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13946239 No.13946239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism is so fucking ill. Everyone knows that. Sadness, emptiness, stress, anxiety, schizophrenia, loneliness, meaningless, anger, nihilism, anti-natalism, and whatever other pathology penetrates all of our lives so deeply.

Are not all of these things part of capitalist living? That is, the alienation of labour, the belief that the work we do has no positive affect on the world, the knowledge that we have no freedom to choose what to do with our time? The anxiety inducing threat that is to be kicked out onto the street, and starved, despite the economic power of the world being far, far greater than what would be required to ensure this is impossible? Doesn't this terrible irrationality inspire a profound despising of the world, that there is so much power, yet it does little good?

Doesn't it feel like the world has become this horrible machine that man lacks control of? Doesn't this deprive us of the affirmation of being that labor should provide?

No one ever defends capitalism except by saying "yeah well there isn't any other option" or "I make money. I dont care about anyone else. fuck you. suck my dick." Aren't both of these reactions just unbearable? The belief that humans are not in control of the very system they created? Or even worse, the only answer is to become a psychopath?

Tell me where I am wrong, please, im begging you. Reading Marx has made me resent the world at a far deeper level than I ever did, and I really can't stand it.

>> No.13946262

Capitalism is dogshit but it's not all-encompassing (yet)

You should create oases of creativity and communal productivity. This is still possible in the modern world, and it will stave off your feelings of resentment.

>> No.13946278
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Capitalist America and the Soviet Union had the same goal, but tried to achieve it with 2 different methods.
The goal was to create a state that is a large factory, where every person is a cog in a big machine that tries to be as efficient as it can be.
The American way is actually even worse, since people did it voluntarily.

There is no place for culture and art, in either capitalism nor communism.
Peasants don't create art.
Who was the dictator of art and culture in early times? It was always the nobles, the kings and the priests. Never the peasants.
In a nation where peasants are glorified, you'll see a sterile environment.
Commieblocks are a good example of this.
The buildings built in todays capitalistic times aren't pretty either though.

>> No.13946284

I, too, often find that the ills I have in my life are monocausal and caused by abstractions.

>> No.13946292

You're wrong in thinking those things are only a part of capitalist living. They are a part of life, not capitalism.

>> No.13946298

Stop mistaking capitalism for civilisation.

The problem is not the political or economical philosophy, its civilisation itself. Your commie revolt would end up with the same fucking problems. You're on the right track, cooperation for survival, but your mistake is believing civilisation is for your benefit and not to your detriment.

If commies supported a return to tribes of 50-250 people spread out sparsely around the globe then I'd love you all, but you're too close minded to see the bigger picture.

>> No.13946301

purposefully obtuse retard

read Fredy Perlman's Against His-Story, Against Leviathan if you think these feelings are bad now... lmao

>> No.13946304

u gay

>> No.13946310

This man is correct, the problem is as much a problem of the intrinsic nature of complex system dynamics than it is booga wooga greed and "fuck you, got mine" on a global scale.

Moloch is just another word for what you get when monkeys try their hand at pulling the levers of a planet.

>> No.13946355
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all i want in life is a warm shelter, somewhere i know i can live and go back to, i don't mind paying for food or water or electricity, but to "live" and be forced to pay someone money simply because they "own" the building because it says they do on a piece of paper and then be forced to pay the government taxes also is a disaster for the human spirit, this isn't living at all

>> No.13946356

Life is exploitation, if you don't understand you understood absolutely nothing.

There are species that reproducing by parasiting the nervous system of another and making it drown, if that shit happens at such a lower level, you are surprised that human society have some level of shit too??

Marx was an idiot who was too dense to realize that people who suffered in those factories did so for a fucking reason, so that they could put food on the table and so that those coming after him might have a better life. A sacrifice was needed and lo and behold, industrialization delivered, you can sit on your fat ass and enjoy thermal, nutritional security, and be entertained to death.

