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13986827 No.13986827 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be a writer while working a day job?

>> No.13986917


>> No.13986942

Wallace Stevens was the best American poet of the last century and he worked at an insurance company for most of his life

>> No.13987136


Almost every writer has a day job or an alternate means of support. (David Sedaris has family money, for example.) Many are teachers. Some are journalists. Both of these professions are being squeezed. There are only a handful of writers who do it full time as their primary means of support, and you still have to do something else while you're writing your first book.

My recommendation: almost any white collar job. I'm only in the office about 35 hours a week. I can work from home a lot. I get plenty of vacation.

There's enough time to write.

>> No.13987141

nope, impossible, sorry anon

>> No.13987142

>Wallace Stevens was the best American poet of the last century

He was not. (But he was a bigot)

>> No.13987172

T.S Eliot also had an office job in a bank that he apparently liked. Mallarmé was an English teacher most of his adult life (he hated it though).
Now I'm not sure how the white-collar jobs of the time compared to those of nowadays. They used to be pretty comfy and not too demanding and people understood them as such. But it seems that all jobs have been turned into a attendance and hard work championship lately.

>> No.13987224

So did Kafka

>> No.13987237

A good one yes

A great one no

Passion must override everything

>> No.13987363

>white collar job
You think it’s impossible to do a blue collar job while writing?

>> No.13987373

When I worked at a warehouse, I'd come home exhausted and worn from early shifts and long hours. I couldn't make myself think. Office work isn't nearly as sapping, even if it's difficult.

>> No.13987400

No, jobs in today's world serve to only make the rich richer and to sap your power to where you can only consume media.

>> No.13987485

I quit an office job with brutally long hours for one where I only work about 35 hours a week so I have time to write. The biggest challenge for me though has been how office jobs don’t allow you to just clock in, do good work, and clock out. You’re forced constantly put on this mask that you’re “innovating”, “being data driven”, “starting conversations”, “networking” or whatever other buzzword to give them image that you really care about the organization and you’re super career minded. You’re forced to pretend that the organizations mission and you’re career with it is integrated into your personality. This has been particularly hard for me since switching because I actually don’t align with it at all, I‘m not interested in a career, and I hate the people I work with so I have to set aside additional time to just disconnect and time to search for solutions so I don’t kill myself over the pointless fakeness of it all.

>> No.13987581

Probably, just write at work. Most jobs are bullshit and after a while you get good at bullshitting. I just keep an excel sheet up at all times and just write in a notebook ideas and shit.

>> No.13987644


>> No.13987781
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Eric Hoffer was a longshoreman in SF for 25 years.

>> No.13987944

Well that sucks. Really was hoping this thread would give me the strength to quit college but idk how I’m gonna get a white collar job that pays decent if I don’t get a degree. Been offered an apprenticeship as a railway engineer but it requires physical work and working outside so probably not good for writing.

>> No.13987978
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>he isn't innovating, being data driven, starting conversations, and networking
KEK never gonna make it! lmao

>> No.13987981

Go to reddit moron

>> No.13988017

Yes you have several hours a day to not write. And if you have a phone you can easily edit throughout the day when you get time. Is it hard. Sure. Is it a requirement you be unemployed? No. I've written one or two things and I work. >>13987485
This. I hate having to pretend I give a fuck about the work. It's worse because I work in government so it's hurr durr poor niggers. If it didn't have that it would be the best job on the planet. Thank god its only a small portion of the time, rest of it is chill. I edit my writing at my pc a lot

>> No.13988022

i'd bet half of us here are in the same boat. there are always around 10-15% who drink the koolaid completely and eventually become management, but most of us just go through the motions to survive. white collar is way less "work" compared to blue collar, but it'll drive you crazy with how worthless it is.

>> No.13988410

You’re going to be forced to work harder, faster, longer either way whether it’s mental-socially or physically so that’s not a bad alternative honestly. I personally find the white collar bourgeoisie more tolerable though. If you’re at least halfway through your degree you might as well finish.

>> No.13989672

Kafka worked parttime

>> No.13989679


>> No.13989681

I just wrote like 5k words last night before bed. Why don't you just get gud and stop being a little bitch. After I edit it, it will probably be only 3k but even then I'm at least doing shit. Get on your grind bitch. IM OUTTA HERE

>> No.13990065

Writing 5k words a day is not normal. Whatever you wrote is probably trash.

>> No.13990177

nigga im high af, get that weak shit OUTTA HERE

>> No.13990184

post excerpts

>> No.13990477

>he wnast me to post shit fo free
fucker u gown pay up a pretty pennie for my writings. let me tell YOU something I know a think or two and nothing I tell you NOTHING in tihs life is free so take that weak shit OUTTA hHERE

>> No.13991017

Don’t fall for the romantic notion that you can be a cab driver or factory worker and have the energy to write. You’ll be physically and emotionally worn out. That was my experience at least. Find a comfy not too demanding white collar job, if that’s even possible any more. That seems better to me than the whole creative writing/academic industrial complex.

>> No.13991040
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Think Trollope managed 3k a day while working full time. But he's surely the outlier of what's humanly possible to write while maintaining quality

>> No.13991064
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>wahh muh biguhtwee
Do you know where the fuck you are?

>> No.13991070

The single quote that actually changed my life was something to the effect of: "All the greats before you had only 24 hours available to them each day. You are afforded the same."

>> No.13991627

Eh, it depends and there's a wide spectrum. It's very dependent on individual office locations and superiors/site culture, even within typically high-pressure industries like finance or manufacturing.

For example, I work as an engineer in manufacturing and my last (first) job was demanding, I would get called in for support at weird hours, and I worked right around people so I couldn't read or fuck around too much at work. Now I'm at a much better-paying engineer job and I write a lot here while being a top performer.

>> No.13991669

I do low level IT and get decent time to myself at work. You barely need any education to get these jobs too and usually very little physical work.

>> No.13991692

I have a rule. Every time some crybaby calls someone a bigot or a nazi I buy a copy of the accused person's book. Even if I have a copy, I give it away and buy another.

>> No.13991783
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Of course you can.

>> No.13991841

I managed to write a lot when I was a night auditor and had free time, but now work is a constant slog. I think I could muster up the manic energy to write, but I’m afraid that if I don’t take time to destress I’ll snap and start bombing government buildings.

>> No.13991853

How much money do you have anon? You must not be on Twitter.

>> No.13992256

i can't comprehend why you are posting here and not killing yourself right now. i really can't. do you perceive some sort of value in your existence?i have a pained sensation in my chest when contemplating your existence. i hope you find something

>> No.13992990

i dare you to say that to me offline i dare you. You already know what would bew happening I take one look and hit you with that right, then that uppercut and you'd be DONE you'd be fuckin DONE SON. Get OTTA HERE with that weak shit man.

>> No.13994590
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