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13950848 No.13950848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*on the clock 24/7 with no benefits because of "entrepreneur" and "gig economy" jargon that tells them they're being proactive by being a fucking moustache-waxing hipster douche with a Twitter and no steady career, and because they can be bribed with beanbag chairs and hammocks in the fucking office to entice them to sleep there.*
*Is made to dance around in the morning and talk about how much he loves his boss to make a healthy workplace environment*
*Submits to the work can be fun we are a family culture*
*Let's CEO fuck his wife while he works overtime*
*In debt for the rest of his life*
*dies from not having proper healthcare*
*Gives up on his creative interests and works a boring office job for the rest of his life and feels self satisfied because of how "practical" he is being*
*Gets laid off and is forced to retrain pajeet to replace him who will work his job for a fraction of his pay*

>> No.13950885

the worst part about capitalism today is the way they dress it up to make it seem all nice and friendly

>> No.13950936

I know, Marx said the virtue of capitalism was in reducing all power relationships to their most naked form..

>> No.13950942

hey that is my shitpost

>> No.13950944
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unironically based & redpilled

>> No.13950957
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but unironically.

>> No.13950971

How is this a bad thing? Maybe it's because you're on the outside looking in, but in reality people are just enjoying their lives and the greatest wealth ever produced.

>> No.13950992
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>billions of people throughout the world living completely miserable, unfulfilled lives, destined to become nothing but cogs & NPC's with no sense of self-worth or actualization (even as "entrepenuers)
>huuurrrrr p-peoaple r j-just njoying loives & maekin moar moaeny huh hu duuurrrr

>> No.13950995
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You will NEVER pass. And that's a good thing.

>> No.13950997

You don’t have to be a wagecuck. You can cuck your employer right back. Me? I take 2 hours for lunch instead of 1. Nobody suspects a thing

>> No.13951005

>suicide up
>drug usage up
>celibacy up
>depression up
>homelessness up
>housing prices up
>people in debt up
>people working more than one job up
>wages the same for the working class for 40 years
>wages for the top up
>politicians being bought and sold
>plights of the working class unanswered
ah yes the best time to be alive. oh wait don't tell me! this is a spiritual crisis people need jesus in their lives this has nothing to do with the political structure and the economy. heh checkmate atheists.

>> No.13951006

>I'm a commie, therefore I MUST be a tranny

that's some big brain logic ya got there, buddy.

>> No.13951008
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>> No.13951027

Just get good at life. Sorry that you suck and can't make a name for yourself but please don't get mad at the others for doing what you couldn't.

>> No.13951028
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>enjoy life bad

>> No.13951038

shouldn't you be binge watching some Stefan Molyneaux lecture videos right now, faggot?

>> No.13951051
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For how many people? Literally no one.

And in ten years that number will even be fewer.

Capitalism has exponentially solved all of the common problems while providing more wealth than we ever thought possible.

>> No.13951057

The problem isn't capitalism, the problem is democracy and liberalism in general.

>> No.13951081

>oh wait don't tell me! this is a spiritual crisis people need jesus in their lives this has nothing to do with the political structure and the economy. heh checkmate atheists.
This but unironically

>> No.13951083

>Just get good at life. Sorry that you suck and can't make a name for yourself
truly shocking that is mostly people at the bottom saying this, odds are you are just as poor and unimportant as the guy you're speaking to, don't dilute yourself thinking you're going to become anything "great" in the future because odds are you won't

>> No.13951088

>Oh yes big daddy kike capitalist! I like it when you fuck me over by wasting precious time out of my ephemeral life by indefinitely having to be your cuckslave who always dependent on you for sustenance! Spank me harder!

>> No.13951097
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Nice cope schlomo. Everything he said is true. How can people defend present day circumstances. 40 years ago, yeh that would make sense. But if you're a millenial you are literally getting fucked hard jews 24/7.

Its stockholm syndrome or some shit.

