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File: 49 KB, 590x351, adolf-hitler-dog-muck-884186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13972607 No.13972607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does he fit Nietzsche's idea of an ubermensch? Why or why not?

>> No.13972617

Not really. Although there is a lot to denigrate and mock about him, Hitler was singularly impressive in certain ways, but nothing about him (or at least about his project) is particularly Nietzschean.

>> No.13972623

>leads his country into an ultimately self-destructive war and liquidates 6 million jews to satisfy a bogus racial ideology

>> No.13972624

What are the requirements to be a 'ubermensch'

>> No.13972634

will 2 power motha fuka

>> No.13972648

opposite of WWJD

>> No.13972651

all life has will to power

>> No.13972662

Try reading


>> No.13972722

Huh? It was the most Nietzschean project ever.

>> No.13972727
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>liquidates 6 million jews

>> No.13972735

not at all, insect

>> No.13972745

There has been no project more Nietzschean, rat.

>> No.13972863

No, Nietzsche clearly described the ubermensch as something above, and thus, distinct from man. He was both the result of man’s evolution and his prophet, but seperate from mankind. It does appear, however, that Hitler was strongly influenced by Nietzsche in my opinion and much of the Nazi party’s philosophy, such as their meta-political beliefs on eugenics and militarism, could be viewed as attempts to bring about the over-man in line with Nietzsche’s thought.

>> No.13972965
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Not especially. I would say he was more of a Wagnerian but he was nonetheless profoundly influenced by Nietzsche. He sometimes spoke of the coming superman race and how he had 'met them'. He also, although less so than Mussolini, emphasized the importance of will to power and man-as-beast of prey into his doctrine.
He echoes Nietzsche's grandiosity and phrasing in some of his writings:
>My program for educating youth is hard. Weakness must be hammered away. In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth. Youth must be all that. It must bear pain. There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes...That is how I will eradicate thousands of years of human domestication...That is how I will create the New Order.

>> No.13972980
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>liquidates six millions jews
yeah, that’s why he made the Haavara agreement instead of just outright shooting every jew on sight. They figured they’d keep them alive in concentration camps with all the necessary provisions of survival up until the allies start bombing the railways which were necessary for transporting supplies. Then, by the end of the war, they become these malnourished people due to Germany diverting the resources they once used to keel them healthy and sustained.

>> No.13973096


My take would be hitler failed in being ubermensch since he failed to construct a system outside of the one in which he felt trapped. In all of his instructions he only just strove in an opposite direction of that which he had already been molded by, and seeked out to disestablish. Ironcally bringing him closer to the core of his despaired and isolated mental life.

>> No.13973114

>despaired and isolated mental life
Very jewish take.

>> No.13973123

>Walter Kaufmann, the renowned Nietzsche scholar, argues that
Nietzsche was influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great
American thinker, in the choice of the term “overhuman.”
Coping americans at a level it's not funny anymore

>> No.13973128

What's the purpose of putting them in concentration camps then, retard

>> No.13973144

Common wartime practice for internal subversives. Americans did the same to japs.

>> No.13973165

>what is block 11

>> No.13973205

Nietzsche doesn't fit Nietzsche's idea of an ubermensch

>> No.13973217

Sorry miss snarky hoe
>gaseifies 6 million jews

>> No.13973218

Why did yanks put the Japanese in them you dumb fuck.

>> No.13973224

He appears to be but only if you look superficially.
Think of him as like Napoleon, but propelled by resent from the German defeat in WWI. If you don't believe he was resentful, look up how people described his signing of the surrender treaty of France. He made a point to have it happen in Maréchal Foch's coach, and he himself took Foch's seat, as a very clear echo of the signing of the armistice after the German defeat in 1918. He was all about getting back at the French (and more largely the Allies) for the humiliations of Germany.
And resent is the epitome of slave morality.
Now if again you compare him to Napoelon, it's clear Napoleon is a much better representative of self-affirming will to power and master morality. But even Napoleon, according to Nietzsche, was only part master (and on his way to übermensch), part slave morality (because of his need to pander to the people).

