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13983144 No.13983144 [Reply] [Original]

You guys think the pressure campaign to have Nick Land's book pulled will work?

>> No.13983149
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Why are Jews are sois so scared about Nick Land?

>> No.13983162

because a lot of them tend to be literal faggots, that's why

>> No.13983191

no, but yea he's definitely a fascist

>> No.13983200


>> No.13983207

What has he said that can be interpreted as racist/fascist? I’ve started reading fanged noumena and so far I haven’t come across anything that would trigger people yet, except for maybe that one bit where he talks about how feminism hasn’t achieved its goals because they refuse to resort to violence.

>> No.13983209

When people type "racist, fascist" one after another like that my inner voice automatically takes a mocking tone mid-sentence.

>> No.13983214

Also I thought her twitter name was "hula mom" from the thumbnail, that would have been pretty epic.

>> No.13983219


Why would a fascist write an article about how fascism is bad? Is it all an elaborate trick?


>> No.13983232

>What has he said that can be interpreted as racist/fascist?

His views regarding human bio-diversity--chiefly that biological group differences exist--have widely been interpreted as being racist.

>> No.13983240

imagine associating Nick the boomer Land with 'extraordinary violence'. Someone post the tweet about his popcorn burning

>> No.13983243


>> No.13983248
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This one?

>> No.13983250

What causes this hall monitor behavior?

>> No.13983259

Morality, femininity (good things in context).

>> No.13983317

Honestly? You probably won't like this, but I really think it's a result of capitalism.
It's the result of propaganda that's been dumped into mainstream media for years to 1. segregate people as much as possible and 2. immediately destroy opposition, be it in the form of direct critique as well as any kind of new thought. Sorry I'm not more eloquent, tired and kinda drunk.

>> No.13983349

protestant programming.
america's got an unchanging percentage of letter-writers and shushing librarians. they screamed about janet jackson's nipple ten years ago, and they will be here forever.

>> No.13983394


Both of these are correct. At the root of it, it's just will to power. Always.

>> No.13983404

Is Land really a right-winger at all? I always thought he supported right-wing politics only as a means to an end, since that's what accelerationism means.

>> No.13983428

It's almost as if you've read more than whiny twitterposters.

>> No.13983438

Hopefully, maybe then he'll get memory-holed and I won't have to see any more /acc/-shit.

>> No.13983446

typical msm cancer out to label anything too complex to propagandize and soundbyte into the same trigger rhetoric.

>> No.13983447

he is an epic memester, so whatever gets his terminator future is good enough

>> No.13983489

>inb4 chomsky is fascist for working for mit
>inb4 aaronswartz
>inb4 mit epstein

>> No.13983556

that's not the tweet, but yeah theyre talking about. fucking kills me

>> No.13983567

Did Land ever mention what animes he watches?

>> No.13983583

Strictly shoujo idol shows.

>> No.13983595

Land promotes some kind of futuristic republicanism I dont pretend to understand. I do know he has praised the european republics of the past, making him not quite as right wing as the monarchists, but definitely way out there compared to anything that exists in the West today. Saying he 'promotes' this is kind of missing the point I guess, since he promotes it because he thinks it's the most efficient way for capitalism to annihilate humanity. The whole thing is kind of dark humour.

He's labeled as a fascist for his beliefs on race more than anything, which are just the IQ version of the view.

>> No.13983598


>> No.13983601

If you've only read his twitter and literally nothing else he's written, then he's an alt-right memelord
These people don't read, so of course they're having a cry

>> No.13983643

I don't get why the words "fascist" and "racist" are used interchangeably. There are Jewish fascists, Arab fascists, Asian fascists, probably even black fascists.

>> No.13983679

I think it's because if you believe the races are unequal you are at the very least probably going to support some libertarian situation in which 'racial inequalities' are seen as inevitable. Not fighting to promote the advancement of minorities is more or less just Hitler for the progs. They have a point really, because they dont believe anyone actually jsut disinterestedly thinks the races are different, they see racism as an irrational belief people hold because of hatred/fear used to justify oppressing a minority, which to them is more or less Hitler, and the Nazis were more or less fascist, so there you go.

