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File: 576 KB, 698x795, forbes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13980481 No.13980481 [Reply] [Original]

What are some important life experiences to be a good writer?

>> No.13980510

The answer is suicide right?

>> No.13980525

just being yourself

>> No.13980537

Loss of virginity
Visiting another country
Seeing the ocean
Climbing a mountain

>> No.13980539
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>> No.13980677

Retarded romantic fantasy, experiences won't magically make you good

>> No.13980686

Doesn't matter.

>> No.13980693
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that's at the top of my bucket list

>> No.13980722

>solo female traveler
>country full of brown rape-gangs

>> No.13980775

Any sort of trauma between 6-25 years of age.

>> No.13980788


>> No.13980791

Probably fighting someone

>> No.13980834

Ones that teach you not to take your life for granted.
It said bucket list, so last destination I presume.

>> No.13980838

Seems like a fake headline, doesn’t it?

>> No.13980853

My life was a trauma.

>> No.13980882

It's a real tweet


>> No.13980900

Go fuck thyself, tripfag

>> No.13981622

Based Forbes trying to get women raped and murdered.

>> No.13981702

This, so much this

>> No.13981768

Hike a long trail

>> No.13981792

I’ve been there. The mountainous and forestry regions are some of the best I’ve seen in the world desu.

>> No.13981817

Fucking Forbes.

Clearly you two are from a land that never rapes and murders women, —all that much.

>> No.13981825

Just make sure you're doing it :3

>> No.13981832
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To live through and endure the human experience.

>> No.13981877

Is the tripfag justifying third world mass rape gangs because in some other country rapes also occur?
The fabled female intellect.

>> No.13981880

Shut up retard, she is busy right now. :3

>> No.13981928

Maybe, but trauma doesnt make you a good writer, it just gives you something to write about.

>> No.13981935
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>solo female traveler
Who took the picture?

Also, Pakistan does have spectacular nature, but I don't see what's necessarily of particular interest to females traveling alone.

>> No.13982151

inb4: she looses her head

>> No.13982172

3 are easy, one is hard, guess which one.

>> No.13982181

Mountain climbing is hard if you have a shit condition.

>> No.13982184

Mountain climbing is pretty physically taxing.

>> No.13982236

3 down, 1 to go.

>> No.13982272

Remember those two Scandinavian whites who went to Morocco and got beheaded on camera?

Beautiful stuff. We should show that video in classrooms.

>> No.13982313

can't wait for that one truly retarded twitterleftist american woman to fall for this and travel to karachi only to then get robbed and brutally raped

>> No.13982320
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>> No.13982900
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>bucket list
But only at the very end.

>> No.13982913

I made that same joke earlier today when I saw this article.

>> No.13982922

Sheet, I shouldn't have swung at the low hanging fruit.

How about:
>The bucket list in this instance being a list of designated buckets they've had to shit in.

>> No.13983884


>> No.13983891

And they say women don't like being raped.

>> No.13983914

Is Forbes actively trying to get It's readership raped by pakistani goatherders?

>> No.13983919

Except Obviously it isn't.

>> No.13983937

Kek. Must be a /pol/ster in need for new webms secretly working at Forbes

>> No.13983959

you know you're living in the 21th century when losing your virginity seems harder than visiting another fucking country, climbing a god damn mountain or seeing an ocean.

is it the society again, who's fault is it again ?

>> No.13983961

fukin roasties

>> No.13983995
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24 yo American woman here. After I graduated from Wellesley I needed to find myself, and decided to forgo yoga training and travel the world and write about my experiences and the impact they have on my life. (I haven't been outside the country since I volunteered in Costa Rica for a week in during the summer in High School, where I learned how hard some people have it).

I've been all over Europe (s/o to Truow!) and I'm currently in Barcelona, where I love the incredible architecture, the breathtaking art history, the luscious music, the exquisite tapas, the vibrant nightlife and the chance to explore my sexuality with the interesting people I meet. The freedom is like nothing I've experienced before. Everybody should experience this, and I think there's no doubt that travel makes you a richer person.

I recently got this tattoo in cool parlor after clubbing in Kreuzberg (in Berlin) (this is me on a beach in Morocco), which I think defines the kind of character I want to be. It reminds me never to take things for granted because we all face challenges, and no matter how hard life can seem, you need to stay grounded.

>> No.13984004

Seems like a nice hedonistic life.

>> No.13984075

nature has always been very selective and ableist. at least modern human society protects you from getting your skull bashed by chad because you gave the wrong facial impression or getting exiled to starve to death or be eaten by tigers.
and you can always go to a prostitute if you really care about not being a virgin

>> No.13984085

Monogamy isn't an alien concept to society. It's an alien concept to this specific society.

>> No.13984086

she learned about how hard life was when she left the country

>> No.13984125
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monogamy is an alien concept to every society except christian/abrahamic ones. naturally an alpha male owns several women for himself and competes with other men for more women but since westerners replaced weak christian morals with weaker humanist morals, sexual selection transformed from male dominated polygamy to a VIP only sexual orgy

>> No.13984194
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Btfo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solo female travellers are a blight upon this world

>> No.13984411

>VIP only sexual orgy
If you can't get laid in modern society you are omega tier, not just beta. Redpill philosophy btfo

>> No.13984459

For a change it's about quantity and not quality. The specific shit doesn't matter, a writer just needs to experience a lot of different stuff.

