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13956690 No.13956690 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13956717

i can't my parole officer will report me.

>> No.13956730

The dog looked around and wondered why there were two pigs in front of him and which one he should eat first.

>> No.13956731

Animal Farm?

>> No.13956736

this is a middle class ecofash household.
mighty pige, noble dog and a propaganda-poster-looking white girl.

>> No.13956777

In her limited capacity for self-amusement, Greta contemplates the choice that lies before her. Holding this pound of baby flesh, should she dine on it herself or toss it to the beasts of mother nature to feast upon? Either way, she has feels that she has done good. To which "god" this morality appeases is unknown to her, as these pondering are far beyond her ability to wonder such things.
Her lot is to obey, and obey she must.

>> No.13956862


>> No.13957031
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>tfw vegan but welcome the destruction of the world

>> No.13957039

how DARE you!

>> No.13957048

Shes medically ordained retarded though. A true facist would have sterilized her.

>> No.13957057

if you can't reproduce it doesn't mean you can't lead an ecofash revolt.
retards deserve a place in life, just not as parents.

>> No.13957059

Moreover arent ecofashies against meat consumption? Thats clearly a pork stock animal, not a truffle pig. They shouldnt have a need for it, keeping it is just extra methane expediture.

>> No.13957074

And oh look in the background, a turkey fowl. Another animal that is raised for its meat.

>> No.13957079

might be a rescued piggy. stock animals can be frens too
animal farts account for a laughably miniscule amount of methane once you stop inhumanely breeding them in confined spaces to overproduce meat

>> No.13957989
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>> No.13958290

keep going

>> No.13958428

Martha was playing outside when her mother yelled "dineeer!". She turned her head and dropped the dolls on the ground. Flailing her arms she scooped through the air. Her eyes squished, her mouth deformed. She entered the kitchen taking the steaming chocolate cup. She decided to eat it in her living room. As she came in she could feel the cold eyes on her. They didn't seem to bother her much. It was the animals, they despised her. Turkey left when she heard her thundering from the kitchen. She decided to cool off on the porch. Dogger and pigano decided to stick to their room. It was their obligation to defend the carpet. Pig couldn't run anyway. As she approached the rug, you could hear their teeth sharpening. If they could only talk, they'd probably yell at her. "TAKE THE SHOES OFF YOU FUCKING WHORE!"

>> No.13958436

Is this her home ?
someone pst the Kathy Pasta

I'm going to jail for this

>> No.13958463

not a scene, but first poem i've written in ages

She refused with mocking grin,
the pig's din din,
the pup's attention,
griped at prevention,
her hand behind,
shooed away, declined
the hustling turkey
with face like jerky

her eyes seemed to shriek
and untold havoc this, did wreak

>> No.13958467

me on the left.

>> No.13958469

two jews and a nigger.

>> No.13958562

the dog looked around the room and saw 2 pigs, a double supply of bacon, as he took a bite of the pig on the left..... it was concrete and then his teeth shattered

>> No.13958685

Two animals remained; three, if you counted the dog.

>> No.13958703

yes, turkey, pig and the dog. what is that supposed to show? that you can count to three?

>> No.13958723

Page 1:
you just know

followed by 500 blank pages

>> No.13958729

Pig's a smug one. I can tell

>> No.13958733

Birds aren't animals... They're birds...

>> No.13958753

great conclusion.

>> No.13958761

She’s not actuallyconsidering it, was she? Dog thought. No, there was no way this smelly human was dumb enough to feed a cupcake to an overweight pig. That could lead to diabetes or all kinds of other health issues. Pig was a good friend; the entire farm respected his jokes and wisdom. But he was too fat already! All the farm animals had been helping Pig for months to break his addiction to junk foods. And now some hairless pale devil was tempting Pig with his biggest weakness, chocolate. Dog glared at the human and fought back a snarl. Enough was enough! Friends don’t let friends eat sugary sweets! Right then Dog swore on his dead bitch mother’s grave that if the human made another step forward—she had to die...