Marx was a useless sack of fat who was so useless he couldn't even comprehend that for things to get better, efforts and sacrifices have to be made first. If you follow the teachings of someone like that, you are as useless as he was and you deserve to live a resentful life.

>> No.13946364

marx cucks will never understand this

>> No.13946377

>Life is exploitation

you are 40 IQ for making an assertion this big, please leave this board and go elsewhere

also lolling if you think factory workers are slaving away all day thinking "i hope this makes the person after me have a better life", especially when industrialisation completely destroyed humans psychologically and physically

>> No.13946379


The price of going back to small farmer or hunter gatherer communities would be inhumane though. Billions would die.

>> No.13946391
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Completely false. The free market is about depending on others through mutually beneficial exchanges.

What you are describing comes about through destruction of the free market. This is through the interference of the state. The state seizes private property and distributes it with no strings attached. Therefore, people come to not to depend on others to live a happy life, but from free handouts for doing nothing. This destroys the sense of community and leads to social isolation.

Human being need to interact and have a sense of community to be happy. This does not and cannot come from the government. The government destroys community so individuals depend upon it instead, like a parasite.

>> No.13946395

So what?

You'd condemn trillions to misery because you're too much of a child to handle death? If you kill 6.9 billion who live in misery and give 1 million a life of true meaning, isn't that worth it?

>> No.13946396

literally everything you typed is made up

>> No.13946402

they don't realise that death is completely natural but living how we do now isn't, they'll cling onto this way of living no matter how much extra suffering it brings

>> No.13946405

>life is exploitation

Yeah just like Nature was an ordered chain of being with God as divine monarch when monarchies were around. Why would the lords and masters of a hyper-competitive society have a vested interest in convincing me it's always been this way, I wonder? Use your head, come on.

Even if you were 100% correct there's still the simple problem of scale.

Don't appeal to nature to justify your plunder of it, you fucking rat.

>> No.13946406

no, I believe capitalism is unique. It is a mode of production which has only one object, and that is to further increase profits. This feature is not attributable to still civilized, but non-machinic periods of human history, pick and choose any of them pre-industrial revolution.

I do not claim that some society, such as feudal japan, are utopic, but I am also pretty sure that these horrible feelings of emptiness never permeated their world so deeply. Sure, being involved more base and material forms of suffering; there was no medicine, the threat of famine was an oppressive reality, etc. and technology has freed us of this, but it has replaced them with something worse.

The point of Marxism is that the capitalist mode; characterized by the production of surplus value, for its OWN SAKE must be eliminated. This would allow us to then choose how to use technology and our labour for our own good. To even be allowed to think about that.

>> No.13946407

Philosophy is made up

>> No.13946414

Is a surplus of billions+ of people umbilical attached to an unsustainable machine really that preferable to you?

>> No.13946418

Suffering has no meaning if it isn't necessary to achieve something worth it. This is not worth it.

>> No.13946420

>but I am also pretty sure that these horrible feelings of emptiness never permeated their world so deeply
You're wrong

>> No.13946432

If I held a gun to your head, and told you to give me all of your money, then giving me all of your money would be "beneficial exchange" because living is preferable to having your wallet stolen. Absolute pea brained ideology to think that the "free market" (its not free theres thousands of pages of laws) is any different

>> No.13946440

Isn't that the entirety of Nietzsche's Death of God thesis? Wasn't man before us able to solve the problem of existence with his myths?

>> No.13946441

key words here are so deeply, you'd be delusional to think modern malaise is found everywhere in history

>> No.13946442


>Sadness, emptiness, stress, anxiety, schizophrenia, loneliness, meaningless, anger, nihilism, anti-natalism, and whatever other pathology penetrates all of our lives so deeply.
the OP is not saying that these things are caused by capitalism. he is saying they are part of capitalist living, these feelings are exacerbated by the economic system we live under. he provides good examples in the OP of how capitalism exacerbates some of these feelings.

he is not saying that communism will eradicate these negative feelings from the populace. but certainly we can mitigate their appearance by creating a society that gives people more control over their lives, more time to be social, the choice to pursue goals that interest them, widespread social norms for socialization, security that their lives will not suddenly be evicted the next day, and so on. the point is to say that capitalism provides a very rocky foundation for proper human emotions in many ways and this can be easily pointed out. there is no shame in striving for a system that provides a more solid foundation.

