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/lit/ - Literature

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13969217 No.13969217 [Reply] [Original]

Some people om social media called him a "literary rockstar" and mentioned the fact that he has written in pretty much every literary genre: plays, essays, novels, poetry, stories. Has /lit/ read him? Where to start with this guy?

>> No.13969240

I looked him up and was surprised to see our Hebraic friends at NYRB classics have published a couple of this genocidal Serb’s books.
Anything for a few shekels I guess.

>> No.13969579

>Some people om social media
Like who? All I saw was shit about him being a white male from the indoctrinated shabbos goyim.

>> No.13969596

Maybe from American Anglophones? My twitter feed is in Spanish so I read lots of praise for the guy. People quoting things from his books, their favorite poems by him, indie publishers mentioning the fact that they have some of his titles in their catalogue, etc.

>> No.13969621
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Reddit on suicide watch

>> No.13969631
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>> No.13969638
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>> No.13969729

Start with A Sorrow Beyond Dreams

>> No.13969741

Why are people like this? I am neither particularly informed about the events that took place there (I wonder if these people are?), nor about Handke's affiliation.
We read him at school and it was good literature. But I suppose that doesn't count anything to these people?

>> No.13969750

Same here in France. He’s been regarded as classic for decades here now. Before Jelinek, even.

>> No.13969779
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They have sympathy for ISIS and other islamist terrorists, unlike Handke.

>> No.13969804

The Goalies Anxiety at Penalty Kick

>> No.13969870

Was excited to read this guy after finding out about him today, but looked into it and it seems like more depressive fiction yet again. I know it's kind of the conditional zeitgeist in the modern west, but I absolutely hate how the work of contemporary fiction writers almost always revolves around degeneracy, nihilism, or really depressing shit, like Handke's supposed masterpiece about his mom.

Is anyone else tired of the state of contemporary fiction? Are there really no great writers with big visions and positive ideas about how to improve or better celebrate our history and culture, or for a white guy to be published does he have to grovel in misery and nihilism for his work to even have a chance of getting picked up?

Really tired of these negative attitudes in fiction.

>> No.13969884

>Is anyone else tired of the state of contemporary fiction? Are there really no great writers with big visions and positive ideas about how to improve or better celebrate our history and culture, or for a white guy to be published does he have to grovel in misery and nihilism for his work to even have a chance of getting picked up?
I am tired of it as well but be honest, do you imagine any intelligent person writing something celebratory without coming off as an insincere shill? At least the nihilistic chill gives you something to chew on. I'm afraid we're quite past our age of innocence.

Your best bet would be explorer, people out of the cities who talk about the wild, the sea, the sky. Find some sailor or former pilot (but not a military pilot, one who did it for the thrill and without orders).

>> No.13969889

>our history and culture
Only an ameritard could've written this ridiculous nonsense.

>> No.13969899

my mother has literally all his works, I've only read some, but I listened to some interviews with him and Handke himself said, that he he can not most of his books to people, who don't know him. But one book of him, which is easy to understand for everyone is this, he said:

>> No.13969906

Happiness is gay. Happy art is gay and not worth it.

>> No.13969915

>do you imagine any intelligent person writing something celebratory without coming off as an insincere shill?
I can, because it wasn't always like this. We've had at least half a century of really bad literary stewards.

I didn't use the word "happy." But people like yourself who like to wallow in your unhappiness are a symptom of the problem I'm talking about.

>> No.13969936

Everything positive has already been part of children's literature for centuries. Adults face real issues. Without conflict and negativity strong pure art can seldom exist.

>> No.13969942

>I can, because it wasn't always like this.
I'm talking about an intelligent 21st century person of course. Not hard to look at someone like Sterne and see the joy in writing. Even Joyce to some extent. Nowadays this is much harder to achieve. Do you imagine being more achieving than Sterne of Joyce? That's what it would take right now.

>> No.13970002

Bullshit. This bogus mentality is what has destroyed literature as an endeavor and interest of men with a vision of above average intelligence and made it into a pastime of men who are losers.

>Nowadays this is much harder to achieve.
I see no reason for this to be the case. It's a self-reinforcing and -rewarding negativity that has subsumed literature in a spiritual sense since around the modernist period, in part because these negative attitudes and expressions of iconoclasm have been rewarded by the publishing industry, causing it to become as baked in as it is now. More of the opposite would be a welcome change to many.

>> No.13970014

Cringe. Go read Dr Seuss and write abour happy faggots then and see how it goes, you colossal cunt.

>> No.13970029

Emotionally weak faggots like you who read because it's the only company your misery can find are partially to blame for the poor state of literature being described.

>> No.13970037

>I see no reason for this to be the case.
Plenty of reasons, among others the decline of appreciation for literature along with an increase of engagment with media and subsequent drop in sleeping time, outdoors activities, close human bonding and detachement from the never-ending media circus.
This means we read less quality literature while also enjoying our life less and spend more time being anxious over things we can't control (but that can control us). We're more aware of the world's manifold problem without being comparatively more able to tackle them. All this promotes hysteria, anxiety, powerlessness and learned helplessness in everyone, and an additional growing melancholy in literature enthusiasts who see themselve grow increasingly irrelevant.

