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13963826 No.13963826 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the greatest fantasy book post-Tolkien?

>> No.13964385

>no replies

>> No.13964556

The Book of the New Sun
Kumo desu ga, nani ka?

>> No.13964597

Do you know how many times this thread has been made in the past week?

>> No.13964605

Maybe that's the correct answer.

>> No.13964623

agreed with book of the new sun, though I'm not finished reading the WoT yet and haven't read any of ASOIF

>> No.13964723

What is your opinion on WoT?

>> No.13964772

Pretty enjoyable, although I'm tired of these aes sedai intrigue sections. Yes, I get it, they're all cunts. Currently on book eleven, Knife of Dreams.

>> No.13964789

Well, show me one like this one then...

>> No.13964792

I'll start it soon, how long did it take you to get to book 11?

>> No.13964802

Chronicles of Amber

>> No.13964843

uhh, depends on fast you read, if the particular book is good I can read one in less than a week

>> No.13964866

I bought this book but i dont read lol

>> No.13964878
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This, also the book which inspired it, The Dying Earth.

>> No.13964880
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book of new sun written good beat gay martin and almost on par with ra el salvador but u ask me what best literature then i say as i do all time that it is the book on left of my post if u ask i will write overview and show and tell ok?

>> No.13964890

Sure, but please stop writing like a nigger.

>> No.13964922

lonely girl kill parent dead and has to go live wild with the hunting gatherer the kid had no friend before kill parent dead but writer unlike gay hack martin paint picture of a dark grim tolkeinic phrase and in time salvatoresque was coined and minted in gold among savage barbarism of the mountain and thug king of tribe makes blood with the devil it is literature genius and fans of tolkien will enjoy heroic tale >>13964890

>> No.13964997


Skip book 1. You don't get to the lesbian slave petplay sections till book 2.

>> No.13965018

How deep and philosophical is the Wheel of Time series? Should I expect something meaningful from its story or is it just pure adventure and entertainment-only?

>> No.13965037

>skipping book 1
nigger, don't even joke
book 1 is great

>> No.13965143 [SPOILER] 
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Truly nigger tier autism.

>> No.13965274

I'm reading through Lord of Chaos now. I'm basically supposed to see all Aes Sedai as human scum with Moraine dead, right? They seem to go out of their way to be absolute cunts to everyone.

>> No.13965550

I felt that way at that point too. I won't spoil anything, but I agree.

>> No.13965554

The structure of the "wheel" part is reminiscent of the Lewisian possible worlds theory in metaphysics. Other than the structure, though, it really isn't too philosophical. Mostly fun

>> No.13966469

haven't gotten a chance to read it yet but Legend by David Gremmell is supposed to be good
Was gonna be the basis for a new Conan movie before it got canned

>> No.13966608


>> No.13966631

The Wheel of Time is perhaps one of the greatest works of fiction to have ever been conceived by a man. Not only at the characters well developed and likable, but I feel as if a part of the author has been embed into them as well. It’s clear that there’s never going to be something as truly unique, realistic, relatable as the character of Naineve and Avienda who stand as the modern day pillars of surreal intrigue.
The series has no flaws. Robert Jordan is a genius. I found myself laughing and crying in my chair after scrolling page after page trying to convey the cheerfulness of the prose and the magnitude of the likings. I was set in awe but how strong and well crafted the female characters are.

Egwene is perhaps my favorite character from the series. For some reason, I have grown attached to her character, after going through the journey with her and facing the same trials as she had. Truly there’s no better deserving great ruler to have inherited the Amyrlin Seat, for the entire burden her kind carried for her until then.
I went through the trials with her, I have suspected everyone to be a member of the Black Ajah and in the end, and the series made me a better man.
If you’ll give me some proper time, I’ll return and write the rest of it and tell you how I really feel.

Mat, Tom, Rand, Galad, and Yellow-eyes are meh. And I disliked Stillgar (kek) as well.

>> No.13966652

between those two? Wheel of Time. I havent actually read all of that series, but I have read all of ASOIAF and its alright overall but gets progressively more shit with each book and in some cases each chapter.
I know its /a/ but I also unironically believe Berserk is the best fantasy work out there right now

>> No.13966691

Wheel of time is shit. Even the Kingkiller Chronicles are better. So ASOIAF is better.

>> No.13966739


>> No.13966750

Knife of Dreams is one of my favourite books in the series. Enjoy it anon

>> No.13966751

Shit taste

>> No.13966902
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neither you fucking retard

>> No.13967547

You'll see at the end of LoC, friend anon. They will know the Lord of the Morning.

>> No.13968181

I agree with you on everything. I have to add that I especially got the Bi vibes from Perrin. Do you agree he is totally queer. Basically I have been thinking with Perrin, Rand and Mat being so close surely there are lot of queer subtext right there. I mean you cannot get more obvious than that. If you look at the Amyrlin Seat and the rainbow stole I mean that just screams GAY PRIDE. All this allegory don't you agree.

>> No.13968650
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Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind

>> No.13968739

The more I read the wheel of Time the less I find myself caring. I was really invested for books 1-2. Just finished the dumais wells chapter and I hear it all goes downhill from here

>> No.13968789

It truly is amazing as a story.

>> No.13969514

It is, it's a shame that the movie only covers the first quarter of the story so people say the protagonist has no development as a result. It's the best thing Miyazaki has done in his career.

>> No.13971152

Nope, that's The Wind Rises. Cinematic masterpiece.

>> No.13971159

It gets too detail focused for its own good in certain parts and then it gets randomly insanely awesome. It's kind of like that for a while until Sanderson picked it up and finished it up super nicely. Very worth getting through the sections where it's described in detail how hard a braid was pulled or the look of a certain plant in a room.

>> No.13971186

I don't read children's books.

>> No.13971188

Thanks pal.

>> No.13971270

In the middle of book 7, I've slowly adjusted to the pace, but the whiplash after Dumais Well almost killed me. The climax at the end of this book better be something else.

>> No.13971294

it's pretty good

>> No.13972509

yes, bretty gud climax
but seriously, honestly, truly, drop the fucking series after you finish Crown. Please. You talk about whiplash, wait till you start Path of Daggers.

>> No.13972549


>> No.13972553

The Chronicles of Amber

>> No.13973472

The Wind Rises is a beautiful piece of work but I feel like the Nausicaa manga, by virtue of its length, examines its topics in greater detail and paces its character development more realistically. That said, the two stories are trying to achieve very different things so a direct comparison is awkward at best. I'd probably agree with you that it's his best cinematic work.

>> No.13973509

Rainbowthieves get out.

>> No.13973588

Some nip stuff? No thanks.
Out of these two I would say ASoIaF, but surely there is something better.