>> No.13946466

The advent of agriculture and the death of nomadic life that resulted definitely caused mass misery, it's just that the industrial revolution kicked it into overdrive

>> No.13946473
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>This would allow us to then choose how to use technology and our labour for our own good. To even be allowed to think about that.

No, in a socialist economy you do not get to choose for what purpose you want to use your labour/technology. Collective ownership of the means of production means that decisions are made by a centralised body, not by individuals.

Every wannabe commie thinks that when the "utopia" finally emerges, they will be in the Committee overseeing everything. In actuality, however, they will just become a faceless, grey pawn serving the ideology of some authoritarian despot.

>> No.13946475

So why not eradicate those problems for good with a return to nomadic life and the natural mass deaths that would result?

Why settle for the best of a bad situation? Who cares if communism is better than capitalism, they're both shit.

>> No.13946489

This I agree with, it's also no coincidence gnostic-type religions and movements are more prevalent during times of decline. I think the people living in Rome's twilight had a foretaste of today's malaise, but just that, a foretaste.

Who cares, the problem is inevitably economic structures of this scale, how they are organized, and to what extent natural human decision-making is given free reign, are beside the issue.

>> No.13946492

Communism does all that but more efficiently. There has never been as much creeping schizophrenia as in USSR.

>> No.13946499

Communism doesn't bode well for the environment. Forms of traditionalism, social democracy and national socialism are the only ones we know of that have a vested interest in preserving nature.

>> No.13946512

you may very well get your wish with a 4 degree celsius hotter earth. that will result in billions dying and only a small portion of humanity surviving. and you'll have to scavenge whatever remains of earth there are left, it certainly won't resemble the pastoral countryside of many thousands of years ago.

you cannot honestly expect the billions of people who currently exist to be okay with a primitivism when you and i both know that primitivism can't sustain billions. you will have a very hard time convincing people to submit to some lottery that determines whether or not they will live for the nomadic life.

>> No.13946515

Thousands of pages of law is not a free market you stupid bastard. The free market is based upon mutually beneficial exchanges without coercion. Not sure what issue you are having hear. Obviously that was implied, but you're just an edgy loser.

>> No.13946516

Civilization is antithetical to nature. An energy surplus will always cascade into more complex forms of social and political organization.

>> No.13946517

I disagree. How decisions are made within an economic system (centralised or individually) is at the core of how large an economic system can be without collapsing under its own inefficiency.

And that's simply the praxeological side of things, nevermind the moral arguments.

>> No.13946528

I have no intentions of convincing anyone.

Sooner or later, a natural catastrophe or a manmade one will force us into near extinction and I hope I live to see that day even if I die in the process. I would die in ecstasy.

>> No.13946529

Its efficiency is precisely the problem, any kind of life-mode that takes the transformation of the Earth into a product/marketplace is hostile to life just on principle. The best thing you can do with economies is how you deal with tumours: restrict their growth

>> No.13946539

Based disasterposter

>> No.13946545

Every sleep deprived, pill popping, arthoe commie I've met blames capitalism for their misery, I wonder why that is

>> No.13946561

God I hope so. I don't care if it changes, I just need it to change.

>> No.13946563

The price of personal growth and enlightenment/self-actualization at the individual level is precisely the things you complain about
The experience of these things is a sign that you are still under the influence of many illusions concerning the nature of reality. Consider the disappointment that some people experience when they realize Jesus might not have actually turned water to wine, etc. Incidentally, the allegory of the snake in the garden of eden is precisely about this. Live in heaven, keep your stomach full, and remain steeped in blissful ignorance.
To want to live in a primitive society where day to day struggles keep you from ever needing to apprehend any higher truth, is understandable given the amount of suffering in our world. But it's nothing but a desperate attempt to cling to those illusions that provide comfort at the expense of permanent immaturity. May as well wish to go back to the time when you still believed in Santa Claus.