Not so easy a burden to shake off. Mind that overall negativity in literature (and the associated pessimism towards modern life and bleak prospects for our species' spiritual future) started in the 19th century, so it's not merely a post-70s trend as you seem to be suggesting.

>> No.13970041

Retarded assumption. Retarded simplification. You should read Rupi Kaur, lad. She's 100% your thing.

>> No.13970047

>Not so easy a burden to shake off. Mind that overall negativity in literature (and the associated pessimism towards modern life and bleak prospects for our species' spiritual future) started in the 19th century, so it's not merely a post-70s trend as you seem to be suggesting.
Tragedy has always been present in literature. The Greeks wrote lots of negative stuff. It's pathetic and faggy to ignore the bad stuff in life.

>> No.13970093

Negativity and depression aren't the same as tragedy. There's a sense of greatness in tragedy, also there is the ordainment of Fate.

>> No.13970095

I mostly agree, and am saying it is a general zeitgeist problem, and one we need to break out of. But tbf I also said it became pervasive during the modernist period, though the Boomer literary stewards were particularly bad. Literary figures before then often had a sense that they were building upon their own history and high culture, not just continually deconstructing it and wallowing in their own misery.

You are the prototypical depressed incel loser this literary zeitgeist appeals to. But lower class losers like you are just a symptom, and reading a cope for your despair. You ultimately don't matter.

>> No.13970102

If I don't matter why are you even talking to me? Whinging like an absolute faggot about muh positivity lmao stick to instagram "You can do it" quotes, you stupid numbnuts.

>> No.13970114
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Just stfu and read pic related.

>> No.13970132

You don't matter, you are a midwit pleb who has no sense of or connection to the western literary tradition. You read because you are a loser, and I am replying to you because your particular loserdom comes with a side effect of misrepresenting others' statements.

>> No.13970135

The amount of projection that your post exudes is off the charts. You can do it bro, sky's the limit! :D

>> No.13970148

Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin

>> No.13970169

Go read Elementary Particles again or finish up your screed-post about having no friends, being a virgin, and wanting to off yourself in the "Write What You Want" thread. This topic is beyond you, incel.

>> No.13970182

The Russians are getting it back together after a long spell of this literary nihilism; we in the west need to do the same.

>> No.13970188
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Is that all you've been doing the past few months? Tell us more, lad.

>> No.13970199

delusional creep

>> No.13970202

kek imagine being this much of a little bitch

>> No.13970226

Pathetic. Losers like this are products of 4chan and come from lower class backgrounds and lineages of people who were illiterate a couple hundred years ago. Reading to these types is nothing more than a misery cope, and their sad lives are a reflection of the general problem with the contemporary literary and cultural zeitgeist.

>> No.13970235

Adapt or die, faggot.

>> No.13970245
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t. Sir Nobody

>> No.13970265

Me adapt? You won't adapt enough over your entire lifetime to put yourself in a position to procreate.

>> No.13970274

>Hebriacs try to cover up a recent genocide that surpassed WWII
surprise surprise

>> No.13970281

I'm adapting well enough to the zeitgeist, lad. You, on the other hand, are whinging and yelling like a colossal faggot and begging for muh positivity nonsense while making assumptions on anyone who disagrees with your small-minded view. We have the literature we deserve. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.13970297

How hard is he to read in German? I heard someone mention Kaspar being a good read for a German learner, should I start there?

>> No.13970300

What happened in Serbia anyway?

>> No.13970307

>We have the literature we deserve.
Beyond pathetic attitude from confirmed incel loser. You are not a part of any "we" here, you are a mutant that can only exist in the decline.

>> No.13970312

Serbians slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent unarmed Bosnians with tanks because they got raped by Ottomans 300 years ago

>> No.13970319

Which genocide in particular?

>> No.13970345

You don't understand literature, you simple-minded buffoon. And humans who read good literature are indeed in the decline, you're right about this. Now go read some Tony Robbins to help you through your pathetic wageslave existence full of gratuitous whining and embarrassing coping.

>> No.13970351

Ugh, no. There were remnant shitskin invaders in Serbian territory and Serbia did nothing wrong in trying to deal with them until zog stepped in and forwarded this gayop narrative.

>> No.13970367

You mean Muslims? lmao based Serbs

>> No.13970375

Yes, Hebriacs and they shameless covering up of the infamous Whiskey Massacre.

>> No.13970408

As I told you from the start, you are a loser for whom literature is attendant to your incel need to wallow in your own misery. You know this is true, and that you are coping with the sad life you lead because you are of peasant stock, have no chance of upward mobility or procreation, and no connection to the western literary tradition. I am the opposite of you.

>> No.13970466

Sure, you're the opposite of me: An absolutely retarded chanfag with delusions of grandeur who mistakes motivational facebook quotes for Literature. Ever since Homer all the greats wrote about the negative side of life one way or the other whether you like it or not. So go watch the Mickey Mouse Show, leave us discussing modern authors, and stfu.

