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/lit/ - Literature

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13940344 No.13940344 [Reply] [Original]

be honest: how many of you were honestly taken in by this hysterical illiterate drug addict?

>> No.13940356

/lit/ always hated him just because he is a pseud

>> No.13940367

I've never watched any of that nonsense. You americans are sick in the head.

>> No.13940374

As far as I recall, this is correct. Even when every second thread was a Peterson thread, most of them were making fun of him, although there were some genuine fans.

>> No.13940378

I've never been "taken in" because im not a fucking reactionary 12 year old but this man is based and redpilled in my book. And just because he's addicted to cocaine doesn't make him any less qualified for his position. Many great men were addicted to the white ambrosia.

>> No.13940379

But he's a fucking Leaf

>> No.13940403
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>> No.13940404

i read his 12 rules book, its all common sense with some background story to explain why the common sense is worth following. i dont know why anyone would find it edgy or dangerous to society the way the media railed against him, maybe it was just his tranny pronoun stance

>> No.13940407

>he advocates having your life together


>> No.13940417

>>he advocates having your life together
his wife got cancer

>> No.13940429

if his life is out of order he should have started by cleaning his room

>> No.13940435

Retards like Peterson say your personal misfortunes are irrelevant and that you should take ownership of your issues.

>> No.13940440

Folk hate Peterson because he's holding up a mirror to them. It's very offensive to be told that most of the problems in your life are your fault, and no amount of placing the blame on society or politicians will fix them. He represents the absolute opposite of escapism.

>> No.13940462

So what? Did I stop washing my penis after my dad died of cancer? No I didn't, because I'm strong.

>> No.13940465
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We do hate him for holding a mirror up to us but its the mirror of being an unread pseud (aka average /lit/ poster)

>> No.13940474

can you point to where he's actually said anything like that or is that just your head canon. his wife getting cancer isn't an issue cause by him and going to rehab is sorting out his own issues

>> No.13940484

He is also a depressed individual who was living on medication his whole life.
He never had his shit together.

>> No.13940491

together enough to become a professor instead of a burnt out highschool dropout high on weed all day

>> No.13940520

I admit, he got me hook, line, and sinker. At first I just amusedly listened to his ideas. Their conservatism and masculinity was appealing to me in my dark times. But then it spiraled out of control. He back a surrogate for the father I never had. My friends shunned me for following a leader of the alt-right but I didn't listen, I was blind, to me he was finally a guide and a friend I could trust. Then before I knew it I became a race realist, throwing around studies about IQ like candy, mouthing off to everyone I knew about egalitarianism promoted gender disparity rather than the expected reduction. I was so, so stupid. At my absolute worst I was mere moments from becoming a Trump supporter, but miraculously my mom grasped the situation and quickly shut me off the internet and threw away all my Jordan Peterson book and merchandise. It was harsh at first, but as time went my mind grew clearer as if I was an addict going sober for the first time in years. It was then that I realized how absolutely reprehensible and pathetic Jordan B. Peterson really is. His drug addiction does not surprise me, in fact anyone with a sober mind should have seen this coming. I am glad that I managed to deradicalize myself and hope that all the lost souls here who still cling to Jordan like a messiah wake up and smell the ashes of the fascistic ideal they so dearly cling to. It's pitiful.

>> No.13940538

I watched one of his lectures to see what all the fuss was about. Had no desire to watch more.

>> No.13940544

This post glows in the dark.

>> No.13940554

Zizek? Nah, we used to make fun of him back before the election. But, redditors love the guy for some reason, so whatever.

>> No.13940568

you copy that from a buzzfeed article?

>> No.13940595

I hated him from the first istant I saw him and I have witnesses. I couldn't articolate it at first bit he immediately smelled of heresy.

>> No.13940600

No people don't like him because he's not bright and isn't saying anything worthwhile despite the pretense of being a plucky intellectual grappling with worldly issues.

Peterson will say one thing, then go off on a tangent about something else without making an inductive or empirical connection between the two, he's just riffing his own thoughts.

He went on the Sam Harris podcast and tried to redefine the meaning of truth to be anything which helps a species to survive (even if it is objectively false) based on his own misunderstanding of Nietzsche.

He has also attempted to get alt-right speakers de-platformed from events despite claiming to be for all-out free speech.

>> No.13940614

>truth to be anything which helps a species to survive
Ironically this is the only thing which I agree with him on.

>> No.13940622

Instead he is high on antidepressants all day.
The only difference between the highschool dropout and peterson is the amount of money they make on their "life wisdoms".

