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/lit/ - Literature

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13949471 No.13949471 [Reply] [Original]

pic very related. i felt like watching a disgusting insectoid ad while reading this

>> No.13949523

only on Reddit do you find specimens of this nature. I don't know what it is about that site, nowhere else has people like this

>> No.13949540

i visit it sometimes when i feel unhuman because of spiritual or moral hardships. even more normal posts or comments feel plastic and in all honesty a bit scary, like they're all written by same <5 people

>> No.13949551

I can't even imagine what it's like to be in these minds. Is this why there is so little fiction these days? It's almost impossible to write these characters, it doesn't seem real.

>> No.13949572
File: 6 KB, 205x246, 1569844539075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post feels so empty i think her Alexa wrote it using fragments of collected data and prediction algorithms. now Amazon Prime users can have internet points automaticly Smart™ harvested using their real life info!

>> No.13949608

If you read the rest of the post it screams fake, so this is just a contrived setup. Over-exaggeration in the style of a primary school short story is necessary for retards.

>> No.13949610

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was just an ad. Like an employee was paid to write this.
I'd go so far as to say they knew this would freak a lot of people out, but as we've learned all attention is good attention. All that matters is you're talking about the brand.

>> No.13949626

i never fully read those "tifu by naked nude sex titty (female)", but this beginning caught me. and i believe there are countless retards who fell victims to cloud storages/synching devices, may be not fully fake

>> No.13949878

As if jeffstein bezos needs to shill himself on Reddit

>> No.13950814


The post in the picture is a clear advertisement. We know companies/lobbying groups/political parties astroturf on Reddit all the time; if a sub has a decent amount of subscribers you can bet people are paying marketing companies to game the system with bots and hired shillers. Hell they were doing it way back when Digg was big.

>> No.13950819

fuck, i wish i was hired by some big company to write fake black PR posts on social media, so i could apply my lit skills and plainly shitpost for normies to eat

>> No.13950827


You probably could, just expect to be paid AmazonTurk-level rates. Bezos paid me a penny to write this one.

>> No.13950855
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>> No.13950862

That feels like all the time to me, and most of lit is like that now too.
You're getting there slowly.

>> No.13950893

never felt as if lit is same 5 posters, it's just obvious that most posters aren't creative in shitpost nor seriousness. because you're not restricted by retardiquette, a bit of personality shows even in the most generic replies
although it is annoying beyond fuck to have the same shit posted all the time

>> No.13950964

"Let's be open-minded, but so much that our brains fall off."

>> No.13952279

It's a site that has rewards for groupthink literally built into its algorithms. I'm pretty sure no one on reddit actually engages on any levelwith the posts--you can see that by the fact that most comment sections are just people parroting quotes from T.V. shows or in-jokes from the site, because that's what they qualify as meaningful communication. Even the more detailed responses are usually just in agreement with whatever the poster was saying--those who disagree get downvoted to oblivion or flat out deleted. It's a perfect place to breed ads.

At least here the conversation is more variable. People still parrot in-jokes to each other and shitpost constantly, but it feels more organic to me, at least. And there's way more actual discussion that happens instead of people just agreeing with each other all the time.

>> No.13952294

The thing about shills and a place like reddit is that the groupthink nature of the site makes it impossible to tell if any one post is a shill or a real person. There are genuinely people who form their identity by obsessing over some product.

I could see someone actually feeling that way about Amazon is what Im saying

>> No.13952304

Jeff is white. I know /lit/ is /pol/ nowadays but you should know that the majority of corporates are white not Jewish and whites do everything you say Jews do but 100x worse

>> No.13952909

Posting the rest
>I want to start by giving some background here. I basically live, eat, sleep and breath Amazon. I need something, straight to Amazon. I use kindle and audible daily. Want to stream music, Amazon music. Want a new movie, prime video. Run out of something randomly, "Hey Alexa......." Laundry soap, toothpaste, shampoo, dog food, fish food, subscribe & save biotch. Amazon has the answers to all of life's problems. So when looking for a place to store photos, I see "prime members have free unlimited photo storage with Amazon photos". Naturally, my next move is to take full advantage of this being a prime member. Automatically upload photos from my phone? Even better.