>> No.13958764

Her hands are twitching just a bit. But the cold sweat overwhelms her forehead as drop by drop flows past her brows, past her eyes. It's cold salty water. "Pink" she thinks to herself as she states upon this most beautiful face. Two little craters on top of the moving plateau. She has never seen such a majestic figure.
Greta never had much love for those formless creatures which she called parents as long as she can remember. Those dark naked faces are no match to the scent of her friends. There are a lot of dark creatures around her. And as she speaks on top of a structure she doesn't realize - sitting on something comfy - those faces are starting at her. She doesn't even care to seperate them anymore if she ever was able to.
"Warm" were her first words when she started to walk and talk followed by the faces. Two months ago, maybe less.
And she uttered this great word it became her meaning. She has no cold or hot. She doesn't need them to know. For her whole life "warm" was what she felt and thought.
Warm is also this room, warmer the pink friend and even warmer the soil. The latter is not "hot", not yet, it's "warmer". That's all she knows.
And like a small candlelight the pink friend slowly starts to create out of his belly like the Forrest births new flowers from the ground. It's not pink anymore it's "Pinker" and her cheeks are no longer warm by the cool sweat but "warmer". Her legs start shaking as this beautiful Pinker stick grows. Her brown friend wants to help her and tells her what to do. She has to preserve it. The moment the beauty of this Pinker stick. "Snap" she whispers to herself as she clicks wildly around the still locked smartphone screen. Drool warm sweet water dripping from her mouth. She has done it. She has perserved the pinkerness, this short lived beauty.

>> No.13959438

>see pic
>first thing that comes to mind is bestiality doujin

>> No.13959476

'Fuck, I want to fuck her even more now.' as he thought so, saliva was dripping all over his chin
'I want to have sex with her like we are two fucking animals, forcing the dog and the pig to look.' He concluded.

>> No.13959573
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>> No.13959613

"Kafkaesque. That's what the call a situation like this". The chicken thought alone to himself.

>> No.13959750

The wholesome blonde girl reminisced the night she spent with the pig while licking the frosting of the cupcake with her tongue. "I'm going to try a threesome next time", she mused while lightly caressing the dog's head.

>> No.13959774

she's not retarded. she has aspergers. she probably has a high iq.

>> No.13959792

>the look on that pig's face
>the look on her face
you just know

>> No.13959843

It is so good to smile, I mean, when all things are considered I have not had the chance to perform such trivial human things such as the smile, the laugh, the telling of jokes and good humor. Even within my cusp of womanhood faculties the smile is held in the utmost esteem as though it were a flower or a sweet smelling shrub which takes it place in the most natural of all worlds. The natural is right, nature is right. It shall crush all its forsworn, whether it is due or said to die too soon, all will be oblivion before the great wrecking. And reckoning I should say, even these swine before me, and I say swine in the most endearing of terms, my swine they are, my indulgent hosts, these creatures of filth, will come to an end, a great internecine end off the face of the vertiginous peaks.

>> No.13959864
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Haven't seen that one in a while

>> No.13959941

she visited those 2 gay dudes with the pig? the fuck

>> No.13959960

did greta get SPIRAL'D?

>> No.13959986

imagine if charlotte had fashioned a web with "Smug" on it

>> No.13959998

Focusing on Greta Thunberg is exactly what she's telling you retards not to do. The complete and total retardation of insulting someone for their looks too is just hilarious. As if you not wanting to fuck someone means that's it and they have absolutely no value. You dumb fucks.

>> No.13960133

"I didn't think you were actually being serious," Daniel said in exasperation as he reached out tentatively with his hand to pet his new classmate's pet pig. The dog, Greta's other pet, was right by his leg, desperate for attention.

"Of course I was!", she said, taking a bite of a small chocolate bar, clearly getting something out of him being ambushed by both her pets. They were so excited at a new face in the house that they didn't even notice the chocolate in Greta's hand.

Some time passed and both the pig and the dog began to settle down after both decided that they'd received sufficient pets. Daniel saw Greta over in the kitchen, cleverly hiding the chocolate in the fridge away from animals' sight.

"I think they like you. Hey, you wanna come see the backyard real quick?" she gestured at the clear glass door in their living room leading outside. "If you can get away from your new friends that is."

He stepped away from the two animals. Both now a little more interested in their usually routines of sniffing around the house. Likely in competition for any drop of food from Greta's family.

Daniel saw that the back was essentially a green field with a barn, and it definitely was a barn - a chicken came in a patrolling around their wooden deck, looking for something, but it didn't seem to pay the two any mind.

