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File: 103 KB, 1102x635, Shelfthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13958793 No.13958793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I'm thinking she's cancelled.

>> No.13958814


>> No.13958824

I liked their old videos more desu.

>> No.13958865

Why does this woman look like she has a receding hairline and five o’clock shadow?

>> No.13958871

Lmao I thought that was a pic of KatieLovesClassicBooks from the thumbnail. Regardless, Contrapoints was never the alt-right smashing logic videos people thought they were. She's pretty much Woke Channel Awesome.

>> No.13958882
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third from the left, in between narnia and twilight

>> No.13958894
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>Me at family gatherings

>> No.13958898
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>Me at family gatherings verbatim

>> No.13958912

early transition trans women

>> No.13958913

Why do these faggots always have to record them with the bookshelf behind them? Do they think it makes them look smarter?

>> No.13958916

Can any woman on Earth escape the Harry Potter disease?

>> No.13958919

Her video on cultural appropriation was probably the weakest, she failed to even discuss the topic probably

>> No.13958921

>The one tranny character is a disgusting freak and pisses and shits all over himself

Based DFW

>> No.13958944

>Do they think it makes them look smarter?
You realize that to a lot of people, it does. It's an obvious, repugnant act for anyone who's competent, but for the audience of a Youtube video (i.e. the sort of people who get their ideas about philosophy, literature &c. from Youtube videos) it's pretty effective.

>> No.13958959


>> No.13959077
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>> No.13959106
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>> No.13959120

Mirin arm definition bro
Going for the Bowie look tho, doesn't really suit you brah..
See you at the gym 6am tmr, we're doing deads, LET'S GOOOOOOO

>> No.13959122

With Quentin it's part of the act

>> No.13959133


he is a top lad

>> No.13959135
File: 325 KB, 588x954, La creatura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's every video. Honestly, as soon as Contra starts to talk about something you know a lot about, you'll realize that it's all just aesthetics, it's all just superficial, it's filled with strawmen, shitty arguments and misunderstandings.

Also poor Contra, all that appeasement to wokies and now one misstep is gonna get him cancelled anyway by things like pic related. Sad!

>> No.13959151

the one on men was pretty sad

>> No.13959153

natalie used to make such good, ambivalent, rigorous philosophical video essays. then she got a fanbase and she just panders to queer dipshits on tumblr. every great queer artist of the past decade has been ruined by exposure to commercial success and queer fanbases. can you imagine who bad melville would have turned out if someone applauded him for being gay

>> No.13959157

>learn what it means to be a man from someone who has given up on being a man
no thanks

>> No.13959163
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>conventionally pretty

>> No.13959178

>conventionally pretty
>mostly passing
>very femme
Totally not a mental illness

>> No.13959179

ship the video, maybe a failed man understands the struggles

>> No.13959191

What happened anyway? I remember Youtube pushing ContraPoints hard for awhile, it getting picked up by /pol/, and then hearing about some controversy, but I never learned what the controversy really is.

I honestly thought the content was much higher quality in terms of sincerity than many others. It was often kitschy aesthetics with a basic principle of power and extreme liberalism, but on the few videos I watched the boy did seem to not be obviously actively disingenuous.

>> No.13959203

Nothing happened except the inevitable leftoid betrayal and that tranny himself being ousted as being problematic for some random shit. Contra's YouTube is only growing in numbers though.

>> No.13959204

Contrapoints was supposed to be "deradicalizing young white men" but just isn't that relevant now. Time for some other schmuck to step up.

>> No.13959211

I would do it because it's the most visually interesting part of my house.

>> No.13959215

He complained that he didnt like how everyone always introduced themselves by their pronouns. This was enough to have these piranhas harp on him and he deleted his Twitter.
Red Guard syndrome is real.
I never believed that. If you're really deep down the right wing rabbit hole then the aesthetics would be enough to turn you off. They turn me off as well, even.

