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/lit/ - Literature

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13990144 No.13990144 [Reply] [Original]

Well? Is it /lit/?

>> No.13990154

It is never wrong to love.

>> No.13990158

Who the hell cares.

>> No.13990164

I can read Auden without getting triggered. Why can't she read Pound?

>> No.13990192

In a Station of the Metro isn't even that good desu.

>> No.13990229

I wouldn't put the Simpsons as the same level of problematic as Pound. Also Pound is shit, it's the "everyone knows the Wasteland so I need something more suitable for my edgy hipster aesthetic" sort of shit.

>> No.13990271

>"Pound wrote the world's single greatest poem"
>refering to 'in a station of the metro'
>wikipedia intro sentence of poem is longer than poem itself
based. What's everyones fav pound piece?

>> No.13990291

You have to question Pound’s wisdom if he was foolish enough to place that much faith in Mussolini. Especially when he had the opportunity to follow and worship a truly great man like Hitler.

>> No.13990306

One of my greatest reading pleasures is knowing that I can choose not to read things, including anything written by people named Ash Sarkar.


My problematic fave is ignoring anyone would convince me my favs are problematic.

>> No.13990341

You should access an artist through his work not through his personality. And also you should rate his art (BECAUSE HE'S AN ARTIST) and not his personal opinions, because that would be fucking stupid.

>> No.13990369

You should access an artist through THEIR work not through THEIR personality. And also you should rate THEIR art (BECAUSE THEY ARE AN ARTIST) and not THEIR personal opinions, because that would be fucking stupid.


>> No.13990370

All arts is a reflection of personality

>> No.13990373

How could anyone possibly think In a Station of the Metro is the world's single greatest poem? I've read hundreds, probably thousands, that are better.

>> No.13990446

Unironically it's because it's short and, if you asked her why she liked it, 'thought provoking' (though it's not especially).
Zizek was right.

>> No.13990454

>along with the simpsons and vybz kartel

>> No.13990463

Link the poem you fucking ninny

>> No.13990468

It is very good

>> No.13990499

Sarkar's writing is almost unbearably try-hard; she's trying so hard to prove that she's hip and young, it reminds me of that Steve Buscemi meme. As for her point, Pound was a fascist, but there's nothing wrong with that. Why does anybody give a fuck, really? Just say that you like Pound - his infatuation with fascism found its basis in the same desire for order and newness that his modernism grew out of. Fascism and modernism are practically inseparable as causes, and that is simply a fact of history. Love Pound, forgot the consequences some bug-eyed losers may bestow upon you.

>> No.13990535

Here is the ENTIRE poem:

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.

And for you low IQ ESL translation.

The ghostlike faces of the crowd in a station in a metro.
Brightly colored leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers on a wet,
black, ship's bow / main branch of a tree.

Given Ezra's politics this poem is most likely
talking about white people (ghosts are pale, pale white skin) possibly dead slave owners
and red/pink lashes (petals are often red) on a black man's wet back (black, wet)
while also referring to the fact that they came by ship (bough)
and the metro is an underground transportation system, the slaves were kept in the underground holds of the ships.

This is no more lyrically impressive than your standard hiphop / rap bar by eminem, relying on rhymes

So let's enjoy, let the X destroy your spinal cord
So it's not a straight line no more
'Til we walk around looking like some wind-up dolls
Shit's stickin' out of our backs like a dinosaur
Shit, six hits won't even get me high no more
So bye for now, I'm going to try to find some more

>> No.13990565

>Given Ezra's politics this poem is most likely
>talking about white people (ghosts are pale, pale white skin) possibly dead slave owners
>and red/pink lashes (petals are often red) on a black man's wet back (black, wet)
>while also referring to the fact that they came by ship (bough)
>and the metro is an underground transportation system, the slaves were kept in the underground holds of the ships.

I'd imagine that it's more a critique of industrialism. The petal, delicate symbol of life, carried on every man's face are crushed against the wetness and the blackness of modern life, reliant on it (it being the bough and they only the petals) yet still yearning for escape. The faces are apparitions because, in the modern world, we are all dead already, all already ghosts. Interaction matters no more, the soul matters no more. Capital is all, the wet, black bough of capital. When we remove the soul, what are we but flesh-apparitions haunting a strickened Earth?

>> No.13990578

The only thing i ever took from this poem was that the faces surrounded by black hats and coats looked like his petals on bough image. And i refuse to read anything else into it tbdesu

>> No.13990588

That's also probably what Pound thought, it's nice to interpret it diffe

>> No.13990592

*differently though, sometimes

>> No.13990598

You have to understand Ezra was obsessed with RACE WAR NOW

You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew. Your allies in your victimized holdings are the bunyah, you stand for NOTHING but usury.

Pound radio broadcast, 15 March 1942

>> No.13990615

Pound wrote Metro before he got redpilled by WWI you dumb autist you.

