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/lit/ - Literature

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13950528 No.13950528 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/
I made (what I believe to be) a comfy dissident-friendly lit mag and wanted to A) shill my lit mag here [www dot occupiedmag dot com] as I am desperately in need of quality submissions and B) solicit advice on how to succeed in the lit mag game.
Right now I have not done a whole lot to promote it outside of soliciting submissions on twitter and posting flyers around town (which are taken down with alacrity), so if any of you have had success creating new literary projects of this nature, I strongly encourage you to share your knowledge.

>> No.13950537

If I submitted to you my Nazi literature would you publish it?

>> No.13950545

Explain yourself more clearly, why not use more precise language.

>> No.13950559

ummmmmm probably, if it was thoughtful and well-written.
You can view the guidelines on the submissions page if you'd like.

>> No.13950575

Good idea. What I mean is that I am primarily open to publishing short fiction, poetry, and critical reviews that prioritize a right wing /nationalist/ ehthnonationalist/ race realist/ etc/ etc/ interpretation of the world and literature, whereas most mainstream mags would automatically disqualify such literary endeavors.

In that sense I am talking about dissidence in a political and literary sense.

>> No.13950577
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It looks lefty/cringey...

>> No.13950586 [SPOILER] 
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That makes more sense!

>> No.13950613

Thanks for the clarification, although I have to say that I don't generally agree with the idea of prioritizing one group over any other as a publisher. Frankly you'll probably get mostly right-wing work simply by making it clear that you don't intend to be censorious within the bounds of legality, left wingers seem to avoid any space in which their political opposition isn't outright barred from contending with them anyways.

>> No.13950623

> The literary and arts world has been occupied by people that want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.
a bit overboard, but it impressed me somewhat, so i'm staying.
you now officially have a jewish reader bro
> un-pozzed masses
contradicts with "dissident" imo

>> No.13950635

Thanks for the advice. At this point, I wouldn't prioritize any group over the other just because I am starved for quality submissions.
I actually took 99% of the exclusionary language out of the site copy to have more mass appeal, but it is definitely a struggle to implicitly signal to my target demographic while not alienating everyone else who may otherwise be willing to submit good stuff.

>> No.13950646

> implicitly signal to my target demographic while not alienating everyone else who may otherwise be willing to submit good stuff.
these days i'd say (at least that's what i observe in eng net) saying "no censorship", "every worldview is welcome" etc automatically means you won't censor right wingers or any autistic extremists.
like saying "420 friendly" in your profile instead of "i dont drink but i have a crippling weed habit hmu to join"

>> No.13950693

>>you now officially have a jewish reader bro
lovely! we are already building bridges. (although credit for the majority of that quote must go to Sam Hyde)

>> No.13950707

i just respect dissidents and want to experience some samizdat like my mom in her uni years (late 70s-80s), obscure online majority right-wing mags are the closest.

>> No.13951210

oof this is cringe