>longer life expectancy
great I get to be a wagie even llonger
>gdp increase
literally a jewish measurement. never meant shit. 40 more mcdonalds and more porn? GDP GO UP
>extreme poverty
relative and has changed every year for the past 20 years. The US has 30 million people who are food insecure yet not counted in extreme poverty
>war making capacity
who cares
>living in a democracy
there is no democracy under capitalis

>> No.13951098

low-IQ tier post

>> No.13951099

>Capitalism has exponentially solved all of the common problems while providing more wealth than we ever thought possible.
you mean the workers? who do you think truly runs a factory? the share holders?

>> No.13951108

We've been living under Liberal democracy
for decades. Which includes capitalsim. Seperating makes you look like a retard who has never read anything but memes

>> No.13951110

>waaahhh the joos are more successful than me, it's not fair mommyyyy

why are you leftists so pathetic?

>> No.13951113

>the share holders?
anon you must understand. Jews who dont do any work deserve most of the value of my labour while I get minimum wage. It just makes sense. Us workers are retards and can't do anything with out being told!

>> No.13951115


Lol yeah duh?

>> No.13951117

Most of these have little correlation with capitalism as an economical theory and the ones that do are either flat out incorrect or largely misinterpreted. Whether you like it or not this IS the best time to live in all of human history in materialistic terms, even if you're among the poorest of poor.

>> No.13951121

Reminder that these people call people cucks then defend the ruling class who largely inherited their wealth and do nothing but engage in rent seeking behaviour. Literally sittiing on their ass while you do the work.

You are a rat when you defend such bullshit

>> No.13951125
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>> No.13951131


This + those things aren't up in the same places as where capitalism is up. If you think 'capitalism' is up in the West, you've been listening to too much talk show.

>> No.13951133

>in materialistic term
spotted the jew. Just because people have iphones to send bullshit propaganda to their brains 24/7 doesn't make things better. Material goods dont mean shit if life is pointless. People are killing themselves more than ever.

peasants in some countries used to work less than us and would just chil on their farm with their kids and wife. Now we get tiny aptarments and a life full materialist bulshit.\.

>> No.13951141

>If you think 'capitalism' is up in the West
what are you saying. what does capitalism up mean?

>> No.13951144

>We've been living under Liberal democracy for decades.
Much longer, actually. Although it's been getting worse in the last decades.

But capitalism existed before liberal democracies and can exist after. In fact it's the only thing that can exist. You stealing other people's property through collective force is still capitalism. Just a more retarded form of capitalism.

Those are quasi-nationalists aka quasi-leftists.

>> No.13951145


t. someone who knows what's best for everyone else

>> No.13951158

>implying nationalism is exclusive to any given side on the political spectrum

>> No.13951161

>please kike overlord take my surplus value I produced today!
>thank you shlomo one day you will surely escape wagecuckery and become the CEO just like me! please remind your kids about that when they come to do their unpaid intership

>> No.13951169


ability to engage in economic exchanges freely up, regulations down

>> No.13951171

>peasants in some countries used to work less than us and would just chil on their farm with their kids and wife.
Peasants worked less because their work was dependant on the seasons, they weren't on vacation. For peasants, not working and "chilling on their farm" literally meant their death you absolute fucking RETARD.

>> No.13951172

not the anon you're replaying but more privatization and "for profit" thinking I guess would count as capitalism going up

>> No.13951183

Nationalism is definitely more of a left wing position, as opposed to the right wing monarchism.
If you disagree you might as well do away with the whole left-right terminology (which is not a bad idea, 2bh).

>> No.13951184

>who do you think truly runs a factory?
The guy who runs the factory.
He's required to be proficient in literally everybody else's job. The only reason he hires people in the first place is that he can't do every single job himself.
Any one of those people would be completely incapable of replacing him, because they only know how to do their own job.

>> No.13951188

>You stealing other people's property through collective force is still capitalism
This is literally what capitalism is built on. The ruling class stealing value from the working class like parasites.

>> No.13951189

>If you disagree you might as well do away with the whole left-right terminology (which is not a bad idea, 2bh)

see >>13950944

>> No.13951194



Also the 40 hour work week is bullshit. Uisng basic maths we could work hlaf that and nothing would change. But letting the proles have too much leisure time is bad.

