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/lit/ - Literature

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13987101 No.13987101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at yourself in the mirror. Look what you've become. Would 16 year old you look up to you? Would 12 year old you enjoy your company? Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?

It's simple, you find christ... meaning finds you. Religion is so incredibly b&r that i'm physically sobbing while typing this. How could i have strayed so far from one true god? How could i idolize mere fucking MEN. Mere philosophers who are just as much capable of thinking as i am, and yet, i refuse to follow the one true god who is capable of thought beyond my comprehension.

Ok so if he doesn't exist:
>you live a good and decent fulfilled life, never having harmed anyone
Of he does:
>you are welcomed into the after life with open arms

Do any of you realize how ridiculous you have to be to "not be into religion mannnn" or "idk broooo haha i don't think we can ever know what's really out there" or "ahah christianity and religion is for cucks dudeeeee like i bow down to no one". The hubris. The audacity. Shame on you, shame. Mark the day today lit bros. October whatever 2019, i am being a good boy. I am tired. So tired of being a man whore seeking pleasure through sex, status money and women, i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired. I want meaning. I do not want to self destruct in my own gluttony. I bow to our father, amen.

>> No.13987105

this is a literature board, fuck off.

>> No.13987107

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
Yes, I am taller.
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
Yes, I am a delightful wit and conversationalist.
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
...I need to do some cardio for a bit.

>> No.13987121

>mfw I can actually answer yes to the first three questions
thanks Dr. Peterson

>> No.13987128
File: 24 KB, 322x365, 1456125692285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooh I need justification to live, this life is so shit I need to make up a story and project my little idea of beauty onto it to even want to live. Shut the fuck up. Life just exists, it's innocent, you don't need to pretend, you have a fate, you have a will, listen to it and be free. All of this christcuckery is just your consciousness overcompensating, stop pretending its the only part of your self. Stop denying.

>> No.13987132

I think that ANYONE who has been exposed to 4chan, let alone stick around and browse it willingly - ;, (..) would not be a good role model for a teen. we ar efucked up

>> No.13987135

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
He would find me fascinating, little pseud that he is.
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
Yes, he's an obedient nerd student and I could teach him math.
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
Sure, I can make animal noises.

>> No.13987139

fair enough. for what it's worth, though, this is the first time i've been on this or any other imageboard - or even on the Internet tbf - in the last six months (no bs)

>> No.13987412

How was prison anyway?

>> No.13987416

Lots of gay sex, some voluntary, some forced.

>> No.13987427

Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.13987449

Okay, even if it would give me a good life, I’m literally unable to believe in something that has so little evidence for it and so much evidence to the contrary. If I professed belief I would find myself making exceptions to rules since I know I don’t actually believe and moreover I would feel like a hypocrite. As for “meaning”, I don’t find sucking the dick of a cosmic autocrat to be meaningful. I would always be looking for something more.

>> No.13987454

were you already gay?

>> No.13987470

I just figured it's gonna hurt less if I resist and then grew to like it. I had some experience sucking dick since I'm catholic.

>> No.13987471
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friendly reminder: Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

>> No.13987553

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
Nope. Even then I had a very clear vision of what I wanted to do, and in 8 years I failed to do it. That being said, 16 year old me would have been scared of you. Idolatry is uncanny.

>> No.13987613

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
"Why aren't you dead yet?"
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
"If I take more drugs will I grow up to be less of a buzz kill?"
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
*ignores me for book*
It would be really hard to explain the two underage ODs and the still living eight year old when the nosy chick upstairs called the cops on me because she heard kids in the single weirdo's one bed.

>> No.13987877
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>Would 16 year old you look up to you
Despite being 9 years older we are identical in almost every way. I've completely stagnated. I never thought I'd be like this. I thought I'd be on my way to success in my career with a few notches on my belt, a lot of friends and a gf I was going to marry. Now I'm back at uni, living alone in an alien city, still very much supported by my Mom, still struggling to look after myself, still awkward, still lazy, still daydreaming of narcissistic impossibilities, still endlessly pining for that one girl who will make me feel wanted and loved. I am a forever adolescent. I have tried philosophies and worldviews and creeds by the plenty but they all slip away, never being able to soothe the mewling child in me.
I don't hate myself. Not really. But the man I am now and have been for a decade, and the man who can achieve what I want to achieve are not the same person. And I don't know how to bridge that gap.
Sometimes I feel that internal change is impossible. Change happens to us, we do not instigate it. We have our essential qualities, seemingly immutable like the Oak, tall and firm. The oak does not change itself, does not make itself stoop - the lighting and the wind do. The world that exists outside ourselves is what changes us, not our wills. There is no transformation without a catalyst and I lie in wait for mine.

>> No.13987937

Speak English wop

>> No.13987953

8 year old me is kind of like current me: a little lazy but very imaginative

12 year old me would think I was cool because instead of being a pseud I actually have some concept of what I'm talking about now.

16 year old me would be very disappointed and terrified for the next few years of his life and at how little pussy I've crushed, but then he would know that it's a bad idea to become a law student.

