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13980372 No.13980372 [Reply] [Original]

i'd like to gift my grandpa some books for christmas, he always had a tough life, poor in childhood (shepherd) and also conscripted for war. I think he would like books like "the old man and the sea" and "butcher's crossing", could you recommend me a few more books in the same vein? A not too "philosophical" story where the protags overcome some adversities?

>> No.13980464

he doesn’t want books, he probably just wants you to leave him alone

>> No.13980478

I think he wants some Magic The Gathering cards anon.

>> No.13980485

get him some porn magazines with chicks with huge jugs. he doesn't want to read. if he did, he would have read by now. stop pretending you can ever relate to this man. stop trying to swerve out of your god damn lane

>> No.13980493

This, and also let him tell you his war stories and repeat them a thousand times. Each time he will be happy.

>> No.13980499

Just ask if you can spend some quality time with him and if he could tel you stories about the good old days. I wish I my grandpas were still around now that I’m in my mid 20s. I wouldn’t stop asking them about their life.

>> No.13980531

>stop pretending you can ever relate to this man
>stop trying to swerve out of your god damn lane
Bro, you wanna suck my grandpa’s dick too, you little tranny?

>> No.13980544

i don't think i've ever seen such projection in my life.

>> No.13980561
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that's massively fucking gay OP. do that and he'll think you suck cocks for a living, which you do. instead of exhibiting how great you feel after the sex change operation, you can make your grandpa a little happier in his final years by lying about how great your life is and how many chicks you fuck.

>> No.13980587

You don’t know what that word means. Second of all, stop projecting your dudebro philosophy of degeneracy on my grandpa.

>> No.13980600

The Holy Bible, King James Version

>> No.13980603

>stop trying to swerve out of your god damn lane

>> No.13980612

Storms of Steel.

>> No.13980689

Butterfly actually says something relevant for once. Am I in the twilight zone?

>> No.13980764

This post is hilarious, the use of the period for exclamation combined with misnaming the book as “Storms of Steel” really creates quite the clash

>> No.13980773

The Long Ships

>> No.13980778
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>> No.13980843


>> No.13980860
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i'd wike to gwift my gwanpa swome bookies for chrstmies, he always hwad a twuff wife, pwoor in chwildhood (shepwed) and awso conswipted for wawr. i thwinksies he would wike bwooks wike "the old man and the sea" and "butcher's cwossing", couldsies you wecommend me a few bwooks in the swame wein? A nwot too phiwosophical stowy where the pwotags overcwome some adwersities?

>> No.13980877

>he thinks strong men don’t read

>> No.13981393
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>> No.13981405

It is funny to note that 'storms of steel' is actually closer to the original title, but it would be a ridiculous gift.

>> No.13981424
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>> No.13981456

Yeah, grandparents love being alone all the time. Hate grandkids taking an interest in them especially.

>> No.13981471

My dad liked this. I think it's quite intellectual, though. If I remember correctly, the eponymous shepherd is an Oxford graduate.

>> No.13982017

how fucking old are you like 10 if your grandparents are still fucking alive

>> No.13982043

>war criminal
Honestly OP, your grandfather sounds like a fag.

>> No.13982055

Do you know how well he can read? It is reasonably common for men of that age to be only semi-literate and just hide it well all their lives

>> No.13982066
File: 882 KB, 1417x1890, 20190914_210124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe, this is your brain on coom. Don't listen to this horeshit OP

>> No.13982071

someone who's 20 could easily have grandparents who are only in their 60s

>> No.13982253

I wasn’t making a point about translations, in English, the book is titled “Storm of Steel” meaning that the person who posted about it obviously hasn’t read the fucking book, meaning he literally posted it because OP mentioned that his grandfather was in a war and that was the only book anon thought of. That’s the standard we hold posting to on /lit/?

>> No.13982271

he might just be German

>> No.13982282

Of course it's a fake butterfly; she could never be this based.

>> No.13982283

Take him out to lunch or dinner, and spend time with him