So really Hitlerbeing übermensch doesn't hold up. He's too much like a normal petty politcian who got successful. Fwiw Napoleon doesn't fit the bill either, although he's closer.

>> No.13973230

You complete retard, fuck you and your whataboutism. The "Final solution to the Jewish question" was not a secret but a public plan that they talked about in speeches and even wrote in Mein Kampf. The fact that you try to deny it shows that you fell for neo-nazi damage control.

>> No.13973234

Fake news, not true.

>> No.13973239

t. has his history education from chans and youtube videos

>> No.13973244

No. You've been lied to by jews.

>> No.13973262

Good argument, you convinced me now.

>> No.13973268
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>> No.13973271

>the jews wrote mein kampf and hitler's speeches
so who do i trust if even based adolf was a jew puppet??!!

>> No.13973272

>My program for educating youth is hard. Weakness must be hammered away. In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth. Youth must be all that. It must bear pain. There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes...That is how I will eradicate thousands of years of human domestication...That is how I will create the New Order.

Did an evil villain write this?

>> No.13973322

404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

>> No.13973330

I suppose Jews were like the google translate of the time, when in doubt, use a Jew, hopefully nobody will realize you did.

>> No.13973364

How should have someone who leads by master morality done in a situation like Hitler's?

>> No.13973368


>> No.13973372

>6 million jews
The number is a meme. The calculations have reduced the number by at least 2 million over the years.

>> No.13973378

[source needed]

>> No.13973381
File: 33 KB, 660x459, Sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He believed in a higher law regarding sexual purity, so he probably doesn't count. He was adept at grabbing power and going through challenges in his life.

>> No.13973385


>> No.13973391

>He believed in a higher law regarding sexual purity,

No they literally advocated cuckolding

>> No.13973413

The Nazi regime had state-run brothels

>> No.13973416

>poopulation controls
I mean his own life.

>> No.13973422

>a discredited, histrionic negationist literature professor who was contradicted even by people who worked with him
(See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Claude_Pressac))
Nice try anon.

And before you whine about muh censorship, remember that several of Faurisson's letters were published in Le Monde, and even fucking Noam CHomsky defended Faurisson's right to free speech despite disagreeing with him. The guy had more than the occasion to make a convincing case, and he failed.

>> No.13973430

There's 42 sources. One being discredited cuts through what, the newest? Even the Auswitch official plates have reduced their numbers.

>> No.13973433
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So it's just 4 million Jews? What's the fuss about then?

>> No.13973437

Exactly, 4 million jews is not that different from 2.5 million Iraqis, after all.
Not according to jews, at least.

>> No.13973442

Judging by the website name Faurisson is not one of the source, but the one who compiled them, so yes, it casts doubt on everything he writes.

>Even the Auswitch official plates have reduced their numbers.
Then why not put a link to that instead? It's like you want people to disagree with you. I don't even disagree the death toll was exaggerated (though you also have to take into account the Einsatzgruppen in the Eastern Front, which prop it up yet again, though not as much) but anybody using Faurisson's name ironically is begging to be made fun of.

>> No.13973447

>but the one who compiled them, so yes, it casts doubt on everything he writes.
Fine, let him be controversial.
Auswitch welcome-plates agree that the number is down.

>> No.13973456

>a discredited site used solely to write high school essays

>> No.13973461

I like to imagine that if that kike and its parents were killed, together with her cousins and their parents - maybe those Iraqis would still be alive and Europe would have 4 million Iraqis less.
It's a mystery why I think that the trade-off would be good.

>> No.13973467


>> No.13973478

I studied mathematics at gradschool level, believe me, professional mathematicians have no qualms about using wikipedia from time to time.
Wikipedia is not the best source but it's certainly way more credible than "look at me being a persecuted truth-sayer on TV" Faurisson.