>> No.13987958

This is the most based post on here. Make a trip and a relition general

>> No.13987964

>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
My 8 year old self would probably be disappointed that I was still alive. I was very depressed in those days.

>> No.13987971
File: 354 KB, 1091x1091, erispirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a living memepunk anime. When I consider each year of my life as a different people looking forwards at me, they're grinning wider than shit and cheering me on! I have made my entire life a celebration of life and love!

>> No.13987992

OP you can make better choices and improve your life without devoting to God.
Really nothing wrong with following a religion for the fulfillment, but don't let any of their beliefs constrict what you really want to do, just follow your own sense on what's good or bad for your body and mind and make legitimate steps to improve those areas.

>> No.13988006


I hope you stay positive, anon
Don't let any little bad things hold you down from your realised self and always remember those past selves wouldn't want you looking back at them with regret.

>> No.13988019

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.13988078
File: 86 KB, 892x551, yus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so awesome to myself that I gave myself recursively self-improving self-positivity. This isn't a metaphor: I have recursively self-improving mental health. I learned to become my own psychologist! This is the pinnacle of adulthood, there is no greater form of self-responsibility. Yet, I am also as free as a young girl, liberated from the false responsibilities others attempt to impose upon me. I am only accountable to my future selves, who I give everything to.

>> No.13988174

Based and Platopilled

>> No.13988334


>> No.13988341

I was always concerned with grades, school and getting a good job so the fact that I've succeeded in achieving those to near maximum would make them happy. only now do i realize that I'm missing something more. something profoundly human. love

>> No.13988355

Finally a post that made that meme funny.

>> No.13988360

That's not what that quote means at all

>> No.13988373

Yes, yes, and yes. I work for a railroad, collect firearms, and can stay up as late as I want, what whatever movies I want, and eat pizza whenever I want.

But I still make sure to keep the sabbath holy and live a chaste and virtuous life.

>> No.13988380


>> No.13988385

lol gay

>> No.13988387


>> No.13988396

precisely, monsieur, exactly precise. the "what" of your post, addressed to me, means something else, but by the algebra of your post, the correct zodiacal relation can be builded up, and the seer will know he is seen, and ask to say the word of magical reply. but i was a god then. my pyramid grew up out of the castle of my erection like the christmas tree of her desire. a dark and stormy night and a female. a virgin, vestral and unvested, veeling sad, and i said: why do you veel so sad, my prett, my prett pretty pretty? she velt bad i asked and stared at the storm. i said a weird glance to her, and she gave birth to a depression. bees swarmed around the pollen of her broken heart, and a monsieur elene, so svelte, so lisson, so there for me. a bird singing out of her mouth. i roamed the halls of her cunt. i put myself up there in the abandoned dwarven cavern of her cunt, bivouacking there, surrounded on all sides by mirthless comedians, all their eyes.

>> No.13988399

Do not confuse the moss that grows upon the bark for the Tree itself. Christianity can only point oneself to the Absolute Truth. Devote yourself to it, if you will. You will find peace. But you will not find all of Truth, at least if you surrender yourself so fully. Modern Christianity, excluding Orthodoxy, is vacuous. It has shed iniatic practise and is a shade of its former sacredness. Atheism will always be at the bottom rung, but blindness devotion to lesser religions is rarely better.

>> No.13988404

based dubs

>> No.13988450

i'm glad to hear that you have found your way to allah (pbuh), op

>> No.13988479
File: 50 KB, 499x370, 093z65ktzyo31.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no logical relation between first three question and Christ. Are Christians all that retarded?
>t. manlet without his own will who needs imaginary dude to tell him what to do
Are you so pathetic you can't think of your own God? Do you think real God really needs all these mere churches and priests, greedy for your money and gold?

>> No.13988565

kek my sides why did you have to throw in "manlet"

>> No.13988566

extremely based post my friend

>> No.13988762

It is, though. Thinking you know by your own merit what's good or bad for you or anyone else is a sign of pride. Pride has its consequences.

>> No.13988789

I know no one's reading this, I'm just doing it for myself.
>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
Potentially. 16 year old me deliberately failed his GCSE exams because he believed 'fuck letting a piece of paper dictate my life'. Things aren't perfect but I'm doing well. Married, a child. Unemployed at the moment but I've got a whole bunch of interviews lined up with big banks.
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
He'd enjoy my company but I probably wouldn't enjoy his, fucking dweeb. We'd enjoy building lego together, maybe.
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
We'd both try to nail each other in the head with a frisbee. Let's go play Age of Empires instead. AND I KNOW YOU ENABLED CHEATS RIGHT BEFORE STARTING THE GAME, FUCKER. ENJOY YOUR SPORTS CAR SPAM.

>> No.13988898

And I suppose reading a magic book and assuming that to be the final say in every universal truth is much less prideful. Your very belief that you could ever discern God’s will with your pathetic monkey-brain is far more arrogant than someone at least formulating what they feel to be right from the ashes of the Fall.

>> No.13988935

Not really. Following something external to your own will is the opposite of pride. It's much easier to make mistakes thinking you know better than keeping tradition. Subjectivism makes everything right, but it doesn't free you from consequences.

