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/lit/ - Literature

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13987955 No.13987955 [Reply] [Original]

What books help me understand women, seduction, sexuality, and love?

>> No.13987963

my diary desu

>> No.13987970

How to Be A 3% Man by Corey Wayne. Thank me later.

>> No.13988001
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>> No.13988046

A woman is a book anon. Go turn the pages.

>> No.13988727

yeah sure

>> No.13988802

this will make you understand women way better than any book:

>> No.13988953

black philip is great but I always get the feeling that it’s hard for someone who doesn’t already perceive relationships in that way, to just switch over their perception to what Patrice is describing. IMO you can’t fake your inner sense of independence and self-worth.

>> No.13988962
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>> No.13989018

i thought rewriting the rules by meg barker was nice. it's about relationships idk if it's too onions for 4chan though

>> No.13989050

She’s very pretty

>> No.13989095

Book of Pook, Models, and How to win friends..

I included the last one because it teaches the importance of making the other person feel good and important, which is a thing you will want to do with everyone.

>> No.13989239

all sluts
be tall, or alternatively, rich
fuck good
doesn't exist

>> No.13989304

reducing women to "all sluts" is like choosing to view the mona lisa as nothing more than a smearing of paint.

>> No.13989450

Based sociotard

>> No.13989557

It's a smearing of paint that depicts a slut

>> No.13989593


>> No.13989819

The book of poon

>> No.13989830


>> No.13989833

Go to /fit/. You will benefit not only from escaping dyelmode but also the attitude towards women there is much more conducive to success than here.

>> No.13990006

Most boards have more intelligent attitudes than /lit/. Even /sp/ is less bigoted

>> No.13990021

Jane Austen

>> No.13990033
File: 1.72 MB, 384x216, 2015 euro crisis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan centric self help
>get /fit/
>get /fa/
>Read Book of Pook, Models, other /lit/ self help
Now the most important part
>Go out and fail, again and again until you get it right

>> No.13990045

have sex

>> No.13990136

>he thinks you only need to be tall to fuck
based retard

>> No.13990473

This is really good
Thank you anon

>> No.13990498

who told these bitches they were allowed to be writing? hell nah

>> No.13990551

Based as fuck

>> No.13990594

incel: the post

>> No.13990661

This applies to exactly 90% of women, plus the 5% that think "I'm not like most women"

>> No.13990707

If every woman is a slut, then slut doesnt really mean anything

>> No.13990717

>be tall
t. seething <6'0

>> No.13991048

no but if you listen to black philip a couple of times over, you have a direction to work towards. You don't need to go all the way to that extreme, but you will do a lot better getting closer to it than wherever you are right now.

>> No.13991203

>if every single tree in the forest is on fire, then that doesn't really mean anything

>> No.13991207

So women who aren't like most women have no self-awareness about this fact?

>> No.13992538


>> No.13992558

Well yes, if every single tree that had ever existed had alway been on fire, there would be no concept of 'tree' separated from 'tree on fire' because being on fire is the nature of trees. To be a slut, there must be some 'non slut' thing for us to compare with, but apparently this doesnt exist.

>> No.13992559


>> No.13992608
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>> No.13992636

really not based, just cringe anon

>> No.13992691

no u

>> No.13992723

Nooooooooo you are not supposed to increase the % by spreading the word. Shut it down!

>> No.13993372

Based structuralist

>> No.13993859

Fucking cringe. You'd be much better off being a manlet with a handsome face than a lanky with an incel visage.

>> No.13993891

Lmao @ all the seething chapo trannies that replied to this based post

>> No.13993927

A slut: one who has an excessive number of sexual partners.

Key point of relation: excessive, which unlike your argument isn't in relation to the average number of sexual parners a woman has, but rather in relation to the male:female ratio of her environment, that is because ideally an evolutionary entity, human DNA specifically, would operate a hypergamous reproductive program in order to optimize itself to its environment by filtering out the genes of disposable males in each generation. Meta-evolutionary speaking, every evolutionary system converges to this model as every evolutionary system does, "picking" the most probable set of orders getting an positive exponent, least probable a negative exponent, benign staying linear.

Conclusion: slut is a definition with absolute form found externally to its subject, due to its relation with an alien, in this case female to male, rather than female to female, in which duality would be assumed and you would be right.

>> No.13993979

>mentality of the 16 year old who complains about "whores" in HS but never actually gets laid by said whores

>> No.13994018

Not sure if based, but definitely redpilled

>> No.13994047

I've come to the conclusion that woman are as horny as men, they are just ashamed of it.
No book has taught me this, unfortunately.

>> No.13994065

/fit/ is 70% homosexuals, 20% virgins and 10% autists that got laid once out of pity

>> No.13994103

Literally just look them in the eye

>> No.13994177

The red Queen

>> No.13994249

Maybe because women only have sex with Chads?

>> No.13994258

based and redpilled

>> No.13994328

of course cause they're whores
you have to pay them

>> No.13994436

>How to Be A 3% Man by Corey Wayne
how to actually put it into practice after years of being a beta, though?

>> No.13995995


>> No.13995999

Art of seduction
The poetry of Neruda

>> No.13996254

But the argument is that *all* women are sluts, regardless of how many sexual partners they have. A nun who dies an 80 year old virgin is a slut as much as a seasoned prostitute.
Nice naturalistic fallacy though, you tried your best.

>> No.13996314
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What books help me understand people who need books to understand women?

>> No.13997285

I'm 42 and used to be a chad. I also browse /fit

>> No.13998947


>> No.13999026


>> No.13999134
File: 164 KB, 1500x1125, 20150511-scrambled-eggs-vicky-wasik-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man wtf was up with that shooting
>"i think the holocaust didn't happen"
>retard alert.png
>goes to the door of the synagogue
>it's locked
>goes into the courtyard next door
>doesn't just pick up a chair from there to help scale the 7 ft wall
>gets frustrated and empties a clip into some non-jewish bystander
this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.13999260

If a girl doesn't hate you (i.e. she is talking to you), you have to confidently initiate physical contact. Withdraw from time to time, then press it further.

>> No.13999291
File: 22 KB, 600x300, auschwitz propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Israel this time of year?

How much do you earn per post? I could do with a second income.

>> No.13999579

It really isn't.

>> No.13999607


Brainlet thinks propaganda is synonymous with deception.

>> No.13999730

>sleeves over hand allows a comfortable and cozy death

>> No.13999835

It is though

>> No.13999984
File: 256 KB, 899x653, nazi tickle holohoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of these hoaxes would you like me to post for the uninitiated readers here Moishe?

>> No.14000130

>A nun who dies an 80 year old virgin
Anon, I...

>> No.14000172

>guy on his way to kill jews denying that anyone ever killed jews
>doesn't have the brainpower to get through a door
do I have to be a jewish paid shill to point out the ironies here?
>Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows—at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example—as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews. - Adolf Hitler, 1922.

>> No.14000214

Is that from the secret Mossad library of made up quotes? Amazing that you have the chutzpah to post such disinfo.

In exchange here's a deep dive into the fraudulent sources which make up the holohoax narrative.


So YES the guy was inept.
And NO he wasn't mistaken about the "Holocaust" being a lie.

>> No.14000270

Any books on curing Autogenyphilia?

>> No.14000281


>> No.14000577

more books?