>> No.13970544

You know you are over the incel fan-fic tard target when the only responses left are intentional misrepresentations. You lost, faggot, and your misery is not a virtue. You are on the bottom and will remain there.

>> No.13970626


>> No.13970643

You do know incels are only an American phenomenon, right? It's bizarre and completely foreign to me this notion of me being an "incel", like many of your mentally ill compatriots certainly are. Incels don't exist where I live. I have friends, sex, get drunk fairly often, and I also like to read. This absurd notion that reading the canon is strictly for lonely incels is ridiculous. So instead of throwing meaningless ad hominems for the umpteenth time why don't you just accept the fact that negative art is much stronger and has a bigger impact on people than happy fake schlock. No question about it. The positive side of life it's meant to be lived, not read in fucking books. You're the book equivalent of single women who watch romcoms and chick flicks to cope with what they lack. Imagine if the Iliad was just about some faggots drinking tea while talking about how hard atheir husbands fucked them last night. You can fuck right off, burger faggot.

>> No.13970757

>incel finally breaks down and gives long-winded response about how he really like for real has sex and friends and that the misery and transgressiveness he requires of art is just the truest expression of art and really doesn't represent his own misery at all, like whatsoever.
You got turned out a couple hours ago so this act is not gonna work. Take your loss and move on, loser.

>> No.13970842
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>that the misery and transgressiveness he requires of art is just the truest expression of art and really doesn't represent his own misery at all, like whatsoever.
Close byt not exactly right. I read literature for the aesthetic enjoyment. I couldn't care less if the characters are like me or not, but it just so happens that most of the greatest works in literature are about the dark stuff in life. Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Tolstoy, Hugo, Ibsen, Kafka, Faulkner, et all. So I don't think Literature is for you. You are clearly in the wrong hobby/interest.
>You got turned out a couple hours ago so this act is not gonna work. Take your loss and move on, loser.
But you keep getting BTFO at every reply. You can't go beyond American tier trendy insults. Just accept you have a shit taste and move on to self-help schlock and get your daily dosis of happiness from there meanwhile average people get it from real life.

>> No.13971060

You are simply out of your league and probably haven't read the historical and canonic authors you mentioned, which is why you're drawing such a faulty line of comparison from them to contemporary fiction, and again issuing nothing but made-up strawmans wrt my points earlier. You are nowhere near my level literarily speaking because you are of such low stock, presumably a colonial leftover living in South America (?), and it shows.

>> No.13971135

So you can't stand the dark side of life mirrored in Literature, you think everyone who disagrees with you is an incel, you love muh positive nicey things, and somehow you're a racist and hate South Americans (?). What kind of absurd creature are you? lmao what a delusional phony and what a terribly shit taste!

>> No.13971279

The connection you're making doesn't exist, like I said, and is being forwarded because you are not well read. Take the L.

>> No.13971346

It pretty much exists. All the writers I mentioned have written about dark and/or depressing things, and most people who are into literature have read them, it's not like I'm talking about obscure contemporary writers from the third world. I'm talking about fucking Shakespeare. And, the opposite of you, I see lots of phony, plastic and supposedly "happy" or "life-affirming" novels crowding the aisles and the bestseller lists. Not even sure what you even want. Were you expecting Handke to be the author of Eat, Pray, Love or some shit?

>> No.13971486

Again, I never said anything at any point about literature being "happy" or any of those other things. That was your strawman. My gripe was about the lack of a larger vision, poor stewardship based on a nihilist outlook, and this clear trend in contemporary literature to revolve around wallowing in misery and being explicitly iconoclastic. Ibsen exploring the dark side of human nature is different than Hoellebcecq being a passive, nihilist loser who hates the world and writes explicitly about his sick sexual fetishes, and modern literature is completely devoid of anything comparable Faust's vision of the future at the end of part 2. Your comparisons are false.

>> No.13972516
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>> No.13972523

The Bosnian genocide (if you want to call it that)

>until zog stepped in
Israel supported Serbia btw

>> No.13972548

The only happiness I could fathom for the future is the swift death of the entire human race and the hopeful obliteration of consciousness after said death.

>> No.13972575

And Chompsky denied the Cambodian genocide, what difference does it make?
As long as his books aren't crackpot rags spinning denial narratives, I don't really care what he says outside of his writing.

>> No.13972864

Masterful trolling from the Nobel committee. The pre-announcement of a supposedly more diverse less-Euro prize was the cherry on top. Set everyone up for an African-lesbian winner then hit em with yet another old Euro guy.

>> No.13972912

the goalie's anxiety at the penalty kick

>> No.13972933

Every time i try to rise above this shitpit of blinding hate and balkan nationalism i fall back in and start sympathizing with the Ustashe and mujahideen

>> No.13973400


he winning made hilarious butthurt in progtards, m*slims and other subhumans, full support

>> No.13973402
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>The Bosnian genocide