What Daniel didn't expect about this part of the country was how fresh the air felt way out in the country away from the city. Greta's backyard had a great view of a forest nearby and in general felt much more alive than Daniel and his mother's mild mannered apartment back in town.

They both stood and took in the sights for a moment on the deck. The day was nearing its end. It was the beginning of autumn. Now a cool chill had started to blanket the air before every night set in.

Danuel turned towards Greta, who was leaning on the deck's wooden railing, staring off at the barn. He wondering what she was thinking about.

"Your house is really nice," he said, trying to break their silence, though not really out of discomfort.

She looked over at him with a slight smile, which then appeared to be a much bigger smile that she was holding back.

"Thank you." Gret spoke with a slight accent that Daniel had only ever heard from her, "when I tell people at school about my family, all this farm and animal stuff they think it's...weird...".

Daniel could imagine. She was new at their high school, and no one was interested in making any new friends at this point. He definitely empathized with her. He had to endure the same thing last year when his family moved from Texas.

>> No.13960144

"I don't think it's weird. It's cool to me", he said as he also rested his arms over the railing with her. When he glanced over at Greta he saw the sun setting behind her face, over the rolling hills and forests surrounding the country house. Shining on her golden braided hair, it gave the two the last warmth of a cold day. "I sometimes wish I had a place like this to come back to", he said staring out at the barn.

Daniel looked over to Greta for a second, and noticed that the big smile was slowly starting to reappear. Immediately she looked away, trying not to seem like she was staring, then suddenly reached down into her pocket.

"I almost let this melt!," she said quickly, her accent flaring up slightly.

She held out a broken off piece of the chocolate from before. "I saved some of this for you, before the food monsters could get to it."

Daniel laughed, "Thank you for your secrecy", he said. Taking it from her hand his fingers touched slightly against her palm. The chocolate was good and tasted slightly unusual. Much richer than the kind his mom had ever bought from the store.

They talked for a little bit more. About some of the clubs in school, and random nothings. Daniel asked where she was from and Greta took out her phone and showed him where Sweden was on a map as the sun slowly began to set behind the mountains.

For some reason talking to Greta just seemed comfortable to him. Like he could say anything to her and it wouldn't matter. She told him about the environmental club she was thinking of starting at school. Greta seemed passionate in a way that was not typical. He could see why a lot of people at school didn't take to her, but listening to her speak was...different to him. She felt real.

It took until the cold really hit that they realized they'd lost track of the time - quickly deciding to go in.

Before opening the glass door Greta turned back to Daniel. "Oh, by the way, my mom offered you to stay for dinner, but...you don't have to...if you don't want to...", she was obviously used to rejection at this point, even so early in the school year.

He could see the pain in her eyes. It must have taken her a lot of courage to invite him over at their lunch table, where none the kids were exactly her "friends", and Daniel himself had only had casual conversations with her. Him being the only one.

Daniel gave Greta a reassuring look. "I want to stay. Just gotta call my parents first...is it cool with you?" The backyard had completely fallen into darkness now, and the only light present came from beyond the glass door where Greta stood. The sound of her parents opening the door with groceries coming faintly through.

>> No.13960148

She look back at Daniel for a second and, as if on que, starting working to hold back that big, nervous smile. Still managing to get out, "Of course! I'm happy you came over today."

Daniel stared into Greta's eyes as she tried to relax the emotions written on her face. She had so much life inside her that she was now afraid to show. All because the other kids had convinced her that she didn't belong.

From the light of the living room her eyes were not illuminated and for a second he thought he saw something more. Something beyond the trouble school - even beyond the farm and the animals, and Sweden, and the country. Something...more. He couldn't say what, but did notice that he was struggling to a hide a smile of his own now. "Me too," he said.

They laughed for a brief moment, both not exactly sure at what, and when they went in through the glass door the warmth of the inside greeted them and cleared away the cold. As they walked into dining room to tell Greta's mom the news they both silently agreed to themselves, and somehow to each other, that they each would never hide their smile again.

>> No.13960255

"Change the world," the pillow beamed from its corner. From the mutt's, I mean from your vantage point, you would think the mutt was looking at the treat held in Greta's hand. In truth, the mutt was staring down its snout at the plush cup cake beside its brethren pillow's cheery words, a far worthier venture.