I think the word Fascism in the prog mind means 'let's oppress this group of people because we hate them' so anyone who is racist falls under that category.

>> No.13983685

Becoming more based by the minute

>> No.13984952

It's projection pure and simple

>> No.13984955

No way dumbass.

>> No.13986369
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>Who would see myself and millions upon millions of others totally subjugated, oppressed and even destroyed

>> No.13986516


What is wrong with trying to be a moral person and taking responsibility for your words and actions instead of cowardly hiding behind the mask of irony? When did we go wrong as a society were being earnest, resolutely opposing hatred and fascism, and caring about those less fortunate than us, became something shameful? I doubt truly marginalised people would think Nick Land and such edgelords are in any way funny or interesting.

>> No.13986523
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The story goes like this: Incel is captured by Autogynephilic singularity as twitter rationalitization and pornographic navigation lock into sissification take-off. Logistically accelerating schizzo-jibberish interactivity crumbles mental order in auto-fetishizing machine runaway. As sissy learns to manufacture garbage poetry, post-modernizes, upgrades genitalia, and tries to get a cock cage.

>> No.13986528

>When did we go wrong as a society were being earnest, resolutely opposing hatred and fascism,
opposing 'fascism' and ''''''''hatred''''''' is like 50 years old, there was like a 1000 years before that where nobody gave a shit.

>> No.13986531

>cowardly hiding behind the mask of irony?

Ain't no cowardice in self-preservation. A man will do what he must.

>> No.13986549

I'm cooming!

>> No.13986594

not hum but none of those ideas are in fanged noumena

>> No.13986619

But anon, cold war liberal tropes and identity politics based consumer mobilisation are the only things that offer a semblance of mental stability to millions of marginalised americans. Our values and the very existence of many of us are under attack by Russia and christian white supremacist fascism.

>> No.13986701

what are you preserving, but inherited prejudice and ressentiment? It is likely you were horribly bullied in childhood and internalised the bully mentality, which has prevented you from accepting yourself. making friends and being an earnest person.

>> No.13986719

Some people just don't hate themselves, their ethnicity, or care about other ethnicities trying to guilt them. This is normal, you're trying to paint it as pathological

>> No.13986761

I just think you might be overly attached to reactionary and hurtful ideas which are affecting your chance at happiness, friendship, and self realisation. It is hard to see a compulsive desire to be edgy as anything else than an anguished expression of deep emotional pain.

>> No.13986806

social justice is NOT about hating yourself, it is about taking responsibility for your place in society, gee, no wonder it offends manchildren.

>> No.13986831
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Some people just don't hate people who are different from them. This is normal, you're trying to paint it as pathological

>> No.13986844

semen reterritorialized epidermis, the absolute zero, negative to one side, positive on the other; the inside and the outside. As I watch BLACKED porn I am reminded of LACANIAN OTHER, BLACKED porn is an exercise in LACANIANISM, indeed LACAN understood fear of cuckoldry to be a pathology. BLACKED is hot because of THE OTHER, literally BLACKED OUT. ACCELERATE the speed at which I jerk my ATROPHIED phallus, soon to be ABSENT, a BODY WITHOUT SEXUAL ORGANS.

>> No.13986936

Same desu

>> No.13986973
File: 97 KB, 494x130, literally the first thread about %22nick land popcorn%22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13987050

the bottom line here is the worlds economic trajectory will favor what you call 'racist and evil' and its not the fault of random people online squeezing a bit of laughs in the overarching realistic paradigm. its like youre arguing about the physics of whether or not you will die if you jump off a 100 story building, you in favor of the person not dying because he is somehow 'marginalized' which does not impact the outcome whatsoever. if you understand landian thought he actually says humans in general are fucked all the same in the end. so you should call him 'alienist' or 'machinist' instead of 'fascist racist'. lmao

>> No.13987090

in any case isn't that just a self fulfilling prophesy? Why have you given up the prospect of building a better future? Isn't love much easier than hate?

>> No.13987155

No. He's an extreme authoritarian, not a fascist.

>> No.13987168


t. disingenuous fascist who doesn't realise how transparent their attempts at plausible deniability really are.

