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13979221 No.13979221 [Reply] [Original]

What is the lowest iq and the highest iq philosophy?

>> No.13979224

low -> follow these principles
high -> do what you will

>> No.13979225

Christianity is the answer to both.

>> No.13979226

Lowest: Westerm
Highest: Eastern

>> No.13979228


>> No.13979230
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>lowest iq
American Libertarianism
>highest iq

>> No.13979241

Lowest: Solipsism

>> No.13979253

Hello Mike

>> No.13979291

this, unironically

>> No.13979297

>what is retroactive refutation

>> No.13979301
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>> No.13979302

Lowest: Yours.
Highest: Mine
You can't disprove me.

>> No.13979345

be nice, anon.

>> No.13979367


>> No.13979375
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>> No.13979386

absolute hogwash from someone too dumb to study science and work hard to come up with actual answers.

>> No.13979405

>low IQ
Idealism, structuralism/post-structuralism, traditionalism
>high IQ
Pragmatism, Marxism, process philosophy

>> No.13979412

Why don't you like post-structuralism?

>> No.13979447

Wage-slaving is not a libertarian ideal. Why are modern leftists so bad at understanding those they disagree with?

>> No.13979448

Unscientific psychoidealist nonsense.

>> No.13979457
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>t. midwit
you think you're more qualified on these matters than Saint Aquinas and Aristotle?

>> No.13979463


do you actually think marxism is a positive philosophy?

>> No.13979469

Lowest: Rand and Leibnitz'
Highest: Mine

>> No.13979471

libertarians must not understand libertarianism then

>> No.13979478

>lowest iq
>highest iq
i don't know

>> No.13979514

Well. Show me a single libertarian text that is taken seriously that advocates that all the power should be given to corporations and that everyone should wage slave to be able to survive. Tell me, what corporations were the founding fathers wageslaving for when the decided to revolt against the British? Are you unable to differentiate between 18th century American values and the modern corruption of American government? Modern America isn't libertarian, if you need that spelled out. Are you ever going to take your head out of your ass and quit pretending to be an expert in something you don't understand?

>> No.13979524

>inb4 responds with namecalling, ad hominem or more strawman

>> No.13979532
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>you think you're more qualified on these matters than Saint Aquinas and Aristotle?
Any modern intellectual is more qualified than some outdated antique thinker.

>> No.13979587
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>some outdated antique thinker.

>> No.13979649

I can't tell if this is bait or a severe case of Dunning Kruger. I can't tell anymore. The most pathetic people think so highly of themselves.

>> No.13979663
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Please go on humiliating yourselves like this atheists, You're the best argument for theism there has ever been.

>> No.13979672

It's the second, dont overestimate them They're exactly as retarded as they seem at first glance.

>> No.13979742


>> No.13979763
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>> No.13979774

lowest: stoicism, jordanpetersonism
highest: deleuzianism, whiteheadism

>> No.13979796

Lowest: Stoicism, Post Structuralism

Highest: Naive Realism, Pragmatism

>> No.13979799

Deleuze liked the stoics though

>> No.13979805

>philosophers i don't like
>philosophers i like

>> No.13979847

read Walden retard

>> No.13979865

Defending capitalism is defending wage slavery you fucking moron

>> No.13979873

Lowest IQ: All post-Protestant thinkers excluding Kierkegaard and Boehme
Highest IQ: Kierkegaard and Boehme

>> No.13979875

read Walden retard

>> No.13979910

>wage slavery
The mere utterance of this meme of phrase honestly shows you’re not worth taking seriously at all

>> No.13979930

Anything thought of since the year 1800

>> No.13979951

That's a deflection. You originally criticized libertarianism, not capitalism. The fact that you equate 18th century libertarianism to modern wage-slavery proves that you have no idea what you're talking about. Tell me again, which libertarian texts advocates for the dominance of corporations and for wage slavery.
Tell me where the corporations and the wage slaves of the 18th century are. Most families went without using slaves.
>The 1860 census shows that in the states that would soon secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves. Some states had far more slave owners (46 percent in South Carolina, 49 percent in Mississippi) while some had far less (20 percent in Arkansas).
These families took care of themselves. They didn't rely on a corporation to get them groceries or on a different corporation to give then money to be able to buy groceries. What you are criticizing is not libertarianism.