Suddenly, a jiggling pork lumbered into the shot, carrying with it an inexorable stink.

"God damn it! Cut!"

Greta loosened her smile and set the cup cake onto the floor. The pig then stood on its hind legs and popped off its head with two hooves, revealing an unshaven face. It held a cigarette to its mouth in one hoof, in the French style.

The director behind you grunts discontentedly. "You came in about two seconds too late- Greta feeds the dog, then you come in and eat the dog, get it?"

The pig-man wearily nods, puts out the cigarette and, with meticulous care, conceals it within his costume. He then sets the pig-head back onto his shoulders and genuflects before Greta.

"Out of the way, stupid pig!"

It scuttles backwards, into obscurity.


>> No.13960333
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There once was a 'tist thot from Sweden
Who warned us of twice losing Eden.
But bigger 'tists on the 'net
Fapped as she sat
Between a hog and a dog, her first breedin'...

I tried...

>> No.13960406

i like it

>> No.13960430

You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.

>> No.13961178

Look at the smirk on this pig.
U just know he relished on the oats that which where promised to his brother.
Now he stands in solitary besides this icon.

>> No.13962073

The hog waits. His hour of triumph is near. His body, an amalgamation of muscle and fat quivers in excitement. A young human female is in extremely near vicinity. She has a treat, which is either for him or the loyal dog that sits nearby.
The hog cares not. The dog can have the snack. For the hog's true goal is to engorge itself on supply humanflesh. Never has he eaten it, but something within him tells him it will be a feast fit for a god.
The moment is near. There is another human in the room, larger than the female child, but they'll be powerless to stop his ascension. The larger human is holding a contraption. The hog know this object captures moments in time. How he knows this nobody can say.
The hog decides to leave his mark on human history, and shows off the smuggest possible smile a pig could ever deliver.
The contraption clacks loudly.
And his feast begins.

>> No.13962111
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>> No.13962137

Kek. Quality post.

>> No.13962207

that would be a good edit lmao

>> No.13962220 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13962341

I hate pigs
I destest them
I despise them
I dislike and distrust them.

Here me out, I'm not the only one. How about Jesus Christ, God's only son?
He was one of the great pig exterminators, and I think he knows about right and wrong.

dogs are food in Guandong and pets in the west and they fight in Pakistan and the towns of the Klan.

Cattle of worshipped by Hindus
Sheep are an important symbol of Christians

but find me a culture that praises the pig

>> No.13962366

Muslims since they won’t eat them

>> No.13962378

they hate pigs though, that's why they don't eat them

>> No.13962389

That makes no sense. Cannibals wouldn’t eat people if they liked them

>> No.13962409


>Superstitious sailors consider pigs to be unlucky because they have cloven hooves like the Devil and are terrified of water.[34] Pigs would not be carried on boats. Fishermen once regarded pigs as harbingers of bad luck: a fisherman seeing a pig on his way to work would rather turn round and go home. This even extended to a prohibition of the word "pig" on board a vessel. This is why the animals were referred to, across North East England, as "gissies".

>> No.13962417

In ancient Egypt, pigs were associated with Set, the rival to the sun god Horus. When Set fell into disfavour with the Egyptians, swineherds were forbidden to enter temples. According to Herodotus, swineherds were a kind of separate sect or caste, which only married among themselves.

>> No.13962439


>> No.13962451
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>but find me a culture that praises the pig

>> No.13962452

>Moreover arent ecofashies against meat consumption?
Yes and no.
For example in Finland if the animal hay farms would be converted to human food farms, then they would advance the eutrophication of Finnish lakes, which is even worse for the ecosystem.
Think in local terms - that's ecological. Thinking in Global standards ignores too massive things for it to be productive.

>> No.13962891

>but find me a culture that praises the pig

>> No.13962906

The big ol pig
that dang ol dog
Greta look alike
holding a clod
Dunno what it be
Looks like a treat
Dog wants it bad
Pig on the weed
I'll visit my dude
He got the new
I aint rude
I wait till he's good
Pig would be alright
Pig would be nice
Light me some plant
Packed in a pipe
Hand it to pig
The girls too young
The dog is hungry
It's just me and my bud

>> No.13963059

Gauls, the boar.

>> No.13963154

it's good. do you think it would be better to add a punchline though ?