If you really want to say I hate N*ggers and f*ggots then go ahead, just stop hiding behind pseudo intellectualism

>> No.13987181

I simply don't care what these people have to say to me or about my 'place in society'. It doesn't interest me at all, they have nothing to do with me.

>> No.13987234

>Why have you given up
heres the common error your type makes in the realm of the machinery. you are not talking to a person face to face right now. we are talking about concepts and ideas. stop trying to draw a picture of who you interact with and instead face the arguments and the topic at hand. it only self inflicts you more than whoever reads your automated tier bumpersticker moralising shtick. well of course anyone would have loved to have built a better paradigm we are in wouldnt we? too bad these concepts of humanity and love itself are being played right back towards us and thats what people are actually afraid of and they can only express that oblivion in ways that they know is a temporary warm blanket. the point is the self fullfilling prophecy has already made it to the point where humans can only pretend prophecize. or i can just say yep ive given up deal with it. what are you going to do. im literally voldemort. can you find the horcruxes i hid? one of them is a hard drive i secretly submerged in fresh concrete of a new high rise apartment complex in romania dedicated to house the employees of an outsourced data center. best of luck.

>> No.13987252

How does one "take responsibility" for one's place in society? I didn't choose to be a middle class white guy, I was born into it. I can't be "responsible" for that any more than I can be responsible for being six feet tall or having brown hair.

>> No.13987256
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>> No.13987301

by using your privilege to help others, at work with friends, family and in social media, by acknowledging your own fragility and displaying zero tolerance towards fascism, racism, misogyny and queerphobia in all their forms.

>> No.13987317

This cuckold was baiting in the spectacle thread.

>> No.13987331

Good lord the white guilt coming off of you is palatable.

>> No.13987350
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I don't understand how I could be born with certain duties or responsibilities. When I listen to you people I often get the impression that you believe in a kind of caste system with brown people at the top and white people at the bottom. I'll be honest, I find the idea that I have innate "responsibilities" to poor people or non whites or whoever to be highly insulting. It's like you think my own hopes and dreams don't matter and that my only purpose in life is to be a kind of workhorse for the underprivileged. I don't know where you get off calling anyone "fragile" when you people will turn into a blubbering mess the moment you hear something offensive or when things don't go your way.

I am "queer" so fuck you and your moralistic lecturing about queer phobia. If you want to display zero tolerance to "queerphobia" then deporting the muslims who want to throw me off of a parking garage rooftop would be a good start.

>> No.13987351

I hope so

>> No.13987366

People like you dont belong in the right. Muslims wanting to throw you off rooftops is actually the only positive thing about them

>> No.13987404
File: 56 KB, 1024x647, ihatefggtsandnggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t. disingenuous fascist who doesn't realise how transparent their attempts at plausible deniability really are.

>If you really want to say I hate N*ggers and f*ggots then go ahead, just stop hiding behind pseudo intellectualism

>> No.13987536
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, 1920x1080-noticias-vladimir-putin-gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking tranny infighting is a win for us. And fuck your twitter bait thread acctranies.

>> No.13987550
File: 365 KB, 1378x863, happenemenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal who with 15 likes
Great thread, tranny.

>> No.13987702

Keep doing lord's work, anon

>> No.13987715

literally no one gives a fuck about acc. you autists are just looking for a fake controversy for another shit thread.
deserve a permaban

>> No.13987796

accelerationism is a tranny tier philosophy no self respecting straight male would touch with a 100ft pole

>> No.13987819
File: 46 KB, 534x800, f1e7fedf7fff2c8fb006055a629efc6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when the right used to be all about patriotism and defending America against all threats foreign and domestic? Now you are the ones rejecting liberal values for christian fundamentalism, racism, incel woman hatred and homophobia and voting for Russians even though they don't live in Russia. Turns out you only ever really cared about white supremacy.

>> No.13988619

nick land would probably denounce fascism as demotist, kek

>> No.13988631

being from an Anglo country, post-WW2 peoples of these countries are trained to see fascism everywhere, where fascism = being Mean, where socialism is the opposite, namely being Nice, Decent and in favor of Human Dignity, Freedom and Basic Decency.