>> No.13988968

Pray tell the consequences? Following something external is one thing, but to claim it as a moral authority that others should also follow is entirely prideful. The traditions you keep arrogant assert themselves as being right, with no basis for their claims.

>> No.13988986

I don't judge myself based on what I would have thought of myself at 16, or 12, or 8, because at all of those ages I was fucking retarded and knew nothing of the world.

>Pascal's wager memes

>> No.13988991

If you were retarded for the whole first 16 years of your life you probably still are now.

>> No.13989000

Well if that makes me retarded, like 95% of the population is too. 16 year olds have all kinds of stupid ideas.

>> No.13989007

The majority of people are stupid yeah. The few people who are smart were smart their whole lives.You don't suddenly gain vast intelligence after your whole brain is mostly or completely finished developing because of "life experience".

>> No.13989033
File: 3.32 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20191013_201033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think a younger me would be ok with where 36 year old me ended up (married to a loving wife, own a house, have a good well paying job [that I actually may quit over low-stakes ethical reasons depending on what happens over the next few weeks there], have a cute dog, and a pretty comfy life altogether), but there's a good chance younger me would be disappointed I wasn't happier overall. I do often think I should turn to the church, desu senpai.

>> No.13989046

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
I was depressed, so no.
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
I was depressed, so no.
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
I was depressed, so no.

>> No.13989065

Sure, I agree with you that there are some people who are on a different order of intelligence and have always been smart, but they are the outliers. And you should try to exercise some self awareness before assuming you're one of them.

>> No.13989107

Geez that's a good poem.

>> No.13989126

Robert Penn Warren is amazing. I'm often shocked at what he managed to accomplish with poetry. And then I come close to weeping when I consider that Rupi Kuwar is considered the most read contemporary poet. O tempora o mores!

>> No.13989135

>Look at yourself in the mirror. Look what you've become. Would 16 year old you look up to you? Would 12 year old you enjoy your company? Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
yes to all of this
didn't read the rest

>> No.13989184

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
12 year old me only enjoyed the company of other 12 year olds who liked the same YouTube videos
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
8 year old me did not enjoy interacting with adults

>> No.13989208

Never said I did anon.

>> No.13989321

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
No he was a jerk.
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
He didn't hang out with anybody willingly
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
He didn't play with other kids or adults.

Also, I do believe in god, but there is no religion properly describing him. God also would likely not need you to worship him to be granted heavenly access. He is kind, not dominating. He forgives, not punishes.

>> No.13989336

16 year old me would think I was the coolest person in the world. 26 year old me probably would look back and laugh

>> No.13989345

>Would 16 year old you look up to you?
Fo sure. Although he'd be disappointed in me not being as fit as planned.
>Would 12 year old you enjoy your company?
Fo sure. I was always great with kids and back when I was 12 I tried to have much older friends.
>Would 8 year old you like to play and run around with you?
Fo sure. Same as above.

>How could i have strayed so far from one true god? How could i idolize mere fucking MEN.
It's probably the same traits which makes you care about Gods. Desire for higher authority and all that. Never felt that way, sorrio, bro.
>you are welcomed into the after life with open arms
I don't want to be welcomed by some mass murdering cunt with ego issues.

Why? You overdramatise this shithole too much. It's a fucking image board. Simply browsing it doesn't tell you shit about a person, beyond them browsing an image board.

>> No.13990334

>Sometimes I feel that internal change is impossible.
Are there any books that discuss this?

>> No.13990343

It’s an awful poem, undergrad tier

>> No.13990355

Self improvementfags are so god damn insufferable. If I ever see you losers I'm going to swirl your heads in toilet bowls. Just shut the fuck up and live your life already.

>> No.13990358

>ranking something as 'undergrad tier'
You don't like or understand poetry

>> No.13990396

Speak for yourself

Genuine internal changes produce external ones, and the retroaction begins. You'll be okay, Oak-man

>> No.13990426

You might have just started the most difficult task of your life because many newly converted religious types quickly fall prey to evil religious spirits. How many carbon copy religious folks all the sudden "find meaning" in today's age? Far too many. Good luck, if you found the lot that has a few nice trees, flowers and grass then know the true worth of it was due to the treasure hidden in the ground.

>> No.13990435

What exactly do you enjoy about it? The insufferable purple-ness, or the hackneyed romanticism? Where’s the vitality? A few nice images doesn’t make a poem, there’s nothing new there whatsoever.

>> No.13990437
File: 260 KB, 1685x1930, pascal's wager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I choose Christianity over all the other religions that exist or could exist? If any religion/belief system isn't a total fantasy, it's probably Singularitarianism.

>> No.13990447

16 year old me would probably laugh at and rape me

>> No.13990451

>The insufferable purple-ness, or the hackneyed romanticism? Where’s the vitality? A few nice images doesn’t make a poem, there’s nothing new there whatsoever
>dislikes 'purple'(read:ornate) ''prose''
>dislikes 'hackneyed romanticism'(read: sincere emotion)
>wants 'vitality'(ambiguous term likely relating to trash contemporary crudeness)
>literally criticizes a poem for containing nice images
>uses originality as an important metric
I'm going for a walk to cleanse myself of reading your post, goodbye