>> No.13979953

You cannot be this obtuse it is very obvious what I mean by American libertarianism ie. the Paul Ryan/Randian/finance bro brand that defends capitalism. I know there are other sects of left libertarianism that I dont have much issue with but they pertain little to the discourse amoung so called libertarians in today's America.

>> No.13979954


>> No.13979959

Christianity isn't a philosophy, stupid.

>> No.13979979


>> No.13979980
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>lowest IQ
>highest IQ

>> No.13979982

Lowest: Jew
Highest: Aryan

>> No.13979983

>low iq
hedonism because it's the philosophy retards and normies follow by default
>high iq
Kierkegaardianism, Wittgensteinianism

>> No.13979992

>DUDE I wasn't saying ALL red cars are ugly. I was only talking about the burgundy ones! How can you be so obtuse!?
Be more precise. You can't expect people to know what you're talking about if you don't specify. The guy who said "read Walden" wasn't me, so multiple people had no idea that you were using a broad label in place of something more specific.

>> No.13979993

optimistic nihilism
pessimistic nihilism

>> No.13980004

When you say libertarianism literally everyone will think about that brand that I mentioned literally no left wing brands will appear in most people's minds

>> No.13980012

Like I even put "American" right before it you are in fact being obtuse.

>> No.13980028

>Some people are ignorant to the fact that there is more than one type of libertarianism, therefore it is alright for me to be lazy and be vague with my terminology
You aren't making a good argument, buddy.

>> No.13980034

-Kantian Deontology

>> No.13980042

The way you use "American libertarianism" is still vague. There's no way to tell if "American libertarianism" is referring to the popular American values of the 18th century, or if you're referring to the very small group of people you describe as being similar to Ron Paul. Be more precise, idiot.

>> No.13980049

When I hear "American libertarianism" I am more likely to think of the American Revolution which the entire country was passionate enough to fight over as opposed to the small group of modern libertarians which nobody cares about.

>> No.13980061

We're not living in the 18th century

>> No.13980073

>Yes I expect you to know that "American libertarianism" refers to a tiny group of 21st century Americans and not the much larger, more important, more influential, and more passionate group of 18th century Americans

>> No.13980087

Most of the libertarians living today are the finance bro brand

>> No.13980105

Okay....? "American Libertarianism" is still vague and you lack precision. I can't tell if you're genuinely stupid or if you're baiting me. I'll leave the conversation here, as I've repeated multiple times that your words were vague.

>> No.13980106

You need to have either a very low or a very high IQ to understand that.

>> No.13980108

Most of the young ones, products of our neo-"Marxist" educational system, cannot see past their own ideological blinders.

>> No.13980112

I'm also going to add that you never mentioned modern libertarians. If you mentioned modern American libertarians it would be more clear. This is why I thought of the founding fathers and the other anon thought of Thoreau.

>> No.13980120

Lowest: a priori Rationalist Metaphysics

Highest: Humean Empiricism

>> No.13980132
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I have a very high IQ. I recognize that Christianity is not a philosophy. Christianity offers a gospel and faith, not answers to philosophical questions.

>> No.13980137

Lowest: Cultural Marxism, Post-Modernism/Frankfort School, Wignats: these will lower you IQ if it is not lowered already

Highest: Darwinism

>> No.13980156

Finance bros>humanities virgins

>> No.13980160

"What is faith" is a valid philosophical question, though. And if cannot answer it, how can you call yourself a Christian?

>> No.13980236

If you think Christianity has no answers to offer to philosophical questions you have an extremely narrow view of either philosophy or Christianity

>> No.13980245

Whiteheadian/Jamesian Empricism>Humean Empiricism

>> No.13980262

I hope you mean the low IQ people are the ones bitching about "muuh culchral marxism and muh post-modernissum"

>> No.13980278


>> No.13980352

Lowest iq: fascism and its foundations (excluding the texts from gentile and heidegger that do mot relate to their fascism). Self help. Any westernized spirituality. Rand and libertarianism. Most traditionalism. Weak illogical hedonism

Highest iq: unironically marxism. Whiteheadeanism. Priori math.

>> No.13980378

>Whiteheadian/Jamesian Empricism
Uhm, why did you put the two togetger like they are equivalent? James is waaaaaaay closer to Hume than crazy idealists like Whitehead.

>> No.13980384

Why do people hate the stoics?

