995634 [DELETED] 

don't post shitskins, they're subhuman

>> No.13995635

>Your penis (such as it is) renders your input irrelevant. Figuratively and literally.
Grow up. This isn't reddit or one of your friend groups or one of your co-worker get togethers. Your vagina won't get you any sympathy here.

>> No.13995637

Read Nabokov's love letters and poems to Vera and then tell me that with a straight face.

>> No.13995638

no, my bf do it for me and I think it's cute, but the thing is I just don't like it, I'd rather he show me the way he feels about me in another way.

>> No.13995639

I believe that was a male troll

>> No.13995642

I prefer a man who writes me a cheque

>> No.13995643

he still has a pussy tho

>> No.13995645


>> No.13995650

Like? Buying you flowers or taking you on an expensive date to an overpriced restaurant? I think your expectations have been misconstrued from the world we live in or.... I'm being intentionally obtuse

>> No.13995652
File: 151 KB, 1024x616, 3exu4nw4rh221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pls get laid or something
no. i would love to leave my rebuttal to your pathetic response at that, but i must point out the irony of a woman who complains about a man writing a poem just so he can get pussy, and then turns around and attacks another man who points out that this is a problem with the man's intentions and the woman's preconceptions, by telling him to get laid. it is the archetypal response of the cheap, resentful whore. repent and accept Christ.

>> No.13995654

>eating pussy is sex
just warming her up for chad anon

>> No.13995674
File: 104 KB, 732x814, 1D689AC0-CAA1-450E-AC59-0F3B07510439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not anything. It’s a faggot tranny and that’s all it will ever be

>> No.13995678

writing a poem is more of an action than it is just empty words. a man can say a lot of things, he can say he loves you, he can say he will always be there for you, to protect you, but to write a poem for a woman is not like that. it is an endeavor in itself. it is not empty like some words are. to write a poem, you have to sit down and think about how you feel about this girl. you have to physically write or type whatever lyrics your heart comes up with, and then you have to refine them into as aesthetically pleasing a form as you can. the whole process is an action and a labor, you shouldn't just reduce it to mere pleasantry.

>> No.13995683

no, I mean, I would like better a walk, picking me up from uni, maybe making me a simple dinner, lovely touching me, i don't know there's a lot of ways you can show what your significant other means to you.

>> No.13995690

a good match for the roastie who can't appreciate the musings of a lover, as well as a parallel for the man who in fact does only write a poem for the sole reason of getting laid, thus perverting it as an art form.

>> No.13995692

but... at the end those are words, and feeling might change, I appreciated the labor and all that but can't believe it.

>> No.13995701

no, it's what you need

>> No.13995712
File: 121 KB, 580x720, n-troll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember anons, if nobody replies to Butterfly in a meaningful way for 2 months, it will leave these boards never to return, and we can in turn resume comfy discussions of literature without any jezebels or incels or have sex posters interrupting us.

>> No.13995718

do you feel like his poetry gives you an unrealistic standard to live up to?

>> No.13995723

Yeah that sounds sweet. I get what your saying, so they do it in like a tacky way that's forced and disingenuous. A Walk with a loved one on an Autumn day is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

>> No.13995724

Says the pedophilic Catholic poster.

>> No.13995761
File: 64 KB, 640x480, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy but I think you just admitted to being an old tranny brainlet. It would have been a high distinction if you called him an incel or told him to have sex.

>> No.13995775

>Pulling out a "hon"

The thread literally, LITERALLY asked for the opinions of women. So yes, having a vagina makes one's opinion more important here.
>you probably have low self-esteem and don't believe you are worth it.
You make it sound like your shitty poetry is something of value. You make it sound as though your sincerity should be regarded. You ever think that perhaps other people don't care as much about you and your feelings as much as you do?