>> No.13959220


this guy is a bit sympathetic to trannies but his viewpoint doesn't hinder the valuable information he provides on contrapoints' mental health

basically attention whoring and deleting his own twitter because he has e-fame syndrome, which is when you have hundreds of thousands of people on the internet obsessing over you but you don't realize that this doesn't NECESSARILY mean you're a "big deal," because lots of weird shit on the internet can have a sizeable but fundamentally insular and limited following, and your unconscious mind goes from thinking "hey my channel has millions of viewers, cool haha" to "I'm one of the LEADING INTERNET FAMOUS people and I am the CENTER of INTERNET DRAMA, and what I do MATTERS" and you start doing weird shit like adopting speech mannerisms that tacitly presume you are important and a phenomenon and everybody should be focusing on you even when you're it's not in the context of the content that made you famous originally, simply because you ARE "famous" now, like you've gained a general aura of fame

people like this can often be seen still talking to their "fans" on youtube 6 years after their channel's 15 minutes of fame is over. often bilking them for donations or pulling drama stunts like this. e-fame syndrome is second only to tranny mental illness as the most characteristic mental illness of our times.

>> No.13959229
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1570488147044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed manhood due to the struggles and problems of it
>doesn't know the hardships of being male

>> No.13959231

Because Hontrapoints (aka bigot) hates nonbinary folk and wishes that they didn't exist.

>> No.13959235

based of him

>> No.13959241
File: 168 KB, 1102x635, OP IRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realists eternally BTFO'd
Really makes you think.

>> No.13959245

I am poor and don't have many books or a bookshelf. if you're going to make videos it's pretty much the best backdrop you'll have. While it likely has a social purpose, tell me why they should go out of their way to not use the perfect spot in their house for book videos. I would make videos if I were comfortable putting my face online (concern for the future) and had a bookshelf full of books.

>> No.13959249

>Nathan Wynn, loathe him. A non-entity, means nothing to me.

>> No.13959324

Heh, I meant to say 'properly'. Damn autocorrect.

Well I thought the pronouns one was pretty solid.

What I didn't like about the cultural appropriation one is that she didn't really take a position either way. She talked about how Led Zeppelin plagiarized some songs by older musicians, but this is not what the controversy about cultural appropriation is about, like at all.

I think she doesn't really agree (at least not completely) with the concept herself, but she also doesn't want to attack her own side. So she tries to put the controversial issue aside and pretend that it's just a trivial point that we can all agree with, like "you shouldn't plagiarize blues artists". That was my impression anyway.

>> No.13959446
File: 282 KB, 250x250, 1570384654457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
so >she believes >she's a woman?

>> No.13959498

Gravity's Rainbow is there too, but I think she's standing in front of it

>> No.13959536


>> No.13959560

So many books for such an atrophied intellect. So this is what mental illness reduces a man to

>> No.13959722

I made this prediction on the kiwifarms forums, people like him who gain a cult following and get all of that attention, and especially the large amount of money that he gets, they unravel super fast. People who lack money and have to struggle to survive have constraints on them that keep them sane. It keeps you level headed when you have to work and you have to spend your money wisely and that it keeps dysfunction in check, people who are half crazy go fully crazy with an injection of cash.

We're already seeing this with Contra points, large patreon, making an insane amount of money. But first of all it's completely antithetical to his world view by jabbing at capitalism, so he's going to be permanently conflicted about that. And he's already blowing it on frivolous stuff, like the facial feminiztion surgery he recently had. It's also seemingly done nerve damage stopping him from being able to smile. So it wont be long before he realizes that has not helped the underlying mental problems and he'll just keep dialing that up a notch, probably eventually ending in full SRS and that'll be the primer for suicide. A few years after that not helping and maybe a drug and alcohol problem by then, and we're in prime suicide territory.

And it will be all documented for the world to see this slow eventual downfall and the real outcome of this illness when the delusion is encouraged. Something the progressives have not thought about at all, it's all fantastic PR now, but as soon as one of these people is found dead, their their temple will come crashing down around them.

>> No.13959743

What exactly is kiwifarms? Is it just a modern Helldump or is it more benign/spectatorly than that?

>> No.13959778

It's like /news/ except people have autistic amounts of knowledge of people on the internet. It's a forum known for starting a lot internet drama, I've only posted on their a few times.

>> No.13959794
File: 7 KB, 250x241, annoyed pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13959829

How are they on politics? Just as autistic or don't they care because there is no sap on the end to laugh or abuse?