>> No.13980397

Christians would say they are guilty of pride, not willing to humble themselves before God. Nietzscheans would say they are cucks. Most common arguments about why stoicism is bad is some combination of the two.

>> No.13980399

Only trannies like butterfly hate the Stoics. She is an Epicureanist, so she's not a huge fan of self control.

>> No.13980408

lowest - fish brain

highest - some king of higher level abstraction / plain theory / theism thats not schizo or autism

>> No.13980415

Evolutionary philosophy
Low iq: Darwinism, "survival of the fittest", neodarwinism, denialism
Middling: neovitalism, process philosophy
High IQ: agapism, teleodynamics

>> No.13980417

obvious bait

>> No.13980430
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Lowest: Anything from Britain
Highest: Juengerian Egoism with nietzschean characteristics

>> No.13980434
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>low IQ
>high IQ

Just admit you are weak willed, anon

>> No.13980450
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The one intelligible theory of the universe is that of objective idealism, that matter is effete mind, inveterate habits becoming physical laws (Peirce, CP 6.25)

>> No.13980460

>Christianity has no answers to philosophycal questions

>> No.13980461
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logical positivism
Christian existentialism

>> No.13980468


>> No.13980470

This, except it's only true for the low iq one.

>> No.13980480

Cucks as in how? For not listening to their emotions?
I dont take trips serious, regardless of what they post.

>> No.13980497

>Christian existentialism

>> No.13980505
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>Be Me, atheist, thoroughly rational
> Someone presents me an argument for God
>Rather than actually responding to the argument, instead...

Anon, you aren't actually saying anything against the argument when you do this. Your response is entirely beside the point: it is like I gave an argument that Knowledge was not Justified, True, Belief, and instead of arguing against my point, you instead started blathering "This is tooo dum! You wouldn't think this if you were smart enough to study Science!!!"

But you shouldn't do this Anon, because you aren't persuading anyone to your point of view, and you aren't actually allowing yourself to learn. Rather, you should look at the argument and try to come up with counterarguments: for example, you could say something like "This argument is only true if Aristotle's general metaphysical scheme is true: but I think Hume's metaphysics is far more persuasive for the following reasons..."

Even if you had an argument, a-la the early logical positivists, against all metaphysics whatsoever, that would be fine (although there are no such arguments that work). But right now you post reveals that you are simply a poor unfortunate, thinking he knows when he does not know, caught in the web of sophistry and delusion.

>> No.13980507

happy crowleymass

>> No.13980511

As in denying themselves for imaginary reasons.

>> No.13980524

Lowest: humanitarianism, stirnerism, historical liberalism,
Highest: neobrahmin platonism

>> No.13980556

>historical liberalism
Found the highest IQ post

>> No.13980858
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>The guy who can't spell Frankfurt and thinks made up conspiracy ideologies are real thinks he can have an opinion on IQ

>> No.13980865
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>What is the lowest iq
>and the highest iq philosophy?

>> No.13980896


>> No.13980926


>> No.13980933

this is actually the right answer

>> No.13981029

I still can't get over the fact atheism was brought to its knees by a few pictures of a fat guy wearing a hat.
Seriously, who identifies as an atheist anymore? The ones with any self awareness cop out and call themselves agnostic because the term has become so tainted.

>> No.13981051


>> No.13981073

The latter is a truism, you can only do what you will.

>> No.13981104

Wait... isn't that the guy who got retroactively btfo by Parmenides and Guénon?

>> No.13981112

lowest: platonism/pythagoreanism
highest: cynicism

>> No.13981143

Lowest: Scientific materialism
Highest: Catholic/Orthodox mysticism

>> No.13981319

Lowest: Nihilism
Highest: Nihilism

>> No.13981370

But you still follow principles whether if it comes unconsciously or not. So you're argument is retarded.

>> No.13981413

Teenager philosophy

>> No.13981473

very high -> it matters not if you do or don't

>> No.13982381

That frog made us what we are, you show him some goddamn respect!

>> No.13983048

It's impossible to know whether or not ideas influence your thought that's the definition of unconsciousness so your argument is retarded

>> No.13983055

"do what you will" is a principle

>> No.13983067
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I'll be at your house in five minutes

>> No.13983078


>> No.13983111


>> No.13983173

Lowest: Rand. Western Spirituality.

Highest: Marxism. Foundational Math

>> No.13983230

o fuck

>> No.13983270
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Highest: Taoism
Lowest: Judaism