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13977151 No.13977151 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here also drift to Islam over the years? Grew up in a mushrik infidel family and I've been getting disillusioned over the years, read some Islamic texts and they resonated with me

>> No.13977181
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The synthesis of socialism/marxism and Islam always yields based results

>> No.13977194
File: 48 KB, 500x405, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I have always wondered why more /pol/ types dont become Muslim even for the pragmatic benefits

>> No.13977200

>combining socialism/marxism with a religion whose primary holy text (i.e., the Qur'an) is more economically capitalist in spirit than anything else

>> No.13977208

I've drifted to Islam but I haven't made any serious jump

Cognitive dissonance. I know a lot of /pol/acks who are enamored with Islam, but something is getting in their way.

>> No.13977224

they mostly don't like the races/countries associated with Islam. Also the polygamy thing

>> No.13977232

It essentially has more to do with the fact that most /pol/tards buy into the fact that Islam inherently goes against the entire concept of Western civilization, and that converting into the religion will somehow make them traitor to their own race/heritage (even though ironically, at least 95% of their worldview/politics has a lot more in common with what's in the Qur'an and hadith literature than anything else).

>> No.13977233

Islam seems very dry, spiritually speaking. Very unaesthetic.

>> No.13977239

It's definitely not, it has slavery yes (although you have to feed and clothe slaves as yourself), but the economic restrictions covered under riba include no interest, no gambling, no speculation, no false advertising, no unfair sales (some schools account it theft if the buyer is unhappy with the transaction), no price gouging (how much more you can charge than your effort and investment is limited), etc

>> No.13977245

the /pol/ worldview lines up fairly well with Old Testament law. The NT is a bit ambiguous about politics to say the least.

>> No.13977246
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So is that why one of the most esoteric philosophers in the 20th century somehow converted to Islam?

>> No.13977256

Pseud cringe

>> No.13977260


idk man, seems to me that it has a lot more in common with the entire concept of capitalism than it does socialism if you ask me (even though there are clearly elements of both melded together in the Qur'an & hadith).

>> No.13977263

that guy has a dumb face and a dumb name. Don’t trust him

>> No.13977264

Sufis believe all paths lead to God though

>> No.13977279
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>> No.13977289
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This is from the Muslim Brotherhood's manifesto

>> No.13977293

Most Sufis believe only monotheism leads to Him and only Islam is pure monotheism even if Jews and Christians can go to heaven. Very few are was whacky as Ibn Arabi

>> No.13977298

Islam is just Judaism and Christianity repackaged for the Middle East. And Muhammad even tried to claim he was a prophet along with the ones before, that he was somehow continuing the tradition. Lmao

>> No.13977309

>Islam is just Judaism and Christianity
As if those two are remotely fungible in practice, theology, history, law, culture or identity.

>> No.13977310

>islam is marxist
Nigger they hate jews

>> No.13977313

Bullshit. It specifically prohibits the central tenets your beloved 'capitalism' operates on.

>> No.13977314

yeah, and so did Karl Marx.

what's your point?

>> No.13977320

It’s more similar to Judaism, but Mohammed is analogous to Jesus in a way

>> No.13977325

Most religions are monotheist

>> No.13977328

and how so, you retard?

also reminder that the Islamic Golden Age was essentially proto-capitalist in nature, so much so that other nations afterwards literally took influence from their their own economic concepts.

>> No.13977338

>Very few are was whacky as Ibn Arabi
t. person who hasn't even read Ibn Arabi, probably not even fluent in Arabic

>> No.13977342

By monotheistic I mean rejection of shirk

Only in an utterly secular conception of Jesus, alayhe salaam. In both Islam and Christianity, Isa, alayhe salaam, is the Messiah who will return to unseat the Antichrist/Dajjal, he has a major eschotological significance. That isn't touching on his primary role of atonement in Christianity

>> No.13977345

t. Someone who hasn't read normal sufis like Muhammad Taqi Usmani

>> No.13977349

Being an actual Muslim is very dangerous

>> No.13977454

I'm an actual Muslim

>> No.13977460

How dangerous!

>> No.13977481


>> No.13977486

If you have to ask...

>> No.13977497
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Because you might get sent on a one-way plane ride?

>> No.13977544

>Early Islamic commerce applied a number of concepts and techniques, including bills of exchange, forms of partnership (mufawada) such as limited partnerships (mudaraba), and early forms of capital (al-mal), capital accumulation (nama al-mal),[19] cheques, promissory notes,[55] trusts (see waqf), transactional accounts, loans, ledgers and assignments.[56] Organizational enterprises independent of the state also existed in the medieval Islamic world, while the agency institution was also introduced.[23][24] Medieval Europe adopted and developed many of these concepts from the 13th century onwards.[19]

>A market economy was established in the Islamic world on the basis of an economic system resembling merchant capitalism. Labour promoted capital formation in medieval Islamic society, and a considerable number of owners of monetary funds and precious metals developed financial capital. The capitalists (sahib al-mal) stood at the height of their power between the 9th and 12th centuries, but their influence declined after the arrival of the ikta (landowners) and after the state monopolized production; both these trends hampered any development of industrial capitalism in the Islamic world.

Yep, the Islamic world sure always sounded very anti-capitalist indeed.

>> No.13977554

I don't know what's crazier, equating the advent of promissary notes to merchant capitalism, or asserting all production was owned by the state

>> No.13978300


>> No.13978303

are you an actual arab?

>> No.13978313

>muh tawhid
>muh yawm al qiyahmah

Go hidjra yourself out of here and martyr yourself, filthy hanif. Long live Allat, Manat and al Uzza

>> No.13978316

Umm not really. I just became a Marxist instead, but have fun bro.

>> No.13978346

Nothing, I've been browsing /pol/ too much and make zero sense.

>> No.13978358

He was all about Arab unity but couldn't care less about Syria during the UAR's existence.

>> No.13978375

I'm basically the opposite, grew up as a Muslim, read the Bible and became a Christian. Too bad I can't be open about it with my family