>> No.13940630
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This is not literature related. He wrote two books that nobody cares about. He is more of a pop culture icon than an author. SHUSHED and saged.

>> No.13940633

Did she clean her room?

>> No.13940640

that Harris podcast was hilarious
>Peterson: I'm a pragmatist.
>Harris: oh good! I studied with Rorty.
>Peterson: uhh...uhhhhhh...NIETZSCHE! *flails pathetically*

>> No.13940662

We don't like him because he is full of shit. He advertises himself as a surrogate father figure for manchildren who have no direction in life and tells them to "sort yourself out". But really he just preaches the status quo of managerial neoliberal boomer values that created this emasculated generation of men.

>> No.13940674

you can see her reading off of a script. pathetic. nice coping strategy. excuses excuses. be the man you want to be. to exist is to struggle. COPE HARDER FAGGOT

>> No.13940721

Never watched a single one of his videos. One of my alt right friend bangs bangs on about how great Peterson is, which is enough to put me off him, because my mate is an absolute pseudo intellectual that gets all of his views from watching youtube videos

>> No.13940762

I like to think this board's average IQ is high enough to see through Peterson. The man is a hack through and through, midwit extraordinaire, the slightly smart but lazy academic who appeals to slightly dumb and lazy incels. Talking about them reminds me of how the herd talks of the Kardashians, so I will waste no farther time and go back to reading literature outside the highschool curriculum, completely foreign to Peterson and his sheep.

>> No.13940783

a charlatan who made it big

>> No.13940788

literally (and ironically) the man who made people interested in what postmodernism is

>> No.13940798

I can smell the fat virgin fingers typing this post.

>> No.13940807

>>13940788 (Heiled)

>> No.13940958
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This. there's even a post about Peterson in 2013 shitting on him. he was hated from the second crossboarding /pol/tards started asking what postmodernism is.

>> No.13941856

>I feel bad that she's her dad
Absolutely pathetic. Imagine having your daughter act as a standin for your father.

>> No.13941868

i appreciated his stance against compelled speech about three years ago. the rest is marketing. his biblical exegesis is execrable, and his Jung and Campbell dick-riding truly embarrassing.

>> No.13941893

ill admit it. I had barely read any books and he was becoming a meme. I watched his lectures and thought they were good. Went on to read more books and realize how dimwitted he was. He did get me more interested in things I had previously not been, but his understanding of philosophy is comical,=

>> No.13941897

People get hurt, and they don't want to see it again. They aren't going to feel much love either. It hurts to be told that someone has wronged you and you have nothing to do with it. If there was a time for that kind of message, it's the '90s. I would be surprised if most people are on his side of the argument. I've always found him charming, always has a story. He seems nice despite being a narcissist. I believe what he says is real, and there will be no more false accusations.

I've read a lot of this, so I don't need to tell you the answers. All I can say is that I'm not exactly surprised by his conclusions

It's no wonder people hate it. When they hear another person say, "It's my fault" or "I'm in it together," it's very difficult to take that as anything but a self-serving, self-defeating, self-hating opinion. I think Peterson is a great role model for many reasons. He is a huge reason that it's very hard for black women who grow up to be oppressed to leave their homes and become independent women capable of working outside of the home. He's done it in a very strong, confident, self-driven, independent manner. His strength in this area, and his confidence and humility, is really amazing. I wish I could show his film because it's so inspiring to see him in action. It's really impressive.

His beliefs and his approach to life are the main reason he's hated within the community. So you want to give him the benefit of the doubt and pretend he's the good guy, but if you know the man, he's a man without a moral compass and would never betray his own beliefs. If you're afraid of your problems being made public, then don't let this information get out. If you believe the world is an impossibly unfair and unfair place that has destroyed people's lives, then go with someone who shares your views. I don't trust the man and I think a lot of folk are afraid of him, because they don't want to be made part of a group of people who think they have to put up with the same things and live in the same way everyone else does. I think that's a real shame.

>> No.13941913
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>tfw you realize that your entire family is fucking nuts
I remember realizing at some point that my uberpseud dad was treating me like a standin for his own father, projection and all.

>> No.13941922

i like some of his bible lectures stuff

>> No.13941928

>He did get me more interested in things I had previously not been
I always thought this was the one redeeming feature of JBP. if 1/100 people find and read Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Kierkegaard, Marx, etc through him, that's a slight silver lining.

...what drugs are you on, anon? English, please.

>> No.13941941

Does he still treat you that way even now? I don't understand the longing for a father figure. It never registered with me.

