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13985819 No.13985819 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mark Fisher right? Has the future been cancelled?


>> No.13986121

his future was lmao

>> No.13986158
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>Mark Fisher ever being right about anything

>> No.13986279

actually the un-pc left is pretty cool.

>> No.13986296

He was right, but not anymore. The present is cancelled; the future is our only audience. Only the wholly-futuristic who have the will to invest every ounce of their life into future-directedness will make it out alive. Those who hold onto the present hold onto the past, and will be left behind to die.

>> No.13986885

he was right, time has -and will continue- to be kind to his thought

>> No.13986910

the un-pc ''left''

>> No.13986980

>music hasn't changed since 1994
>he hasn't heard dubstep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWC_WZ7gd6g

>> No.13986989

No one political is cool any more

>> No.13987241

based retard

>> No.13987242

was invented in the 90's you nonce

>> No.13987268


And on to EDUCATION and WORK the only two zones linked entirely together

TESCO is the official education sponsor of the millenium experience.

Why not chill out at REST at first glance the zone appears to be infinite, dimensionless

Find out if you'd still be the same person if you changed your sex or even your race.


>> No.13987321

in 98 not 94 you nonce, and wasn't even remotely popular or known until early 2000s you nonce

>> No.13987354

>I personally don’t like the music of the last couple decades so the future itself has been cancelled

>> No.13987374
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>Fisher i-is wrong because dubstep came out in 98
>therefore music has changed since the 90's
you know if you said something like Death Grips I would have given it to you, but you had to go full retard and say dubstep, a genre Fisher wrote about extensively

>> No.13987391

>therefore music has changed since the 90's
I literally said 1994 fucknut, can your brain only think in decades

>> No.13987406

>What about such genres as grime and dubstep? You yourself coined the phrase “hauntology” in relation to dubstep, as a genre referring to the forgotten but still undead theories and concepts of social reality…

>MF: Grime started ten years ago, it was here already in the previous decade. Dubstep is not new at all. All of the elements of dubstep were there already in the mid-90s, they just didn’t happen to actualise in that way at that time. The difference is between the thing that simply hasn’t happened yet and the thing that was sonically previously unimaginable. Dubstep was not sonically unimaginable in 1994. All of the materials were there really. Grime no one had thought about, grime was new.

>> No.13987410

also you are a retard

>> No.13987414

I don’t understand why music “not changing” is a bad thing? Classical music has stayed virtually the same for hundreds of years yet it is still great. Besides, now that we have the internet it’s possible for anyone to explore any sort of music they want, which wasn’t the case in the 90s. If you really want some new experimental shit you can listen to breakcore or ambient sounds but I don’t understand why you would want to, since those genres are generally trash, theif uniqueness being their only selling point.
And then blaming this on capitalism is just cringe.

>> No.13987436

give me an example of a genre that was "sonically unimaginable" 20 years prior to it's release

>> No.13987438

it's not simply that not changing is a bad thing, it's that we saw a potential for change in the 90's which has now been canceled, hence the term "the slow cancellation of the future". it's about the loss of potential futures that could have been, not simply an appeal to "changing"

>> No.13987439

>Classical music has stayed virtually the same for hundreds of years

>> No.13987452

>However it is significant that that despite circumstances, dubstep didn’t happen [like that], as maybe the evolution developed in a very different way.

>MF: But it has fallen back on itself. For jungle to exist there needed to be time-stretching, it was a simple as that. Until there were lots of Akai samplers there couldn’t be jungle. Because of the time-stretched beats, the sound of jungle was contingent on that technology. You can also hear time-stretching in the vocals, so it just couldn’t have happened before. With Dubstep, technologically it could’ve happened in the 90s. The reason it didn’t happen then and it’s happening now is exhaustion. You go back over unactualised paradigms from the previous time. Obviously the technology has moved on. In a way, there was massively affective music in the past decade, but it was the distribution of music and the playback of music, not the production of music, that was the point. We have seen the most momentous developments in the technology of music in the past decade, and effectively the most sure [of these developments] is the decommodification of music. I think that’s what’s happening. It is hard to imagine that in a decade music will be paid for, really, anything like it was before. This change now doesn’t really have an influence on the production of music at all. It seems, more to the point, technology changes, but culture doesn’t change. Not in the consumption or production sense of change.

>> No.13987458

If I gave you a piece from 1700s and a piece from today you could identify them both as classical music, correct? That’s all Fisher is talking about.

>> No.13987478

Honestly sounds like unfalsifiable “muh wrong generation” rambling from a depressed pseud who thought everything was capitalism’s fault. I can’t believe the argument “we had the technological capability to create such and such genre in the 90s therefore we should have created it in the 90s” is taken seriously by anyone.