>> No.13951205


lol guess people who know maffs aren't considered proles for a reason

>> No.13951209

>The ruling class stealing value from the working class
Better than the opposite.
Why should retards own capital? They don't know what to do with it. All they do is get high, get fat, watch Hollywood shit... fuck the working class.

>> No.13951216

>The ruling class stealing value from the working class like parasites.
It's literally the opposite.
I can't imagine how much of an entitled shit you have to be to agree to a transaction, and then get angry at the transaction you agreed to.

>> No.13951241

You are a cuck. you defend the interests of your rulers over your own. You would defend a man having sex with your wife on the basis that he is more masculine.

Yes anon transactions occur in a vacuum and there are no other factors to consider. Good job. Leftists btfo. Why didnt' we think of this baka (smaking my head) :(

>> No.13951242

How does it feel knowing that you have to live your entire life with an absurdly low-IQ?

I could only imagine it feels like a combination of being both drunk & stoned 24/7.

>> No.13951251

Season 4 of rick and morty is coming soon so you can stop commenting here

>> No.13951260

>does drugs
You are the one with low IQ, my friend

>> No.13951280

>please kike overlord take my surplus value I produced today!
The implication being that anyone who uses the term "surplus value" like this has ever produced anything of value in their entire lives.

>> No.13951286

Ehm life is not dark souls, friend, it's not like you get information, learn the Boss moveset and try really hard until you succeed, it's more like a lot of shit happens to you which is absolutely not dependent on how "good at life" you are (eg being born poor) and grinding is not going to solve the problem. Try being poor. If people were sure that if you put 10 effort into something and get 10 as a result, this would be a world of billionaires. The point is: most time you put 10 and get 2/3. Someone gets sick, someone dies, there's a crisis and someone gets fired, money gets stolen: this stuff happens every day and it can screw you up completely if it happens at the wrong moment. If you are not born with a lot of money and, possibly, a big support network laid down for you already, building all this stuff up by yourself is borderline impossible. Of course there are lazy people as well, but the vast majority are just people who were not in the right place at the right moment

>> No.13951293

And just where in that post did I imply such a thing, you dumbass?

>> No.13951299

OP absolutely seething because he has no money kek

>> No.13951309

I don't think a single person in this thread likes Capitalism. I think they just hate socialism.

>> No.13951322

>monkey-brained anon seething because he knowingly has to spend most of his precious time working a shitty retail job in order to make ends meet, and need to project his inner angst out on a Sicilian cigarette-boat forum

>> No.13951328

Well, you're clearly a mentally ill tranny for one.

>> No.13951341

Pretty ironic post considering that life is a lot like Dark Souls where you can learn about hardships in life by seeing how others fucked up when facing them and avoid the same mistakes yourself.

>> No.13951345

>Whoops! I don't have an answer to this one. Guess I'll just resort to some good ol'-fashioned random ad-hominems!

How does it feel being a high school dropout?

>> No.13951352
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How many fucking "MUH EVIL CAPITALISM!!" threads do we have to put up with everyday? Fuck off back to R*ddit.

>> No.13951355

The funniest part about arguing with a cuck commie is having them explain their solution to the problems we face. They aren’t sending their brightest. Any idiot can point out the problems in a system, but leftist pseudoscience isn’t the solution.

>> No.13951356
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This but unironically

>> No.13951367

this is just what happens under democracy through regulation and violations of the non aggression principle. stuff like forced public education making you dependent on the state and corporations from the start

>> No.13951368

>you defend the interests of your rulers over your own
I don't defend you stealing money from other people, just because they have more than you and "it isn't fair".

But I'm not some Republicuck. As long as we live in liberal democracies people will complain and want more gibs, while indeed also being taken advantage of by smarter merchants.
The whole system needs to go, because it's fundamentally dysgenic. Voting rights should be limited to certain demographics. Segregation needs to be legal again. And so on and so on.

