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/lit/ - Literature

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13993501 No.13993501 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everybody - I’ve got some translated (yeah yeah) books by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky and I was wondering if anyone could let me know which translators/versions are preferred or considered the best of the bunch. I’ve picked these up over the past couple years (for cheap/without taking into account the translator) and finally want to dive in to these two authors.
>The Brothers Karamazov - Garnett
>Crime And Punishment - Monas (this is the only one I have already read and I loved it, although I was in high school at the time)
>The Idiots - Garnett
>Notes From Underground (and other selected stories) (Signet version, not sure who translated this one)
>The Possessed - MacAndrew
>Anna Karenina - Carmichael
>The Death Of Ivan Ilyich - Solotaroff
>War And Peace - Edmonds
Any help is very much appreciated

>> No.13993515

Overall, you did alright, lad. Stay way from P&V and avoid them like the plague. They're cancer.

>> No.13993534

Interesting - my brief google search had me thinking that not having the P&V versions meant I was missing out. Good to know.

>> No.13993578

>They're cancer.
please qualify

>> No.13993624

Yeah, these are all good. My personal favorite translations are:
>Ready's C&P
>Avsey's Karamazov / Idiot
>Garnett's Anna Karenina (revised by Kent/Berberova)


>> No.13993835


>> No.13993843

They're fine. /lit is filled with contrarians, so they won't like them. Any translation is fine as long as you read the book.

>> No.13993850
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>Any translation is fine

>> No.13993858

Grow up

>> No.13993910

He's right. P&V aren't "cancer" though. They just prefer literal accuracy over elegant language, which is a valid translation paradigm. Cancer is like Wilson's Odyssey

>> No.13993952

Nah, quite the opposite, lad. You did great. P&V are literally cancer that only plebbitors and women like. Their translations are Google Translate tier and perhaps even worse.

>> No.13993966

Alright fair enough. That translation should never be read.

>> No.13994056
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>> No.13995101

>P&V aren't "cancer"
Calling them "cancer" is hyperbolic, it's much more accurate to say that their translations are subpar because better translations exist for Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.

>> No.13995112

Who for Tolstoy? War and peace and Anna Karenina specifically

>> No.13995154
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>War and Peace
Louise and Aylmer Maude

>Anna Karenina
Rosamund Bartlett or Maude

Basically just read the Oxford World's Classics editions of those books and you'll be fine.

>> No.13995164

and for Dostoevsky?

>> No.13995176

also, these are the canonical translations since Tolstoy himself approved of them.

>> No.13995201

How did Tolstoy approve of translations that weren't published until years after his death?

>> No.13995218

WB Dostoevsky?

>> No.13995238

The Maudes were buddies with Tolstoy and he personally approved of the work in progress.

>> No.13995245
File: 85 KB, 652x1000, Crime-and-Punishment-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Brothers Karamazov
David McDuff or Ignat Avsey

>Crime and Punishment
David McDuff or Jessie Coulson

>The Idiot
David McDuff or Alan Myers

>Notes from Underground
Jessie Coulson or Michael Katz

>The Possessed
Michael Katz

>> No.13995277

Oh get fucked. P & V are "convoluted" and "inelegant" because they translate a slavic language into english with a slavic paradigm. Given /lit/'s boner for literalism we should be supporting them as we will never know Dosty in the russian form.

>> No.13995293

Wach your language. Your fetish translations don't stand on their own, they're Google Translate tier and hardly even literature.

>> No.13995507

Ahh, a translation thread with some heated arguments?
And how many of you can utter a sentence in Russian?
If you cannot do that, how the fuck can you pretend to judge translations?

>> No.13995514

You don't have to speak Russian in order to read it.