>> No.13987482


>> No.13987502

You’re being intentionally obtuse, correct? Nobody in the world believes the monstrosity you linked in the second link is characteristic of contemporary classical music.

>> No.13987506

>Classical music has stayed virtually the same for hundreds of years yet it is still great.
based fucking retard

>> No.13987514

It's amazing how many Pinker tier retards there are who want to believe that everything is fine at all times. It's obvious to anyone with a working brain that a small population culture as productive as the victorian is superior to one that has hundreds of millions of people in it but has a much lower rate of production of literature and art.

>> No.13987519

goal moving sophist
kill yourself

>> No.13987527
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>> No.13987534

I didn't bother watching it, but I'll just assume what he said. The is no, the future isn't cancelled. Just the one he wanted was.

>> No.13987535

Again you’re misinterpreting me. I understand that there have been stylistic changes with time, that you could listen to a classical piece and guess which era it’s from, give or take. The point is there is still a mainline all of those pieces revolve around such that you can listen to a classical piece from the 1700s and today and identify them both as classical music. This is what Fisher means when he says music has not changed; he doesn’t mean you can’t identify a rock song from the 70s vs the 90s; he means new genres haven’t been created.

>> No.13987561

compare any individual decade from the 1800s to 1900s to see which produced more art

>> No.13987573

>rate of production
My rate of production of utter shit is pretty high.

>> No.13987576

what is that? social-democrats who listen to cum town?

>> No.13987586

It's about how in the past, people thought about possible futures (a recent (shortly post was) example being the Futurama world fare, pic related), but now we just think about how to handle the predicted intensification of (to use Landian terms) techno-capital.
I.e. it's not about some future having been canceled, it's (also) about how ideas people dare to have.

Mind you, Fisher was heavily suicidal and it shown in all his talks.

>> No.13987591

>muh capital

>> No.13987605

Classical music has stayed *virtually the same* for hundreds of years

>> No.13987822

The second isn't classical music, let alone music.

>> No.13987861

>Is Mark Fisher right?
He certainly doesn't look like it on your image.

>> No.13987879

It hasn't stayed "virtually the same" for hundreds of years
>The point is there is still a mainline all of those pieces revolve around such that you can listen to a classical piece from the 1700s and today and identify them both as classical music
What mainline? "Classical" music from today is wildly different than that of the classical period.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PjyCpRKDrk (not even from today, it's 70 years old)

Only because they both use a modern orchestra doesn't mean they share any more similarities.

>> No.13987896

>classical music is music that makes my statements about classical music true

>> No.13987897

based ignorant retard

>> No.13987900

the platonic ideal of the SJW was essentially a capital-feminist. Shouting that she wanted to be a CEO and watch marvel movies with women that beat the shit out of men. They never had any meaningful cultural critique, just a power power struggle. Who was Anita Sarkeesian, but the perfect example of this?

>> No.13987905
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"cancelled" implies it existed, or was to exist, at some point. What has actually happened is that all the ideas Western culture has ever wanted to express have been actualized; the future isn't "cancelled", rather it has "concluded".

>> No.13987912

What an--as usual--faggot.

Imagine ~95% of the left pre-2010's.

>> No.13987929

this is why we must move past humanity, humans had a good run but their potential is all used up at this point

>> No.13987936
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>Not knowing the Final Superject.
>Not understanding how drills work.
>Not having followed The Conversation.

>> No.13987943
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Hello, I am the first transhuman. Are you skilled enough to identify me as truly authentic?

>> No.13988004

I remember as a kid listening to the radio in the car. Each station had a theme. "The hits from the 50s" "Top hits of the 80, 90s, and today!" "All the metal from the 70s" etc.

I used to wonder how interesting it would be when they had to make new stations for the decades as they passed. As I see it now, these hypothetical stations wouldn't e needed. I think "80s, 90s, and today" would have continued indefinitely. Ever since I was a young boy in the late 90s, it has always been Today. I am only me and have only lived in this era. Have people always felt like this? Indefinite Today? Everything points to no.

Sure, radio itself died. But could you imagine a radio station that only played "00" or "10" music? There isn't a distinct idea of what that would even encompass. It would be more like a meaningless distinction, a factoid, than any sort of defining concept. I would also argue that the concept of genre has fallen away as well. Now the distinction is 'pop/mainstream' or 'alternative'. We will listen to rock, rap, and electronic until the end of time.

>> No.13988012

I think music from the 00 is quite distinct

>> No.13988036


>> No.13988049
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On the topic of Mark Fisher it’s pretty incredible how accurate he was in describing the state of the modern left. They’re now worse than he predicated they’d become. Just one of the most pathetic class of people I can think of in the world right now

>> No.13988139

>makes my statements about classical music true
Not my statements, God's.