>> No.13990617

the seed was always inside him
you couldn't pick any random painter to become the fuhrer, there had to be something special about him

>> No.13990759

I didn't say it's not good, but to say it's the world's greatest poem is ridiculous.

>> No.13990764

>two lines
>worlds greatest poem
Oh I bet you quality over quantity fags are literally creaming

>> No.13990785

not even the Cantos?

>> No.13990786

I would hatefuck her

>> No.13990795

Poetry is garbage.

>> No.13990798

Ok if it all it takes to be the greatest poem in the world is two lines, then I think we should all attempt it /lit/

I am the great dreamer
Do not tarry, lest I wake

>> No.13990812

So what is?

>> No.13990817

Ignorance is bliss. Imagine genuinely being convinced there even is a greatest poem.

>> No.13990825

Imagine not knowing what supremum, infimum and orderings are.

>> No.13990832

Based and lord Byron pilled

>> No.13990834

What isn’t

>> No.13990837

hard scientific work which builds computers so we can watch hentai porn with VR headsets

>> No.13990839

Fuck off, autistic cunt. Why post in a poetry related thread if you cling to such vapid and trivial points in language? Next time you open your mouth to breathe my cock will be there in it.

>> No.13990848

Hitler was an autistic madman, like all Germans. Mussolini was better than him in every way, he was just unlucky to have to rule over the Italians.

>> No.13990858

Fair point

>> No.13990861

This is the most retarded interpretation I’ve ever read of the poem, way to read into it a load of shit that’s not even there. Its not “about” white people, the slave trade or any of that nonsense. It’s more simply a metaphor or conflation of two images that also sustains it’s own kind of metonymy - the “bough” is the figure for the station, which (through metonymy) gestures to a broader interconnectedness or branching pattern that is both traditional (the tree as a classical symbol, the one that begets two) and modern (the varied pathways of urban life). It crystalises the ephemerality of the seasons as a counterpart to the ephemerality of travel, encapsulating ideas that are both historically ancient and also cutting-edge.

>> No.13990872
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God loves all his creatures, even the fascists

>> No.13990906

To these people fascism isn’t any specific ideology (even though all of them will claim it is, and post multiple overlapping, but not identical, lists of its qualities); it’s a vague set of political positions for which violence against can not only be justified, but is absolutely necessary. If something can be credibly labeled fascist to the leftist drones, it will haunt their every moment until it is wiped from the face of the earth.

>> No.13991109

The waste land

>> No.13991124


>> No.13991130


You dingus. Literally nobody would know about Eliot if it weren’t for Pound.

>> No.13991131
File: 161 KB, 500x361, 1432579283633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another political bait thread on the literature boad

I reckon this warrants a permanent ban.

>> No.13991194

The Divine Comedy

>> No.13991226
File: 117 KB, 1133x703, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love knows no boundaries

>> No.13991256

Yes a two line poem about branches is the best poem of all time. An average sentence in Moby dick is better

>> No.13991276


How the fuck is a sentence a poem? I’ll give that it’s a good sentence but a poem it is not.

>> No.13991280

Instrumental music with no dumb fucking words

>> No.13991357


>> No.13991362

Italian fascists are amongst the least offensive people on the WW2 scale.

>> No.13991365 [DELETED] 

Love is not love when it alters when it alteration finds.

>> No.13991383

>what is a haiku

>> No.13991395

All personality is a reflection of art

>> No.13991453

>he thinks ezras poem qualfilies as a haiku
>implying english haikus are comparable to japanese

>> No.13991495

This is an example of how a propagandist can intentionally misinterpret something to mean something other than what it says.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this interpretation goes beyond the pale.

>> No.13991507

>Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this interpretation goes beyond the pale.
Seems you have yourself a contradiction there

>> No.13991514

Fascism is based

>> No.13991527

Holy post.

>> No.13991547

"Portrait d'une Femme" is a top-tier poem.

>> No.13991763

Ezra was hugely inspired by the cutting efficiency of Japanese poetry and the crystallised natural images found in woodblock printing. That should be fairly obvious given the parallels between the petals of the bough and the cherry blossom that is so integral to Japanese art.

>> No.13991784

hahahahahahahahaha embarrassing

>> No.13991822

translation: 'ezra pound gets me wet. i would let him fascist pound my vagene and feel guilty afterwards but not really'
its like twilight tier 'foribidden love' shit

>> No.13992286

Is it weird that I want to fuck Rupi Kuar while Sarkar watches from a corner?

>> No.13992336

Why would Auden even trigger you

>> No.13992337

thats not hard nor scientific

>> No.13992356
File: 17 KB, 512x512, 1563574670675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In relation to what? who?

>> No.13992554


>> No.13992781

more like sneed

>> No.13992893

Shop Girl

>> No.13992991

lol vybz kartel

>> No.13993002

Get out

>> No.13993176

>expect another ridiculous accusation of fascism for another dead white guy with a normal-for-the time opinion on a race/women/etc

>wikipedia him

ruh roh

>> No.13993181

for sale
opinion piece
never read

>> No.13993186

Do people really not read Pound here any more?
Is this really the state of /lit/ in 2019?