>> No.13941942

I’m not really a watcher or reader of Peterson, but let me tell you something.
Literally everyone is a pseud. No writer was as much of a genius as you think they were. It always takes much more work and revision than you think, and their intellect is never quite as great as what the page would imply. Even masters like Joyce, Tolstoy, and Melville were like this. A good book is like a magic trick.

>> No.13941943

As it should be

>> No.13941948
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>> No.13941953
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*ends your family*

>> No.13941965

No, because his Disney analogies give me second-hand embarrasement.

>> No.13941972

His muscles look pretty funny together with his childish face.

>> No.13941985

Anon. You're having the time of your life, and I'm sorry I'm just trying to keep up with you. But it's just—you have to find time. I'm not gonna stop being you, but I'm still not sure your life is worth living if it's all just so easy.

And I can hear you thinking, "What's she talking about again, anon? I've never even once, I don't know a single girl who has ever wanted to have sex with me, and I've also never been in love at all." And I'm so sorry about that, anon. It's okay. But I'm not okay, I'm still not okay, I'm still not okay. And all of this time that I've felt this way about you, that you were so worth my time, all of this time that your existence and our lives have seemed like a blur to me—I was the one who thought you were worth my time, anon. You, me, we, all of us.

>> No.13941995

To be fair, Peterson is bombarded constantly by the most virulent of leftist hatred. Made out to be a monster and dealing in monsters too. He chose to apply is training as a psychologist to the darkest, most forlorn, most far past redeeming reaches of the internet and distorted masculinity in an effort to help those who were considered beyond helping.

He was bound to reach a breaking point. His wife's mortality only compounded it.

>> No.13942034

The other way to read it is that he targeted the most desperate, in-need-of-a-father-figure group of individuals known to man, as a way to satisfy his narcissistic need for validation and to make up for his failed parenting of his daughter
>absolutely pathetic

>> No.13942074

>im not a fucking reactionary 12 year old
>uses based and redpilled unironically
nu4chan, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.13942083

turns out preying on the surge of mentally ill, easily brain-washed /pol/children is a good way to get Patreon revenue
who would have guessed?

>> No.13942327


>> No.13942336


>> No.13942346

Based and Truthpilled

>> No.13942497
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yep. he's just another part of the spectacle. just another guy trying to seek power within the system

the only authentic people left are the ones outside the system who seek to destroy it.

>> No.13942501
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>> No.13942505

I like him more now that I found out he is a drug addict. Bands makes their best albums while on drugs. His magnum ops has yet to come haha

>> No.13942561
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*blocks your path*

>> No.13942669
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>blame Americans for a Canadian that's world famous

>> No.13943324

Has JP ever claimed to be this intellectual messiah that folks here are bashing about over?
His ideals have mostly centered around the "decline of the western male" in society, of which I think he speaks quite effectively.

>> No.13943336

The caveat is that the 'decline of the western male' is a hollow narrative that has literally always existed and he is just harping upon it to swindle money out of impressionable basement dwellers. Your first clue should be whenever he opens his mouth about 'post-modern' philosophers, let alone his retarded ideas of Christianity.

>> No.13943340

When I first heard of him I decided to watch one of his videos on Nietzsche. That was enough to convince me JBP isn't worth my time. I don't like or dislike the guy. I simply don't think about him.

>> No.13943375

Nobody is perfect. Peterson is a psychologist first. I dont know what you want from a man.

>> No.13943431

Anything that intends to improve your life on the basis of psychology is bogus.
Psychology is bogus as a science. That's why most psychologists so often act like poor philosophers.
The majority of psychological research isn't repeatable. Frankly, the credibility of the rest is up to question, too. When psychologists treat patients in the typical shrink fashion, they're essentially giving them a philosophy of life. Except for one huge problem: they're doing it from a monolithic system based on bogus evidence and theories. They are very much sophists. And unlike philosophers, they do not engage in rational or critical thinking in core precepts. They don't actually wonder and question their own fallibility, because their credibility is from the system.
And unlike philosophers like Epictetus, Epicurus, Socrates, or Diogenes, these people have no vigor in the things they say, they just pas through as industrial stamps in college. None of it comes through introspection and reasoning through experiences in life. None of it comes through living vigorously by what they say.
Have you guys met some psych students, or anyone who wants to get into therapy? I know a guy who's a suicidal alcoholic, and wants to be a therapist. Maybe that's why so many people stay in therapy so long. It doesn't fucking work. Which of these charlatans would drink the hemlock? Which of them would bare being a crippled slave, or a public masturbating hobo?
There are a few things studied in psychology that do work, in the same way many things can work without a strong theory behind it. For example, there are plenty of valid ways to find certain personalities and to manipulate them, like how the casinos find and exploit gambling addicts. But even these things are no guarantee.