>> No.13946569

Kek, my father grew up in a communist country, hated it, and still prefers it to the American meat grinder. Get fucked boomernigger

>> No.13946576

>Sadness, emptiness, stress, anxiety, schizophrenia, loneliness, meaningless, anger, nihilism, anti-natalism

All of this comes from being an intelligent conscious being, it's got nothing to do with capitalism

>> No.13946607

Restricting economic growth just out of principle is kind of foolish. Economic prosperity leads to longer life expectancy, safer societies, greater standard of life, etc.The problem you're trying to address perhaps has more to do with how we collectively value economic progress, instead of the inherent economic system.

>any kind of life-mode that takes the transformation of the Earth into a product/marketplace is hostile to life just on principle

This just seems like a baseless platitude without any foundation to stand on.

>> No.13946608
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at least the revolution is gonna happen any day now, right ;)?

>> No.13946619

Your daddy's wrong.

>> No.13946646

I just called him up and told him some fuckboy on 4chan is in a better position to comment on his life than he himself, he's glad to hear it.

Keep huffing those stale old boomer dichotomies. Yeah the only alternative to Economic System I Don't Like is Economic System You Don't Like

Don't give me the baseless platitude line (read: one inhibition away from just calling me a faggot hippy) when you give me the Pinker script.

>> No.13946667

>muh wise slavnigger immigrant daddy misses his welfare cheese

>> No.13946681

lmao shut the fuck up boomer mutt, your cheese is just in your arteries

>> No.13946683

It's not civilization or capitalism, you idiots. It's life itself, you are created to feel like shit all the time so there's a constant carrot being moved in front of you pushing you forward to do things to continue the species. That's literally it. Capitalism, socialism, whatever. It doesn't matter.

>> No.13946685

>the revolution is not going to happen
Also Capitalists:
>there is a cultural marxist conspiracy to destroy the West, capitalism and the white race. Marxist control everything.
Which is it?

>> No.13946689

and where did you get this from? which book did you read that divined this to you?

>> No.13946696

>Don't give me the baseless platitude line (read: one inhibition away from just calling me a faggot hippy) when you give me the Pinker script.

I'm sorry, but flat out rejecting economic growth for some vague and arbitrary assertion, despite the fact that economic growth is indisputably beneficial to people's actual lives, is stupid.

>any kind of life-mode that takes the transformation of the Earth into a product/marketplace is hostile to life just on principle
Just to come back to this assertion: you could reasonably make a case that any economic system is detrimental for life on the planet as a whole (deforestation, etc.), however, economic systems serve to improve human life. If the exploitation/use of nature was reason enough not to do something, you might as well just dig a hole and sit in it until you starve to death.

>> No.13946703

>you are created to feel like shit all the time so there's a constant carrot being moved in front of you pushing you forward to do things to continue the species
Yes and when you remove civilisation that "thing" is called survival. Food, water, fire and shelter.

>> No.13946704

untrue, i've felt cessation from suffering before when i've not had to deal with endless imaginary unfulfilled future obligations (caused by capitalism)

>> No.13946709

Welfare capitalism forever

>> No.13946723


Cioran + Dawkins, of course


Does it matter?


Oh really? Is that really so? Enlighten me of your circumstance at this time, please. I've been in many a situation like that. Not only that, but now I have a very highly paying job and I still feel like shit. I don't even care about or spend the money I have.

>> No.13946730

>Does it matter?
Yes, it does. We were made for survival in the wild, not random meaningless suffering for the sake of suffering.

>> No.13946731

Because you take the improvement of the material conditions of human life as axiomatically beneficial and the highest value, without ever having lived the alternative to be able to judge.