>Rewind to September 25th, my mom's birthday. I thought about her gift for a while, but when I remembered she didn't have a smart TV, the answer was easy. I hop on Amazon shopping and use my Amazon credit card to purchase one FireTV stick. She was so happy she could watch Netflix on her TV now. Yay, success! Or so I thought.

>Yesterday I get an email from Amazon with the subject line "welcome to the Fire TV family" and thought oh good, she's finally setting it up, she's gonna love it! Not even in the smallest darkest corner of my mind did I imagine that it would sign in to my Amazon account without even asking for a password. Surely she'd have to use her own account.

>> No.13952913

>Fast forward to today at a family bbq, the tv was turned on to the fire stick home page and people were playing with it, using different apps, etc. Eventually it's forgotten about and left to turn on its screensaver. Sitting in my mother's kitchen, I glance behind me towards the tv to see a giant lit up 65" photo of my vagina.

>I spit out my drink and everyone looks at me. I happen to be sitting in a position where the tv is behind me so every single person in my family got a glorious view of me, bright red, choking, scrambling to find the god damn remote with a horribly x rated backdrop. I'm not a person to just take one picture like that and call it good. I took probably 40 pictures that night for my SO to include dildos, butt plugs, the like, in all different positions to get the perfect photos that were now being displayed on my parents television for my ENTIRE FAMILY to view. I have tattoos that were visible in the pictures so there's no denying this is me and no way to talk myself out of this one.

>Nobody helped me. The remote was nowhere to be found so pulled the device from the tv and took it straight home with me where I'm currently hiding under my blanket in shame and misery. I didn't give anyone a chance to say anything, I just ran away.

>The worst part, I asked Alexa how to recover from pain and humiliation aaaaaaand "sorry, I'm not sure about that." Fuck Amazon.

>TLDR my sexy pics ended up on my mom's tv at a family party.

>> No.13952954
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>> No.13953544
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Thot patrolled

>> No.13953556

>I asked Alexa how to recover from pain and humiliation
Kafkaesque desu

>> No.13953568
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>> No.13953657
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>> No.13953698

>never felt as if lit is same 5 posters
After spending a month in living in a nearly abandoned trailer park with WiFi only just strong enough to use 4chan I can tell you that around 10 people actively post here constantly.

>> No.13953747


get fucked you dumb whore ahahahahaha

>> No.13953775

>The worst part, I asked Alexa how to recover from pain and humiliation aaaaaaand "sorry, I'm not sure about that." Fuck Amazon.
I thought this was going to be a /lit/ falseflag but it probably wasn't.
Second half saved it.

>> No.13953971
File: 131 KB, 287x425, lataus (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, if that isn't a shill but a real person someone needs to end its misery and purge it with fire, preferrably before he lays any eggs.

When it comes to the soulles masses, 4chan is few of the places I don't know what kind of replies I will get. Even if it's as thread as this one, where people tend to give cookie cutter comments about NPCs. There seems to be more edicts than consensuses in these days, and that shows in culture and the people. Here consensus is formed most of the time, elsewhere edicts are made.

>> No.13954027

imagine having a daughter in the 21st century.

>> No.13954055

>a month
lmao, get a load of this casual.

>> No.13954107

That's more as a result of memes, as opposed to a result of consumerism. I hear some normies who are only able to talk in whatever meme is popular on reddit this month and it reminds me of the anons on here who spam "based and redpilled" and other memes. I have no idea why somebody would only want to communicate in memes, it sounds fucking horrifying. Imagine a dystopia where people only communicated in memes and were unable to express themselves as a result of illiteracy.

>> No.13954131

Some people on here unironically build their worldview on the ideas of "NPCs" chads, stacies, tyrones and so on. The idea that people actually do that makes me cringe.

>> No.13954215