Peterson's problem is that he's a psychologist trying to sell people on a philosophy that I don't think he fully understands, and maybe that's as much his fault as it is psychology's.
Is he a pragmatist, in certainty? Is he Nihilist? Is he a traditionalist? He sells us on all of these things.
Nobody knows, including himself.

>> No.13943439

>the most desperate, in-need-of-a-father-figure group of individuals known to man
Normalfags? That's who his audience is.

>> No.13943449

How the fuck did you type this much about something you know nothing about.

>> No.13943484

You are upset and aggressive. I am definitely not going to read your schizo post.

>> No.13943497


>> No.13943540
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fixed that for you

>> No.13943543

I'm still taken by him desu and no amount of seething for idiots on this board is going to convince me otherwise

>> No.13943627

What is it about this guy that annoys this board so much? He seems fairly innocuous. Even if he is a pseud, there are plenty around. Why this guy? Because he offended trannies? Because he is slightly conservative? I don't get it.

>> No.13943759

Because he made shitton of moneys talking about a subject some /lit/ users take pride in but never managed to capitalize on or even interest other in. Then come this weird, manic guy with his own interpretation of thing and he starts filling rooms and go on TV all across the world, just so that people can watch him ramble about Nietzsche and the bible.

On top of this incredible jealousy we also have the local /pol/fag and commies being angry for obvious reason.

Peoples will tell you they hate the braindead fanbase but the truth is that the hatebase on /lit/ is far, far more vocal and annoying, often repeting debunked arguments again and again. You could probably have a bot fills a thread with antipeterson posts and get an almost exact copy.

Basically, it's crab mentallity.

>> No.13943768

You're right but I downvoted for the last line.

>> No.13943776

I remember when people would unironically post his lectures in bible threads when we used to discuss the bible on this board. He always smelled like a charlatan to me because he would never answer direct questions in a straightforward way. I have a pretty good nose for sniffing guys like him out.

>> No.13943780

>The caveat is that the 'decline of the western male' is a hollow narrative
>that has literally always existed
How? The west has constantly changed how could the western male always exist?

>he is just harping upon it to swindle money out of impressionable basement dwellers
His "swindling" method is also that of a youtuber, 99% of his content is free and you pay him if you want his merch. Hell he doesn't even has a patreon anymore.

>> No.13943793

I liked him because he made NEETs, AGP perverts, and far left/right weirdos mad, but that's about it, I never bothered with social studies nonsense.

>> No.13943845
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What's hilarious is that this post is 100% confirmed, because Peterson talks about wearing a cap here:


He was an absolute fedoralord.

>> No.13943864



>> No.13944000

Sounds based desu

>> No.13944304

Nope, because we had the same kind of character in western europa, Alain Soral. For once, america was late.

>> No.13944385

Soral is just a charismatic /pol/poster, Peterson has actually interesting thing to teach.

>> No.13944390

I still haven;t seen anyone actually point to something that he is wrong about and give a counterargument.

People just laugh at him because he is a believer, which hasn't been relevant in any of his lectures.

>> No.13944492

>thinking Rorty is a pragmatist
Psued alert

>> No.13944677


>> No.13944704

You can always smell a pseud/woke post by how they saye some is wrong, problematic, in misunderstanding - but never h o w

>> No.13944720

You are right. If these so called geniuses had hours of them lecturing available on the internet, they'd sooner or later contradict themselves, make absurd claims, talk about something they don't understand, or look like pseuds.
Doesn't make Peterson less shit, however.

>> No.13944724

Somewhat good psychologist and reasercher but thats all. Also not as much pseud as percived by some and not great

>> No.13944755
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>> No.13945056

No u

I didn't say it's problematic, his definition of truth is self evidently incorrect.

Abstract mathematical truths, such as 2+2 = 4 are true whether or not believing otherwise would aid a species in reproducing. Empirical truths, for example the knowledge that would lead humans to know how to build the atom bomb are true whether or not that knowledge is beneficial to us in the long run, such as leading to a nuclear holocaust.

Any alternative explication of truth which centres around 'Darwinism' is really a semantic game and not a reasonable alternative definition.