I do not

>> No.13946732

>a system in which 80% of the population is sleep deprived is clearly the most optimal one

>> No.13946738

Stupid. The convolution of these needs is the problem here. You know how you know your work for the day is done in a primitive state of nature? When your belly is full.

>> No.13946739

>social democracy
Literally worse than ancapism or fascism.

>> No.13946741

Blame technology, not capitalism

>> No.13946751
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>communism is about improving the material conditions of human life
>communists are utilitarians and humanists
You are so fucking retarded that it is amazing.
Kill yourself.

>> No.13946764

>The convolution of these needs is the problem here
I don't see how we disagree here. In my opinion the problem is the surplus of time, of life, that results from survival being made a triviality.

>> No.13946774

Read Ellul my friend.

>> No.13946776

Whose talking about communism in that post?

I might have been confusing you for someone else. In any case, the point is I'd rather let me stomach and my thirst be my boss than some faggot in a suit

>> No.13946779

I'm not saying it is the highest value per se. I'm just saying that trading in the obvious benefits of economic prosperity for an arbitrary ideological hunch is foolish, especially when it has been insufficiently substantiated (which is why I called it a "baseless platitude").

I'm generally just sceptical of people trying to prioritise some vague collective/theoretical ideal above actual empirical reality. That's not to say there are no ideals that should be prioritised above observable reality, but this is generally how I see it.

>> No.13946784

What does entitle you to your inheritance?

>> No.13946799

I like how my ideals are arbitrary but yours are rooted in empirical reality and rigorous study, as if the benefits of living moderately and sustainably in a community of belonging are something I need to desperately prove.

>> No.13946801

I can tell a NEET made this post

>> No.13946805

>I'd rather let me stomach and my thirst be my boss than some faggot in a suit
>this is what cucky bootlickers actually think
Why do have to choose? I pity you, you are pathetic and disgusting

>> No.13946817

>work for somebody, now that's freedom

Were you trying to say something else or are you this retarded

>> No.13946818

You're either cynical or really stupid to believe the only problem is capitalism.Civilization itself is doomed

>> No.13946824

>socialism is central planning
>you are the retard
Oh boy.

>> No.13946831

Capitalism is free exchange, and free exchange is civilization. To be against capitalism is to be against civilization.

More here: http://orgyofthewill.net/

>> No.13946842

I'm not talking about socialism and never have been you fucking psychotic

>muh sacred cow

>> No.13946845
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>To be against capitalism is to be against civilization.
Yes, I am against civilization, what give it away?

>> No.13946846

You are so far up your own ass it's becoming difficult to talk to you.

>I like how my ideals are arbitrary but yours are rooted in empirical reality and rigorous study,
I wasn't putting forth any ideals. Increased life expectancy, more secure societies, and higher living standard aren't ideals, they're just observable facts.

>as if the benefits of living moderately and sustainably in a community of belonging are something I need to desperately prove.
This wasn't the assertion I was sceptical towards, so I'd suggest you re-read our discussion.

Also, it's very doubtful how you wish to attain a state of "living moderately and sustainably in a community of belonging" without it being a "life-mode that takes the transformation of the Earth into a product/marketplace hostile to life".

>> No.13946853

>I wasn't putting forth any ideals. Increased life expectancy, more secure societies, and higher living standard aren't ideals, they're just observable facts.

So is the opposite of all these things if you take a walk down a rough neighborhood. What even is your point

>> No.13946858

Criticism of capitalism != support of communism
You can acknowledge the many flaws of capitalism while also acknowledging that communism is much worse

>> No.13946876

My original point was to say that rejecting economic growth and justifying it by saying that
>any kind of life-mode that takes the transformation of the Earth into a product/marketplace is hostile to life just on principle
is foolish because you're favouring an unsubstantiated assertion over obvious observable benefits.

I still stand by this point, since you have made no effort to substantiate your claim.