>> No.13951409

>people are just enjoying their lives and the greatest wealth ever produced
Untrue. A small percentage are enjoying the wealth.
The vast majority are slaving away for sub-standard wages, just to survive, living paycheck to paycheck. No enjoyment in having your soul killed.

>> No.13951428

not stealing. they are just taking back the fruits of their labor and democratizing the work place.

>> No.13951435

>I don't defend you stealing money from other people
If you defend capitalism you defedn theft far greater than taxation will ever be. Also you are probably not white so i would be carefulw ith that kind of rhetoric.

>posts an easy to debunk propaganda image
PragerU4life senpai

>> No.13951439

>He's required to be proficient in literally everybody else's job.
Looks at CEO of General Electric.
Re-check to see if previous statement is still relevant.

>> No.13951453

>the fruits of their labor
Half of the population is below 100IQ (no doubt a great resource for commies). They're barely sentient enough to follow some simple orders. If we pandered to them we'd still be living in the stone age.

>> No.13951498

So many trannies in this thread

>> No.13951507

>this level of projection from someone who unironically watches Stefan Molyneaux and PragerU videos

>> No.13951508

>Finally """""own""""" my own work
>wtf working still sucks


>> No.13951512

Just did.
He sounds based.
I'm not sure why all you commiecucks think that the heads of companies, who are responsible for making decisions which can either make or break a company, know absolutely nothing about the company they're running. If the head of a business knows absolutely nothing about a business, we call that "a company that doesn't exist", because they've already gone out of business by making horrible decisions because they didn't actually know anything about their company.
Meanwhile, all you need to know about a company is how to operate a cash register, and think that you're somehow that lynch pin of industry.

>> No.13951551


>> No.13951561

>War making capacity
Why would I want these. What good do these do me. Why would I worship the power of an economy if it makes me suffer and live a shit life.
A fucking sham and we all know it. Wow we get a couple identical parties who are in the pockets of lobbyists and refuse fixing anything.
>Extreme poverty
We live in an extreme spiritual, social, chronological, and emotional poverty.
>life expectancy
Who gives a shit?

>> No.13951564

Cringe. Dilate, tranny.

>> No.13951574

>Look mommy! I just posted a ad-hominem! That'll show him!

>> No.13951589

Cringe. The HRT withdrawals must have you acting moody.

>> No.13951604

Post cheeks or GTFO tranny

>> No.13951606

>more vapid ad-hominems instead proving to us ITT why cuckitalism is as amazing as you think it is

>> No.13951613

nice cope cunt but it doesn't work, you know damn well you are getting cucked in your job, as is most people, but you try to tell youself that it is somehow ok or even good, lmao go back to making your boss rich

>> No.13951616

Seethe harder and post cheeks or GTFO

>> No.13951627

capitalist cucks have stockholm syndrome and are most likely retarded americans who are propagandised to every day of their shitty lives to accept the status quo and being cucked


>> No.13951640

>I can't imagine how much of an entitled shit you have to be to agree to a transaction, and then get angry at the transaction you agreed to.
hope your son dies because he couldn't afford his $300 insulin due to his father constantly slurping the CEOs cum out of his mothers dry joyless cunt

>> No.13951644

>nice cope cunt but it doesn't work
Sure it does.
>you know damn well you are getting cucked in your job
Because you've never actually worked a real job, so you think that every single career is exactly like that McDonald's job you held down for all of two weeks.
>but you try to tell youself that it is somehow ok or even good
It's great, actually. As a research assistant, I'm literally and unironically being paid to learn new shit all the time, while also gaining more experience in a variety of different lab instruments, with enough downtime between tests to come on /lit/ and laugh at commiecucks.
>lmao go back to making your boss rich
And that's the crux of it.
You're just a petty and jealous person.
I don't give a shit how much my boss (or supervisor, or manager) makes, I make more money than I know what to do with already.

>> No.13951665

Your LARPing makes me cringe. Unless you're telling me you actually don't know what to do with your grocery bagging monet.

