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/lit/ - Literature

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13980021 No.13980021 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I'm a tryhard reader and like difficult fiction (150+ IQ btw) what's a good, hard read for a genius like me?

>> No.13980032

Frog and toad

>> No.13980039

The Satires of Persius in Latin.

>> No.13980045

I'm not going to learn Latin nor am I interested in learning. I should specify English, Chinese or Spanish ONLY.

>> No.13980056

The Man Without Qualities

>> No.13980059

>difficult fiction

>> No.13980060
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Here ya go.

>> No.13980079

Microeconomics is not difficult. You can derive an isoquant curve with basic calculus. You are a simp and I will never respect you.

I can already tell just by your trip that you have no intellect. This isn't reddit, sweetheart.

>> No.13980167

you haven't given me a reason to respect you enough to divulge my excellent book selections to you.

>> No.13980206

Doesn't know Latin. Never going to make it.

Fuck off back to China, bugman.

>> No.13980323

I'm from Kenya. You fucking bitch

>> No.13980356

post passport cover with hand and timestamp

>> No.13980383

>150+ IQ btw
>I'm from Kenya

>> No.13980734

That was someone else, I'm from San Francisco, CA

>> No.13980812

>150+ IQ btw
>I'm from San Francisco

>> No.13980837

Beckett's Trilogy
The Recognitions
The Manuscript Found In Saragossa
Revolt Against The Modern World

>> No.13980842

you should get into krasznahorkai

>> No.13980854

sounds like you're upset at the wealthy cultural capital of the world, where the west gets it's ideals from

>> No.13980892
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>Flaunting IQ on the internet
Off yourself already.

>> No.13980919

Rhe Bibles real ya simp

>> No.13980929

Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit

>inb4 it's not fiction

It's actually a bildungsroman, the Spirit is the main character.

>> No.13981296

Being and Time
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.13981329


>> No.13981523

Sounds like you got a bad score anon, care to share with the class?

It's REAL GOOD FICTION am I right?

Boring shit from a boring person.

>> No.13981544

Fanged Noumena

>> No.13981551

how to not be a retarded faggot by me

>> No.13981569

Start with Phenomenology of the Spirit and then maybe try Finnegan's Wake

Nothing is difficult for me so I wouldn't know
>175 IQ btw

>> No.13981580

Summa Logicae

>> No.13981588

Zettel's Traum in the original German

>> No.13981604

Read some Hegel first then the diary of a wimpy to understand the complexity of it

>> No.13981620

butters btfo

>> No.13981645

lol a paltry 175 look at this dude.

This is like, one of those boring dull books that stupid people think is super smart because it's old and uses a bunch of obscure words but once you parse it it's revealed to be sub-100 IQ concepts.

>> No.13981648

>it's revealed to be sub-100 IQ concepts.
Such as?

>> No.13981662

no one cares what you think. your opinion means nothing. neck yourself.

>> No.13981672

I have an IQ of 250.
And I am a stirnerist.

>> No.13981674

basic philosophic concepts of symbolic logic and argumentative fallacies? Basically shit losers mis-represent to "win" online arguments. Very low IQ.

>> No.13981681

look at this dude, he's staring at a sheet of paper with 84IQ written on it wondering if he got the wrong test results back.

>> No.13981689

>more unsubstantiated opinions
Fuck off, faggot. This isn't Reddit where you upvote and downvote shit.

>> No.13981698

Why are you allowing yourself to get triggered over internet posts on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum? Are you that insecure? Perhaps that's it, considering your fixation with other people's iq's.

>> No.13981703

>that's what he got from what I said
You really are a dumb nigger, huh?

I'm not triggered at all I'm sitting in my chair and enjoying a nice glass of warm milk (full fat) and reading my Plant Engineering magazine.

>> No.13981707
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>You really are a dumb nigger, huh?

>> No.13981716

So you consciously expend your energy shitting on the opinion's of strangers? That's how you get off? Take a look at the mirror because you are one pathetic excuse for a human being.

>> No.13981718

Relax for a couple minutes anon, have you ever tried pain deadening meditation?

>> No.13981730
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>> No.13981736

Lol what a spergy response

>> No.13981738

>a Vietnamese basket weaving forum
I thought this was a mongolian basket weaving forum; have I been visiting the wrong site?

>> No.13981742

nice cope

>> No.13981750

yeah the mongolian one used to be on infinitychan. The mongols have always been spergs.

>> No.13981754

Lurk moar, 4chan is mongolian and 4channel is vietnamese

>> No.13981766

>warm milk

do grown adults actually heat up their milk?

>> No.13981772

I didn't realize that my post was going to inspire so many seething nerds. Sorry guys hopefully someday you'll get the intellect to learn to distance yourself from esoteric philosophy texts your professor told you to read.

>> No.13981780

I like to drink it warm with lemon juice and just a dash of bitters. I boil it until it's chunky and drink it neat.

>> No.13981794


>> No.13981810
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>> No.13981815

Joseph McElroy for prose, William Empson for poetry. I would also recommend that you disregard most replies in this thread, but that's just par for the course on this board.

>> No.13981824

>he reads as entertainment

>> No.13981878

I read as a power trip. What I like to do is keep Critique of Pure Reason open in front of my face on a train and when someone looks over I make eye contact and move towards where they're sitting. Then I ask them if they can really "know" anything. If they say "yes" I scoff and leave but the second they admit that they're a vessel for untruths I immediately start sucking their dick.

I'm not gay, I'm sapiosexual.

>> No.13982090

funny but obvious that bait