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/lit/ - Literature

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13947089 No.13947089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will you still follow his work even though he’s a junkie?

>> No.13947099
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I didn't follow his work before it turned out he was a junkie, so i don't see why i would start now.

>> No.13947101

>still follow his work
How presumptive.

>> No.13947117

Another one? Do we really need another fucking Peterson thread? All day with this fucking shit.

>> No.13947148

>he’s a junkie?
Being an addict is not the same as being a junkie. Dr. Peterson checked himself into rehab the moment he learned his addiction was taking a toll on himself and his family.

You make it seem like he was giving his students blow-jobs for a bar of Xanax.

>> No.13947152

/lit/ is the rehashing of a few literary figures over and over

>> No.13947153

Yes, still follow. This thread is intended for fans and followers of Peterson.

>> No.13947164

Would you rather have another thread debating whether Taleb is an Arab or not?

>> No.13947180

Listen, Bucko!

>> No.13947245

>he's not like the other junkies i pwomise!!!

>> No.13947251

>literary figures
Peterson is not a literary figure. He is discussed as a pop-culture icon and not as an author. Saged.

>> No.13947259

who is this meme

>> No.13947263

>his work

>> No.13947379


Sure, it doesn't change a bit how useful his teachings have been.

>> No.13947425

Following Peterson is pretty damn stupid.

>> No.13947433

>it doesn't change a bit how useful his teachings have been.
Following the advice of a raving lunatic junkie won’t get you far in life. Only place it’ll get you is a bed in rehab right next to your idol.

>> No.13947448

>you know i think this heroin is starting to interfere with my life, i'm going to go to rehab
>definitely not a junkie though

>> No.13947506

What happened? Is he addicted to anything other than anxiety meds?

>> No.13947522

Not a part of the peterson cult but this is an adhom so cringe

>> No.13947525
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I am a junkie. Now I understand I actually relate to this guy. I wish he could talk about Jung and Lacan with Zizek or maybe a fourth way between Peterson, Zizek Land and Dugin.

>> No.13947558
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>its not drugs - its medicashun!!!