>> No.13945073


>> No.13945080


>> No.13945086

>Abstract mathematical truths, such as 2+2 = 4 are true whether or not believing otherwise would aid a species in reproducing.
That can be argued about. Are those merely symbols that represent socially agreed upon ruleset we call mathematics and their set values (the amount of fingers/apples etc.). Math aims to prove principles within its own paradigm, which can then be used in the wider world.
We can even use imaginary numbers and apply them properly into electronic components. We are dealing with a far more strange world than high school mathematics would imply.

>> No.13945111

Furthermore, Nietzsche did not believe that scientific truths were 'wrong', in the way that Peterson said. Nietzsche thought that science was misguided in any pursuit that would aim to attain an objective universalist understanding of everything, the search for knowledge cannot be completed, and the pursuit of science is always contingent upon the social milieu of the researcher.

This is not the same as Peterson's assertion that science is not true unless it leads to the promulgation of the species, which is why I said that he had, rather unsubtly, misinterpreted Nietzsche.

>> No.13945169

All right, but I think this is a separate argument to the one I mentioned.

You can make the claim that Maths is a system of internal logic, like a language, if you will created by humans.

However, within that system, there are still true and false statements, positive and negative. We can't make the veracity of a mathematical statement contingent upon whether it increases human reproduction, which was what Peterson was arguing.

There are of course arguments that we shouldn't always base society around belief in science, Christian families have higher fertility rates, for example. But that doesn't mean we redefine the definition of truth to mean something which could be untrue, but benefits us, that's just playing word games.

>> No.13945182

Literally the only people who ever gave a fuck about this neurotic midwit pseud are Reddit and /pol/ immigrants

Tired of retards like you assuming everyone on this board also got conned and bought a self-help book from a man who copes with his depression through heavy medication

>> No.13945196


>> No.13945198
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Newfags have ruined/lit/

>> No.13945202

/pol/ never liked this guy at all, he won't talk about Jews

>> No.13945229

t. doomer with a victim complex

>> No.13945243

The quality of /lit/ has really gone down over the past few months. Tons of "philosophy" one line "gotchas" threads with very low effort. It's really a shame.

>> No.13945267

Also he is literally a fedora-wearer


>> No.13945406

Well Peterson might be interesting in the field of psychology, but people mistake him for a thought leader. He's not that interesting.

>> No.13945562

I think lefty circles and this board is unfair towards him. Is he an idiot? - yes. But does that even matter? - no.

The guy has a genuine positive impact on people who don't read philosophy. I know some miserable stupid fucks in stem fields or people who never read a book in their entire life who this guy has a really positive impact.

Is he wrong about postmodernism, society and Marxism? He is an idiot ofc he is wrong. But who gives a fuck. Who gives a fuck if some dimwit thinks Derrida is literally Hitler. Noone. But the whole petersonian narrative makes you a functioning and happy human being. Get off your high horses fuckers; not everybody has to read the whole damn Western Canon to be allowed to open ones mouth.

And desu I think he has some true intuitions how lefty circles operate and what their problem is. He articulates them all wrong but he is not completely fucked.

I passionately hate him but I recommend his 12 rules to every illiterate friend with problems I have. And it works. I can keep reading my shit and they have a narrative in which the bad guy is in an academic sphere they don't ever have contact with. Everybody is happy

>> No.13946653


>> No.13946670

>He advertises himself as a surrogate father figure for manchildren who have no direction in life and tells them to "sort yourself out". But really he just preaches the status quo of managerial neoliberal boomer values that created this emasculated generation of men.

Not a Peterson fan, but you have unironically created an unfalsifiable explanation of why you're not guilty for being a pussy loser faggot and the anon you replied to has literally said that's what Peterson calls out. I've never even read Peterson but the immediately recognizable irony here is palpable

>> No.13946800

Oh, you mean the contributor to UN special globalism projects whom the NYT said was our leader, who refused to comment on Solzhenitsyn?

>> No.13946807

I followed some of his ideas. He's right about some things. Wrong about most of what he's famous for. He's a good lecturer anyway.

>> No.13946879

What does he get wrong about Dostoevsky faggot

>> No.13947018

>following advices from people born after 1945

I hope none of you do this.

>> No.13947026

>post-modernism cope

>> No.13947075

Holy shit dude.

>> No.13947187

i think the only people who hate him are butthurt leftists

>> No.13947201
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>> No.13947229

Ummmm yikes. You're the pseud. Rorty was the most prominent pragmatist of his generation, and was responsible for much renewed interest in Dewey.

>> No.13947233

Psycho sophists btfo. Therapy is ideological bullshit meant to "cure" but never supposes that being depressed or dependent on drugs is a rational reaction to a shitty life.

>> No.13947239



>> No.13947683
