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13966924 No.13966924 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there like 40 people in my uni library at 4:41 am? I'm a degenerate that much I know and I sleep all day but is it really possible 40 other people are exactly like me? some of them are girls. this is troubling

>> No.13966927

they're all hooking up with each other you autistic incel cuck

>> No.13966944

Maybe they have night classes

>> No.13966945

This. They either came from an undergraduate orgy or are attending one in the early morning hours

>> No.13966946

Why is your uni library open at that time? I wish mine was

>> No.13966975

24 hours

>> No.13967010

I wake up at 4:00 and go to the library anon

>> No.13967029

Why there weren't undergrad orgy at my uni?

>> No.13967092

a lack of disgusting sluts, or they had one while you weren't looking

>> No.13967112

wish mine were open that late
I do my best work after 24 and before 05

>> No.13967114

I do my best work between the times of 5:15 AM and 7:13 AM.

I do a pretty shitty job any other time, but boy are those 118 minutes a hell of a wild ride.

>> No.13967310

They're bad at scheduling and are cramming for tests or finishing an overdue report. They're probably sleeping in the next day and going clubbing.

>> No.13967445

You werent invited, thats all

>> No.13967785

Why is everyone so bad at scheduling? I don’t know why people claim that they have no free time when they can instead do the work in small increments over a long period of time if they start as soon as the semester begins. From experience I can say that the latter approach gives you more free time than you’ll know what to do with.

I can help but feel like I’m missing out on stuff like this because I don’t live on campus. Then again, I also wonder if that kind of fun is worth it in the first place.

>> No.13967840

they´re studying for the final test

>> No.13968090

>is it really possible 40 other people are exactly like me? some of them are girls.
It's entirely possible. Go make friends.
>Why is everyone so bad at scheduling?
Rigidity is a trait associated with autism.

>> No.13969721
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I'm studying law, and the semester is already halfway, and i have yet to even buy the books. Am I fooked?

>> No.13969748

What year are you in?

>> No.13969770

I've never been up later than 2 AM, and that was just two or three times. Why do you anons stay up so late?

>> No.13969776

3 of 5

>> No.13969803

it is about to start. they are just waiting for OP to leave.

>> No.13969856

If you are 3 years in and don't have a good handle on how well you are doing in your classes idk what to tell you. That is some dumb shit.

>> No.13969996

I wake up around 4am to do my school assignments, since I think better in the morning and get lazy at night.
If my first class is 12pm, then that means I’ve had 5-7 productive hours before the school day proper starts.

>> No.13971575

yeah I kind of experienced the same surprise but it's definitely comforting in a way

>> No.13971581

yet no one is in the gym at 4:00. this says a lot about our society

>> No.13971734
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Reminds me of when I used to go on /nightwalks/ around my campus at 2am, then sit at the lake and listen to Hatful of Hollow while contemplating suicide. One time I went in the humanities library (the only one open 24/7) and there were about 50 people in there, almost all of whom were Chinese. They all turned round at me when I entered the study area and it freaked me the fuck out.

>> No.13971776
File: 73 KB, 1460x808, The Element of Crime 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, for some reason uni really amplifies feelings of loneliness and isolation. I was studying for a test at the library the other day in a shabby corner and then a group of 10-12 people sat near me and started studying for the same test as me. They were laughing and having a good time while getting through the material way quicker than me. Their camaraderie just made me more depressed and I couldn't even study anymore. Just thought about throwing myself off the nearest building. Stared at a blank page on my notebook for an hour before roaming the city for another 3.

>> No.13972135

>uni really amplifies feelings of loneliness and isolation
No kidding. Sometimes the only conversation I'd have all week would be when I called my mum at the weekend. 99% of the people around me were socialising and having a good time, only occassionally I'd pass a person who I thought perhaps had a comparably isolated life to mine. Why'd I have to be the 1%? Whether it's genetics or upbringing I'm unsure, but it's soul crushing either way. Only positive is that I have a lot of time to read books, so that's... something.

>> No.13972427

fuck me
Are you Australian? This experience is ubiquitous