>> No.13993800

She looks like my school's janitor Ernesto

>> No.13993838

He was a harmless twat. Nobody cared what his political beliefs were, just that he could churn out verse. Nobody listens to poets. He was intoxicated by the neo-classical and romantic bents of fascism, the same way Yeats was, but again, who gives a shit. He was a poet. Neither of them knew what they were getting themselves into.

>> No.13995304


>> No.13995322

The old pond sits idle, here the hop
Of a frog plumbs the evening stillness:


>> No.13995340

nailed it

>> No.13995375

Reminder that /lit/ is now slow /tv/

>> No.13995377

Certainly makes me hard in the most scientific of ways

>> No.13995387

This is making me starting to think /pol/ is right.

>> No.13995391

Didnt know about Pound, I can see that Queen Kaur was influenced by they/him/her.

>> No.13995409

Unless it is with the same sex. Although then it wouldn't be love in the first place.

>> No.13995423

Hitler was a fucking commie piece of shit....a Bernie Sanders of Germany mixed with trump

>> No.13995466

Imagine believing that the set of poems is ordered.
Imagine believing that the most of the best possible poems in any living language have been written yet.

>> No.13995475

Literally looks like a man in a wig.

>> No.13995484

Reminds me of that short-lived pasta where a racist young man whispers the word privileged in the ear of a willing young leftist activist before fucking her. Basically those people just need to fuck each other.

>> No.13995493

Mostly due to their inefficiency though.

>> No.13995497

No it's the most normalfag reaction ever.

>> No.13995510

Not at all wrong to love his works, but single greatest poem ? For that one? It's great, but not one of the best ever. Commedia, Odyssey, Anathemata, some of yeats's or dickinson's, the cantos could be argued to be there, but that isn't close.

>> No.13995549


>> No.13996025

is it wrong to kill all Indians? the answer is no.

>> No.13996483

canto i

>> No.13996496

What did zizek say?

>> No.13996504

Yes, YES

>> No.13996512


After extended interpersonal interaction with them, I can safely conclude that there are several other ethnic/cultural groups I would rather die than Indians: Chinese, Jews, Arabians generally, niggers of all varieties... Indians have souls and can be reasoned with. Not so, generally, for the others.

>> No.13996519

That's because Indians are part white. The indo europeans that raped their abbo ancestors left them with a capacity for reason

>> No.13996763

And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
Not shaking the grass.

>> No.13996856

>Sarkar grew up in North London and was raised by her mother. Sarkar's great-great-aunt, Pritilata Waddedar, was a Bengali nationalist who participated in armed struggle against the British Empire in 1930s Bengal.
So she was a failed alt-right?

>> No.13996859


This is boomer neurosis in its nadir, folks.

>> No.13997386

No, being descended from someone who fought against the British empire is quite trendy if you're a left winger in the UK. Bengali nationalism isn't in the same tier as nation of islam or whatever

>> No.13999031

>being a woman
>fully understanding a poems beauty
you may choose only one.

>> No.13999083

are novara media controlled opposition? why is that the only time you see a 'communist' in the mainstream british media its either her or that other geezer with the annoying voice?

>> No.13999182

based and blakepilled

>> No.13999206

Love is fine, philia, agape and storge. Only eros is banned between men.

>> No.13999221

Based and Nietzschepilled

>> No.13999303

Yes it is, his poetry was amazing tho. I've met plenty of guitar players whose technique was impecable but they were trashbags, I don't think anyone could say their music was terrible, same goes with most writers that are terrible people

>> No.13999834

Based and Lewispilled.

>> No.14000404


>> No.14000526

Reminds me of that French communist (female) that said the hottest men were all fascist or something. If anyone knows what I'm talking about link a brother.

>> No.14000694

But I thought Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales?

>> No.14000913
File: 121 KB, 637x696, 1419446261659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay commie

>> No.14000973

very true, anon. very true.

>> No.14000982

I can't believe I used to like his pre-Canto poems, they are so cringe.

>> No.14001045

Ezra was a huge LARP

>> No.14001056

>mfw leftists secretly crave /pol/ men this whole time

>> No.14001066

Can people post some of their favorite Pound poetry? I have tried getting into his work, but I cant so far. I acknowledge his genius, dedication, and how he completely changed poetry, however I get nothing when I read it.

>> No.14001069

Does Lewis actually talk about homos in The Four Loves?

>> No.14001392

yes but when reading poetry youre examining the art, which can be seperated from its own origin in the reading

>> No.14001437

Keirk aproved.

>> No.14001492

dont drag the entire left into this when the problem is obviously women

Pound is a meme.
Figure 1: In a Station of the Metro
> Woah, it's like, a haiku, but not
What a fucking weeb.
Figure 2: Usura
Its just a poem complaining about jewry.

>> No.14001594


>Implying anyone on this board reads anything.

How new are you?