>> No.13946927

>communism is much worse

>> No.13946935

You should use your head, all you did was provide another example of how that anon is correct.

That's not to say we can't further buffer ourselves from the vicissitudes of nature, or that lower population density wouldn't ameliorate some things... But to live in denial of the underlying paradigm of exploitation is just dangerously naive.

>> No.13946949

There are no studies that will substantiate my claim that the commoditization of what living things and their conversion into shinier, dead things is something repellent.

It's a mode of perception that can't be communicated, and while I don't expect you to accept it on these grounds, please don't act like what can or cannot be empirically justified must be the "default" position, that somehow the Western oligarch is the only one who sees the world without blinders on

>> No.13946955
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>> No.13946959

Life was born out of cooperation and synthesis, you're so biologically illiterate it's insane.

>> No.13946963

>Are not all of these things part of capitalist living?
O child. the fifth column stomped you hard

>> No.13946967

Kafka was mentally an edgy teenager afraid of adulthood.

>> No.13946991

>positive affect on the world
Humanist/capitalist meme to start with. People in the past worked to satisfy their legacy and contribute to their community. Also to live but despite it being a pressing matter (survival) it was hardly a factor for most.

>> No.13947006

Well, we can argue about where to draw the line between cooperation (suggests conscious intent) and mutual exploitation (symbiosis), and indeed where to even draw the line between mutal exploitation and unilateral exploitation. I suspect, however, that you'll stick to pithy little non-arguments and pretending that you're especially intelligent.

>> No.13947013

It doesn't matter, if life is exploitation then we should do everything we can to minimize it, not perfect it

>> No.13947032

The modern world has gifted the vast majority of people with a standard of living so great that the nobility of a few centuries ago couldn't even have begun to imagine it.
You ungrateful underaged nigger.

>> No.13947035

>you're just ungrateful

bootlicking cunt

>> No.13947042

It does matter, because if we misunderstand or deny our nature, we could end up making things much worse (e.g. dysgenic dystopia). Knowing the truth would seem to be an advantage if you're trying manipulate such things, as opposed to constantly patching up symptoms that don't align with an idealized narrative.

>> No.13947045

slave. wage cuck. yes master, ill wake up at 7am and sit in traffic for you, yes master this wage is good enough, yes master ill pay rent 1800 dollars a month for a closet sounds lovely.

>> No.13947047


>> No.13947048

>a caveman sits in his cave, getting hungry
>decides to go out and find food for himself
>decides he's hungry specifically for deer meat
>tracks and hunts down a deer
>successfully kills it and brings it home
>when he slices it open he realizes it was diseased and the meat is tainted

Do you think the caveman sat there, pondering about how life is ill, whining that the system is unfair and breeds sadness, emptiness, stress, anxiety, anger, etc.?

Why the fuck are anti-capitalists dumber than cavemen? How did evolution go so wrong for them?

>> No.13947049

Sola dosis facit venenum.

>> No.13947054

what is a "standard of living"

what good does having an xbox, a car, and a nice even out at Chili's do if all you can feel is emptiness, sadness, and despair.

>> No.13947066
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of course he pondered his shit existence, you idiot. Why do you think he bothered to invent tools, band together into larger and larger tribes, tell stories to make sense of the world and not repeat his forerunner's mistakes? God you're stupid.

>> No.13947083

The point is that "nature exploitation and hyper-Darwinian competition, kind of like this economic system I'm defending... huh... imagine that..." is as much a product of your time as capitalism itself.

When I'm in the woods, I don't see a prototype of America. I'm just in the fuckin' woods.

>> No.13947088

okay anon, you first

>> No.13947096

But anon, someone has to pay rent so I can avoid working :(

>> No.13947102

> Reading Marx has made me resent the world at a far deeper level than I ever did, and I really can't stand it.
Don't worry. It'll be over soon. With automation, no more profit (TRPF). It'll be clear by 2030. The production is, at last, heavily automating.