>> No.13973486

Ok I agree we should focus on the most relevant evidence. What do you make of the recent research on the Einsatzgruppen in the Eastern Front, with the unearthed mass graves on which DNA analysis have been performed?
What do you think is the most probable death toll then including those deaths? If possible including not only Jews but Gypsies, political dissidents, communists, gays and military prisoners (and trying to give a separate number for each, again if possible)?

The Holocaust has never been only about Auschwitz after all, but now it's also not only about the death camps.

>> No.13973763

You've never read Nietzsche. Shut up.

>> No.13974301

>What do you think is the most probable death toll then including those deaths?
5,999 999 Jews < 6,000 000 Jews
Tomorrow, I'll go a step further and state that it was only 5,999 998 Jews

>> No.13974316
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Let’s see some sources. Should be easy enough since it’s written in Mein Kampf, as you claim.

>> No.13974326

I made the effort to engage with you in earnest, it would not cost you much to do the same for a single post.

>> No.13974441

Good morning, I hate women. To answer your question: Yes. Anyone who says otherwise is a discord tranny and/or a /leftypol/ faggot and/or a reddit tourist. A message to the aforementioned: You will never be a cute anime girl. Don’t forget to dilate your rotting, puss-filled, teratomatous axe-slash you call a neo-vagina today or the wound will start healing. Anyone who replies anything other than “based” to this post is one of the aforementioned.

>> No.13974449

have sex

>> No.13974456


>> No.13974471
File: 164 KB, 811x886, 19EA1B76-A396-463A-8389-3A2418757CE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peppering of catchphrases
Why do people think nazis aren’t liberal capitalists?
On occasion they try to make us think they’re real socialists... weird. I’m on to your shit though

>> No.13974480

Ok, so Yes, Hitler was. But you missed the why or why not. can you elaborate, bradda?

>> No.13974489

where is this quote from?

>> No.13974496

Or that it would happen like that at all.
If not her then someone else would have done the job. The problem is systemic.

>> No.13974523

>If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the nation had been subjected to poison gas, such as had to be endured in the field by hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers of all classes and professions, then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain.

>The nationalization of our masses will succeed only when, aside from all the positive struggle for the soul of our people, their international poisoners are exterminated.

>> No.13974540

You are asking in bad faith, so no. You have been aforementioned. I will now stop monitoring this thread for replies to my post. It’s stands on its own. I am ascending to the offline world now. Farewell.

>> No.13974546

Holocaust was obviously a lie. Just look at the phrase "Holocaust Survivor", how exactly can you be a "survivor" of the Holocaust if it didn't actually happen? Lol, Jews are retarded.

>> No.13974550

sadly german youth are the opposite of that quote now

>> No.13974598

>>If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the nation had been subjected to poison gas, such as had to be endured in the field by hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers of all classes and professions, then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain.
Lmao so the jews didn’t fight in WW1 with their German compatriots? This is new to me. Also, give concrete evidence that this proves of a “final solution” and “planned extermination”. Maybe some official documents entitled “final solution”.

>> No.13974696
File: 103 KB, 622x640, adolfhitlerfeedingfawns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The "Übermensch" archetype is characterized by the gratification of primal urges, whereas Adolf Hitler embodied the Eternal Androgyne archetype, which is characterized by the cultivation of Nobility. Adolf Hitler is to the Hero, wise elder, autist, etc. what Friedrich Nietszche is to the villain, spoiled adolescent, schizopath, etc.

>> No.13974716


>> No.13974743
File: 12 KB, 500x294, ae2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe some official documents entitled “final solution”

>> No.13974980

>bends reality to his will (will to power)
>throws subversive slave-morality away
>changes the world
>avoids nihilism and asserts dominance

>> No.13975003
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Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.13975043
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>6 million jews

>> No.13975201

Lol is this real? Sauce on it please. If it is it makes me despise jews even more, what a despicable race, can't get rid of them soon enough.