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File: 74 KB, 974x552, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13971025 No.13971025 [Reply] [Original]

y-you're not just a /lit/ larper, right?

>> No.13971033

I got 150 on the last “free iq test” I took but don’t these mean nothing?

>> No.13971035

>trusting an online test that wants you to pay to print out a certificate instead of going to a psychologist
Confirmed sub 90. Saged

>> No.13971037

138 last test I had.

>> No.13971040

a real one would be more comprehensive and there's more validity in the amount of questions, sure, but they're not always a bad indicator

>> No.13971042
File: 53 KB, 657x580, lääkeapustaja32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another iq thread

>> No.13971055

while you were studying how to get a 133 on your iq test...i was studying books...

>> No.13971071

>studying for an iq test

>> No.13971077
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I am.

>> No.13971132
File: 140 KB, 1063x1063, 198e9b7a6a9c57f4a30c9faa7f471e48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was tested as a kid, probably at about 7, and was way above average but I'm 100% too scared to do one again in case I've become a retard since.

>> No.13971180

based cross board poster

>> No.13971316

what was it then?

>> No.13971998

>lifelong day dreamer
>couldn't tie shoes no matter how many times dad showed me, finally got it in my early 20s
>inconsistent student from K-10 (didn't finish 11th grade)
>best classes were visual arts and writing, usually As but other classes were all over the place
>completely lost in the crowd, like human wallpaper despite acting out a couple of times in late elementary school
>took up menial laboring jobs after drinking heavily in my early 20s
>decide to study, get accepted in my late 20s by a major university as mature aged student (anthropology major)
>get pretty good grades considering I'm a procrastinating slacker who leaves all assignments til the last 24hrs
>took time off studies to work full time again, still menial labor
>about to finish my last few classes
>finally got tested for aspergers, got that ruled out but I do have generalised anxiety disorder
>IQ test came back as 129/130
>look around at the flotsam and jetsom that is my life
A large part of me thinks they fucked up the test somehow. If someone is smart shouldn't they feel it? Most of the time I feel like a retard.

>> No.13972002

But Im a fucking idiot so explain sir

>> No.13972292
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>> No.13972297
File: 62 KB, 735x550, 1569358820441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is 136, which is totally useless since I do have autism

>> No.13972355

130 is prime midwit territory. Anything under 145 is sub human.

>> No.13972361

These ain't Fahrenheit, Amerifat. 100 is average.

>> No.13972378

>iq test when i was 10
>all i heard about it was that the result wasn't exceptional
oh well

>> No.13972557

Are you me

>> No.13972641
File: 97 KB, 504x302, IMG_1842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free iq test
I unironically made 175 in one of those.
Decide yourself how likely it is that one of the brightest geniuses that ever walked the world would be posting on 4chan right now.

>> No.13972643

They do. You're a genius

>> No.13972649

i wonder
where is the bottom 50%

>> No.13972657

>If someone is smart shouldn't they feel it?
If you're smart you think you're dumb because subconsciously you can't accept that everyone except you is so wrong and dumb all the time. There must be something wrong about you.
Well, Everyone is exactly so wrong and dumb all the time. Doctors, teachers, scientists etc included. 90% of them are larping.
You either have an unassailable ego or You'll fall into this trap eventually.

>> No.13972659

On reddit, but that's a given.

>> No.13972677
File: 292 KB, 828x1205, 8F677D20-F875-4493-8378-97E4B08CD003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if this means nothing, I was nervous waiting for the results to load. I always feel like an idiot and suspect I have a low IQ (think double digits) for how often I need to ask questions before I feel like I can understand something. I remember taking the Raven's Progressive Matrices test as a child and thinking that was a fluke as well... I did well in elementary school but couldn’t keep up in most classes in high school.

>> No.13972795

exact same

>> No.13972805
File: 66 KB, 733x550, 15920_67e8858b4feea9df93a2bafb9232e081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13972838

Many people act like they understand, pretend they understand or think they understand things when they actually don't.

You might be a bit more honest and overanalyzing than most people.

>> No.13972931

These tests don't mean anything. I got 160 in the OP and 130 in real life.

>> No.13972935

Go home, sandnigger. Your country is 90 IQ at best. Sucks.

>> No.13973095
File: 32 KB, 1017x372, iqmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already took this one, among others. I'm insecure as fuck, this score does not reflect my everyday problem solving abilities and common sense, at all.