>> No.13947106

Based and Tedpilled

>> No.13947115

I think that's foolish, surely you're better off as an adult than when you were in kindergarten.

>> No.13947126

>Life is exploitation

>Yeah just like Nature was an ordered chain of being with God as divine monarch when monarchies were around

100% of the time I call out posters like this and make a reference they don't get it. When you explicitly invoke Hobbes and State of Nature they say that isn't what they are talking about and they couldn't be "stealing ideas" from Hobbes because they don't even know who that is/never read them and they aren't even Christian.

The ignorance would be laughable if it wasn't so common.

>> No.13947130

Primitive tribes didn't exploit fellow tribesman. Nor other tribes. They killed their ennemies at war, or integrated the survivors in their own tribe, but didn't make them slaves. In the primitive tribe, work is allocated by gender, and the hunt is shared. There is no exploitation. It's pretty annoying to have to repeat this, again and again, like people like you are too stupid to search those answers themselves.

>> No.13947139

Have you read about Gandhi's ideas? He talked about this but nobody listened. They were too busy trying to be socialists.

>> No.13947142

lol it doesn't matter where the idea came from dipshit, what matters is you getting that your understanding of nature is always culturally (and in this case, economically) conditioned

>> No.13947155

>lol it doesn't matter where the idea came from dipshit
If you knew where it came from you wouldn't be repeating shit that was debunked centuries ago.

>> No.13947174

I would argue that capitalism- private ownership of the means of production- is an inevitable result of the civilizational project. Marx might just have been visualizing a copernican revolution in human psychology brought about by apprehending the contradictions that our worldview has inherent in it. It is similar to sometimes how certain traumas in an individuals life lead to a radical shift in perspective and thought.
We may proclaim whatever we wish but humans are and have always been experiential learners; we will learn when we undergo our traumas. Until then, there is always art.

>> No.13947178

fucking retard still doesn't get the point. this is your brain on Leviathan farts

>> No.13947184

Good post.

>> No.13947188

>Every wannabe commie thinks that when the "utopia" finally emerges, they will be in the Committee overseeing everything. In actuality, however, they will just become a faceless, grey pawn serving the ideology of some authoritarian despot.
This is what capitacucks actually believe, too. They think they're some entrepeneur but in reality they're selling their souls for couches and ping pong tables at work.

>> No.13947192

I wasn't aware smug lolis could be this based,

>> No.13947197
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>> No.13947214

Yes. In other words, it is significant that the Buddha was born a prince.

>> No.13947307

Here is my hot take.
Bear with me
>Should humanity expand to the stars
My opinion is yes
>How do we get there
>How do we get technology
The thread has sort of diverged from communism to focusing on civilisation as being the main problem,
but we need civilisation to build such technologies
>Is life suffering and will technology be used for bad
I just hope that we will manage to pull through in the long run
But the double sided blade to technology is that our invention may just end up replacing or consuming us.
Though I hope that this is not the case

>> No.13947321

I don't want to turn Mars into a Walmart, no thanks

>> No.13947325

>Capitalism is so fucking ill.
And yet marxism manages to be worse.

>> No.13947362

This has nothing to do with happiness though. Plenty of people are “happy”. Philanderers and drunks are “happy”. Hedonists are “happy”. The concerns of art and cultural are primarily spiritual and not achievable by way of happiness or through a mercantile exchange of goods and services.

Capitalism is a mercantile system in which merchants compete in making money for the sake of money and the merchant’s relationship with things such as art and culture is that of patronage. Mercantile art is designed not to endure or inspire, but to sell and sell quickly.

Neither art nor culture is or should be concerned the exchange of a people’s material wants, but rather the other way around. Systems that subjugate the creation of divinely inspired art and culture to the materialistic interests of money making and labor will inevitably be devoid of both.