True but lack of them are very, very, very likely to make you bad.

>Who took the picture?
Based and redpilled.

Also based and redpilled.

>> No.13984517
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one-pump-chumping a low tier easy-going fatty/bellow average girl doesn't make you a part of the "VIP only sexual orgy".
the true redpill is realizing that nature is unjust and that low tier humans shouldn't reproduce. so very few men getting most of the women while the rest stay virgins is actually a good thing.

>> No.13984540

i don't thin that cuts it. instead I'd say
>falling in love with a woman who destroys you
>experiencing a serious loss, such as your home, a loved one or your health
>getting lost and finding your way
>surviving a life-threatening situation

>> No.13984546

Why are there supposed to be three reasons to live? I don't get it.

>> No.13984549

there aren't. everybody in the comic agrees there are no reasons to live. are you dense?

>> No.13984596

You don’t need to have experienced something to be able to write about it. Dostoyevsky wasn’t a murderer, Tolstoy didn’t experience the napoleonic wars, Shakespeare wasn’t a king or a pauper, McCarthy didn’t partake in the genocide of the Apache peoples, Tolkien wasn’t a hobbit tasked with destroying the ring. It’s simply a worthless writing meme propagated my people who have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to writing.

All you need is some imagination and empathy. I’m a virgin (penile disfigurement) but I can easily write a sex scene. All I have to do is imagine what it would be like and write about how it feels. The sensitivity, the quickened breath, the loss of control, the animalistic impulsivity, the unquenching desire, the girl’s reactions, the twitching and shuddering, the subconscious battle for power and dominance, etc. I don’t need to have had sex for me to write this. The same applies to virtually all other situations.

>> No.13984602

By people*

>> No.13984656

The stuff you focused on sounds more like sex in erotica than actual fucking.

>> No.13984682

>All I have to do is imagine what it would be like and write about how it feels. The sensitivity, the quickened breath, the loss of control, the animalistic impulsivity, the unquenching desire, the girl’s reactions, the twitching and shuddering, the subconscious battle for power and dominance, etc
You're missing out on the fear and insecurity, clumsiness, awkwardness, and pride.

All you can write are your fantasies.

>> No.13984708
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Well baited anon, the superfluous details sell it.

>> No.13984727

This is true (although we could significantly change the landscape in a couple of generations by applying active eugenics).

>> No.13984730
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>> No.13984734

I'm afraid of solo male traveling to Boston. What makes these women so dummy courageous?

>> No.13984778

Nice larp friend, you can go back to your Asuka bodypillow now

>> No.13984797

Can't wait for reddit to turn this into a meme and spam the hell out of it

>> No.13984808

Reading a lot of challenging books when you're a kid.
The experience of being smart in general.
The experience of having a romantic personality.

If you have those, you should be able to extrapolate excellent work from pretty average life experiences (although extreme experiences absolutely help).

>> No.13984809

High IQ

>> No.13984822

You could've just learned all of that at home if you tried to even just a little, and then travelled for better, cooler reasons.
>inb4 b8
I know it is, but please remember everybody, that you can do this.

>> No.13984840

The best way is by simply observing others as well as incorporating your own. No one here will ever live a life so interesting that they will be a great writer because of it (you will be lucky to have enough material for one good work) but you can siphon experiences from others to use as your own.

>> No.13984859

It wasn’t supposed to be an exhaustive list. The point is that I don’t need to have experienced sex to write about it.

>> No.13984907

what makes u think u can write well about sex though?

>> No.13984922
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Holy fuck

>> No.13984929

I don't fully disagree but writing about something very basic (hence many readers would be easy to tell when you're bullshitting unlike murder or being a king) is going to take much more effort than you claim if you have never experienced it.

>> No.13984942

Is upper class white woman 'self-exploration' the new hip writing prompt?
You wrote a pretty good one

>> No.13984959


>> No.13984978

>that david foster wallace tattoo
>partying in kreuzberg
>complaining about hardships even though she can purchase all these trips which for most people would be too expensive
almost too good to not be true

>> No.13984979

yeah, it reminded me from the scene in vicky, christina, barcelona where the narrator says that christina is starting to regard herself as a "cosmopolitan" and rather a "european free spirit" or something.

>> No.13984987

Eva zu Beck is a pakistan government shill

>> No.13985045


just kill yourself already you pathetic waste of life

>> No.13985961

>pre-christian germanic tribes didn't have monogamy
>pre-christian gaul tribes didn't have monogamy
>pre-christian greeks didn't have monogamy
>pre-christian romans didn't have monogamy
>pre-christian berbers didn't have monogamy
>pre-christian iberians didn't have monogamy

>> No.13985967


>> No.13985978

>hmm an unknown animal that hasn't had any contact with me before
>perhaps its best if I stand right over its horns and touch him where nobody is touching him for a reason

>the female brain

>> No.13986003

Where in barcelona are you right now you stupid roastie I'll fucking murder you worthless whore how dare you talk all that shit when our streets reek of shit, are full of arabs and niggers and crime is on the rise. Getting gangraped by a couple of arabs isn't exploring your sexuality you dumb whore.

>> No.13986033
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hmm indeed

>> No.13986042

Why are elephants so based? It's like they fucking know.

>> No.13986367
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