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13959012 No.13959012 [Reply] [Original]

What some essential nihilistic philosophy books? Will i be able to grasp it without having a background in philosophy?

>> No.13959047

That existential crisis most people have is in fact nothing more than their vane half-subconscious realization of having failed certain goals they consider themselves to be deserving.
It shouldn't be mistaken for the actual realization that all one did, one does and one will do ultimately has no purpose and no consequences which in fact is a freeing and not an oppressing realization.

>> No.13959058

>please help me a nihilist
Kiddo, must you be 18 to post here. Read Kierkegaard.

>> No.13959061


>> No.13959069

lmao no. He's a philosopher for boomers, even Joe Biden's senile old ass quoted him.

>> No.13959113
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Sigh. Sometimes /lit/ is great but most of the time I get responses like this

Thanks for commenting on the pic ass. Please stay on topic.

I'm 31 and looking for advice on a topic I am interested in. Now that you feel big can you stay on topic?

I want to read that. But come on man stick to the topic.

Pic related

>> No.13959141

An existential crisis is not the same as the nihilism crisis imo. The former effects the individual, the latter is a blanket issue.

>> No.13959148

nihilism is retarded and a dead end

>> No.13959166

Read Nietzsche, Cioran, Pessoa, Beckett. None of these are perfect nihilists though (if they can said to be at all). Thats because nihilism sucks. Like its really a bad thing. Just license to be a selfish cunt really.

>> No.13959167

I didn't ask for your your opinion on Nihilism jackass
If you don't have anything to recommend then push on. You're wasting your time.

>> No.13959172

I usually don't read what OP writes. Sorry. This is an internet site where everyone can join. Don't expect too many serious responses.

>> No.13959180

This is the first decent post so far. What do you consider a perfect Nihilist?
And can you give me specific books?

>> No.13959183

nihilism is retarded and a dead end

>> No.13959195

>Nietzsche, Cioran, Pessoa, Becket... ....None of these are perfect nihilists
That's because they're not nihilists at all.

>> No.13959284

Not sure nihilism is a real philosophical position. Existential dread can be based in lots of branches of philosophy. For example epistemology e.g. when you believe your mind is a painted room with no doors and no windows.

read metaphysical horror (pretty basic will need to read closely and underline stuff) and that bit in pascal about twin infinities

>> No.13959294

Nihilism is only true within the galaxy's spiral arms

>> No.13959297

it's naive of you to assume it is a freeing realization

>> No.13959306

>Let man contemplate all of nature in her exalted and full majesty, let him distance his view from the low objects that surround him, let him gaze at the dazzling light placed like an eternal lamp to illuminate the universe, let the earth appear to him a mere point compared with the vast circle that this star describes, and let him be amazed that the vast circle itself is only a very tiny point in relation to those encompassed by the stars that roll through the firmament. But if our view stops there, let imagination pass beyond. It will sooner tire of conceiving than nature of providing. The whole visible world is only an imperceptible speck in nature's ample bosom, no idea comes near it. We have puffed up our conceptions beyond imaginable space, we have only given birth to atoms compared with the reality of things. It is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere, whose circumference nowhere. In the end, the greatest palpable sign of the omnipotence of God is that our imagination loses itself in thinking about it * * *

What is a man, within the infinite?

But to show him another, equally astonishing prodigy, let him inspect the tiniest things that he knows, such as a mite that offers him, in the littleness of its body, parts incomparably more little, legs with joints, veins in its legs, blood in its veins, humors in the blood, drops in its humors, vapors in the drops, which dividing again to the final bit would exhaust the strength of his conceptions; and let the final object he is able to reach become our topic now. He will think, perhaps, that nothing could be littler in nature.

I want to make him see, in there, a new abyss, I want to paint for him not only the visible universe but the immensity that one can conceive of nature within the compass of this microcosmic atom. Let him see there an infinity of universes, of which each has its firmament, its planets, its earth — in the same proportion as the visible world — in this earth, animals, and finally mites, in which he will meet again what the first provided, and find again in others the same thing without end, without rest. Let him lose himself in these wonders, as astonishing in their littleness as the others by their expanse! For who will not marvel that our body, which a moment ago was not perceptible in the universe, which is itself imperceptible in the bosom of everything, should be at present a colossus, a world, or rather an everything, in relation to the nothingness beyond our reach.

Whoever considers himself in this way will be terrifed at himself and, considering himself suspended in the scale that nature has given him between the two abysses of infinity and nothingness, he will tremble at the sight of these wonders

>> No.13959371

not that anon but Ecclesiastes will cure you, retard

nihilistic philosophy is literally a cope. just accept that you are a special snowflake that was born, will exist for a short time, and is doomed to shrivel and die. read epictetus and think about death.

>> No.13959421
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I think Stirner would check the points you specified. Plus /lit/ digs the guy so you'll be able to discuss it here afterward.

>> No.13959670

Im not looking for it as a philosophy to live by dumbass.
I have recently started reading a lot of Decedent literature. It has a lot of nihilistic ideas in the stories. I wanted to learn more to try to grasp the literature.

Why the hell would you assume that?

I asked a fairly simple question.

>> No.13959694
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Well they're usually just materialists. Beyond that theres nothing that really characterises them accept selfishness as far as I can tell.
>specific books
If you can't do your own basic research and decide for yourself, you don't deserve to read.
Fair actually. They just come to mind. I cant think of any serious, celebrated writers who call themselves nihilists. Maybe Camus as a pseudo-nihilists I guess.
Mmm. Personally I cant tell whether I'm a complete idiot for not reacting to nihilism as freeing. I suppose coming out the other end its freeing in a way- which is really not freeing at all now I think about it but more comforting. You can't choose what you choose though I guess. No sense being bent out of shape about the past.
>be me
>literally not 5 minutes ago
>door knocked by joe-hoes
>they ask me about climate change
>"can people or politicians do anything about it?"
>not a Christian but respond "god will sort it out, theres nothing new under the sun anyway, right?".
>they proceed to quote ecclesiasties 1 : 4 at me, that was their angle
How does ecclesiasties help though? I can understand it in a sort of sola fida, kierkegaardian leap but for a skeptic that isn't good enough imo.
Mainlander if you can find him but you'd need to be familiar with Schopenhauer whose also not a nihilist. Are you sure your not more interested in pessimism?

As a bonus question: What do anons think is the relationship between nihilism and pessimism?

>> No.13960214


Giacamo Leopardi, my dude.