>> No.13973099
File: 92 KB, 966x910, iqthing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, i'm not on r9k anymore lately, thank fuck.

>> No.13973124
File: 139 KB, 1135x761, iqmemesv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think it might be my appalling visual working memory and executive functions that bottleneck all my other abilities. I know I'm not completely dumb, since I can complete these tests quite successfully, but I'm often so slow at certain tasks and understanding certain situations or stuff people are telling me. It has really messed with my head over the years, I don't understand my brain. When all the clutter is stripped away, and I can think in purely abstract terms, I can do really well. Since real life usually consists of you having to juggle tons of little details in working memory though, I get stuck and overwhelmed.

>> No.13973140

148 here but I'm a fucking loser so whatever

>> No.13973149

My outcome is negative

>> No.13973203

No, I read

>> No.13973362

based /sci/poster

>> No.13973605

If an IQ test is mostly spatial reasoning or mathematical patterns, I suck at it (I got a 126 on this one). If it’s verbal linguistic heavy, I will get in the 140s. I was always ass at math. It’s weird being half a brainlet.

>> No.13973736
File: 37 KB, 1071x539, asdfasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just chose the 4th answer to all the questions.
am I genius guys?

>> No.13974119

Seeing yo ubrainlets get legitimately decent to highly above average scores makes me wonder how fucking high IQ were people like Leo Tolstoy, Herman Melville, Fyodor Dostoevsky, etc.?

>> No.13974136

IQ isn't that important. Hegel was around average intelligence yet he wrote some of the most important pieces of philosophy

>> No.13974213
File: 46 KB, 795x335, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked OP

>> No.13974833


>> No.13974871

you know it's a shitty test when scores go so high.

>> No.13974877

Which one of these tests is actually the most fun?

>> No.13974902

I also was tested as a child and tested above the rest. I was failing everything and the school suggested my parents have me tested for a learning disability, doctor's report, he is bored, put him in advanced classes, he will excel. The school put me in remedial classes because they knew better than the doctor they recommended, got to love public education.

I have no fear of having another IQ test, but I really do not care or see the point.

>> No.13974996
File: 25 KB, 339x382, christopher-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard y'all were talkin shit.

>> No.13975072

I'm the same dude, verbal intelligence is largely related to your phonological working memory, so basically how easily you can manipulate sounds inside your head. Mathematical intelligence is probably mostly related to visuo-spatial working memory.
I can do mental arithmetic no problem, but i suck at graph theory, trigonometry, all that.
I also feel motorically retarded most of the time, like i can barely walk normally without tripping. It makes me so, so self-conscious. I actually had the shit tested and my psycho-motor/visual processing speed was like 80, which is borderline retarded. Verbal on the other hand, I scored in the lower 130's, with an uncertainty of 5 points +-
I feel your pain, there's nothing we can do. I'm stuck in this state for the rest of my life. I feel like a houseplant sometimes, I really do. I can think, but I can't execute. It's like locked-in syndrome, the worst shit ever. It really is.
Fuck, I hoped writing this would make me feel better, but it doesn't, it's still shit.

>> No.13975097

>Decide yourself how likely it is that one of the brightest geniuses that ever walked the world would be posting on 4chan right now.
extremely high desu, IQs of over 140 are a severe liability

>> No.13975132

>test as kid
>online test as adult with that retarded find the pattern thing

>> No.13975143
File: 107 KB, 1370x876, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at 8.08.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally pretend to be retarded on a daily basis, pick my nose at work (i serve coffee) and am probably going to kill myself (if i can manage to make it look like a murder)

>> No.13975146


>> No.13975156

it's alright, you're probably just not good at (visual) abstract reasoning. that score you got as a kid probably reflects large strengths in other areas. Honestly, I hope for you you're like the opposite of me, cause it seems my intelligence profile is inversely proportional to happiness.


>> No.13976488

>believing in iq

>> No.13976536

126. Took an iq test in high school and got 126. Then i took a different test 5 years later and got the same score again

>> No.13976541

or you can muster up a better life?

>> No.13976579

>do iq tests
>find maths extremely boring
>don't bother
>do matrices exclusive test
>fail only 2 out of 40
>140 iq

How can this be if I can't bother to do mental math? Is doing menial useless labor like mental math for IQs lower than 140?

>> No.13977318

>Langan is smart meme