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/lit/ - Literature

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13963201 No.13963201 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a year or so of me finally getting into the classics, and I need some help. Here's my scorechart of what I've read:

books I really liked:
>The Odyssey
>Crime and Punishment
>book of Tolstoy Short Stories
>Catcher in the Rye

books I liked enough to finish but weren't that great IMO
>Great Gatsby
>The Old Man and the See
>Crying of Lot 49
>The Trial
>The Stranger

books I didn't like and couldn't finish
>Moby-Dick (to hard to read)
>The Sound and the Fury (also to hard to read)
>any Shakespeare (thee thou thee thee thine thou thee......)
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (boring)
>American Psycho (lol edgy gore and 80s)
>Plato (there's a part where he said Socrates explained something so well even retards can understand, but I didn't understand)

I'm thinking of giving up reading because I'm afraid nothing I read will match up to the books in the first category there. My IQ is basically stuck in the double digits, so I will never read complicated shit like all of you on here read. And I'm to intelligent to go back to pleb fantasy shit I used to like but can't go back to anymore. Are there really only 4 good books or authors in existence? Reading has helped pull me out of being an unironic coomer, but if I run out of books I'll have to go back to cooming multiple times a day. What do I read?

>> No.13964807
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>> No.13964818

Just read more stuff like the first 4. Like read some more Dosto and Tolstoy since you liked them

>> No.13964830

stop making x-oomers idiots, you're flooding the market. What was once an ok meme is being ruined by irrelevant memes

>> No.13964853

tfw to intelligent

>> No.13964881

>couldn't finish
>(thee thou thee thee thine thou thee......)

>> No.13964904

Read the Iliad

>> No.13964945
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>he didn't like Plato

>> No.13965332

Not gonna lie, you sound like someone who reads purely for the plot. The greatness, of even the books you liked, was probably lost on you.

>> No.13966250

pedos out

>> No.13966392

Keep trying, it will get easier as you keep reading

>> No.13966442

>nothing I read will match up to the books in the first category
You apparently never read Anabasis.

>> No.13966480

i have a feeling that karamazov would be a bit too involved, long winded (especially parts like the Zosima's life story section, and would eventually bore him. worth a try, though. great book

>> No.13966495

The secret to understanding plato is to keep reading even when something doesn't make sense and the proceeding dialogue will add further context from which you can grasp the concept.

>> No.13966519

TBK was more engaging to me than CaP honestly. THis thread is pointless however as OP clearly is not reading these suggestions and justed wanted to post his wojak edit

>> No.13966527

You would love Notes from Underground. Keep it up. What Shakespeare have you read? I think you would like Hamlet if you haven’t tried it already. Maybe try reading the language out loud or acting it out, have some fun with it. Even so called “brainlets” can get into and enjoy Shakespeare. You might also enjoy reading Salinger’s other stuff. Don’t beat yourself up too much or discredit other authors either. You’re still just getting into this and it takes time to develop your taste and attention span and comprehension/retention abilities. I believe in you. I’d also recommend you not read the books you feel you “should” read but rather focus on the books you “want” to read for the time being. I believe this method will help ensure you don’t lose interest in reading and eventually, if it’s worth it for you, you will take on a natural interest in those “should” books anyway. Best of luck OP.

>> No.13966565

A Confederacy of Dunces is great.

>> No.13967132

i don't know, seems like trivial pirsuit to me

>> No.13967135

just read non-fiction

>> No.13967153

take moby dick off