>> No.13951666

>It's great, actually
>happy that he doesn't get paid his full value
why the fuck are you defending this? you know you should be making more right? makes no sense but whatever

>> No.13951668

>your grocery bagging monet.
>Because you've never actually worked a real job, so you think that every single career is exactly like that McDonald's job you held down for all of two weeks.
Thanks for proving me right, dumb commiecuck lmfao

>> No.13951673


>> No.13951679

>paid his full value
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?
I negotiated my wage, we came to an agreement that (at least I, and I assume the lab manager) were happy with.
Like, am I supposed to go to the fucking International Monetary Fund so that they can gauge exactly what my "full value" is?
How detached are you from reality to even post something this stupid?

>> No.13951685

That's the thing, there's no reasoning with these literal homo faggots.

They think all because they've seen a bunch of half-baked memes on /pol/ & watched a few Stefan Molyneaux videos, that somehow makes them knowledgeable on how "evil!!!111!!" Marxism is.

>> No.13951704
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No, most of us have a reasonable understanding of history to realize how evil Marxism is.
There has never been a single positive example of the application of Marxist theory; only horrible disasters.
A deeper understanding of history gives you a deeper understanding of how evil Marxism is.

>> No.13951708

War is required to defeat evil nations, tyranies, and protect citizens.

Just because you're an incel who can't make enough money doesn't mean everyone else is lazy and depressed.

>> No.13951720


>> No.13951721

Anarcho-Communism =/= Marxism

if you've ever read Bakunin (let alone a single book that wasn't written by Jordan fucking Peterson), you'd know that by now you stupid faggot

>> No.13951723
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This is now a porn thread. Post your cheeks and your meats, you trannies.

>> No.13951727

House nigger

>> No.13951743

There are no amount of books you will ever read that will make Marxism anything other than a failed ideology.
Reality is the ultimate arbiter of truth, and Marxism has failed on so many fronts that it's inexcusable to keep defending it, any more than flat earth or creationism bullshit.

>> No.13951761

Im a 100 times more bitter about the world as an engineering student who has had girlfriends than I ever was as a NEET virgin. Shut the fuck and stop projecting. Working towards something that will provide me a middle class life and getting pussy have both been utterly hollow pursuits. Fuck you.

>> No.13951771

I take it you've never actually read a single, central piece of classical Marxist texts, have you?

Because if that's the case then you really need to quit it with the intellectual dishonesty & stop speaking on shit you know nothing about, when you clearly haven't studied/closely examined both sides on an academic level.

>> No.13951772
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I would marry her in an instant.

>> No.13951774

At least spend 5 minutes on /sci/ if you want to make a convincing lie.

>> No.13951782

Average lit capitalism defender: no bro youve just got to overcome yourself! Youre just a loser virgin. Once you get some pussy and a career youll be happy!

Sorry to ruin your illusion but you wont be after getting these things.

>> No.13951791

I was meme'd into reading some of Marx's bullshit.
But here's the thing:
It's exactly like if someone had written multiple volumes expounding their theory that if you drop a cement block, it will fall upward.
It takes the amount of time to find a cement block to disprove this.
In the same way, even a cursory examination of history will show you how wrong Marx was about everything, and a deeper examination of history will show you how HILARIOUSLY wrong he was.
And if a person somehow had absolutely no knowledge of history at all... his own works contain enough eternal contradictions that you should realize what a retard he was by his own works, even before being tested out.

>> No.13951847
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>tfw no girlfriend/wife to cook for me, clean for me and rub her smelly coochie over my work desk
Social media was a mistake and ruined relationships. Women have unlimited attention and gratification at the click of a button. In the past, they would have to get all their chores done before they got any attention. The family structure is permanently fucked for city people. I'm going to retreat into the country and take multiple wives with me, I will impregnate all of them and raise a big family.

>> No.13951861

I want to sit down to write my novel and take breaks to sniff the part of my desk that my wife's coochie marked and be reminded of her and feel fluttering and warmth in my heart and lightness in my head. I will get rid of all my internet. I'll have one of my wives publish all my works for me after I die.