>> No.13947481

The free market is a spook. If there were no government intervention, monopolies would be the norm and people would be serfs, even more than now. ANCAPs and a lot of libertarians are simply deluded if they think people would simply “jump ship” to a better thing; the reality is that people choose what they’re used to and what is the bigger, not necessarily the best, thing available. Further, competition would not just magically spring up, because once a company is entrenched enough, it becomes almost implacable, and it will continue to grow like a tumor. If it were up to me, I would institute major reform especially in regards to tech companies stifling free speech.

>> No.13947568

can you say that they ever even lived?

>> No.13947587

Constructively critiquing your weaknesses to improve your existence isn't the same as whining that you're oppressed and the system is unjust like some hippie douchebag.

>> No.13947594

>guy who isn't oppressed and experiencing unjust things doesn't think the system is oppressive and unjust

really percolates those pistachios

>> No.13947679
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As if alienation from labour is important.

It's alienation from God halfwit. People have done crap jobs forever.

>> No.13948652

this is why seeking happiness is a mistake. You don't find it, you stumble across it. There is no end to the journey that is life, one us supposed to savor the journey. The reason why people were 'happy' in the past was that they didn't have the luxury of time to ponder about the possibility of happiness.
Modern human can no longer become ignorance, because there are other costs to its absence. However, we can keep ourselves busy with meaningful work that we can sustain ourselves until we die.
No matter what you think about parenting, being a parent is so much a part of our biology. A kid is all that you will care about when you have one. Hence, life cease to become about you and its imperfections. Its literally a curse on mankind to keep breeding more suffering in order to not suffer.

>> No.13948664

but you would rather have it as a wasteland instead?

>> No.13948842

The free market only functions when capital profits are linked with wages. That hasn't been the case in decades and it's only going to get worse with more automation

>> No.13948860

I wasn't defending capitalism actually, or at least not the extremes to which it has progressed. You strike me as too much of an absolutist pseud to consider nuance, however. Not sure what you mean by hyper-Darwinian either; brutal competition has been a prominent aspect of nature for far longer than we have. It would appear that most human populations are substantially buffered from the full brutality of nature in modern times, regardless of their psychological disaffection.

Let's also consider that any populations who decline to leverage technology and organize into civilizations will be at the complete mercy of those who do. I'm not sure how global compliance with primitivism or highly restrictive traditionalism could be enforced, and even a catastrophic 'reset' would be temporary.

I think some kind of restrained capitalism like natsoc is probably the way to go, along with provisions against runaway liberalism and population density. Active eugenics would be helpful as well.

>> No.13948976

>what is MySpace
>what is Atari
>what is IBM
>What is AIM
>What is Blockbuster
>What is Sears
>muh freeze peach

>> No.13949038

Le gabbitalism bad

>> No.13949412

Correct. Agricultural Civilization created a substantial surplus of resources that could then be hoarded by individuals and groups for power and influence. It completely altered the cooperative dynamic present in primitive nomadic tribes and made the exploitation of other humans a viable and immensely rewarding option.

>> No.13949419

Why don't marxcucks go move to North Korea, China or Cuba instead of whining?

>> No.13949502
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Why don't amerishits go back to Israel?

>> No.13949533

>Sadness, emptiness, stress, anxiety, schizophrenia, loneliness, meaningless, anger, nihilism, anti-natalism
Yea, but you those are long-term, hardly observable effects. Under bolshevik we had short-term, immedietly observable lack of blue pants.

>> No.13949545

>People have done crap jobs forever.
That was slaves, brainlet. Non-people. Normal people of the past didn´t have "jobs", they were self-subsisting peasants.

>> No.13949560

I thought your types were free of idpol

>> No.13949586

The true tragedy of capitalism is the way it convinces individuals that life is inherently about "suffering" and that technological society cannot change this. these people believe that if they are just and work hard they will be rewarded. You will not be rewarded, you will work until you die and you will probably be in the same economic place as your parents.

>> No.13949748

They're parasites. It doesn't help them to be removed from the host.

>> No.13949753
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>free market isn't free