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/lit/ - Literature

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13954783 No.13954783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's with the anti-university sentiment on this site? not getting a bachelor's is the equivalent of being a high school dropout these days

>> No.13954785

God I wish that were me.

>> No.13954789


>> No.13954794

I wish I was a cute little girl. But I'll settle for just having sex with one.

>> No.13954796
File: 319 KB, 2560x1080, tfw_potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
>i'm in university but too scared/repulsed to talk to my oneitis
>tfw no gf

>> No.13954804

I went to university and I would not recommend, I have a better job than 95% of my peers and I'd still probably be better off having went into a trade at 18

>> No.13954810

I went to University and I just found it boring so I left.

>> No.13954822

Well I want to be a writer, and I don't like school. It's not some juvenile thing - I just prefer self-study over anything. I like to be independent and go my own way. School is just not for me

>> No.13954825

What if you're a girl

>> No.13954827
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>> No.13954834

haha yeah what if i was a girl, just imagine it haha that would be weird

>> No.13954847

>What is with all this hate for the modern university system, a bachelor's degree has degraded to the status of a high school diploma, both in terms of quality of education and in the opportunities it brings you, except unlike a high school diploma, it takes an extra four years and costs tons of money directly out of your pocket?

I don't know, guy. What's not to like.

>> No.13954865

have you talked to anyone that goes to university?????????????

>> No.13954877

>high school dropout

>> No.13954906

People go, don't take advantage / go to a shit college and think it was a waste of time.

>> No.13954914
File: 71 KB, 553x800, e36fe8b65c5e4560bd61d3ad5d2e9d09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive decided to get my GED finally. 2nd class is tomorrow.

>> No.13954917

Literal jealousy and/or "you cant control me, bro°1"

>> No.13954939
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>What's with the anti-university sentiment on this site?

Sour grape losers trying to drag others down to their level.

>> No.13954950

blessed image

>> No.13954983

stop playing on my insecurities you uneducated freak

>> No.13954994
File: 125 KB, 444x330, apubane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i break you. like i break your fren.

>> No.13955004


>> No.13955029
File: 163 KB, 494x728, brute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Universities are full of wannabe alcoholics concerned with credentials, money, status, etc. rather than education
>Universities are full of people who promote "nonwhites only" identity politics, feminism, and other ideologies that are maladaptive to the majority of users here, who are white boys and men
>Universities discriminate racially and sexually in their selection process in favor of women and less intelligent races
>Universities, unless you are already rich, entail going into debt and do not guarantee employability in your chosen field
>Some graduates and students are pretentious, and that's always annoying. Same with when they buy the maladaptive ideologies.

The best reason to go to university is in order to destroy it from the inside out.

>> No.13955039
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For some reason I read this as anti-slavery and it took me like 10 seconds to realize I read it wrong.

>> No.13955040

a lot of sour grapes for sure. applying for certain jobs online without a Bachelors is silly. but....there is absolutely no reason to go into debt for a degree if your school isn't a top 100 school + your major isn't engineering, CS, finance, or accounting. Even the path I took of B.S. Finance at a non-target school is a gamble

>> No.13955042

all of these points are sadly true.

>> No.13955048

not everyone is an americuck

>> No.13955193

>What's with the anti-university sentiment on this site?
Look in the mirror, dumbass

>> No.13955435
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>> No.13955436

The smol pepe should be BA/BS and the big boy wojak should be MA/MS

>> No.13955457

University was boring and I didn't learn anything I didn't already know, so I dropped out. Within 5 years I was on 6 figures. University is a scam, unless you want to become a teacher and be part of the scam.

>> No.13955472

Its the right-wing dominant narrative of unis being "left leaning", coupled with predatory student loans and a saturated job market, all of it has started to morph into a general dislike of higher education as a predominant counter culture

>> No.13955473

University is largely trash. To be fair I say this as a stemfag so it might be different in more /lit/ domains but from what I've seen I doubt it.
Working outside uni is more interesting, you have more room to experiment, it pays more, people have to prove themselves a bit and not rely purely on bullshit, less administrayive/bureaucratic hassle.
The only advantage of university is that they get ridiculous amounts of money stolen from the taxpayers or milked from retards like OP that believe they are superior for being handed over a piece of paper proving they are compliant good boys.

>> No.13955535

High school here (I'm finishing last year). Can confirm.

>> No.13955539

That's accurate for Europe too. Too bloody accurate. (I have a friend from south America and there its the same apparently)

>> No.13955556

This is based and true, everyone has a degree now and the only way to stand out as a uni graduate is to have a post grad degree

>> No.13955649

I literally don't know anyone with a degree.

>> No.13955656

Its not every day that I have to concede that a tripfag is right

>> No.13955698

South American here, and yep it's the same.

>> No.13955724

The estrogen levels are too high and you risk your brain dying of estrogen poisoning.

I went to uni to become a translator and effortlessly passed first year without even studying, it's easy as fuck but I couldn't manage to keep going because it was daily propaganda torture, feminism, antiwhitism, pathological xenophilia, being only 4 men in the classroom, etc. So I left.

>> No.13955785
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Because academia is just pseud propaganda for dumbing down the masses and producing glownigs.
Now go back.

>> No.13955807

Because most people going to university study something that should be a hobby/interest that you could just as easily learn from reading books in free time (literature and philosophy for example)

>> No.13955820


>> No.13955823

>4 men in the classroom
You should have expected this. Despite /lit/'s collective delusions, it is mostly women who are interested in the humanities.
Other than that, I don't know what fucking universities you guys are going to. In a year, I've heard political comments from a lecturer once, and they weren't exactly progressive.

>> No.13955833

If Uncle Ted wasn't set on his retarded and obviously futile terrorism he could have become a lot more influential than he is, especially considering the current rightist counterculture. He had a big brain. I don't know what was up with that blind spot. Maybe he had that STEM input/output autism.

>> No.13955846

millennials haven't quite grasped the fact that they're going to be in debt for the rest of their lives so they think spending a few years and taking out a loan in exchange for a career that doesn't make you want to kill yourself is a bad decision

>> No.13956025

I assume it’s America. The education system in the US is widely known for being dogshit. Where I am, classes are always a near 50/50 gender spilt, ideological bias is actively discouraged unless prefaces, and even topics such gender related stuff are a lot more balanced (it makes you realise how badly educated most of 4chan is on such topics).

It makes me question how much of the horror stories surrounding SJW cults in universities are actually true. I think I met one person who fits the crazy SJW stereotype and I just made a point to not interact with them again.

>> No.13956040

BA looks comfy